The IT ESS NOVEMBER 22, 1956 1o° publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. LEADERS AT BISHOP'S MEETING Copyright RCHBISHOP Carrington of Quebec con- A ducted a Quiet Day for the Bishops on November 13th and the following day Bishop Penick of North Carolina led in a discussion of the Church and Desegregation MEETING OF THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS YC C'AYYnY'OYY.i1ti t 1 'rY :A111Y7'i"CY11'1KC11YY7Y~~1C1YT7rCAY7" 1' c71 11icKc ISERVICES ,The WITNESSf SERVICES I In Leading Churches I For Christ and His Church I In Leading Churches '9 J-.JV..A .a0 ..O I THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH I CHRIST CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE - CAMBRtIDGE, MASS. I EDITORIAL 112th St. and Amsterdam BOARD 9Rev-. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Sunday: Holy Communion 7 8, 9, 10; JOHN PAIRMAN BROWN, Editor; W. B. SPou'- -Rev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chapfain Morning Prayer, Holy donmunion FORD, Managing Editor; KENNETH R. FORGES, ,Sunday Senvices: 8, 9, 10 aind 11 a.m. and Sermon, 11; Evensong and ser- gWeekdays: W~ednesday, 8 and 11 a.m. mon, 4. GoaDns C. GRAHAMS, ROBERT HAmptuirRN, Thursdays, 7:30 am. Weekdays: Morning Prater 8:30; HlyW GEOnGE H. MACMURRAY, PAUL MOORE Jn., Communions 7:30 (and 10 Werd.), JOSEPH H. TITUS, Columnists; CLurroNe ). Esensoirg. 5.9 ST. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL Kaw, Religion andl the Mind; MASSET H. 9LVR COLORADO SHEPHnERD Jn., Living Liturgy; JOSEPH F. VeyRer. PalRoberts, Dean THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK FLETCHER, Problems of Conscience. I-Rev'. farry Watts, Canon 5th Avenue at 90th Street 9Sundays: 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 11. Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D. I 4:30 p.m., recitals. !Weekdays: Hloly Conmnunion, Wednes- publication. day. 7:15; Thursday, 10:30. Sundays: Holy Communion, 7:30 and 9 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Frederick C. Grant, I a.m.; Morning Service and Sermon, 11. L. WA. Barton, Dillard Brown Jr., T. P. Fernis, 1Hulv Days: Ioly Communion, 10:30. Thursdays and Holy Days; Holy Comn- and 12. Wednesdays; Healing Serv- J. F. Fletcher, C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. Imunion, I. Hiller, A. C. Lichtenberger, C. S. Martin, i- Evening Prayer, 5:30. R. C. Miller. E. L. Parson, T. A. Paul Paul (CHRIST CHURCH Roberts, W. Ml. Sharp, W. B. Sperry, WV. B. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. reuse Spofford Jr., J. W'1.Suter, S. E. Sweet, W. N. 9 Monument Circle, Downtown Park As'enue and 51st Street Welsh. Rer. John P. Craine, D.D., Rector for 9 Rev. Messrs. F. P. Williams, I8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion.9 . L. Conner 9:30 and 11 am. Church School. Sun.: H.C. 8. 12:15, 11, 1st S. Family 11 a.m. Morning Service and Sermon. I9:30; A. P. and Se., 11. 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. j TsrE WiTrNEsS is published weekly from Weekdays: H. C. daily 8, ex. required Wed and IWeekday:Holy Communion Tuesday at September 1 5th to June 15th inclusive, with ! Fri. 7; H. D. 12:05. Noonday 10:30 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints the exception of the first week in January and 1'rsvers 12:05. Days at 8 am.; Thursdays at 12:10 ' Offiice hours daily by appointment. p.m. Organ Recitals, Fridays, 12:10.3 semi-monthly from June 1 5th to September 15th I The M~urch is open daily for prayer. by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on behalf of the Witness Adv isory Board. ! TRINITY CHURCH Permission 9CH-URCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY IMIAMI, FA B316, Last 88th Street 'Ret. C. Irvine Hiller, STD., Rector INEW YORK 11 am. CITY I The subscriiption price is $4.00 a year; in i Sunday Services 8, 9:30 and IRev-. James A. Paul, D.D., Rector in DFMS. bundles for sale parishes the magazine sells - TRINITY CHURCH / ISundays:Holy Communion, 8; Church j for 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly at 7c a School, 9:30; Morning Sert'ice, 17; copy. Entered as Second Clasa Matter, August ! Broad and Third Streets Evening Prayer, 5. 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, 'COLUMBUS, OHIO Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Rev. Robert W. Fay, D.D. IRei'. A. Freeman Traverse, Associate Church WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Rev. Richard C. Wyatt, Assistant MOnNT SAINT ALBAN g Sun. 8 HC: 11 MP; 1st Sun. HC;Fni. Y The Rt. Rev. Angus Dun, Bishop 12 N. HC- Evening. W~eekdav, Len- The Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, Jr., I ten Noon-Day, Special services an- Dean SSERVICES nounced. Episcopal ISunday 8, 9:30, Holy Comm union; 11, I In Leading Churches (I, 'CHURCH- OF THE INCARNATION the cession) S. HC); 4, Ev. Week - days: HC, 66 McKinley Avenue 7:30; Int., 12; Ev'., 4. I i..M ... U...)t~J.