SECRETARIAT GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS SECRETARIAT DU COMITE DES MINISTRES Contact: Clare Ovey Tel: 03 88 41 36 45 Date: 21/12/2015 DH-DD(2015)1383 Documents distributed at the request of a Representative shall be under the sole responsibility of the said Representative, without prejudice to the legal or political position of the Committee of Ministers. Meeting: 1250th meeting (8-10 March 2016) (DH) Item reference: Action plan (17/12/2015) Communication from the Russian Federation concerning the case of Georgia v. Russia (I) (Application No.13255/07). (46 pages) * * * * * * * * * * * Les documents distribués à la demande d’un/e Représentant/e le sont sous la seule responsabilité dudit/de ladite Représentant/e, sans préjuger de la position juridique ou politique du Comité des Ministres. Réunion : 1250e réunion (8-10 mars 2016) (DH) Référence du point : Plan d’action (17/12/2015) Communication de la Fédération de Russie concernant l’affaire Géorgie contre Russie (I) (Requête n°13255/07). (46 pages) (anglais uniquement) DG 1 1 7 DEC. 2015 ACTION PLAN SERVICE DE L'EXECUTION on the execution of the judgment of the European ~ii~AA RETS DE LA CEDH of H uman Rights in case no. 13255/07 Georgia v. R ussia (/) (j udgment of3 J une 2013, finaJ on the same day) Violation In its judgment in the case of Georgia v. Russia (I) the European Court of Human Rights fo und a violation by the Russian authorities of Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on account of the expulsion of Georgian nationals fro m the Russian Federation without proper assess­ ment of each individual case (collective expulsion); Article 5 § 1 of the Convention on ac­ count of the detention of these nationals for their further administration expulsion; Article 3 of the Convention on account of failure to ensure adequate conditions of their detention in special facilities for temporary detention of aliens pending their administrative expul­ sion ("the special centers"); Article 13 in conjunction with Article 5 § 4 and Article 3 of the Convention on account of the lack of effective remedies against the respective viola­ tions; Article 38 of the Convention on account of failure to furnish all necessary docu­ ments to the Court. Individual Measures As the Court has not yet decided on the amounts of compensation to be awarded and on the persons falling within the scope of this judgment, there are no grounds to take indi­ vidual measures at the moment. General Measures 111.1. Administrative practice Having found inter-connected violations of Article 4 of Protocol No. 4 to the Con­ vention, Article 5 §§ 1 and 4 and Article 13 of the Convention, the Court established the existence of an administrative practice against Georgian nationals from 27 September 2006 until January 2007 (detention of a number of respective persons, their placement in special centers pending administrative expulsion). It should be noted that the violations found by the Comt concern only the actions and decisions against persons illegally present in the Russian Federation or persons who had infringed the statutory provisions on residence in Russian territory (complaints of the Georgian party about the expulsion of Georgian nationals legally present in Russia and Russian nationals of Georgian origin were dismissed). The Court also found it unneces­ sary to examine the complaints of the applicant state under Article 14 of the Convention (discrimination) in the particular circumstances of the case. It should also be emphasized that the Court established the specific period, during which the respective violations regarded as an administrative practice had been commit­ ted. Neither the judgment in the case of Georgia v. Russia (!) nor other judgments deJiv- 2 ered by the Court in the cases against Russia contain any evidence of similar violations by the Russian Government after January 2007. Besides, the Russian domestic law and relevant practice concerning the regulations in question had been fundamentally reformed since January 2007. The respective measures made as clear and transparent as possible the procedures for the entry of foreign nationals to the Russian Federation, their residence in the country, state control over their compliance with the Russian laws, and the procedure for the application of coercive measures, including those related to the administrative arrest and expulsion from Russia. Therefore, the adequate legal and organizational safeguards against collective expul­ sion and adminish·ative practice in respect of fo reign nationals, including even those ille­ gally present in Russia in violation of the Russian laws, have been developed in the Rus­ sian Federation, and currently are successfully applied. In this regard the following, in particular, should be reported. 1. Pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1 ("the Constitution"), in the Russian Federation the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are recognised and guaran­ teed according to the universally recognised principles, norms of intetnational law and in­ temational treaties. According to the Constitution, these rights are applied within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and foreign nationals and stateless persons enjoy the same rights as 2 nationals of the Russian Federation • 2. In 2012 the President of the Russian Federation ("the President") re-established the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation ("the FMS of Russia") as an in­ dependent federal executive agency (earlier the FMS of Russia was under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation) in order to improve the devel­ opment and implementation of the state migration policy. The Decree of the President of 21 May 201 23 stipulates that the activities of the FMS of Russia shall be governed by the Government of the Russian Federation directly ("the Government"). 4 According to the Regulation on the FMS of Russia , the activities of this agency shall be governed not only by this Regulation, the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, but also by the universally recognized principles, norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. In its new status, the FMS of Russia, acting in accordance with the Decrees of the President and together with other competent state agencies, took a number of measures to improve the state migration policy and its implementation. 1 Article 17 § I, Article 15 § 4 ofthe Constitution; Federal Law no. 101-FZ of 15 July 1995 On International Treaties ofthe Russian Federation. 2 Article 62 of the Constitution 3 Decree of the President no. 636 of 21 May 2012 On Structure of Federal Executive Agencies (as amended on 21 July 20 15) ("the Decree of the President no. 636 of21 May 2012"). 4 The Regulation On the Federal Migration Service was approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation no. 7 11 of 13 July 2012 On the Federal Migration Service (as amended on 31 October 20 15) ("the Regulation on the FMS of Russia", "Resolution of the Russian Government no. 711 of 13 July 2012"). 3 3. In June 20 12 the President approved The Concept of the State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation up to 2025 ("the Concept"), which defined the subject matter, principles and key areas of the migration policy of the Russian Federation. The document clearly reads that it had been developed in compliance with the uni­ versally recognised principles and norms of international law and with obligations of the Russian Federation arising from international migration treaties. The Concept defines, inter alia, the following fundamental principles of the state mi­ gration policy: protection of the rights and freedoms of a man and citizen; non­ discrimination on any grounds; compliance with the norms of Russian and international law; harmonization of the interests of an individual, public and state; transparency and ac­ cessibility of information about the migration processes and about decisions related to the state migration policy of the Russian Federation. The objectives of the migration policy include the following: creation of adequate conditions for the residence of different categories of foreign nationals in the country; countering the illegal migration along with provision of support to migrants, their adapta­ tion and integration; development of meaningful dealings between migrants and receiving communities. The Concept also defines the specific activity areas to be focused on in or­ der to achieve the specified objectives, including the international migration cooperation, information and analytical support and key arrangements for the implementation of the migration policy of the Russian Federation. The Concept is designed to be implemented in 3 stages within the period up to 2025 (2012-2015, 2016-2020, 2021-2025), and the respective activities are determined for each stage. For the purpose of this Concept, the Government shall approve action plans for each stage. In particular, the Government approved the respective action plans on the imple­ mentation of the Concept for 201 2-2015 (Order of the Government No. 1502-r of 21 Au­ gust 2012, as amended by Order no. 651-r of22 April2014) and for 2016-2020 (Order of the Government No. 2122r of 22 October 20 15). The above action plans include specific lists of planned actions, deadlines of their execution, those responsible. 4. During the implementation of the Concept and the action plan for 2012-2015, as approved by the Government, the major amendments have been introduced to the several federal laws, furthered by decrees of the President, resolutions of the Government, inter­ agency orders and instructions. 5 4.1. Thus, Federal Law no. 115-FZ of25 July 2002 , Federal Law no. 11 4-FZ of 15 6 7 August 1996 , Federal Law no. 109-FZ of 18 July 2006 have been amended. The amendments concern, inter alia: s Federal Law no.
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