THE CALIFORNIA TECH [Volume lXXXVII, Number 9 Pasadena, California Friday, November 22, 1985 I Interhouse .'85 firestorm passing over the house. Blacker The mighty Viking ship, another by Jim Bell fine example of modem chicken The Blacker dream year con­ wire technology (not to be confus­ tinued this past weekend with this, ed with chicken man (he's our finest Interhouse showing ever. everywhere! (Gads!») was also The whole gang managed to pull it taken away in the blaze, but not all together with loads of time to before its glorious sail, sporting the spare. But there were some wild, famous Latin quote "gallium deus atrocious rumors flying about, and brunt gallus," was spared. We this article will attempt to set some might hang the sail in our dining of them straight: room, but that would be boring. (l)There were not more than Thanks to Craig and Frank, 12 metric tons of mud in wild and untamed Viking frosh the Blacker dining room at caught their first glimpse of Zoo anyone time. Juice, first discovered by Eric the (2)No one heard the Ride Red in 1006 A.D. Dave C. playing in Blacker Satur­ becomes the first to ride the bus day night. this year. Is this true? (3)The Dining Room was Give yourself a pat on the back, perfectly clean Monday Moles. The Big Black Bug rolls night. Moles just like once more. Ifyou chose not to help eating in other houses, out (and you know who you are!) Roller disco Nazi meets Dabney police. that's all. then you really lost your chance to Still yet unsettled rumors in­ have lots offun. Gosh, I don't think clude several conflicting reports there'll be a better social event all about Sue's alleged brownie "mix" year, except maybe if Rob decides Earthquake Preparedness and Bengt's masculinity. More on to try the six-man lift... this as it develops. by Peter Ashcroft Saints Students Association and the seek shelter under a table, desk or The prowess of Blacker Dabney The Southern California area is Caltech Y sponsored an evening bench. Engineering Corp. showed through by Mike Roberts especially prone to earthquakes. seminar on earthquake prepared­ The final speaker was Bill when the hapless scurves tried to It was dark there, and cold, at The destructive power of this type ness. The program, held in Baxter Francis of the Safety Office. He blow up the Rainbow Bridge. Lit­ Dabney Interhouse. An unwarming of natural disaster was demon­ Lecture Hall, consisted of three treated the campus situation. The tle did they know that the extra glint of red and blue light shone strated recently in the Mexico smaller presentations. The first was Safety Office has given some layer of caked-on mud scum pro­ from the north, harking the rising City earthquake that killed over from a seismologist who described thought to the eventuality of an vided just enought extra tensile of a new sun. The Transcenden­ 4000 people. Unfortunately the geology of earthquakes in earthquake or other disaster. The strength to thwart their plans. Un­ talist, clad in bundles ofcloth mak­ though, many people who live at general, and especially the standard scenario involves the cam- fortunately, however, the whole ing a primitive police uniform, Caltech do not know very much seismology of the Pasadena area. continued on page 3 structure was engulfed in a freak continued on page 7 about them, nor have given much Of particular interest was the fact consideration to what they would that the Raymond Hill fault runs . do in the event ofa serious disaster through San Marino, and in fact of this kind. One reason for this is directly beneath the Huntington that Caltech students come from a Sheraton Hotel. Next, a represen­ AIDS Awareness broad spectrum of backgrounds, tative from the Red Cross detailed and many have never lived in an general earthquake safety, and by Ralph Wolf know to be likely seropositive per­ that the test does not indicate the area prone to earthquakes. The earthquake preparedness steps. As of last Monday, the Center sons with no evidence for presence ofthe virus, only the an­ other is simply that students are Among her admonitions were that for Disease Control in Atlanta had transmisssion of AIDS by this tibody to it. Therefore it cannot dif­ generally very busy with imme­ students keep flashlights, battery­ recorded 14, 519 persons with route." ferentiate between exposure and in­ diate concerns, and rarely give powered radios, and first-aid kits AIDS in the United States. More In the past, leaders of the gay fection. The nearest alternative test thought to something that probably near where they live or work. She than 51 % are dead. Of the 318 community have advised against site is the Edmund D. Edelman will not occur