INDEX Abbreviations, 188 COWELL, M.R. and E.M. BESLY, The metrology of the Accounts of the Society, 162-3 English Civil War coinages of Charles I, 57-75 Aethelred II, coins of, 124, 153 CUDDEFORD, M.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143, Alnage seals, 31-6 145, 149-50, 155 Aquitaine, coins of, 151-2, 155 Cunobelin, coins of, 144-6 ARCHIBALD, MARION M., Contributions to the Coin Regis- ter, 150-2, 154 DAVIES, J.A., Contributions to the Coin Register, 151-5 — Dating Stephen's first type, 9-22 DICKINSON, M., Contributions to paper by Greenall, 94-120 ATTWOOD, P., Robert Johnson and a railway centenary Dublin mint of Edward I, 23-30 medal, 139-40 DUNGER, G.T., Contributions to the Coin Register, 152,155 Austria, coins of, 88, 136 Eadwald of E. Anglia, coin of, 152 Edinburgh, mint, 126-9 Baldred, coin of, 153 Edward the Elder, coin of, 153 Bar, coin of, 155 Edward the Martyr, coin of, 153 BARBER, P., Review of Woolf's The medallic record of the Edward VI, coins of, 79, 86 Jacobite movement, 156-7 EGAN, G., Alnage seals and the national coinage - some BARCLAY, C.P., A Civil War hoard from Grewelthorpe, parallels in design, 31-6 North Yorkshire, 76-81 Elizabeth I, coins of, 79, 86, 134 — Review of Attwood's British Museum Occasional Paper Eppillus, coins of, 146 76, Acquisitions of Badges (1983-1987), 158 BATESON, J.D., The 1991 Kelso Treasure Trove, 82-9 EEARON, D., Review of Attwood's British Museum Occa- — A late seventeenth century hoard from Fauldhouse, West sional Paper 78, Acquisitions of Medals (1983-1987), Lothian, 133-6 157-8 Bellovaci, coin of, 143 Finds (for single finds, see the geographical index to the Beonna of E. Anglia, coin of, 152 Coin Register, 142-3) BESLY, E.M., Contributions to the Coin Register, 146-7, medieval 151-2 Bowthorpe, Norfolk (11th cent.), 125-6 — Further notes on the York mint of Charles I, 129-32 Polstead, Suffolk (11th cent.), 124-5 — and M.R. COWELL, The metrology of the English Civil post medieval War coinages of Charles I, 57-75 Breckenbrough, N. Yorks. (17th cent.), 77-8 BLACKBURN, M.A.S. Contributions to the Coin Register, Fauldhouse, West Lothian (17th cent.), 133-6 149-55 Grewelthorpe, N. Yorks. (17th cent.), 76-81 — and J. NEWMAN, A small hoard from Polstead, Suffolk, Kelso, Roxburghshire (17th cent.), 82-9 deposited c. 1035, 124-5 Rigghead, Dumfriesshire (16th cent.), 37-56 — and A. ROGERSON, A small purse hoard of Harthacnut List of coin hoards discovered in 1989-90, 167 coins from Bowthorpe, Norfolk, 125-6 Flanders, coins of, 155 Blondeau, Peter, 167-74 Florennes, coin of, 155 Bologna, coin of, 155 France, coin of, 155 BONSER, M.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 149, 151, 153-5 Gallo-Belgic coins, 143 Brittany, coin of, 155 GASPAR, P.P. and H.E. MANVILLE, TWO seventeenth century die-sinking errors, 137-8 Camp, A., death of, 165 German States, coins of, 88-9, 136 Caratacus, coin of, 146 Greenall, P.D., death of, 165-6 Carolingian coins, 151-2 GREENALL, P.D. and STELLA GREENALL, Dividing Celtic coins, 143-9 seventeenth-century tokens between London and CHALLIS, C.E., Presidential Address, 164-76 Middlesex, 90-123 Charles I, coins of, 57-75, 80-1, 87, 129-32, 135 GREENALL, STELLA and P.D. GREENALL, Dividing — Scots coins of, 81, 87, 135 seventeenth-century tokens between London and — siege coins, 73-5 Middlesex, 90-123 — York mint coins, 76, 80, 129-31 Charles II, Scots coins of, 133-5 Hainaut, coin of, 155 Charles the Bald, coin of, 152 HARRISON, D.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143-9 City of London, localities, 95-107 Harthacnut, coins of, 125-6 Cnut, coins of, 124, 153 Henry I, coinage of, 1-8 Coenwulf, king of Mercia, coins of, 152 Henry II, coins of, 154 Coin Register, 141-55 Henry III, coin of, 154 Commonwealth of England, coins of, 133, 137-8 Henry V, coin of, 154 Counterfeits, 81, 86-7 Henry VI, coin of, 154 178 INDEX Henry of Northumberland, coin of, 154 NORTH, J.J., The early Irish pence of Edward I reclassified, Hochstetter, Joachim, 38, 48-9 23-30 HOLMAN, D.