FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR lManrlrf0tw lEofntng Average Daily Net Press Ran The Weather For The Week Ended • April 4,1871 Partly cloudy this afternoon, highs 60 to 65. Windy tonight^ lows in the mid 30s. Sunday 1 5 ,6 9 5 partly sunny, windy, cooler. Manchester— A City of VUlage Charm Left to right: David D. I^auss, President, Community Banking Company, North Branford; Robert G. Carros, President, The Clinton National Bank; Howard W. Russell, President, The Terryville Trust Co.; Robert S. Jellows, President. The. Glastonbury Bank & Trust Co.; Thornton B. Morris, President, The Simsbury Bank and Trust Company; Roy R. Browning, President, The South Windsor Bank and Trust Co.; H. A. Papenfoth, President, The Plainville Trust Co.; Normand H. Prior, £xecuf/Ve Vice President, Northern Connecticut National Bank, Windsor Locks; Earl B. Boies, President, The Seymour Trust Co.; Henry W. Gerberding, President, The Citizens VOL. L X X X X , NO. 174 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECnONS—IN(XUDING TV) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1971 (ClewIfksl AdverttriBg ea Fate 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Bank & Trust Company of Glastonbury. Soviet Spacecraft Reminder In Close Formation On Time Participants in Viet Protest V By SOL R. COHEN f By JAMES R. PEIPERT (Herald Poet) Associated Press Writer Each year at this time, we MOSCOW (AP)—^Two Soviet spacecraft circled the drop you a hint. We do more globe in close formation today and the three cosmo­ than that — we put it in print. May Number Over 100,000 nauts aboard one of the ships, Soyuz 10, took a nap be­ fore trying to lock to the other, the unmanned Salute. So, we ask you again — ■me linkup of the two craft ---------------------:---------------------------- when you go to bed, make WASHINGTON (AP) — would be a major step toward a the “radio technical equipment sure your clock is one hour AHEAD! By the tens of thousands, high-priority Soviet goal, the were perfected.’’ young war protesters gath­ V- •5 construcUon of the world’s first The brief dispatch also said Don’t make a mistake and i A orbital space laboratory. that the three cosmonauts push the clock back. You’ll ■ -A ered peacefully today for a B w x Tass announced this afternoon aboard Soyuz 10 “feel fine” and wake and discover it’s two march on a locked, partial­ hours you lack. that the cosmonauts had done that all the systems aboard ITX -U. ly fenced-off Capitol. the work necessary “ for linkup their craft and the unmanned Daylight Saving will give A warm spring sun and a you more Ume for your 2 ■ and undocking of the manned dummy ship Salute “ function cloudless sky promised to boost V spaceship and the orbital station normally." chores, more time for a attendance to more than the drive, or to shop the stores. Salute. Soviet cosmon4uts have 100,000 expected by p<dice, per­ An extra hoi)r to lift riiat “The principales of rendez- docked two Soyuz craft in a pre- haps as higli as the quarter-mU- vous and docking of the ship to vious space mission, but the Sa- bale, to tote that barge, to seek the Grail. lion opUmisUcaUy predicted by . the automatic staUon were lute cradt, launched last Mon- some march organizers. checked,’ ’ the Soviet news agen- day, is a new item in the So- So, we remind you again— cy said. “The new linking units viets’ catalogue of space hard- when you go to bed, to turn Reacting to AUy. Gen. John and the complex of radio and ware. your clock one hour N. Mitchell’s fears of eventual technical equipment were per- Soyuz To streaked into orbit AHEAD! violence, the F'entagon alerted fected.” early Friday morning and be-' federal troops for possible duty. ’This was taken to mean that pursuing Salute around the Jeep convoys of rifle-toting mili­ 4 the cosmonauts had steered earth. The crew made two slight tary police were seen to speed pfpFwffft their ship into close proximity adjustments in the craft’s orbit into the underground garage of of the unmanned target craft, on BT-iday and zeroed in for the O ne B ody the New ExecuUve Office Build­ and may even have nudged rendezvous ing one block from the cor- noses, but have not actually At laqt report, Soyuz and Sa- doned-off White House. Bhesl- locked together. joje were in parallel orbits, but Identified As dent and (Mrs. Nixon are away ’The brief Tass dispatch said the manned craft was slightly from the city—q>ending the the cosmonauts “ will rest” until higher and would have to throt- weekend at Camp David, Md. noon (EST). This will leave tie down a bit to drop into the Pardue’s Kin I them fresh for the precision lower orbit, Early-arriving msirchers, en­ docking maneuver, expected This maneuver apparently BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) joying temperatures in the OO’s, sometime after they wake up. was carried out today. Officials say they have poslUvely showed no sign of disorder. With ITie wording of the Tass re- The linkup of the two craft identified one of two bodies found pennants, ballocms and kites port was ambiguous. ’The Eng- would be a major step toward shot to death and buri/ed on a flying in the genUe breeze, the lldi version indicated the craft the declared Soviet goal of small estate In Southern Mary- ; v ' t- scene around the Washington had com e together preparatory building the world’s first orbit- as that of the father of two ac- Moruiment seemed like a picnic. to docking. 