in the next four reminded those in attendance that cases reported prior to 1982 more taking the HTLV-3 antibody test Health Center in Hollywood. For years, and may not for the next in the event of an earthquake, no than 85% are dead. Although re­ because it was inaccurate (it had a information about the test, or to twenty. one should run either into or out of cent research at the Pasteur In­ 20% chance of giving a false make an appointment, call the It was in light ofconsiderations a house. Rather than try to escape stitute in France holds some pro­ positive) and because ofthe poten­ center at (213) 464-7276. such as this that the Latter Day a building, the safest course is to mise, there is currently no cure for tial civil rights violations that could The CDC AIDS Weekly Sum­ AIDS. occur if, for example, your health mary Tables, which were provid­ Although the majority (64%) of insurance company found out you ed by the Edmund D. Edelman the AIDS patients are gay or bisex­ had taken the test. However, the Health Center's CAIN link, and ual men, many members ofthe ac­ California Department of Health other papers and pamphlets used tive heterosexual community are Services has established alternative for this article are posted on the Plane Crash not aware that they too are at risk. test sites around the state where the bulletin board outside the Tech of­ While only 1% of the reported antibody test can be taken fice in Winnett Student Center. For cases can be traced to heterosexual anonymously. Furthermore, the more information, call the AIDS contact, a recent study done in Ger­ test has been improved so that it information hotline at (800) Claims Two many found that 50% of the pro­ now only has a 1% chance offalse 922-AIDS or you can contact the by David Hull snow and low visibility continuing, stitutes frequented by military per­ positives. It should be emphasized author of this article at x6830. Eric Umland, age 29, and Carl searchers could not locate the sonnel tested positive to the AIDS Shollenberger, 39 were killed on wreckage for two days. antibody. Similar studies have pro­ Sunday, November 17 when their Umland was a member of the duced comparable results among Piper Cherokee plane went down Aero Association of Caltech, both male and female prostitutes in in very heavy weather. According which owned the plane. Members the United States. to the Kern County Sheriffs ofthe Association were unavailable AIDS virus is transmitted in department, the two were flying or declined comment. bodily fluids, especially blood and from EI Monte to Bakersfield as Umland received his BS from semen. Safe practices include us­ part of Umland's instrument flight MIT, and Masters and PhD from ing a condom, not sharing needles training. They crashed in Frazier Rice University. He came to with IV drug users, and avoiding . Park, about 35 miles southeast of Caltech in 1983, and held the posi­ oral sex. Bakersfield, at around 7:55 p.m. tion ofBantrell Fellow of Physics, There has been much confusion They had encountered winds of working on the Concurrent Com­ over transmission through saliva 60-70 mph, clouds, visibility as putation Project under Dr. Steven and kissing. An abstract, publish­ low as fifteen feet, and wind shear Koonin. ed by the UCLA AIDS Center conditions.. They reported ex­ He is survived by his wife, observes "The fmding ofinfectious periencing 1000 foot drops in Jaye. A memorial service was HTLV-ill virus with such high fre­ elevation. Although Fox Field in scheduled for 1:00 pm Thursday in quency in the saliva ofseropositive Lancaster advised them to tum Dabney Hall. A scholarship fund healthy homosexuals and patients back, they either could not or chose has been established as a memorial. with ARC (AIDS Related Com­ not to obey the warning. The For details, contact Kim Stapp in plex) is unexpected in view of the Sheriffs office speculated that they 105 Kellogg or at 356-4270. epidemiology of AIDS. All the could not risk losing elevation by Shollenberger was a certified epidemiologic evidence suggests turning. They had been flying at flight instructor, and was certified that AIDS is not generally transmit­ 6500 feet, and the plane was found to teach instrument flight. He was ted by casual contact. Vast at 6200 feet. a resident of Seal Beach. numbers of the public and health The plane's radio beacon was care workers have come in contact . destroyed in the crash, and with the See tribute on page 3. with saliva from what we now 2 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, November 22, 1985 1-------_-__O_PI_N_IO_N-.:::::-.:::::~_-_-_-_-~_--_~~-_l whole.
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