mmirliPBtpr Eiiynttts UmiUi T H U R S D A Y , DBCSE5BIBBR 28, 1967 Avenge DeUy Net Praee Rm S - The education committee^ of fan fltnn Rural Rsetdewes to pier 1%^ Woek KiMed The Weather me, Restdenee A by the TVC. GamieiiliB 8loleii About Town the Junior Women’s Club* of Damato Seeks 88, u e r door tonight. Low aero to Manchester, Inc., will meet to­ JbxvH Buiktors to eek li« for 10 above. Tomorrow fair. High Roy Wlesa, son of Mr. and night at 8 at the home of Mrs. the extenakm o f a none change Off Oothesliiie Mta. Walter W lm e of 1S7 Ugh In u pper 30e. ise George Thnskl, Wedgewood T P C Permit cn Stone St In Oobober the Police are Investigating the at te «B the dean’s list af theft of aromen’s undergar­ 15,563 D r. HPC approved a sone change, tfnian ObUege, Sdienectad^, ments from a dothesUne at 8 e CUy of VfUage Charm t, w M ln a w requested by Jarvta, on Center N.T. for the first trimester. He For Buildings West St. sometime yesterday. n etattoewl Tickets are still available for and Stone Sts. from Realdence AdvetitolBg oa Page 17) to a freshman at the college, The uhdergarmenta were the VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 75 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCflBSTBR, CONN.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS 1, who aloo the American Legion New Done A to Residence Zone C. and a 1M7 graduate of Man­ A j i sjpplloaitlcn for a epeoial only clothes taken from the tea acalnat Jeuvls wants to extend the Resi- chester High M iool. Tear’s Eve party at the poet pennlt for a group <KveUihg of line; expensive sweaters were HOUSE * r e d t denoe Zone C to Include an ad- home and may be obtained from left behind. V e h i * nel counted the club steward. A buffet will 48 unite In 4 (xiikHngiB to be jaoent parcel of lend he owns. The victim of the theft which iland Naval Jehovah’s Witnesses w ill have erected on New State Rd. Vui Atty. FhUHp Bayer to re­ be served, and Art Loughrey took place between 2 and 8:80 he ^mobile a theocratic ministry school to- questing approval for a eubdi- Fire Kills and his band w ill play for danc­ he heard by the TIPC next p.m., was Nancy Logan. the Mekonf raorrbw at 7:80 p.m. at King­ ing from 9:80 p.m. to 8 a.m. vtoion off Venton St. The sub- dom Hall, and a service meet­ Wednesday. Hie applicant Is An automobile, stolen from Negro Minister Wins dlvtoion was first brought tq) Raynumd Damato. the parking lot at Caldor’s at ther forelcn ing at 8:88. at ahearing In August but the »A' Tickets are still available for about 4:80 p.m. yesterday, was 9 Children iraonnel in The plans show epocifications matter was delayed. the VFW New Year’s party at recovered In East Hartford lat­ 8 listed at Mias Dianne Platt of 122 Bald­ for septic tanks on a tile field. the post home and may be ob­ Also to a requeot by Atty. er. HALE a week ear- win Rd. is spending the holidays The area for the apattmente is Paul Mlarte for approval of a ’The car, owned by the Dworln with friends at Pearl City, tained from Maurice Fisher, 42 •VsWiPeJ In Quebec Andover Lake Case about 5 acres, located near the sUbdlvlslcn on Vernon S t of Leasing Co., was parked in the o f enem y Hawaii. She is the daughter of Madison St, or Cary Crane, 90 Hocknnum River. A none three lota near the Vernon lot by Dale Coombs of Rost In a sweeping decision, a The Judge said hts ruling on itry also re­ Essex St A buffet will be serv­ MONT LAURIBR, Que. (AP) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Platt. change wee granted early this tow n lin e. H artford . >?X*.v.vSs’ st military ed, and Lou Joubert and his —Fire engulfed tiu home of a Hartford Superior Court Judge the easement "makes it unnec­ ind political band will play for dancing from. couple with 18 children early to­ ruled yesterday that the Rev. essary for the court to consider to 80,000. 