Ecological monitoring and conservation initiatives for the protection of endangered fish in Lake Kanyaboli Report compiled and submitted by: Veryl Achieng’ Obodi Project leader (2016-2017) Funded by: Rufford Foundation Introduction The fish stocks in Lake Kanyaboli has It has therefore been the reco mmen datio n been declining in the recent past due to a from scientists and conservationists to lot of anthropogenic activities. This assess and monitor the species ri chn ess and project aimed at carrying out monitoring ecological significance of the little known within this important satellite lake and lakes which have now become a refuge and promoting community involvement in its conservationparksfor endangeredfauna. conservation. This is part of a Biodiversity in Lake Kanyaboli is both continuation of the 1st RSG grant highly diverse and of great regio nal provided by Rufford (2014) that importance to the survival and livelihoods established the inaugural monitoring in of the riparian community. Nevertheless, the lake. Through the project we development activities are not harmonious managed to establish local networks of with conservation activities of this reso u rce different target groups and stakeholders. and its unrepresented in any developmental We continued to empower the Fish planning process. This therefore creates an Conservation Committees (FCCs) unprecedented result of not being one with through training and involvement in nature and leads to unsustainable surveys andmonitoring. development. The natural biodiversity is Recent history of fishes in the larger therefore threatened from the anthropogenic Lake Victo ria basin illustrates an activities resulting from development and alarming pace and magnitude of change. lack of local community representation. The fishery of the lake that once boosted One of the main reasons for lack of of hundreds of endemic species, now representation is inadequate data and relies mostly on smaller fishes such as information on the status, trend and Rastineobola argentea and the distribution of the biodiversity. Therefore, introduced Nile perch and Nile tilapia. ourproject set out to assess and monitor the The cannibalistic Ni le perch is endangered and nativefish species. threatening to destroy not only itself but also the entire lake ecosystem. Monitoring and survey of fi sh stock in Lake Kanyaboli Method Results anddiscussion The sampling sites covered in this study is In our results of the fish stock we fou nd shown in Fig. 1 below. Four sampling sites that site 1 was dominated by Xystichromis were demarcated around the lake. This was phytophagus (32%) and Lipocchromis done by looking at specific parameters such as maxillaris (19%). Only 5% of distance from the fish land point, shaded areas, Haplochromis phytophagus was recorded possible spawning zones and deep lake areas. in site 1. Similar to site 1, Xystichromis The survey was done using boats wh il e fish phytophagus (39%) dominated while the samples were obtained using gill nets, hand population of Oreochromis esculentus and nets and beach seines. The fish were identified Oreochromis variabilis. These two and measured using a measuring board. species had the lowest population density Transparency and water depth were measured in all the fo u r sites. These two fish species using a secchidisc(30 cmdiameter). are categorized as endangered andthis Fig 1: Map showing the Lake Kanyaboli ecosystem 100 November-January 90 80 70 60 50 40 No. of No.fish 30 17 20 12 10 7 10 0 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Astatoreochromis alluaudi Lipocchromis maxillaris Xystichromis phytophagus Psedocranilabrus multicolor Astatotilapia Oreochromis esculentus Oreochromis variabilis Haplochromis phytophagus therefore signifies the low population We were also able to record higher catches in density in the lake. Many fishermen say its areas wi th zooplanktons and phytoplankton. really been difficult to get any catch of the Astatoreochromis alluaudi was commonly two species in thelast 15years. found in the catches and was fo und to be The higher fish catch was mostly in the deep present in many sampling areas where all water waters and shaded areas ofthe lake. bodies inhibited by Haplochromines and this was attributed tofood chain links. 60 50 Februray-April 40 30 20 10 0 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Astatoreochromis alluaudi Lipocchromis maxillaris Xystichromis phytophagus Psedocranilabrus multicolor Astatotilapia Oreochromis esculentus Oreochromis variabilis Haplochromis phytophagus From the sampling we did not record phytoplankton was mostly dominated any nile perch in the lake. This could be by cyanobacteria and green algae. We as a result of the shallowness of Lake were able to identify three diatom Kanyaboli and the size whi ch might not communities. Just as the one fo und in be conducive fo r Nile perch. It is Lake Sare in previous research the however possible that through course Cylindospermopsis africana was the ways and dams, juvenile Ni le perch dominant algae. This algae is of could find refuge here. Therefore, this significant importance as it is known lake amongst other small lakes might to produce toxins which causes skin function as a nursery ground fo r the irritation, affects vital organs such as main Lake Vi ct ori a fishery. kidneyandliver. 