DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 21 JANUARY 2019 Case No: 18/01102/FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: ERECTION OF A NEW 3 BEDROOM DWELLING Location: LYE HOUSE, BEDFORD ROAD, PERTENHALL MK44 2AL Applicant: MR GRANT OSBORNE Grid Ref: 509087 266078 Date of Registration: 12.06.2018 Parish: KIMBOLTON RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE Members are requested to review the information below following their decision to defer the application from the December DMC. The report from December DMC is included within the Green Papers. 1. ADDENDUM REPORT 1.1 The officer's recommendation of approval remains unchanged. 1.2 A revised location plan (E1536-001-Rev H) was received 20.12.2018. 1.3 The alteration to the red line was made in order to incorporate a section of land which provides access to the application site from the highway. As such, a Certificate B (which serves notice on Cambridgeshire County Council and Bedford Borough Council) was issued (20.12.2018) by the Agent. 1.4 A re-consultation and advertisement exercised was carried out to ensure that neighbouring properties and the aforementioned Highways authorities had the opportunity to comment on the revised plan. At the time of writing, no additional comments have been received. An update will be provided in the Late Reps document. Conclusion and Planning Balance (as per the December report): 1.7 At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, that is, development which strikes a satisfactory balance between economic, environmental and social considerations. 1.8 Economic: The proposed development would contribute toward economic growth, including job creation during the conversion phase and in the longer term through the additional population assisting the local economy through spending on local services / facilities. 1.9 Environmental: The proposed development would result in minor and localised environmental (landscape) harm due to the removal of a number of trees and a section of hedging. However, this impact can be adequately mitigated through a sympathetic landscaping scheme and adherence to a condition to ensure an appropriate palette of construction/finishing materials. With regard to accessibility, the limited services and employment opportunities in the immediate vicinity are noted, however due to the scale of the proposal (one additional dwelling) any issues around accessibility would be difficult to substantiate at appeal and the Highway Authority raised no objection with reference to the safety or capacity of the local highway network. 1.10 Social: The proposed development would marginally increase the supply of market housing and is deliverable. Whilst the Council can demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing land, the provision of one additional market dwelling on the application site would amount to a benefit in terms of providing a greater flexibility to the supply of housing. 1.11 With regard to the aforementioned 'tilted balance' as set out in paragraph 11 of the NPPF, the adverse impacts of the proposed development (as identified directly above and in the main body of report) are not considered to significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, subject to the imposition of conditions (outlined below) which are considered to provide adequate mitigation. 1.12 As such, whilst the proposal represents a departure from the development plan, the LPA considers that relevant emerging policies and both the NPPF 2012 and 2018 indicate that planning permission should be granted. 2. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVAL (Officer's recommendation remains unchanged from December DMC): APPROVAL subject to conditions to include the following: • Time limit • Development in accordance with plans • Materials (facing brick, roofing, cladding and render) • Full details of photo-voltaic array • Architectural details (windows and doors, including reveals and cills, soffits, fascia and verge trim, design and location of meter boxes, external flues/vents and rainwater goods) • Hard/Soft Landscaping scheme (including boundary treatments and replacement planting scheme) • Adherence to submitted Tree Protection Plan • On-site parking area shall be laid out prior to the first occupation of the development and thereafter retained • Access shall be constructed with adequate drainage measures to prevent surface water run-off onto the adjacent public highway • Access to be to CCC construction specification • Permitted Development rights relating to gates, fences and walls (Part 2 Class A) removed • Visibility splays • Details of refuse/recycling store and collection point If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs. CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to James Lloyd Senior Development Management Officer 01480 388389 Two Shires Orchard