9:80 p.m. to 8 a.m. day and nine of tiie ehUdreis— William M. Phllpot does not the other issues." LOFT'S KITCHFN aged 8 to 18—perished. H ie pai> have to belong to a lake asso­ The Rev. Mr. Phllpot, reached today at the Community Bap­ Fireman l.C Clifford Tower of ente and five other children ciation to use Andover Lake. ^ a • tist Church in New Haven >man D i e t FRESH CANDY U.S. Coast Guard recently wrote home at the time escaped hy The Rev. Mr. Phllpot is a where he Is pastor, said he was his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ Jumping from bedroom' windows New Haven Negro who has long - IC rs. JtiU% "delighted at the decision.” He WELDON DRUG CO. ter Tower of 28 Delmont St., into six iiudiee of snow. boss* dented membeowhlp In the a Waterbary c o Andover Lake Property Own­ said a favorable decision had that he had seen the Bob Hope Three older Children of Mr. f W ednesday been expected. Show at DaNang, Vietnam. He and Mra. Roland Girouard were ers A s80ciati<Hi (ALiPOA) and t out of can­ said that he had been sitting tn away when the fire was discov­ h u thtis been denied use of the "Although it has been a long ty pcde, state ered by a daughter at 12:80 a.m. lake. wait,” the 40-year-old minister the 14th row at the rig h t side o f ■K.M.K- the stage. He told his family to Anotiier daughter to married In an 11-page decision, Judge said, "we feel that In the end curred at a watch for him when the show, and doea not live in tiie two- jtto- Samuel Googel agreed with the it has proved worthwhile." Hill, police W S K A T E S 2 2 S H A R P E N E D "The Bob Hope ChristmM Spe- ry bouse at Lac des Bes, near minister’s clsdm that there was "Now,” he added, "we can ★ SHOES MADE clsd,’’ appears on television Mont Lnurler 120 mllee nortli- an implied easement when he begin to live in the community L A R G E R o r Jan. 18. weat of Mtmtreal. purchased the lakefront prop­ with mutual good will and 'co­ Wider by Machine Four of the Children—tvrina erty that gave him the right to operation. Democracy has vin­ o r Hand Jean-Claude and Jean-Marc, 18; use the beach and the lake. dicated itself.’’ . '‘Happy New Tear to D enise, 10, and R o g e r, 18—w a re Jixlge Googel declined to The minister spoke of the fair play and civic responsibil­ an our friends and sent to a hospital along wlili rule on thq minister's claim onstomersl** ^ NEW YEAR'S ity that was necessary for peo­ their patents. They received that ALPOA had shp\m racial Streamers, Confetti, ple to live together. The resolve, SAM YUYLES broken bones and cuts. discrimination In denying him Paper Plates, Napkins MEN'S FAMOUS All the children were asleep in 88 OAK STREET A membership to the ytot^latlon. (See Page Four) Troat Youramlf To N ow ^oat second-floor bedrooms. Gl- V -.W -. J" .--V Rev. William M. PliUpot 9 A few steps from Main ARTHUR DRUO Iw vS vK y rouard, 47, and h is w ife , 48, 100% IMPORTED WOOL O r Evon An Extra Codf At were asleep In a' ground-floor :i* X * x - » bedroom . JXft¥:¥X^ This Low, Low Prteol One of the daughters smelled ^King of Jazz^ -•-’W x w smoke and awakened tiie fam ily » with shouts of "F ire! F ire!" The parents ran into a down­ PETITES' 6 to 16, MISSES' 8 to 20 stairs btilway of the ll-roons Paul Whiteman Dies at 76 bouse in an effort to rearii the SWEDISH KORV children upstairs. They were DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (AP) — youngsters who didn’t expect ing for a publishing hoiae teach­ and WOMEN'S 16’/2 to 22’/2 Famed bandleader Paul White- much pay. ing new songs to vaudeville Sorry that we sold out Saturday noon . but the fame turned back by flames and beat. 'In 1919 he Introduced his singers vdien he first met White- of Plnehurst Swedish Korv made with the original recipes T h ey m ade th e ir esciq;>e b y max*, the "K in g o f J azs,” died "symphonic Jazz" to the East, man. He hastily wrote "Rhapao- from Alexander Berggren has grown so that wo just cannot smatiiing through a window. today aiqMurently of a heart at­ at A tia n tlc CHty, N .J ., and the seem to make enough of it. One of the children who tack at Doylestown Hospital. He dy In Blue" for Whiteman to next year he brought It to Jumped from upatalre ran t o a w as 76. play in Aeolian Hall. For the We have increased our New Year’s quota of Korv to Tame the north wind. Theie coat* or# B roadw ay. neighbor’s for help. Nelghbcnre The musician was rushed to same occasion Victor Herbert 000 lbs.
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