The Inside o 3: o ra 'si o oi Z 'v j c o o >< -• S to ry .. m Ti o m :d c 9 • PETER'S Pence collection »■ m C3 rcMultK appear on Page 7. o » < <: • F IR S T M ush for Father 1 Dennis Dwyer. See story Page • EAST LAKE mission to ohserve anniversary. Story and picture Page 5. m o X o • DRAMA teacher’s story. Sec. 2, P. 1. • SUMMER Mass schedule is in Sec. 2, P. 3 .K, ■ . -.r''.- ■■i rtiagiiIii-iii- -'fli Future of Site Undecided On Archdiocesan Commissions U s. St. Clara's Orphanage Laymen, Nuns Named To Close at Year's End As Advisory Members St. Clara’s orphanage. Denver, a home would prove to be u prohibitive financial Archbishop James V. Casey ol' Denver, for all major construction or renovation - for some 10.000 children since its origin burden for the Franciscan Sisters. announced his appointments to three new contemplated by parishes and institutions, in 1890, will be discontinued. efTective The orphanage’s 1966-67 allocation archdiocesan advisory commissions this and making recommendations to the Jan. 1. 1968. United Way was $43,000. The institu­ week. Five laymen and two Sisters of Archbishop. Joint announcement of the closing was tion’s total budgeted annual expenditures Loretto were among the 25 appointees made Thursday. July 13. by Mother M. were $86,342. named. T H E E C U M E N IC A L commission will Dolorine. Provincial of the Wheaton Fran­ The number of children in the orphan­ Appointments were made from nomina­ work on Guidelines for Ecumenism for ciscan Sisters who operate the home; the age has declined in recent years. At one tions by priests of the archdiocese in ac­ the archdiocese. The Liturgical commis­ Rt. Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka. di­ time, the institution had a census of cord with a request last month. Archbish­ sion’s special task will be implementation rector of Catholic Charities, and Roy L. more than 200 children from two to 14 op Casey specifically asked that laymen of new instructions in the liturgy, includ­ Mason. Mile High United Way president. years old. Currently, there are 51 child­ with special experience, knowledge, and ing education programs to help priests The orphanage has been afTiliated with ren in the home. interest in the affairs of the commi.ssions and laymen achieve fullest participation. United W ay and its predecessor organiza­ Archbishop James V. Casey asked that be included in the nominations. tions for 45 years. a committee be formed to meet with the The Archbishop appointed five mem­ Monsignor Kolka said that appropriate Franciscan Sisters to study the future use bers to the Building commission and 10 planning will be made for the individual of their present facility. Mother Dolorine members each to the Liturgical and placement of each of the 51 childrer. iiow announced that the Sisters intend to Ecumenical commissions. in the orphanage. remain in the archdiocese at the present Archdiocese site "with the hope of participating in the • Lay appointees are: *'T H E U T M O S T concern and solici­ future development of the Christian Of Denver Liturgical commission: Allen P. Hobbs, tude will be extended so that every child Community in Denver.” organist at Immaculate Conception cathe­ from the home will be adequately consid­ United W ay president. Roy L. Mason, dral, and Mrs. Patrick G. Cronin, Christ ered and cared for in the future.” Monsi­ on behalf of the M H U W executive com­ the King parish. Denver. gnor Kolka said. "Child care is one of the mittee. commended the Franciscan Sisters Official Appointments greatest functions of Catholic Charities, for "the most cordial relationship which Ecumenical commission: Dr. J. Philip and St. C lara’s became afTiliated with the has prevailed during the 45 years,” and Clarke, Blessed Sacrament parish; John Reverend Theodore Haas. Pastor of St. Catholic Charities in 1928.” expressed appreciation for the "services A. Yelenick, St. James’ parish; and M ar­ Catherine’s Church, Denver, Colorado: The structure at 3800 W. 29th avenue, rendered to 10,000 boys and girls.” tin C. Kelly, Christ the King parish, all also to be appointed Chaplain for the which presently houses the children, was of Denver. Colorado State Council of the Knights ^Luilt in 1908. The original orphanage T H E M H U W executive committee Sister Eileen Marie, S.L., who Is retir­ of Columbus. was located at lOth and Champa streets, passed a resolution in which the Sisters ing as president of Loretto Heights col­ Reverend Charles C. Brown. Administra­ whore the same group of Sisters now were praised for their "foresight and ac­ lege next month, was appointed to the tor of St. Joseph Church, Ft. Collins, i)|>erate St. Rose's residence, a home for tion” in making arrangements for the Ecumenical commission. Sister Katherine Colorado; also to be Assistant Chaplain working