A Newspaper Devoted Complete News ..Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly : : :.,;;:: -Fiiil; Local .Coverage .: \ And Impartially Eaeh Week Published Every Thursday VOL. FORDS, N. X, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1953 At 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS .. /n Easter's Beauty . in Passover's Ageless Tradition Vacancy Stymies1 To Start Appraisal- of All Real No Accord Reached Estate Due to Take Yet on Selection Two Years - Of Ninth Member WOODBRIDGE — A stale- WOQDBRIBGE — Realty mate has evidently been reach- Appraisal Company, West New ed in the Board of Education York, will begin house-to- on the appointment of a mem- house visits within the next ber to succeed Nathan Bern- ten davs. in order to revaluate stein who resigned recently. property, -Mayor Hugh B. There are three—and possi- Quialey announced today. bly four-factions on the Board "It wi?l be q tremendous job, and not ont; of them seems to and will take between 18 be able to muster the five months and two years to com- votes needed to make an ap- plete", the mayor stated. pointment. To secure cooperation, from The proposal that Norman home owners, letters were Gardner, Menlo Park Terrace, mailed to each taxpayer, from be appointed, was turned down the mayor. fThey read: " when the proponents could "The Realty Aonraisal Com- 'AND WHY IS THIS NIGHT DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER NIGHTS?': The youngsters at the Adath Israel Hebrew School are getting ready for the Seder, tradition Passover feast, tomorrow night, when the youngest child in each fam- only get three votes. pany has been engaged by the It is understood William Mayor and Township Commit- ily will ask four questions on the meaning of the feast. Students are. shown with Rabbi and Mrs. Samuel Newberger in a recitation blessing the wine, and one of the girls blessing candles.. Left to right, Rabbi Newberger, Teddy Plavin, Eddie Scharf, Shorecrest develop- tee and a contract signed to. ment, Colonia, is also being make an appraisal and reval- Scale, Douglas Freund, Howard Schelsinger, Stephen Salton, Jay Freidland, Roberta Kurland, Joy Weiner. Robert Knr- land, Steven Weiss. (Story on Page 3) considered, but there too, the uation for equalization pur- necessary five votes are not poses of all taxable real es- forthcoming, at least for the tate in the Township of time being. Woodbridge. This will insure It was learned today, an- a uniform and equitable as- Prizes Stintulate Talk other candidate being con- sessment for all properties in sidered is William Murray, the Township. This program, Woodbridge Oaks North, whe which is expected to take ap- served as a member of the Ci- proximately two years to com- . of E. Selection tizens Advisory Board for the plete, will establish the valua-. Board. tion of real property for the WOODBRIDGE — What is Township of Woodbridge. Unless a new candidate ap- your opinion? pears, it looks somewhat like "In order to evaluate your Do you feel the Board of a tie between Mr. Murray and property, it will be necessary Education should be ap- Mr. Scharf. for representatives of the pointed or elected? Wide- Break for Us! Meanwhile, one member of Realty Appraisal Company to spread interest is developing the Board, who said he did THE SPIRIT AND BEAUTY OF EASTER make a: complete inspection of Over the question. Million-Dollar Plant Zoning Wins Approval; not want his name used pub- Maggie and Patricia Tallon are daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Tallon, 135 Green both the interior and exterior licly told The of the buildings located upon Here is a chance to tell us ' Independent- Street. They are shown at Walsheck's Flower Shop, Amboy Avenue, as they were select- — and the Township—your Project Replaces%Home$ Leader "We have worked with ing a lily plant for mother. Their little sister, Laurie, who wore the same outfit, became the property and to measure such building or buildings in reasons and arguments, and WOODBRIDGE — With- planned to. use for a 187- eight members before and did camera-shy preferring- to sit in a corner with her bunny. Their older sister, Betsy, is on at the same time, win a prize. very well. I, for one will not or^er to compute the cubic out opposition, .toe ordi- home development. They an Easter cruise to Bermuda with Mrs. James S. Wight, her grandmother and Mrs. •contents. This data will pro- Last week, The Independ- were halted in then- plans go for just anyone. We need a Louis S. Neuberg, her great-aunt. vide a permanent record for ent-Leader announced three nance changing the zoning when the Town Committee, | high type man -or woman who the Assessor's office. nrizes—a $25 United States off 42.3 acres off Green on recommendation of the will giveo the Board of Educa- Savings