D R A MIN B ENAISSA – L IST OF P UBLICATIONS Forthcoming Book: 1. Dionysius: The Epic Fragments (Cambridge Classical Texts & Commentaries 56; Cambridge University Press 2017/18) [255 pp.] Online Publication: 2. Rural Settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey (Trismegistos Online Publication 4, Version 2.0; Köln/Leuven 2012) [496 pp.]: <http://www.trismegistos.org/top.php> Contributions to The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Series (Advisory Editor 2013–16; General Editor 2016– ): 3. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXIX (2014): i. 5202. Copy of an Honorific Inscription for the Poetic Victor Apion (pp. 125–138) 4. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXVIII (2012) i. 5144. Isocrates, Philippus 70–77, 79–80, 101–5 (pp. 59–69) ii. 5169. Chapter on Tetrasyllabic Feet (pp. 101–110) iii. 5176. Notice to an Agoranomus (pp. 163–166) 5. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXVII (2011): i. 5102. Hellenistic(?) Hexameters (pp. 12–47) ii. 5103. Dionysius, Bassarica(?) (pp. 47–54) iii. 5109. Loan of Barley (pp. 98–103) iv. 5112. Letter to Aurelius Phanias (pp. 110–113) v. 5119. Sale on Credit (pp. 127–129) vi. 5120. Order to Supply Meat (pp. 129–131) vii. 5121. Work Contract of Donkey Driver (pp. 131–134) viii. 5123. Agreement to Deliver Wine (pp. 137–141) ix. 5124. Loan of Money (pp. 142–146) 6. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXVI (2011): i. 5084. Plato, Crito 43b, 45b–e, 45e–46a, 46c–d (pp. 61–64) 7. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXIV (2009): i. 4984. Registration of a Loan (pp. 97–98) ii. 4985. Registration of a Sale (pp. 98–99) iii. Indexes (Sections II–XII, pp. 165–174) 8. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXIII (2009): i. 4935. Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 1043–51, 1202–10 (pp. 23–25) ii. 4942. Zenobius, Epitome of Didymus and Lucillus of Tarrhae, Book I (pp. 71–80) iii. Indexes (pp. 203–215) 9. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXII (2008) [Part VI. 4923–4930. Documents from the Dossier of the ‘Apion Family’]: i. 4923–4925. Receipts for Meat Rations (General Introduction, pp. 168–169) ii. 4924. Receipt for Meat Supplied to Buccellarii (pp. 170–171) iii. 4926–4929. Orders and a Receipt for the Supply of Bread (General Introduction, pp. 172–174) iv. 4926. Order for the Supply of Bread (pp. 174–175) v. 4928. Order for the Supply of Bread (p. 176) vi. Indexes (Sections III–XV, pp. 186–202) 10. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXXI (2007): i. 4835. Loan of Money (pp. 141–145) ii. Indexes (pp. 150–164) Contributions to Books, Proceedings, Encyclopedias: 11. ‘The Onomastic Evidence for the God Hermanubis’, in T. Gagos (ed.), Proceedings of the Twenty- Fifth International Congress of Papyrology, Ann Arbor 2007 (2010) 67–76 12. ‘Greek Language, Education, and Literary Culture’ (Chapter 32), in C. Riggs (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt (Oxford University Press; 2012) 526–542 13. Entries for ‘Augustamnica’ and ‘Oxyrhynchos’, in R. Bagnall, C. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. Hübner (edd.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Wiley-Blackwell; 2012) 953–954, 4971–4974 14. ‘A Recruit’s Enrolment in a Military Unit and a New Dux Thebaidis’, in J.-L. Fournet and A. Papaconstantinou (eds.), Mélanges Jean Gascou: Textes et Études Papyrologiques (Travaux et Mémoires 20/1; Paris 2016) 55–64 15. ‘The Economic Arrangements between the Apion Estate and its Enapographoi Georgoi’, in G. Azzarello (ed.), Ricchezza e potere nell’Egitto bizantino: la famiglia degli Apioni ed altre casate ossirinchite. Atti dell’Incontro internazionale di studio, Udine 28–29 marzo 2008 (APF Beiheft 31; forthcoming) 16. ‘Letter from Gerontas to Leontius’, in F. Reiter (ed.), Dokumentarische Texte der Berliner Papyrussammlung zur Neueröffnung des Ägyptischen Museums (BGU XXI; forthcoming) 17. ‘A Sound Body and Mind’, in K. Vandorpe (ed.), A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (332 BCE–642 CE) (Wiley-Blackwell; forthcoming) [co-authored with Sofie Remijsen] 18. ‘Ancient Writing (Greek)’, in W. de Melo and S. Scullion (edd.), The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Latin Textual Criticism (Oxford University Press; forthcoming) 19. ‘Dionysius, Bassarica and Gigantias’ (introduction, translation, and notes), in L. Miguélez-Cavero (ed.), Collected Imperial Greek Epics. Vol. 1: Mythological Epics (University of California Press; forthcoming) Journal Articles and Notes: 20. ‘The Archive of Tryphon Phibas’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 158 (2006) 226–234 21. ‘An Oxyrhynchite Sale on Delivery from the Reign of Mauricius’, Tyche 21 (2006) 1–10 22. ‘Four Byzantine Papyri with Notarial Subscriptions’, ZPE 160 (2007) 220–226 23. ‘New Light on the Episcopal Church of Oxyrhynchus’, ZPE 161 (2007) 199–206 24. ‘An Estate Overseer’s Work Contract and the Meaning of Exotikoi Topoi’, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 44 (2007) 75–86 