'Die Russian version ing space laboratory. cused bank robbers—and the i During the morning the swell­ was a bit stronger and indicated The progress report from other body has been identified ing crowd was overwhelmingly the. two ships may actually have Tass said the crew will rest “within a reasonable medical made up of casually dressed touched. from 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mos- certainty” as the dead man’s Early arrivers rest on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial early today as they young people of college age or A Tass editor’ reached by tele- cow time—6:30 a.m.-noon BIST, mother. ’ wait for the start of the anti-war march and rally in Washingrton. (AP Photo) Grisly Duty early 20’s. ’The war they came phone said he could not com- This would put the time of dock- T7>e man, Jcrfm R. Pardue Sr., to protest has been going on ment or clarify. ing sometime this evening after 64, was identified through both since before many of them were ’Tass said that as of noon Mos- the cosmonauts wake up. fingerprints and his teeth, said RecountedBy bom, and with U.S. involvement cow time—4 a.m. BIST—Soyuz During the rest period, Tass Dr. Isadore Mlhalakis, an assist- Over North Vietnam 10 had made 22 orbits of the said, Soyuz 10 “will be away ant state medical examiner, since most were in grammar earth and Salute 86 orbits. from the range of radio-visibili- ’The other body, he said, was Viet Veterans school. "During-the joint flight,” Tass ty from the territory of the So- probably that of Daisy Link Par- While sponsors of the protest sald, “ scientific and technical vlet Unlrai.” due 79 U.S. Fighter-Bombers Duel WASfflNGTON (AP) — Two vowed non-violent, civil dlsobedl- ex^riments were ccmducted The Soviets lack the world- pkrdue’s sons, John R. Pardue Vietnam veterans said,BYlday ®nce, many capital store own- A and the work was done for link- wide tracking faclllUes that the j> =nd James Pardue has been they spent their tours gathering victims of vandalism in up rmdocklng of the mar^d United States can rely on for its .^^dtotod t o T b ^ ^ b S ^ and processing hundreds of demonstrations, had board- ^ e sh lp and the orbit staUon s ^ e missions. Thus much of series of bombings in Danbury, With Russian-Made MIG dead American Marine bodies their windows, Salute. the Ume during an orbital fMght, conn., in February, lOTO. in I Corps—amd were so hated f^® JusUce Department—in We represent the small commercial banks of Connecticut. In this age Tass added that rendezvous Uie cosmonauts are out of radio SAIGON (AP) American kept up heavy attacks on North bombers from the carrier Kitty fellow OIs that $2(X) bounties response to agency directives and docking equipment on thecontact with their ground con- wnm fighter-bombers dueled Friday Vietnamese supply points and Hawk were on a bombing mis- virere put on Uielr heads, all window blinds were lowered of “ bigness," maybe what happens to us doesn't seem terribly important. spaceships were checked, and trollers. on’n hndv hut addod ■ “ Hnw wlUi a Soviet-made MIO inter- -routes-------------- along--------------------- the 3<Xl-mlle- ------------Ho Chi ----------------slon over------------ the Ho---------------- Ori Minh trail i guess Itjt was bectuisebeci we Carefully shuttered to de­ a n s Doay, Dui aaaea. m o w under heavy Minh trail network, along the in Laos when they were divert- Reap- fleet any thrown objects. But we think it is. We think there's a role for the small b a n k - many that are elderly are you a’/\{no> f/\ Iw a niAfol /t/vnfolnav* anUaircraft fire over . awsNorth demilitarized zone dividing---------------„ ed---- — to pursue----------- the - MIG21 over the «;i»,gj.g >• 0«tlU phllipnuilj^ i.A^wc«Loewe. ‘"ITieyA S t v j -----------------And for --------- the--------- first------------- time------ in------------- mem- providing personal “ home town" service to individuals, families and local Uk fhi 7” meiai coniamer jay of in- North and South Vietnam and Mu Gla and Ban Kal passes, r vriien we went out with °ry.
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