~ 3 9 of Open daily, 7 to 6. 'DALLAS 4, TExAs ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH IThe Rev. Edward E. Tate, Rector ' Tenth Street,above Chestnut The Rev. Donald G. Smith, Associate ST. Rev. IV. W. Mahsan, Assistant PAUL'S9 - PILADELPHIA, PENSNA. IThe 13 Vick Park Bf The Rev. J. M. Washington, Assistant ' T he Rev. Archives Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector ! SRocHLSTER, N. Y. I The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D, I Sundays: 7.30), 9:15, 11 a.m. & 7:30 The Rev. George L. (adigma, ector 9 1 Minister to the Hard of Hearing prm. Weekdays: Wednesday & Holy in. The Rev. Edward W1. Mills, Assistant Days 10:30 a. 2020. I 9 \Weekays: Mon. es., Wed., Thurs., 9 I ISunday: 8. 9:20 and 11. i Fri., 12:30-12:55 p.m. !Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs.,9 ICHURCHr OF ST. MICHAEL H-oly Days: 11 Fri. 7. AND ST. GEORGE 12:30 and 5:30 p.m. 9 SAINT LOUIS, MISSOUI ST. JAMES' 9The Rev. J. Francis Sant, Rector Copyright 1 CHRIST CHURCH Rev. Alfred 17N. Lafayette9 I CATHEDRAL 'The Mattes, Minister SOUsT-H BEND, IND. 1 Main & of Education Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. 'The Rev. Do.,ald Stauffer, Asst. and I The Rev. Robert F. Royster, Rector 8 and 10:1t0 a.m., Holy Comn- SSunday:munion; 9:30, Church College Chaplain I Sunday: 8. 9:15, 11. Tues.: Holy Com-9 9 School; 11 j !munion, 8:15. Thursday, Holy Com- i am., Morning Prayer; 8 p.m., Eve- !Sundays: 9, 9:30, 11 a. in., High 9:30. Friday, Holy Com- 1 ning Prayer. i1 School. 4:30 p.m.; Canterbury Club, Imunion, Weekdays: Holy Communion, Mon. 12 ' 7:00 p.m. munion, 7. I 9 noon: Tues., Fri. and Sat., 8; Wed., 9 I 11;, Thurs., 9; Wed., Noonday Serv-- 9 PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY! i,12:15. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL - TRINITY- 9 Shelton Square PARtS, FRANCE j BUFF'ALO, NEw YoRK 9 9 ST. PAUL'S MEMORIAL I Very Rev. Philip F.MrNairy, D.D., Dean I23 Avenue George V 9 - SAN ArNrONIO, TEXAs SCanon Mitchell Haddad; The Rev. Gryo and Willow - D. Furlong I Re.James Joseph, RectorSts. J. I Srie;Boulevard Raspail 1 'Sun.. 7:30 Holy Eu.; 9:00 Par. Con.; ,Sun., 8, 9:30, 11; Mon., Fri., Sat., 11:I00 Service. - H.C. 12:05; Tues., Thurs., H.C. 8 Rt. Rev. Stephen Keeler, Bishop IThe 9Wed, and Holy Days, 10 a.m. Holy - a.m., pyrs, sermon 12:05; Wed,, 9The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean9 -EuL Saturday - Sacrament of Forgive- ' H.C. 7 a.tn., 1I a.m., Healing Service "A ChrhfrAlAeIas 9ness 11:30 to 1 p.m. 12:05. VOL. 43, NO. 36 The WITNESS NOVEMBER 22, 1956 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. Story of the Week Nosed of, sometime 1 a t e r, Bishop Sherrill spoke some- Bishops Favor New District what apologetically of h i s cutting remarks, saying that he had the utmost respect for By Overwhelming Vote Bishop Swift a n d Bishop * The House of Bishops last where the Church is already Voegeli and did not doubt their publication. week set up a new missionary established. sincerity and had m e a n t Bishop Voegeli of Haiti, nothing personal in his and district for Central America while stating that he did not remarks. (Witness 11/8) by an over- cppose the new district, told When the House adjourned reuse whelming vote but after con- of what could be done in his for dinner it was apparently for siderable fireworks. district with a little more very divided on the question. Bishop Gooden of Panama money. So when it reconvened in the Presiding Bishop Sherrill Fvening, Bishop Sherrill pro- required spoke at length on the proposal at the request of the Presiding then expressed himself as "dis- posed that the matter be post- Bishop. He stated that Church turbed" by these speeches and noned until the Bishops meet leaders had discussed for ten added sharply that the Church in 1957, thus permitting time Permission years about lightening the load would never have moved into for a survey. A motion was he carries with such a huge any new fields if the attitude made to this effect which jurisdiction, and said that the of t h e s e two missionary brought about debate, where- DFMS. / new district, which would upon Bishop Higley of Central include Nicaragua and Costa New York, advocated ending Rica from his territory, would the matter at once. Church accomlish this. Bishop Blankingship of In the discussion it was Cuba asked, if the district was stated that the new territory established, would the bishop Episcopal would call for 830,000 in new be an American or a Latin American and said that action the funds and that its total budget of would be about 557,000 with should not be taken on electing the $27,000 transferred from one until the people of Central work now done in Costa Rica American had been consulted.
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