National Aeronautics and Space Administration What’s inside... 2 Features 5 Integration and Testing 4 1 3 2 2015 6 Picture Place 7 Other News 8 Schedule & Miscellanea Sounding Rockets Program Office 46.012 UO Koehler - RockSat-X was succesfully launched In Brief... from Wallops Island on August 12, 2015. The new Black Brant Mk 4 vehicle will fly for the first time in October 2015 from Wallops Island. The payload carries several technology test experi- ments and instruments. Payload teams are preparing for the coming Norway campaign. Two rockets will be launched from Andoya with the launch window opening on November 27. The Multiple User Suborbital Instru- ment Carrier (MUSIC) payload will be launched from Wallops Island in Oc- tober on a Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket. The sounding rockets program will cel- ebrate 45-years at Wallops on Novem- ber 30, 2015. More on page 7. A very busy flight schedule is in prog- ress. The Sounding Rockets Program has 11 missions on schedule during the Students from Hawaii with their experiment after the successful flight. period September through November. The 46.012 UO RockSat-X mission was launched from Wallops Island, VA on Au- Three have been successfully complet- gust 12, 2015. RockSat-X is the most advanced of three student flight programs ed and eight remain. managed by Colorado Space Grant Consortium and supported by NASA. RockSat- X provides participating University faculty and students an opportunity to build, RockSat-X continued... test and fly an experiment of their own University Of Hawaii Community College design onboard a Terrier-Improved System University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL) Malemute sounding rocket and in- Project Imua The experiment from the University of cludes full featured sounding rocket The primary mission goal for Project Nebraska Lincoln compared buoyant support systems, such as telemetry, Imua is to encourage UHCC students to convection on the ground in the pres- attitude control and recovery. explore and enter STEM-based careers ence of gravity to the expected absence Prior to their RockSat-X flight, partici- by engaging in team-oriented, problem- of buoyant convection in the micrograv- pants have flown two less advanced solving activities that emphasize the in- ity environment. Additionally the experi- types of experiments, RockOn and tegration process involved in the design, ment characterized crystal growth in mi- RockSat-C. development, construction, testing and crogravity through the study of buoyant documentation of launch-ready Cube- convection in a supersaturated solution The following schools participated in Sats and scientific payloads. The sci- of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate (SAT). the 2015 RockSat-X mission: ence goal of the experiment was to make The experiment provides more data on direct measurements of solar spectrum crystal formation in microgravity, specifi- UV components without atmospheric cally addressing the question why crys- absorption. Contribution of UV varia- tals grown in space are larger and purer tion in the 200 to 400nm range to total than ones formed on the ground. solar irradiance is highly uncertain. Data Video cameras recorded the reactions. will contribute to understanding of solar A thermal tracer was used to visualize dynamics. The experiment collected one buoyant effects during crystallization. full spectral sweep (at 2ms integration The crystallization reaction began via a time: 4.096 s/sweep) of data between seed crystal planted into a sodium ac- 200-600 nm with 0.4 nm resolution. etate trihydrate (SAT) solution by a linear actuator. A thermal tracer was used to visualize buoyant effects during crystal- lization. Capitol Technology University (CTU) Project Hermes The project goal was to test OSH- Comm (Onboard Satellite Hotspot Communications) System using TCP/ IP Protocol by tapping into an exist- ing network of communications satel- lites. The project uses Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) components and the Iridium satellite network. A web-based interface is used to receive telemetry, Virginia Tech (VT) send commands, see data transfer and Virginia Tech students successfully Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) monitor health and safety information completed a 3D print in the space envi- Experiments from Northwest Nazarene Additionally, the experiment captured ronment and collected data on how to University were designed to demonstrate an image during the flight and sent it improve the shortcomings of the VT 3D the usefulness of flexible electronics through the Iridium network. printer design. This is a proof of concept when applied to data collection and stor- mission for 3D printing in space and col- age in space-flight applications. 