DISTRICT DARJEELING N s I I K 8 , I .- . "'" ( / ) l> ( ,( , N \ r'~ Gor ubcthon .'"", .I ~ /. 0 (""' '\ I I I _) ~ \ i ~~_.~,J \-' \ uJ I NDD ~(/ ./~/ , I r' Jl'ltflrnotionol floundar)' -.-.---. r-') StOIC Boundary ••• D,'trict Boundary .•• Sub -Division Boundary " . " ~ -~. ,. , Polic' Stotion BOIJnejory , 'I D"lnct ~"'Odqucrttr ® I '" Sub-pivision Hcodquort,rs ••• @ ~ ~.l ,.11'.' ", PoliCt 510\101'1 HCQdQuorttr~ o , ' i "_ ,. ,( RoilwOY5 '" I-"J' NH SH , Roo Ils ~ional, Stott H:gh Way & -,..-,~ { l"'~ I , , Mr\ollrtl f,loOd) ,..... , ~d"_~ , . .'. DI \ ,,' , " .• -. r, '\ /., ;i,~::~,' eO.~d IIpon Sur~r)' or Ind,o mup w,t~ th, per""$.,on 01 tPl" Sur.ryN (l Gov,rnmcnt Of IndiO Copyright, 1972, Gcnt'rol 01 Indio Price: (Inland) Rs. 10.00 paise; (Foreign) £ 1.t7 or 3 $ 60 cents. PUBLISHED BY THP. "UPERINTENDENT. GOVERNMENT PRINTING, WEST BENGAL AND PRINTED BY BARDHAN PRESS, 8/4A, KASHJ GHOSE LANE, CALCUTTA-6, 1973 PREFACE The 1971 Series of District Census Handbooks of which this represents one volume, are bping pr~senten in R n('w form.. The Handbor,k:oi have b(wn divided info 'hrp(' sections. Part A preset j ts data obtained from ttl!' field on land use patterns, civic amenities such as drinking wa ter, post offices, primary schools eto. available in en ch village. Part B presents demographic data. down to the village level. Part C presentR official statistics gatht~red from sources other than the Census of 1971 and also iuclu­ des notes on various aspt.. cts of each dIstrict. Our attempt has been to present information concern­ ing eac~ district which is at once relevant ~nd as de~iI\d as possIble, and we hope these volu mes wtll prove \l,~:~:­ to scholars, planners and those who arc working to better the economic condition of the people in our State. Bha.kar ChON Director oJ OenIJUlJ Operation& WMt Bengal ( iv ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THOSE WHO WORKED ON THIS VOLUME : A. VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY B. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Field data collection Ohecking etc. Shri P. B. Nath, Computor Shri K. K. Chakraborty, Officer-in-charge, Census, Darjeeling " A. Chatterjee, " Block Development Officers and their Staff " S. K. Das, Assistant Compiler " D. K. Biswas, " Oompilation, Ohecking, Oopying etc. " P. K. Karmakar, " Shri S. Sinha, Deputy Director of Census C. CARTOGRAPHY Operations, West Bengal. Shri D. P. Chatterjee, Senior Investigator Shri G. C. Bagchi, Tabulation Officer ,j B. Das, Senior Draftsman " D. Sen, " " A. R. Halder, Draftsman " J. N. Bose, Head Assistant " B. K. Majumdar, " " A. Ahmed, Computor " H. Banerjee, " " M. Mitra, Assistant Compiler " S. Chatterjee, " ., N. Bagchi, " " C. K. Ohose, " " A. Sarkar, " ,i A. K. Paul, " " R.C. Kaibartta Das, " B. PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Preparation of ba8io data D. PROOF READING Shri A. K. Datta, Deputy Director of Shri R. C. Bhar, Senior Technical Assistant Census Operations and the Staff of " A. Sen Gupta, Computor Siliguri Regional Tabulation Office " H. Saha Chowdhury, Proof Reader " R. N. Bhar, Assistant Compiler Ohecking etc. " D. Das, " Shri M. N. Sarkar, Senior