- s:' 1/ V.-V '/■ i -' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 198S } " 7 , PAGE SIXTEEN ilm triifHtfr EttPttittg l|pralii .AT«raf« Dally Net Pr«M Run r«r tba Week B««e4 Nev. te . IM S ; Homa Kconomlca Oommlt- . A cordial Invitation Is extended sent Manchaatar a.t this national of HillstOT^ Grange, No 87, to all interested to attend the Art 14 Girl Sc6ul8 event will not not. only hava these 1 1 ,9 0 8 About Town is sponsoring a demonstration at Exhibit and "open house" tonight Contralto Soloist skills but will be outstanding f An Imnwdhtn ••fof* ■r ' Jr- from 7;30 to 9:30’at East Hartford girls, who are good mixers ahd iMr e(el the Ao«t The rtcular W-monthlyjpwtng the Grange Hall tonight at 8 Make Bids for for your family protsetion h o’clock. On display will be a com­ High School, to view the work'of leaders, who know how to parti­ Borcee OlKMletlea of Gwmnft Chsptef Bpt* Slgink plete line of greeting cards, wrap­ the adult evening classes.,-A num­ cipate in: a group and how to give youri os toon a i you Manchester— City of Village Charm Phi wUl b« held toBMinw night pings and'ribbons foh Christmas ber of local people are imong the /Senior Roundup of themselves freely. They will at t:15 at the h o^ of Mn. Har­ and all occasion*, novelties, Jewel­ pupils. have an unusual ppportunity to bocom* d poliqfholdsr of ths' old Schueta l)>''Thomaa Dr. Fol­ meet'and exchange ideas with girls y o u LXXV, NO. 50 ry, stationery, books and games A total of 14 applications from (SIXTEEN PA6{^S) MANCIHES'TER, CONN.; TUESDAY^ NOVEMBER 29. 1955 (Chuietnee Adverttdag on pegn u ) lowing the>m A ieat and cultural and noveltiM for children. Refresh­ Our Lady of Victory Mothers from a ll' over, this country and SUN LIFE OF CANADA meeting^xptnna the annual ments will'bo sen’ed. 'The public Circle will meet Wednesday night Interested Senior .Girl Scouts, at from other countrlea as well. J* party will he discussed. at the home of Mrs; George W11-, least one from each of the fix Sen­ Selection of Manchester's de­ is invited^ legates will be made by a Selec- lard J r , 47 Stephen St, The ior troops Iq Manchester, has been MR. C. tENNINGTON , ^Mother Cahrini Mothers Circle Manchester Lodge of Elks held Ing will start promptly at 8 o’( tiona Com,nrilttee, which will meet received by the Selections Com­ tonight at 7 o'clock at the Girl 28 SALEM RD.—TEL. Ml M7M re will iheet a t the home of Mrs. Vir­ its Second annual harvest dance as there will be a gueat spei mittee of th i Manchester Girl ginia Falla, 4« Thomai Dr., at 8 ia t the Elks Home Saturday night, Members bringing guests arC " Scout office. Chairman of this com­ 'preaeirlatfTa Scout Council for the 19,56 nation­ mittee IS'. Mrs.'Herbert McKinney, / rip s o'clock tomorrow night. Members with over 250 Flks . and their to notify the hostess. are reminded to'bring articles for al Senior Roundup in Michigan s.ssistant director of Camp Merri- friends attending. Music was fur­ next summer. Warned on a rummage sale. nished by Pubaldo Bros, orchestra. Wood last summer. Other mem; Chairnt^n Raymond Beauregard, This first largerscale national hers of the committee include; New Firm Offers - camp ever held by the Girl Scouts Mrs. Cladys Meyer, president of I Itancheater Lodge, Ito. 73, A. F. who wia.unabl* to.gitend due to a death In lis famif^, extends his of the U.S.A. will be held at the the Manchester Girl Scout Coun­ SPECIALIZING IN \ ' and A. M., will hold a apecl^ com- Highland State Recreation area. cil; Miss Evaline Pentland, a mem­ asts Hit Arfcd Flood taws municaUon at the MaSonloTemple thanks to all who supported thi $liorl-Term Loans 40 miles from Detroit, from June ber of the council; A. Hyatt Sut-* tomorrow night at 7 :S0. The Trav- endeavor. CUSTOM BUILT HOMES^ Hartford, Nov. 29 29 to July 11. with an expected at­ liffe, guidance teacher in the Junior By THE ASaMKrAIED PKBSS d p )— alera Square Club of the Travellers The Manchester Company, a tendance of about .5,000 Senior Girl high schools; snd . Charles Pot­ State health and water:er Insurance Co. of Hartford will be Mrs, Gertrude Smachetti. pro­ . GENERAL CONTRACTING A snowstorm spawned over gram chairman ofNlhe Wales has corpor'iUon : newly formed* prtficl- Smuts and sdqlts. ter. science and ^piathematics ficials cautioned a legislativis ls t ii^ gueata of the lodge ahd will e.xem- teacher In the Juhlor,high'schools. the Great Lakes during. the pllfy the Master Mason degree. At arranged with FredVtck G. Nas- pally to lend money for short-term The Manchester Senior Scouts REMODELING AND REPAIRING comrhittee today against Islff. 