Manor Farm Hemlock Cottage O/Head telecom The Orchard Park Lane 63.3m Two Shires Wood End House Hemlock Cottage O/Head telecom Area of land owned by others 63.3m outline of approved new dwelling outline of approved new dwelling 62.0m 62.24 62.24 7 7 Chapel Yard 5 62.34 1 4 2 B 660 Chapel The Manse Yard 5 62.34 Chapel 4 The Manse Scale 1:1250 Scale 1:500 Location Plan Site Plan 1 1:1250 20 m 0 20 40 m 2 1:500 10 m 0 10 20 m PROJECT DRAWING TITLE REV. DATE NOTES BY Checked A 22/08/17 Widened access way, moved garage to 1m KY AB Lye house Location & Site Plan design away from boundary JOB NO. DWG. NO. STATUS B 30/08/17 Roof plan added KY AB Pertenhall C 13/09/17 Updated Roof plan KY AB consultants D 22/03/18 Updated RE: client meeting 22/02/18 KY AB MK44 2AL E 1536 001 Planning E 14/05/18 Updated following pre-app advice KY AB CLIENT SCALE DWG. SIZE REV. F 14/08/18 Rooflights removed from North roof, PV shown KY AB The Mansion, Bletchley Park, on South Roof. Mr & Mrs Osborne as shown A3 H Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB G 20/12/18 Red line updated KY AB T: 01908 363490 DWG INFORMATION NOTES Do not scale from this drawing. All dimensions to be checked on site, before work H 20/12/18 Red line updated KY AB E: [email protected] X:\Jobs\E1536 Lye House, Bedford Road\4.0 Drawings\Drawing commences. Any discrepancies should be reported to the architect / contract administrator. Sheets\E1536 001 Location Plan.dwg &23<5,*+77KLVGUDZLQJLVFRS\ULJKWDQGLVVXHGWR\RXLQFRQILGHQFH,WPXVWQRWEHFRSLHGXVHG W: www.ecodesignconsultants.co.uk or disclosed, in whole or in part. to third parties. It remains the property of eco design consultants Trees/vegetation to be retained Trees/vegetation to be removed Proposed Trees/vegetation TP 63.3m O/Head telecom 1 Chapel Yard 2 Chapel Two Shires 7 Lye House 5962 1757 The Orchard 2256 5 Hemlock Cottage 7851 4 11605 62.24 7134 12532 62.34 Approved 3 chapel The Manse yard proposal New boundary planting Mixture of Native Fruit trees & Whitebeam Proposed Site Plan 1 1:500 PROJECT DRAWING TITLE REV. DATE NOTES BY Checked A 22/03/18 updated RE: client meeting KY AB Lye house Proposed site plan design 22/03/18 JOB NO. DWG. NO. STATUS B 23/03/18 updated RE: client comments KY AB Pertenhall consultants 23/03/18 MK44 2AL E 1536 002 Planning C 26/03/18 updated ground floor plan and KY AB CLIENT SCALE DWG. SIZE REV. additional boundary planting. The Mansion, Bletchley Park, D 09/05/18 Updated following Pre-App HD AB Mr & Mrs Osborne 1: 500 A3 G Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB advice - landscaping amended T: 01908 363490 DWG INFORMATION NOTES Do not scale from this drawing. All dimensions to be checked on site, before work E 08/06/18 Dimensions added KY AB commences. Any discrepancies should be reported to the architect / contract administrator. E: [email protected] F 18/12/18 Red Line updated KY AB X:\Jobs\E1536 Lye House, Bedford Road\4.0 Drawings\Drawing Sheets\E1536 002 Site Plan.dwg W: www.ecodesignconsultants.co.uk G 20/12/18 Red Line updated KY AB &23<5,*+77KLVGUDZLQJLVFRS\ULJKWDQGLVVXHGWR\RXLQFRQILGHQFH,WPXVWQRWEHFRSLHGXVHG or disclosed, in whole or in part. to third parties. It remains the property of eco design consultants GREEN PAPERS FOLLOW DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - 17 DECEMBER 2018 Case No: 18/01102/FUL (FULL PLANNING APPLICATION) Proposal: ERECTION OF A NEW 3 BEDROOM DWELLING Location: LYE HOUSE, BEDFORD ROAD, PERTENHALL, BEDFORD Applicant: MR GRANT OSBORNE Grid Ref: 509087 266078 Date of Registration: 12.06.2018 Parish: KIMBOLTON RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE This application is referred to the Development Management Committee as the proposed development represents a departure from the Development Plan. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This application relates to a parcel of land (approx. 0.2 of an acre) within the curtilage of Lye House, a three storey detached dwelling located on the southeast side of the B660 Pertenhall Road. 1.2 Three grade II listed buildings are located to the west/northwest of the application site - Wood End House (Historic England List Entry number: 1321241), Garden House to Wood End (1114831) and Lodge to Wood End House (1114832). The three listed buildings are located approx. 88m, 79m and 51m respectively from the northwest corner of the application site. 1.3 A combination of established hedging and close board fencing comprises the boundaries of the application site to the southwest and southeast. The boundary to the northeast/west is not readily defined, with the rear amenity space of Lye House lying beyond. 1.4 The proposal seeks to subdivide the existing plot and erect a 3- bedroom 1.5 storey dwelling within the rear garden of Lye House which fronts onto the access lane leading south from Park Lane.
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