2 On the weblects at:information http://sites.wff.nasa.gov/code810/ on the effects of chang- ing gravitational loads on 3D printing. mass while in microgravity. The pow- dered aluminum indium mixture was melted via induction heating and the sample created in microgravity will be compared to ground samples after the flight. This experiment Investigates the effect of solidification in microgravity on the microstructure. Early results, imaged below, from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) Virginia Tech and Colorado University The University of Puerto Rico experiments were available immediately experiment attempted to col- on payload return to Wallops. Complete lect micrometeorites using two analysis is still in progress. deployed collection panels. The collection panels are sealed to withstand re-entry conditions and final astrogenomic analysis to be conducted in a lab setting. Additionally, the experiment’s impact detection system served as a collector for organic ma- terials, which will be analyzed using Next Generation Genomics in order to study the possible origins of life as stated in the Virginia Tech logo printed in space during the flight of 46.012. Panspermia Theory. Ultra high definition video was recorded looking outwards from the aft end of the experiment section where micrometeorites were to be collected from. University of Colorado - Boulder X-HD Experiment Deck The X-HD Experiment Deck recorded HD video of the flight and all experiments providing Alloy created during the RockSat-X flight onboard the experiment from University of Colo- a flight demonstration of new rado Boulder. experiment hardware for use For more information about RockSat-X, visit: on RockOn, RockSat-C/-X. The http://spacegrant.colorado.edu/national- deck includes eight GoPro cam- programs/rs-x-2015-home eras, four of which are deployed and retracted on a track system for viewing down the length of the experiment section and four are stationary and pointed per- pendicular to the thrust vector. In addition to the X-HED ex- periment Univeristy of Colorado students flew an experiment to generate a sample of an immis- cible alloy composed of 80% Aluminum and 20% Indium by On the web at: http://sites.wff.nasa.gov/code810/ 3 Images by Berit Bland 36.291US Winebarger - Chro- CLASP. Stable pointing of the payload was critical to achieve the science mea- mospheric Lyman-Alpha surements. Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) “This is an achievement many of us launched successfully on Sep- have been anxiously waiting decades to see,” says Dr. Moses/NASA HQ Program tember 3, 2015. Executive. * http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011AGUFM. The Science goals of CLASP were: P14C..05K • detection of atomic polarization of the Lyman-alpha line from the solar 36.282 US Kankelborg - Multi- 39.012 DR Bernhardt - Charged chromosphere. Aerosol Release Experiment Order Solar EUV Spectrograph • detection of the Hanle effect polar- (MOSES) 2 launched success- ization. (CARE) II launched successfully fully on August 27, 2015. on September 16, 2015 MOSES-2 investigated the transition region of the sun using an imaging spectrograph and the Hα guide tele- scope. MOSES takes measurements in the extreme UV part of the spectrum and this mission focused on obtaining line intensity images for Ciii 459.3A and Ne vii 465.2A at 1.2” resolution over a NASA MSFC Image CLASP in a clean room at Marshall Space Flight Center. 20’ X 10’ field of view with reasonable cadence (approx. 45 s). Additionally the The aim of the CLASP mission was to investigation set out to obtain simulta- achieve the first measurement of mag- neous line width and doppler shifts for netic field in the upper chromosphere the Ne vii line. and transition region of the Sun through the detection and measurement of Hanle effect polarization of the Lyman alpha line. The Hanle effect (i.e. the magnetic field induced modification of the linear polarization due to scattering processes in spectral lines) is believed to be a Photo by Chris Perry powerful tool for measuring the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere, as it is The CARE II payload was launched more sensitive to weaker magnetic fields from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on NASA image September 16, 2015. The CARE II mis- MOSES payload integration at White Sands. than the Zeeman effect, and also sensi- tive to magnetic fields tangled at spatial sion examined the effect of artificially- scales too small to be resolved. The created, charged-particulate layers on For more information on the MOSES mis- Lyman-alpha (121.567 nm) line has been the scatter of UHF, L-Band and S-Band sion, see: http://www.nasa.gov/feature/ chosen because it is a chromospheric/ radars. The artificial particles were cre- goddard/nasa-funded-moses-2-sound- transition-region line, and because the ated from 37 CRV7 C14 motors ignited ing-rocket-to-investigate-coronal-heat- Hanle effect polarization of the Lyman- in the ionosphere. CARE II studied the ing alpha line is predicted to be sensitive to exhaust plume physics including Mag- 10-250 Gauss, encompassing the range netohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and of interest.* electric fields. The optical signature was measured from scattered sunlight According to Dr. Winebarger initial and ion-molecule-electron reactions. results indicate that breakthrough sci- This mission included a total of 44 ence, detection of scattering polarization rocket motors in one vehicle, a record of Lyman-alpha, was accomplished by for sounding rockets.
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