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US 10 , 212 , 933 B2 LOW VOLATILITY HERBICIDAL least one monocarboxylic acid , or agriculturally acceptable COMPOSITIONS monocarboxylate thereof; and , optionally , a non - auxin her bicide; wherein the compositions exhibit reduced volatility CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED relative to an otherwise identical composition lacking the APPLICATIONS 5 monocarboxylic acid or monocarboxylate thereof . In one embodiment, the auxin herbicide is selected from dicamba , This is a continuation of U . S . application Ser . No . 14 / 440 , or a agriculturally acceptable salt or ester thereof, and 2 , 4 - D , 789 , filed May 5 , 2015 , which is a U . S . national stage or an agriculturally acceptable salt of ester thereof. In one application of International Patent Application No . PCT embodiment, the composition comprises an acetate salt . In US2013 / 068507 , filed Nov . 5 , 2013 , which claims priority to 10 another embodiment, the non - auxin herbicide is glyphosate , U . S . Provisional Application Ser. No . 61/ 794 ,769 filed on or an agriculturally acceptable salt thereof. Mar. 15 . 2013 and U . S . Provisional Application Ser . No. In another aspect , the invention provides a herbicidal 61/ 722 ,700 filed on Nov . 5 , 2012 , the entire disclosures of adjuvant composition
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