Investigator H S. Mondal " H S. L. Saha, Statistical Assistant " S. K. Dutta, Proof Reader " K. Dhani, Computor " B. Roy, " " S. Sen Gupta, " " R. N. Bhattacherjee, " " B. Majumdar, " H S. Ali, " " K. Datta, " Sm. M. Saha Chowdhury" (v) FIGURES AT A GLANCE • Darjeeling Weat Bengal Diltrict Population Total Persons 44,312,011 781,777 Males 23,435,987 415,4-12 Females 20,876,024 366,335 Rural Persons 33,344,978 601,565 Males 17,173,552 314,934 Females 16,171,426 286631, Urban Persons 10,967,033 180,212 Males 6,262,435 100,508 Females 4,704,598 79,704 Decennial Population Total +26.87% +25.16%> Growth Rate 1961-71 Rural +26.38% +25.330/0 Urban +28.41% +24.60% Area in Sq. Km. Total 87,853.0 3,075.0 Rural 85,903.1 3,035.1 Urban 1,949.9 3U.9 Density of Population Total 504 254 per Sq. Km. Rural .388 198 Urban 5,624 4,517 Sex Ratio (Number of Total 891 882 Females per 1,000 Rural 942 910 Males) Urban 751 793 LiteracY' Rate Total Persons 33.20% 33.07% Males 42.810/0 41.75% Females 22.42% 23.23% Rural Persons 25.720;0 26.010/0 Ma.les 35.800/0 35.23% Females 15,020/0 15.880/0 Urban Perf30ns 55.930/0 56.640/0 Males 62.01% 62.19% Females 47.84 % 49.64'7'0 (Yi) DarjeeliDI WeafBengal District Proportion of Urban Population to Total Population 24.750;0 23.050;0 Percentage of Workers Total Persons 27.91 36.13 to Total Population Males 48.83 48.93 (Main Activity only) Females 4.43 21.61 Rural PerRons 27.19 38.12 Males 48.48 49.26 Females 4.58 25.88 Urban Persons 30.12 29.47 Males 49.80 47.89 Females 3.92 626. Break-up of Workers: Peroentage to Total Workers: (i) Cultivators Total Persons 31.97 30.47 Males 33.58 29.98 Females 12.12 31.71 (ii) Agricultural Total Persons 26.46 9.13 La.bourers Males 25.00 9.08 Females 44.50 9.26 (iii) Other Workers Total PersoDs 41.57 60.40 Ma.les 41.42 60.94 Females 43.38 59.03 Percentage of Scheduled Total Persons 19.90 12.57 Castes PopUlation to Males 19.52 12.53 Total PopUlation Females 20.31 16.62 Percentage of Scheduled Total Persons 5.72 13.89 Tribes PopUlation to Males 5.53 13.49 Total Population Females 5.93 14.34 ( vii ) Darjeelio, Welt Ben,al Dialrict Number of Oocupied Total 7,5551 685 125~213 Residential Houses Rural 5,608,490 97,605 Urban 1,947,195 27,608 Number of Households Total 8,053,681 139,529 Rural 5,901,869 105,668 Urban 2,151,812 33,861 N umber of Villages Total 41,392 590 Inhabited 38,074 507 Uninhabited 3,318 83 Number of TOWDS 223 4 (viii ) 1971 CENSUS PUBUCAnONS GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL PUBLICATIONS 32 Volumes of District Census Handbook ( Part A & B and Part C) Serle. 22: Weat Bengal-Part X-A 6: B arjeeling Present Volume M urshidabad In Press Hooghly In Press .1paiguri In Press Nadia Burdwan " loch Behar Twentyfour Parganas Birbhum Published est Dinajpur Howcah In Press Bankura In Press :alda Published Calcutta , , Midnapore Purulia " " GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Serle. 