FRIDAY 06 NOVEMBER 2020 | ISSUE153 | WWW.POINTVILLE.AG COVID SECOND WAVE HURTS TOURISM STORY ON PAGE 3 Photo credit: Justin Peters Photography RALPH GONSALVES WINS FIFTH TERM IN SVG FRIDAY 06 NOVEMBER 2020 PAGE 2 Editorial WE ARE ALL INVOLVED There have been two an- to protect the health and safety firmed cases to a minimum. nouncements over the past of its people. This has serious consequences week that ought to give us all With this,we return to the is- for every citizen and resident pause as it relates to our be- sue at hand; our behavior and of Antigua and Barbuda and havior individually and collec- attitude toward the health and impacts the country’s economic tively regarding the COVID-19 safety protocols established by recovery. pandemic. the Ministry of Health which are LIAT’s recent return to oper- First, Air Canada announced legislated by the Parliament. ation was greatly anticipated that it was postponing its re- The prime minister and his gov- and scheduled flights were due turn to Antigua and Barbuda ernment, along with the Chief to begin next week, however, because of the recent uptick Medical Officer, have utilised if Caribbean countries place in COVID-19 cases in Canada. both traditional and new media each other on high risk lists and The airline’s return to Antigua outlets to convey the message others decide not to observe and Barbuda was scheduled of the importance of adhering CARPHA-approved regulations, for November 1, but now there to the health protocols, espe- there is likely to be confusion is no firm date when the coun- cially concerning the wearing that could negatively affect LI- try will begin welcoming direct of masks, social distancing and AT’s operation. flights from Canada. This comes personal hygiene. Restrictions This possibility should not sit as a great disappointment of have also been placed on so- lightly with Antiguans and Bar- local tourism officials. cial gatherings in an attempt to budans. On Tuesday the situation was curtail the spread of the virus. Antigua and Barbuda’s tour- further compounded when Bar- The local resurgence of coro- ism sector took a severe beat- bados announced that it was navirus cases have all been ing with the premature closure placing Antigua and Barbuda linked to individuals who have of the cruise and hotel indus- on its ‘high risk’ list because of violated these protocols. tries in March. We have been recent uptick in confirmed cas- The takeaway from this should fortunate in that some hotels es here. This was despite the be that individual acts that ex- have reopened with others fact that Antigua and Barbu- pose the general population to planning to do so by the end da has not exceeded twelve infection with COVID-19 cannot of November. This would mean active cases at the same time be misconstrued as isolated that thousands of people - our once. Of these, 39 cases were instances of ignorance. Every- brothers, sisters, aunts and un- imported on two flights which thing is connected. When the cles - will return work. arrived on the same day at the number of cases climbs, the All this, however could be V. C. Bird International Airport. potentially harmful statistics are jeopardised, if our confirmed Despite the fact that active shared internationally. The eyes cases continue to rise because cases have largely hovered be- of the world are upon us and of our collective failure to ad- low ten, Barbados unilaterally it would seem to appear that here to health protocols. acted in a manner which vi- some persons are ignorant of This is a time for serious intro- olates the latest recommenda- the fact that the number of ac- spection in which we must each tions of the Caribbean Public tive cases has just as great an ask the question, “Do I want to Health Agency (CARPHA). W,e impact, if not more so, than the contribute to undermining my however, recognize that as a overall number of confirmed country’s efforts toward achiev- sovereign government, Barba- cases. ing economic recovery?” dos acted within the scope of It behooves us, therefore, to its authority to implement any become personally invested in measures it deems necessary keeping the number of con- FRIDAY 06 NOVEMBER 2020 LocalNews PAGE 3 COVID second wave hurts tourism in A&B The resurgence of the happening there,” he revealed. son hoping that we will soon be COVID-19 virus in the major tour- According to De Brito, Brit- returning to some sense of nor- ism source markets for Antigua ish Airways and Virgin Atlantic mality. We are also concerned and Barbuda is already being are expected to make an an- about the outcome of the US felt in the local tourism sector. nouncement on their schedule in elections as it may portend General Manager of the Blue the coming days. This move by whether or not that country goes Waters Hotel and former Pres- the airlines will likely last until the into a stricter lockdown and re- ident of the Hotel Association, middle of December when the strict travel as well. It is quite Alex De Brito, has reported that UK emerges from the lockdown. concerning,” De Brito cautioned. most hotels began to reopen Up to Thursday afternoon, An- De Brito did, however, report from October 15 with the expec- tigua and Barbuda hotel officials one bright spot in an otherwise tation all would be back in busi- were engaged in meetings with gloomy situation: some UK visi- ness by the end of the month, representatives of Virgin Atlantic tors brought forward their travel however, just a few weeks into to determine the way forward. plans which caused them to ar- the season, the sector now fac- The hotelier said several resorts rive in the Antigua and Barbuda ing cancellations because of new plan to remain open although it ahead of the announcement of lockdowns in the United King- is likely that they will lose money. the most recent UK lockdown. dom where that government has “We don’t want a situation While he was unable to give banned all non-essential travel. where we are forced to close precise figures, De Brito not- “In the next few days, we are so soon after reopening, no- ed that these individuals said anticipating that the major air- body wants a repeat of the they preferred to spend their lines serving the UK market will lockdown that we experienced time on vacation in Antigua announce their reduction, or earlier in the year,” he said. and Barbuda and wait out even elimination of flights to the “We were just getting excited the lockdown at home here. Caribbean, because of what’s about the prospects for the sea- FRIDAY 06 NOVEMBER 2020 PAGE 4 LocalNews No formal charges laid against rape accused minister By Shelton Daniel was a foregone conclusion that the whether he had not, in contradiction Prime Minister Gaston Browne has accused would have to resign until of that position, acted precipitous- reaffirmed that any member of his the charges are dropped or the case ly by removing former minister Asot Cabinet who is formally charged with is decided in his favour. Michael from the Cabinet after he a serious or indictable crime must re- Prime Minister Browne said he had was arrested and detained in the UK sign while the matter is being deter- spoken to the rape accused minister about three years ago. mined. during this week’s Cabinet meeting Browne replied: “There are some The allegations surfaced last week- on Wednesday. He said the accused who may argue that the former min- end from a woman who according Cabinet member assured him and his ister was relieved of his position, or to reports is consulting with an at- colleagues of his innocence. at least asked to resign, when there torney. The head of government has Prime Minister Browne explained was no formal charge served against confirmed a private meeting was that he cannot demand the minister’s him but I can say to the public to- held between him and the minister, resignation at this stage, nor would day that, based on the information while further discussions took place he fire him, as police have, so far, not that I received from the British crime on Wednesday among his Cabinet charged him with an offense. Should agency, there was sufficient evidence colleagues. it progress to that stage, Browne said, to cause that type of action to take As the minister maintains his in- the minister knows what is expected place when I asked him to resign. I nocence, many are questioning why of him and what action will be taken know that the minister felt the de- the prime minister has not moved to if he does not conform voluntarily. cision was harsh, but again, I have relieve him of his duties. The prime minister said this policy information that the average person In the event their resignation is not position is in accordance with the in the public does not have and I am forthcoming, the head of government governing Antigua Barbuda Labour satisfied that based on the transcript has made clear that he will not hes- Party’s Code of Conduct to which all of the case, of certain discussions itate to have the accused minister’s members of his Cabinet subscribe. that the minister would have had with appointment revoked. “The minister maintains his inno- a certain investor, that there would Browne said he had received the cence and I am not here to deter- have been more than sufficient jus- information in a WhatsApp message mine whether he is innocent or guilty.
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