50 45 May-July 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Astatoreochromis alluaudi Lipocchromis maxillaris Xystichromis phytophagus Psedocranilabrus multicolor Astatotilapia Oreochromis esculentus Oreochromis variabilis Haplochromis phytophagus Lake Kanyabol i has a rich community Recent investigations have reveled of phytoplanktons and zooplanktons. significant changes in the chemical Previous wo rk done on the lake shows a characteristics and phytoplankton’s great diversity and health of these communityofLake Kanyaboli. plants. This probably is indicative of the pristine and The lakes Bacillariophyta Euglenophyta Chlorophyta Amphora sp Glenodinium pernardii Chlorella Closterium navicula Phacus longicauda Botrococcus braunii Navicula spp Phacis spp. Kirchneriella contorta Nitzschia spp Synedra ulna The lake biomass has increased and 3. Reduced contribution of fi sh eri es to blooms of cyanobacteria, wh ich had climate change had always been observed in the 4. Improved understanding of aquatic larger Lake Vi ct o ri a are now systems. dominant. Increase in cyanobacteria is 5. Proper networking of various always associated with a decrease in stakeholders and partners. otherdiatoms wh ich indicate climatic, physical, chemical or biological processes together with anthropogenic activities. As a result of these changes indigenous fishes are now found to be declining. Training on Ecosystem approaches to fisheries management in Lake Kanyaboli Ecological Advantages of Ecosystem Approaches in Fisheries Economic advantages 1. Increased yields from aquatic 1. Higher catch ecosystems 2. Reduced fishing costs 3. Reduced impact on threatened and 3. Higher value offishery endangered species 4. Better livelihood opportunities fo r 4. Less habitat damage due to more the localsin Kanyaboli attention on fishing impact son 5. Reduced conflict amongst the ecosystems different lake users Management benefits 1. Better integration in mamanagement acriss fisheries, and with other aquaticuses 2. Improved compliance due to more community participation in management practices 3. Better balancing of multiple uses, The community was informed that leading to increased net societal there are about 307 gazette beaches benefits. along the Lake Victo ria basin wh il e there are also some fish landing beaches that are not recognized by the Training on Fish policies and government but could ne well known gazettementof community beaches to the communities fo r social activities. Gazettement of a beach The fisheries sector is reg ul at ed and follows a procedure where inspection controlled by the Ministry of Agriculture, for the minimum requirements of Livestock and Fisheries with some social amenities is carried out. Those specific regulation related issues. The that qualify to be gazzeted are listed fisheries department is a national in the official government newsletter institution wh ose main mandate is to (The Kenya Gazette) and become a enforce the Fisheries Act (cap 378). The recognized placefor landingfish. act mandates the director if fisheries to amongst other fun ct ion s ensure the proper management of specific fisheries, including possibility of declaring closed seasons and/or areas, access limitations and restrictions on fi shin g methods, gear and the characteristics of fish that may be caught. Perceptions from the community The literacy levels have increased owing Most of the community members to the income hence availability of school acknowledged themselves as fish fees. mongers/traders and being very satisfied with there job. Based on the interviews and community meetings, most of the members of Kanyaboli view fish trading as a high status economic activity. Most of the fish traders say that fishing has improved their livelihood through increased income and protein intake. Future management of Lake Victoria and conservation efforts should put into consideration for the satellite lakes such as Lake Kanyaboli. The involvement of the local community in monitoring has played a major role in the conservation of the endangered fish species and the Lake in general. We have seen a greater attitudinal change on the community shown through the response given during the monitoring and evaluation of the project. Many
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