lhey Came to Stay To Worship PORTRAITS ETCHED IN STONE. The first is a narrath•e account Eaify Jewish Scttlcn, 1682-llll. By of the cemetery's history, from Freely David de Sola Pool. Illustrated. 541 the acquiring of the ground in pp. New York: Columbi• Univenity 1682, until the last burial to be VIRGINIA'S MOTHER CHURCH, PrrsL $10. recorded, thal of a child named •nd the Political Concfitiont Undo:r Whic:h It Grew. Vol. 0: The Story Bnmdllla Isaacs on Feb. 4, 1833. By FRANCIS S. RONALDS of the Anslic:•n Church and the N 1~4 a bout twenty-three The second portion of the book, Dnelopment of Religion in Vir­ Sephardic Jew11 "reached the comprfstng alm0tit two-thirds of gini•, 1727-1814. By George M. Brv· endI of the inhabited earth called the whole, is devoted to short don, 688 pp. Philaaelphi•: Chvrc:h Now Holland" and the following blographles of the. 179 Individ­ Historic•I Saciety. $10. year petitioned tor permission uals known to have been burled HE nearly ninety yeani, 1721- to 11urchase a burying ground, in lhis hallowed ground. Excel­ T1814, covered by the second th'" 'Sowing that "they in­ lent Illustrations, maps and volume of G. M. Brydon'e &<'· te! . to remain tn this part ot charts, genealogical tables, a count or religion In Virginia the New World and throw In gloBBary ot Hebrew words used were a crucial period. not only their lot with the new Colony." in the text and a bibliography in the field of religion but in Dr. David de Sola Pool, rabbi of manuscript and published other cultural and poUUcal ot the Spanish and Portuguese sources add to its usetulnesa. flel~ as welL .In Its specifically Synagogue, baa, tn this history The hJatory of lhe cemetery religious upect.s it was a time of the second oldest bUrial depicts lhe growth of the Jew­ when the established Anglican ground in New York-on New ish <.'ommunlty ot New York Church learned to co-exist, If Bowery Street near Chatham from the original handful to nol always harmonlously, with Square- succeeded In producing "the greatest aggregation in diuentlng sects and after t he a truly interesting bft of Amer· Iarael'11 story." New York Revolution to take its place, as icana. It goes wilhout saying City's Jewish Congregation the Episcopal Church, in a new that the volume will be a collec· Shearfth Israel. founded In 1855, lll11atratfOll ,,._ "l'nm.ila 6/cluld '" 1111.,,.._" nation. tor's item in the library of Is the oldest .Jewish communlty Cliatham Squ•n Cemetery. 'Mr. Brydon states that "the in North America, and for a every New Yorker with a gen­ great and essentially important century and three-quarters its uine interest in the hJstory and selves, as well 118 many ot streets and houaes, but soon goal to be attained by the state cemeteries were the only Jewish origins of Manhattan. But it their descendants, .b&ve play~ after the Revolution the city was to develop and put into et.­ burial places in the..clty. will be particularly prized by notable parts In the history of spread all about and around it. feet a scheme or political life l descendants of those persons New York City. In 18~ the Corporation of the In whJch rellgion should be free, who were laid to rest in this JHE cemetery played a part The Irresistible groWth rll the City prohJbit;ed all .burials south and every individual have full ''bOU&e of eternity," a.a wen' aa in lhe Amer;can defense of New city gave. scant respect to of Grand Street. In 1855 the right and opportunity to wor­ b!( ealogists in quest of in· York In 1776 as Gell. Charles graveyards, and It ls most re­ cutting through of New Bowery shJp God In his own way and ton....... :p.. Lee placed Hveral of his guns marltable that despite the all Street made it necesaary to re­ according to bis own be- I This handsome volume ls di· in the "Jew Burying Ground," engulfing advance and rapid' move some 256 ~vea . NevltJ'­ lleta." In m~ng toward this vided into two main secUona; and among ,the graves today are change ot the city the cemetery theless, thJa quiet spot still re­ goat eighteenth - century Vir· those of eighteen Revolutionary Is still there. Eighteenth-century mains, "a sentimental triumph ginla served not only Itself but Mr. Ronalda i.Y director of