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143, Norway, coins of, 136 146, 149, 153-4 Holy Roman Empire, coins of, 88, 136 Offa of Mercia, coins of, 152 Honorius, coin of, 150 Pepin II of Aquitaine, coin of, 151-2 James I, coins of, 79, 86-7, 135 'Pereric', coins of (Matilda), 15-16 — coins for Ireland, 88, 135 Philip and Mary, coins of, 86, 134 James I, king of Scots, coin of, 154 Pipe Roll of 1130, 1-8 James V, king of Scots, coinage of, 37-56 Poland, coin of, 89 James VI, king of Scots, coins of, 81, 87 Portugal, coin of, 155 Johnson, Robert, 138-40 Potin coins, 143 Proceedings of the Society, 161 KELLY, D.B., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143, 145, ROGERSON, A., Contributions to the Coin Register, 152 148 — and M.A.S. BLACKBURN, A small purse hoard of Har- KING, C.E., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143-9 thacnut coins from Bowthorpe, Norfolk, 125-6 Royal Mint, 139-40 Liege, coin of, 136 Linlithgow, mint, 126-9 Seals, alnage, 31-6 Louis the Pious, coin of, 151 Sceattas, 150-1 Luxemburg, coin of, 155 SEABY, P.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 151, 153-4 — Obituary of Wilfred Arthur Seaby, 159-60 SEABY, W.A., Contributions to the Coin Register, 143, MANVILLE, H.E., and P.P. GASPAR, TWO seventeenth 146-7 century die-sinking errors, 137-8 — death of, 165-6 Martin, William, mint master, 131-2 Seaby, Wilfred Arthur, Obituary, 159-60 Mary, coins of, 86 Slingsby, Henry, 167-76 Matilda, coinage of, 13, 15-17 Stephen, coinage of, 9-22; coins of, 154 MAYS, MELINDA R., John Bayoce at ye Black Dog: an STEVENSON, R.B.K., The groat coinage of James V, 37-56 unpublished seventeenth century token from York, STEWART, B.H.I.H. (Sir IAN), Moneyers in the 1130 Pipe 132-3 Roll, 1-8 METCALF, D.M., Contributions to the Coin Register, 150-1, Sweden, coins of, 89 153 SYMONS, D.J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 146, 149, Middlesex, Metropolitan, localities, 107-16 154 — Rural, localities, 116-20 Moneyers, of Henry I, 1-8 Tasciovanus, coins of, 144, 148-9 — of Stephen, 7-8, 11-13, 22 THOMPSON, R.H., Contributions to paper by Greenall, Miinster, countermark on English coin, 154 94-120 MURRAY, JOAN E.L., The location of the Edinburgh mint, Toul, coin of, 155 1358 to 1463 - and Linlithgow mint, 126-9 Waterford mint of Edward I, 23-30 Netherlands, United, coins of, 88, 135 William I, coins of, 153 Netherlands, Spanish, coins of, 88, 135 Winchester, assize of 1124, 1, 4-6 NEWMAN, J., Contributions to the Coin Register, 150-1 Wulfred of Canterbury, coin of, 152 — and M.A.S. BLACKBURN, A small hoard from Polstead, Suffolk, deposited c. 1035, 124-5 Zeugitania, coins of, 149 CAMBRIDGE A New History of the Royal Mint Edited by C. E. CHALLIS A major new study of the development of English minting from its origins to the production techniques of today. The five internationally respected contributors draw deeply on primary sources to assess twelve centuries of English minting and their book is designed to be of value to both the specialist and the general reader. Contributors: Ian Stewart, N. J. Mayhew, C. E. Challis, G. P. Dyer and P. P. Gaspar. £95.00 net HB 0 521 24026 3 816 pp. A Domestic History of The Bank of England the Bank of England, and Public Policy, 1930-1960 1941-1958 ELIZABETH HENNESSY JOHN FFORDE Elizabeth Hennessy describes the This new volume in the official working methods of the various history of the Bank of England, departments of the Bank of examines the Bank's survival in England and their development the turbulent post-war years. 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