22 : Weat Belll_l ~RT I·A GENERAL REPORT A.RT I-B GENERAL REPORT ~T I-e SUBSIDIARY TABLES r\RT II-A GENERAL POPULAliON TABLES Published ~RT II-B. (i) ECONOMIC TABLES In Press ART II-B (ii) ECONOMIC TABLES ART II-C (i) POPULATION BY MOTHER TONGUES, RELIGIONS, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES ART II-C (ii) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES AND FERTILITY TABLES ART II-D MIGRAnON TABLES ART IlI-A EST ABLISHMENTS TABLES In Press 'ART lII-B REPORT AND SUBSIDIARY TABLES ON ESTABLISHMENTS 'ART IV HOUSING REPORT AND T AHLES Published 'ART VI·A TOWN DIRECTORY ART VI-B (i-xv) SPECIAL SURVEY REPORTS ON SELECTED TOWNS ART VI-C (i-iii) SURVEY REPORTS ON SELECTED VILLAGES ART VIII-A ADMINISTRA TlON REPORT ON ENUMERATION Published ART VIU-B ADMINISTRATION REPORT ON TABULATION ART IX CENSUS ATLAS 'ART IX.. A ADMINISTRATIVE CENSUS ATLAS 'AR.T IX (i-v) SPECIAL MONOGRAPHS 1 in Press CONTENTS PAOl! Fipres at a ClaDc. (v) Alphabetical Lilt of ViDa,•• and Townl 1--17 Police Stations-Sukhiapokri 3, Pulbazar 4, Darjeeling 5, Rangli Rangliot 6, Jore Bungalow 7, Kalimpong 8, Gal'ubathan 9, Kurseong 10, Mirik 11, Naxalbari 12, Siliguri 14, Phansidewa 15, Kharibari] 7 Town Directory 19-27 Table I-Status, age, growth history and functional category 20 Table II - Physical aspects and location, 1969 20 Table III-Municipal finance, 1968-69 22 Table IV-Civic and other amenities, 1969 22 Table V-Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1969 24 Table VI - Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1969 2b Table VII-Population by religion, 1971 26 Village Directory 29-71 Explanatory Note 31, Police Stations-Sukhiapokri 32, Pulbazar 34, Darjee­ ling 36, Rangli Rangliot 38, Jore Bungnlow 40, Kalimpong 42, Garubathan 48, Kurseong 50, Mirik 54, NaxaJbari ;6, Siliguri 62, Phansidewa 68, Kharibari 74 Primary Census Abstract 19-139 District Primary Census Abstract 80, VilJage/Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract-Police Stations-Sukhiapokri 84, Pulbazar 86, Darjeeling 88, Rangli Rangliot 94, Jore Bungalow 96, Kalimpong 98, Garubathan 104, Kurseong 106, Mirik 112, Naxalbari 114, Siliguri 120, Phansidewa 130, Kharibari 136 Lilt of mutration. District Map of Darjeeliog Frontispiece Police Stations Map of: 141 -155 Sukhiapokri 143, Pulbazar 144, Darjeeling 145, RangH Rangliot 146, Jore Bungalow 147. Kalimpong 148, Garubathan 149, Kutseong 1SO, Mirik 151, Naxalbari t 52; Siliguri 1~3, Phansidewa 154, Kharibari 155 NOTE ON AREA Total area figures shown in Column No.4 for the district as a whole in the District Primary Census Abstract represent 'Geographical Area~ figure5'. suppJied by the Surveyor General, India. Area figures for the total urban sector of the district have been computed from the area figures for the individual urban units supplied by the local bodies concerned. Area figures for the rural sector have been derived by subtracting the urban area from the total area of the district. The total of the area figures of the Police Stations may not agree with the area figures of the district a~ the former represents 'Land use area' which has been obtained from the Directorate of Land Records & Surveys, West Bengal. 2. The village area figures shown in Column N0. 3 in the Village Directory have been expressed in acres, while those in Column No.3 in the Villagewise Primary Census Abstract have been shown in hectres.
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