Bond, $10 and $5 in Street, Iselin, to heavy arid Planning Board, refused ssoa standing in the commun- "This letter is to request cash—will be awarded for the ity—something it seems to your cooperation and assis- light industrial zones, to building permits due to the GOV. ROBERT MEANER have lost during the past few Churches to Tell Anew tance to permit authorized three best letters on each] overcrowded school situa- side of the controversy. I permit erection of a million- years. We must forget politics representatives of the Realty dollar distribution center by tion. and all agree on someone Appraisal Company to enter F.ules are few and simple. Letters should be no more the Elizabethtown Consoli- The matter was taken to Wftose knowledge will help vs upon your property to make dated Gas Company, was court but the sale of the unravel all our knotty prob- Resurrection than 1 the reauired inspections. Each I 250 words and wherever adopted by the Town Com- property -will • automatical-, lems." •-•••- inspector, has been provided I possible shouK.be typewritten, WOODBRIDGE -r"He is theme of Easter Sunday. Lord and Saviour in the: No mittee.. ly cancel the suit.. ' with an identification letter I letters will be considered The construction of the Eiscn." Last minute rehearsals have Night." • signed by Mayor Hugh B. if the writer indulges in The site is one the Renee The traditional anthem will been completed by the choirs Good Friday services are Quigley and an identification I personalities. Letters should Realty Corporation, and Es- •center will add considerably be one of many to be heard and in most of the churches scheduled for 8 P. M., when card signed by Mayor Quigley be written on one side of the co Realty Corporation, had to the Township ratables. in TowrsSv-" churches Easter soloists will be heard singing Rev. Fagerburg will preach on and Chief of Police John R. paper only and be. sure to EDISON—Governor Robert SiHKKsy as part of the joyous*traditional Easter hymns. "The Universality of The Egan." sign with full name and ad- B. Meyner is scheduled to As Tipsy Driver music to be sung by choirs in At the First Congregational Cross." Miss Judith Jackson, A record of each house and dress. Entries will be judged speak at Linwood Grove, Mon- day night at 7:30 o'clock, ac- observance of the Resurrection Church, Eev. Dewey Pager- soloist, will sing the »Nagro business property will be kept! by The Independent-Leader WOODBRIDGE Albert of Christ. spiritual, "Were You There on a large card. It will contain staff. ofE. Presentscording to an announcement C. Gundersen, 39, 22 Cramp- burg announces that a Com- made today by Allison Grillo, There- will be a constant When They Crucified My a principal building descrip- The purpose of the contest ton Avenue, was examined by munion service will be held Lord?"; the Chancel . Choir, tion broken down into type is to express an opinion and, Edison Township Democratic Dr. Edward Novak and de- round of services starting with tonight at 8 in the Sanctuary municipal chairman. solemn Maundy Thursday "Ah, Holy Jesus Hast Thou (Continued on Page 8) as< is stated in an editorial in Second Article clared a drunken driver, after services today and Good Fri- where new ^ members "will be Offended." this week's issue, "after all It will be the first of sev-an accident on Railway Ave- the evidence is in, we will EDISON—The second in the sereis of four articles pre- eral speeches to be given nue Tuesday. Police said Gun- day services tomorrow cul- received into membership. The Easter Sunday morning Masza Named Aide minating with the -happy Chancel Choir will sing, "Our (Continued on Page 8) form our own judgment, as pared by the Edison Township Board of Education to en-throughout the State by thederson in attempting to turn To Town Engineer can all of our residents." , lighten the voters, parents and residents here on the school Governor in behalf of Harri- into Crampton Avenue, and bond referendum to be voted on at a special election, April son A. Williams, Democratic collided with a car operated WOODBRIDGE —* Anthony 22, is presented below. candidate for U. S. Senator. by Joseph Richman, 71st St., Mazza was appointed an as-TOWN LAND SOLD The Board is seeking $2,250,000 for the facilities being Governer Meyner's talk will Brooklyn. The local man will Iselin Jewish Group; Hit9 sistant to Township Engineer WOODBRIDGE — Four requested. be directed to officials, coun- i appear in magistrate's court Howard Madison at $3,000 a parcels of municipally-owned The following table presents a complete picture of past next week. year, by the Town Committee property were sold by thepopulation giwth and a conservative estimate fo future teewomenty committeeme, club nmembers and commit, par- growt.
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