33 Norman St., to show a fllm- have been rating themselves on , Coordinator for the patrol. No. night eripiJled Buffalo, N. Y., the conclusion^ of the meeting, financing of industrial sub-con- 33. which will be made up of eight flood control legislation which tomorrow evening in Tinker Hall, their primitive camping skills snd FREE ESTIMATES—MORTGAGES ARRANGED a sprawling industrial city, there will be a social hour and re­ frsets. Is offering 10,000 shares of girls from Manchester and nearby would dtit down the state’s freshments. and to tell of his travels through AlH'flch I*ho!o. the ability they feel they have in leaving even the main the Middle East. Weighin^\will be six per cent cumulative preferred Lillian sMernlk contributing to group fun, such as communities. Is Mrs. Betty/Jones. Water supply. thoroughfareis dogged with The Qijiebn of Peace Mothers Cir­ a t 7:30 p.m. Tlie group ^ v e a convertible stock for sale at $10 songs, dances, crafts, dramatics ERNEST A, RITCHIE w il"illiam S.' Wise, director of the repeat performanfee of their efir- Lillian MernIk, a very young and and ceremonies. snow. State W atfr ObmmiBaion, and Britain Hit Warns of Peril cle will meet aUthe home of Mrs. a share. lovely lady, will be the contralto 16 LIBERTY ST."— TEL. MI 3-8172. MANCHESTER Itorothy Manning, 100 Brettnn Rd.. rent show. "Tons of Fun." to a On their applications, their lead­ Fpur deaths were attributed to WarrW J. Scott of the SUte receptive audience that packed Agent for the stock sale is soloist with the Manchester Mes­ ers have rated them on other qual- the atorm/ t H ealU i^ p t., appeared before the Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. 'A Rockville High School auditorium Charles E. Thenebe and Associates siah Chorus this year, when it pre­ For Nation in gueat speaker will be present. iflcalion.s:'use and understanding State Police warned that all Roada, m dgea and Rivera Com­ Saturday night. \of Hartford. sents ' The Messiah " Sunday eve­ of the patrol system, ability to EMERGENCY roada in and out of the atorm- mittee toXoppoae a bill which For AttacX Jesse H, Bannister of 177 Maple ning at 7:30 In the sanctuary of care for health ’ and personal be­ laahed . metropolitan area were would uithM ae the water com­ Louis A. A ru ii. airman appreh St. Bridgets Mothers Circle will St. and Gerald J. Hogan of An- the Soifth Methodist Church. OIL RURNER dangerous and many were im- mission to rwmtre' ixtaarvolra be Policy Quarrel tlce, USN, of 3 Kerryr St„ is serv- longings while traveling and camp­ meet tonight’ at , 8 o'clock s i the doyjy' formed the financial firm A native of VVorcester, Mass., ing, enjoyment ‘of primitive camp paaaable. ^ reduced to 7 0 'per cent of their OnTo^^ed Ing at the W Jting Field Naval SERVICE home of Mrs. C. A. Johnson. 86 which plans to lend money to small she was heard by Anna Kaskas, All city achOola, public and capacity aa a ^ o o d prevention Washington, Nov. 29 (/P)— Auxiliary Air atlon at Milton, Columbus S t Co-hostesses will be former leading contralto of the regardless of weather, acceptance Industrial firms which enter con­ of the ideals of Glfl Scouting as Gift Suggestions parochial, were closed. More than measure. Fla. Mrs. Ralph Rooke and Mrs. Julius Metropolitan Opera, whose pro­ Londop, Noy/29 -(/P) Secretary of Statq Dulles to­ tracts tb supply larger industries. ^ A L L SO others In auburba and outlying The only person '(avoring the Randazzo., Members are reminded tege she became. She lived and evidenced by an understanding of areaa also were unable to open, day called on Republicans as The lo ^ s will permit the com­ other' people’s feelings and respect measure' was one of ^ s authors, Soviet t l n i ^ protested fly to bring articles for the Chinese panies to "p^.v their labor forces studied with Miss Ksskas for three WILLIAMS Many induatriea also shut their Britain to^ y against a F’or- well a.s Democrats to avoid suction. years while attending,Indians Unl- for their rights, a knowledge of gates, and all downtown depart­ State I\ep- Wood M,' CMwan, (R- and to purchase supplies while the community in which they live OIL SSRVICS Weaton),\who contended^at au­ eign O ^ i c e spokesman’s partisan foreign policy quar­ they are awaiting payment after versitv. She has appeared in reci­ From Our Domestics DepL m ent stores were closed. Basil T. Nddden Sr„ 221 Hack­ tal.' in the F*asl and Midwest, and Bn acceptance of rtisponsibil- Up to 16 inches of anow fell in thority tb\|ower reservoir^ when charge^hat Russian Premier rels whiiih, he said, might filing contracts.
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