girls. Children were admitted to transfer of the children now in the or­ Therese Kohl, S.L., member of the Loret­ of the Knights of Columbus Council he original orphanage on 10th street on phanage to foster homes or other institu­ to Heights music faculty, will serve on No. 1214. Ft. Collins. Colorado. Cheistmas Eve. 1890. tional facilities as circumstances indicate. the Liturgical commission. Reverend Bartholomew Quetglas. C.R., Mother Dolorine said the decision to (See Story Page 11) Pastor of Holy Family Church, Ft. Col­ lose was made when she and her board Lifeline • Priests appointed include; lins, Colorado; also to be Chaplain of tempted to psin for the Sister personnel Building commission: The Rt. Rev. the Knights of Columbus Council No. Refugees fleeing the west bank of the order. ^ Monsignor George R. Evans, chancellor, 1214, Ft. Collins, Colorado. the Jordan River have crowded into chairman; and the Revs. Barry J. Wogan, Pope Paul Archdiocesan Building Commission: It became very evident that the King Hussein’s Jordanian kingdom by pastor, St. Rose of Lima; Frederick D. iuus community would not be the thousands, making it all but im­ McCallin, pastor, St. Mary’s, Littleton; Rt. Rev. Msgr. George R. Evans, Chair­ to supply a sufficient number of possible to keep up minimum stand­ Robert M. Syrianey, pastor. Our Lady of man, Archdiocesan Chancery, 1536 trained in child care to meet Calls W a r ards of health and sanitation. Relief Fatima; and W illiam J. Koontz. pastor, Logan St., Denver, Colorado 80203 mands of the future at St. Clar- agencies are providing food, clothing Notre Dame. Rev. B arry J. Wogan, St. Rose of Lima phanage,” Mother Dolorine said. and medicines in increasing volume, Liturgical commission: The Rt. Rev. Church, 1320 West Nevada Place, 'Atrocious' but the situation remains critical. Monsignor Gregory Smith, V.G.. pastor. Denver, Colorado 80223 Funds from Mile High United Way St. Francis de Sales, chairman; and the Rev. Frederick D. McCallin, St. M ary’s !iave been subsidizing St. Clara’s since Vatican City - The war in Vietnam Revs. Francis J. Syrianey, pastor. St. Church, 6843 South Prince St., Little­ 1922. and without this financial assist­ was described as "atrocious” by Pope Paul Pius X; John E. Cotter, vice chancellor: ton, Colorado 80120 ance from the people of Denver, the or­ VI when he addressed a group of 50 Robert J. Greenslade, Loretto Heights Rev. Robert M. Syrianey, Our Lady of phanage would never have been able to South who are in Europe to W hat Is chaplain; Richard B. Ling, assistant pas­ Fatima Church, 2005 Moore, Denver, keep its doors open as long as it has,” make a pilgrimage to Fatima. tor, All Souls; Dennis J. Martin, C.M.. St. Colorado 80215 Mother Polorine said. "W e cannot hide our emotion on seeing Thomas’ seminary; and Anselm Amadio, Rev. W illiam J. Koontz, Notre Dame Another determining factor in the deci­ you gathered around us,” the Pope told O.S.B.. St. Thomas Aquinas chapel, Boul­ Church, 2207 South Zenobia St., Den­ sion to close was the anticipation of mod­ the group. "In fact, spontaneously there Thinking der. ver, Colorado ernization in the building that would rises in our heart the vision of your be­ Ecumenical commission: The Rt. Rev. Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission: become inevitable in future child-care loved country, bloodied for so many years Monsignor W alter J. Canavan, rector. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gregory Smith, V.G., P.A., housing. Mother Dolorine said that the by an atrocious war.” Immaculate Conception cathedral, chair­ Chairman, St. Francis de Sales potential outlay for capital expenditures The Pope continued: O f Laity? man; the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. Church. 301 South Sherman St., Den­ "You know, dear sons and daughters, Kolka, Catholic Charities director: and ver. Colorado 80209 with what love we love your noble coun­ Rome - The Third International Con­ the Revs. Owen McHugh, pastor, St. Pe­ Rev. Francis J. Syrianey. St. Pius X try and what efTorts we have undertaken gress of the Lay Apostolate scheduled ter’s, Greeley; Gerald W. Phelan, assist­ Church, 13835 East 13th Ave., Denver. to seek to silence the clash of arms. We here Oct. 11-18 will be a period of "tem­ ant pastor. Blessed Sacrament: Richard F. Priests To Make Colorado 80223 will continue to work and to pray that a perature taking” and will seek answers Ryan, S.J., president, Regis college; and Rev. John E. Cotter, Archdiocesan Chan­ lasting peace, based on justice, liberty to: Charles Forsyth, O.S.B., St. Thomas cery. 1536 Logan St.. Denver, Colorado Annual Retreat and the respect of the inviolable rights of What does the laity feel? W hat is the Aquinas chapel, Boulder.
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