th" soldiers. Other graves serve maps show this old burying over the city's sheer utilitarian the nation and generations yet I Morrlstoum Natfomil Park. to memorialize men wh<J them- ground just beyond the city's growth." to come. NASTI K. BuRGER. In rep~ refer te: L5B WASO UNITED STATES • DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIO NATIONAL PARK SERVICE WASHINGTON · ~. D. C. Dr. Francis s. Ronalda, Superintendent Morristown National Historical Park M>rristown, New·Jersey Dear Fran: I h:ave received your letter o:r October ll in which ;you inquire regarding the manner of submission of the Jewish cemetery on Bowery Street to the Advisory Board and its coming meeting in November. I discussed ;your comment with Director Wi.i-th, and we are agreed that the project can be submitted in such a manner that if' the Board does not feel able to approve the designation, no action for or age.inst the project will be taken at this time. Ot course,. if the Board should approve the designation, this aspect would not arise. I am having copies made of that portion of your letter" which deals with this matter, and I am sending a copy with this copy of m;y rep~ for the information of Regional Director Cox. Sincere~ yours, ~J/f:~ Ronald F. Lee Assistant Director Copy to: Regional Director, Region One - with excerpts 1)"om incoming letter Co~y referrod to I ,r i4 RE6EiV · E~ . f .t!CT s- 19 MOftRISTOVJM N~llOAAL HtSlORtCAL PARK- (SGO) ·Conrad L Y/Jrlf! ~ Cppy- tor. 'Regio~ Director, Region Ono (2)" Septeiabor 20, 1952 Kc:aoron4wlr To: Hogional Director, Beel-on One Fro111 .Superintondont, orri Jt-orm· Il tional lll1torioal Po.rk Subject, Report on old J lab. C••tacy in Dev York C1tf f. In aooordono• with ln tructloruJ from !uiatCillt Rori:ional D11 ator Tobin l on B ndir1g the original ro.!1prt to tho Dir .a.tor. Unfol'tuilA.t oly, I oould. obtein Qnly ono oopy o. t4o ttap 1howi~ tho c.U!4ct looation of th Je izih Ccotn·ey in relation to the Ci~ F,all mld Broo 1111 Bride•• .la uoon r P review copieo are avf)ilable Dr. Pool uill 1 vo JD.C mo, t;hi-oh I nill celid on to the Dlr•o·toi;- a1 an acco:ipaninent to my .report. Franois s. Ronnlds Supel'intendent · Bnolo111·ro D ~· · Seytecber 26, 1952 oranduo ' Toi DiF•ctor FN.J: Sµp rintend nt, !Orri toon at1onal Hiatoriotll. Po.rk ' 8ubjoot i Rop·ol:'t on oli J'cwlBb Ca t1ry in J1ow York C.l:t;y Tog thor ith J>p. Da.Tid do Sola Pool I t ic• 1i •,itad tho J i1h C .teq on ~ Bo ry St1~0 t a.nd. I have road in g 11 7 proot tr. Pool'• f orthco::lln.c erk ~n tho Cece.tory. t'hi• book will bt publiahcu by th' Ui:ilv rsltT, ol Colu;ibia Pree in 1't q~ ~ 17lanf!I !or tl o le'brnt10ll of th~ three hun~~ddth Ollilitersarr or t~ fl~st aettltm nt ot Jewa in thl• country. In 1654 their arrivnl !n U Yo.rk: ca l'oported by thJ> f at that nth l rea.cbod. the end of ti. i®abitod enrth QO.litd 1;ew I!ollr:nc..11 ~ J lnh C •t•q ia tho 1ooonQ. otao1t bu-rial grountl. in n . Yo.~k \:,1th a.n 'tmbrolton trw tlon. A portion ot Tr~it1 Churob.11.rd ia atill old. r. Th:• •xi .otii;g rtoidurl crc.v.. 1ard on tht r~·C'W Dowoey its . hou t 56 t et lQ~ naa. 50 !e t \ 10..; ich is altto1t idcntioal d.tli tho am.cunt ot la.rul ori- t;incllr purobaioa •tor ,a Jew Bul'ytn ~ rPlac•• in 1682. The Jetrl.oh C etoey j.ri E1 .-!iOJ:'t pl.lrOhaaod in 1677, "thirty root Loan, »uttlng South w•• t U!_)Oll th• Bi~l th t IA da Do~~ fra:i Yo Ston1 ID.11 ~ (Thi• coula refer to ·he 11 Vik· int: "To:-;vr 1.4. Arnold's 11111) · llaaever tho ta.rli•at to...lbatrx.oa at newport da:t• fr 1761 $!lo tho old: •t in E Yoi-k io 168,. l!D.nJ t>f the atbn11 ue quite into atag. For 1.n1tono1, one rc::iarka.blo •tone depinta th to11k 111cylln1 of l~. fhiD la tho crave ot J)r. ~lter .r .. Judah, ~o gave hia -lire try.in« to 1ave live• in th• Ti llu Fever Epl ic ot th t year. 'lho stc17 is tirltten t.Jtl::. in in,:llah md Pobre • The Englioh 11 dl'oad!ul 0 oontGgiontr , 1 trnnalate4 by Dr. Pool to rena the )'Ollow tlro." • -2- .lt pointed out by Dr• Pool tlwro nro a mmb r of ReYolutlo ·1'1 1oldlor1 burlea. h ro and. in 190' the Jnerioo.n Soenio and Blator1c Pr•sarntio'll Sooi•tJ plac d a br e tablet on the entrn.noe c&tt.
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