25. ‘Two Notes on Demosiosis Documents’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 37 (2007) 15–19 26. ‘Korr. Tyche 571–573’ [= three notes on papyri], Tyche 22 (2007) 216–218 27. ‘Iliad 3.228 and the Papyri’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 54 (2008) 5–6 28. ‘Ἰϲαπόλλων/Εἰϲαπόλλων: nomen delendum lexicis’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 54 (2008) 109–112 29. ‘Two Bishops Named Senuthes: Prosopography and New Texts’, ZPE 166 (2008) 179–194 30. ‘A Heracleopolite Land Lease of the Fifth Century’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 38 (2008) 53–61 31. ‘Greek Polytheophoric Names: An Onomastic Fashion of Roman Egypt’, Ancient Society 39 (2009) 71–97 32. ‘Receipt for a Gratuity to a Cancellarius’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 55/1 (2009) 56–62 33. ‘Sixteen Letters to Agoranomi from Late First Century Oxyrhynchus’, ZPE 170 (2009) 157–185 34. ‘Critical Notes on the Toponymy of the Oxyrhynchite Nome’, ZPE 170 (2009) 186–190 35. ‘A Bishop, a Village, and the Nomination of a Church Steward’, ZPE 171 (2009) 175–180 36. ‘Terythis and Dahrut: Reconsideration of a Topographical Problem’, ZPE 171 (2009) 181–185 37. ‘P.Oxy. XII 1561: Demosiosis of a Loan’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 39 (2009) 23–29 (co-authored with Nikolaos Gonis) 38. ‘Korr. Tyche 615–617’ [= three notes on papyri], Tyche 24 (2009) 216–218 39. ‘Five Leases of the Roman Period’, ZPE 172 (2010) 175–182 40. ‘A Syrian Slave Girl Twice Sold in Egypt’, ZPE 173 (2010) 175–189 41. ‘A Usurious Monk from the Apa Apollo Monastery at Bawit’, Chronique d’Égypte 85 (2010) 374– 381 42. ‘Thonis and Enteleu: Two “Ghost” Villages of the Oxyrhynchite Nome’, ZPE 174 (2010) 156– 158 43. ‘Six Papyri of the Fifth Century from the Beinecke Library’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 56/2 (2010) 274–285 44. ‘The Size of the Numerus Transtigritanorum in the Fifth Century’, ZPE 175 (2010) 224–226 45. ‘B. P. Grenfell’s Corrections of SPP X [= Korr. Tyche 633–654]’, Tyche 25 (2010) 205–210 46. ‘Documentary Fragments from Upper Egypt in the Hunterian Museum’, Journal of Juristic Papyrology 41 (2011) 35–43 (co-authored with Nikolaos Gonis) 47. ‘Two Slave Sales from First-Century Oxyrhynchus’, ZPE 177 (2011) 222–228 48. ‘An Anonymous Corrector Augustamnicae of the Sixth Century’, ZPE 177 (2011) 240–242 49. ‘Giro Transfers of Grain in the Oxyrhynchite Nome: A New Document in the Beinecke Library’, ZPE 179 (2011) 221–230 50. ‘An Arsinoite Landowner and Clarissimus Magister of a Military Unit’, Tyche 26 (2011) 23–31 51. ‘An Oxyrhynchite Slave Sale from the Reign of Trajan’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 58/1 (2012) 61– 66 52. ‘Miscellanea Toponomastica’, ZPE 183 (2012) 191–196 53. ‘Ammianus Marcellinus Res Gestae 17.4.17 and the Translator of the Obelisk in Rome’s Circus Maximus’, ZPE 186 (2013) 114–118 54. ‘P.Lond. Lit. 40 Revisited: New Readings in Dionysius’ Bassarica’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 59/2 (2013) 280–297 55. ‘From Souis to Spania: The Name Change of an Oxyrhynchite Village’, ZPE 188 (2014) 237–240 56. ‘Frustula Beineckiana’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 60/1 (2014) 196–208 57. ‘A Lease of Crops by a Soldier of the Mauri Scutarii’, Tyche 29 (2014) 17–22 58. ‘Three Roman-Period Papyri in the Beinecke Library’, ZPE 192 (2014) 209–214 59. ‘More Papyri from Late Antique Memnonia in the British Library’, Archiv für Papyrusforschung 61/2 (2015) 352–370 60. ‘Some Corrections to Apionic Toponyms’, Tyche 30 (2015) 211–213 61. ‘Four Papyri from the Archive of the Temple of Soknobraisis in Bacchias’, ZPE 197 (2016) 204– 216 62. ‘The Provenance of the Greek-Coptic Glossary to Hosea and Amos’, Chronique d’Égypte 91 (2016) 175–179 63. ‘Perfume, Frankincense, and Papyrus: Collecting the State Revenues’, ZPE 200 (2016) 379–388 Reviews: 64. ‘V. Bartoletti et al. (edd.), Papiri della Società Italiana: Volume XV (Firenze 2008)’, Tyche 24 (2009) 225–228 65. ‘F. A. J. Hoogendijk, B. P. Muhs (edd.), Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (Leiden 2008)’, Classical Review 60.2 (2010) 413–415 66. ‘S. Daris, Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell’Egitto greco-romano, supplemento 5 (2006–2009) (Pisa-Roma 2010)’, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.10.20: http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2011/2011-10-20.html 67. ‘R. W. Daniel, Architectural Orientation in the Papyri (Pap.Colon. 34; Paderborn 2010)’, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 49 (2012) 349–353 68. ‘R. Ast, Late Antique Greek Papyri in the Collection of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (P. Jena II) (Bonn 2010)’, Tyche 27 (2012) 235–239 69. ‘T. Derda, A. Lajtar, J. Urbanik (edd.), Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Papyrology, Warsaw, 29 July–3 August 2013 (3 vols.; Warsaw 2016)’, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (forthcoming 2017). .
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