River McKenzie Reflections Thursday, January 21, 2021 Serving the McKenzie River Valley ... And Subscriber James Russell of Woodside, CA Volume 43, Issue 23 00 Sheriff’s Reports Grape trimming $1Direct Answers Report of someone des- January through the first But you will never be in troying a retaining wall of March is the season to my life again and septic hookup prune your vines PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 With free WiFi leaving, Two arrested for area is exploring options fire related thefts McKenzie District deputies Oregon Internet Response to pull back in February The newly established District property. Randy Neals, a volunteer with er Relief Center at the school will It’s possible donations could Deputies assigned to work the On January 4th, the second sus- the Oregon Internet Response close in February and the orange provide ongoing support for the McKenzie Valley area have been pect, identified as 42-year-old Ger- group says the organization is Emergency WiFi box there will WiFi service. investigating reports of people go- ald Poundstone II, was located in planning on decommissioning the be decommissioned. OIR internet For the Christian Church WiFi ing onto fire impacted properties the West Lane area during a traffic Emergency WiFi Access network will still provide a connection for people can consider making a di- and stealing items, according to stop and arrested for one count of at the end of February. school itself and expectations are rect a donation to the McKenzie Lane County Sheriff’s Sergeant Theft in the first degree, Criminal “Next weekend, Saturday Janu- a new own fiber-delivered inter- Bridge Christian Church to help Carrie Carver. “One report in par- Trespass in the first degree, and ary 23rd,, and Sunday January 24th, net connection will be functioning them pay for their Charter Internet ticular involved a safe that was left Criminal Mischief in the second OIR teams will be working on soon. bill and for any equipment they largely intact after the fire,” she degree. the WiFi at the Christian Church OIR will be removing the or- may need to maintain the WiFi said. “ The owners of the property “The McKenzie District depu- and in the parking lot at Blue Sky ange antennas from businesses service in future. reported they believed the safe ties serve the community members Market & Takoda’s,” Neals said. that have had their normal Charter At the Blue Sky/Takoda’s WiFi had been tampered with, and that in the McKenzie River Valley us- The group’s WiFi access point Internet restored. “Rest assured site, Neals said OIR is interested several items from a workshop ing a community policing model, at the McKenzie Bridge Christian that we’re not going to leave in having a community group take had been stolen.” which allows deputies to provide Church will transition to being op- anyone without Internet,” Neals over operation of the system to Carver said tat through exten- enhanced police services in addi- erated by the Church. added. ensure continued free public ac- sive investigation, two suspects tion to the services they already “OIR engineers will assist the Looking to the future OIR is cess. Estimates are the Charter were identified. receive as Lane County residents,” Church to wire things up so and talking with the McKenzie Com- internet service there would cost On November 3rd, 50-year-old Carver noted. “This theft was able provide enough access points so munity Development Corporation about $100 a month. Patrick Parvin of Eugene was ar- to be investigated because the that the Church interior and park- about WiFi options and whether It might also be possible to rested for Theft in the first degree, McKenzie River Valley has dis- ing lot has WiFi,” Neals reports. the non-profit would want to con- continue access at the Upper Mc- Criminal Trespass in the first de- trict deputies dedicated to respond Just to the west, plans call for tinue the public WiFi sites after Kenzie Community Center and gree, and Criminal Mischief in to and investigate crimes in that the WiFi at Blue Sky Market/Ta- Charter and CenturyLink are back the Old Fish Hatchery in Leaburg, the second degree in connection area.” koda’s Restaurant parking lot to up - possibly for improved tour- with public support. to the burglary on a fire impacted transition to a Charter connection ism access. “WiFi locations will be up to the on Sunday. “That will provide “We’re in dialog with Doug community/community groups..” much more bandwidth, making Toomey at University of Oregon Neals said. “OIR is happy to things faster.” Neals said. “We regarding AlertWildfire,” Neals support a transition to a commu- will add another WiFi access point said. and whether the solar pow- nity group if you all feel that Free to boost the WiFi signal over more ered system on Castle Rock could Community WiFi is something of the parking lot.” be transitioned to that. you all want to keep.” Currently, OIR is evaluating AlertWildfire is a network that For more information, email Emergency WiFi at the McKenzie monitors for wildfires using cam- [email protected]. Schools parking lot. The Blue Riv- eras and Internet connectivity. McKenzie to weigh school reopening th In-building classes could restart by February 15 Patrick Parvin Gerald Poundstone By Lane Tomkins state’s school reopening metrics, to work towards reopening class- McKenzie Schools a resumption of in-person instruc- rooms for in-person learning by Not your typical tree Superintendent tion may happen in February. The February 15th by engaging their The 2020-2021 school year has Governor’s announcement also communities in a dialogue about brought full time online Com- shifted the mandatory state re- their local needs and conditions. planting season prehensive Distance Learning to opening metrics to advisory, shift- Although decision making to re- By Oregon Forest mant, to take advantage of cool, McKenzie School District. Stu- ing the decision to reopen schools open has been shifted to local dis- Resource Institute wet weather conditions that pro- dents, staff and parents got a taste to each local school district. She tricts, the same health and safety January is the peak of tree plant- mote good root development. for online learning last spring due also requested that schools begin School reopening - Page 2 ing season in Oregon. Seedlings In a typical year, more than 40 to school closures at the onset of are typically planted from win- million seedlings are planted an- the COVID-19 pandemic. With ter into early spring by crews of nually in Oregon. Due to the dev- no quick end to the pandemic in reforestation workers who plant astating wildfires that burned over sight this fall, staff prepared for a each new tree by hand. Seedlings a million acres in Oregon in 2020, return to online instruction. What are planted while they’re dor- Tree planting season - Page 2 they also did not see coming was the Holiday Farm Fire in which one quarter of students and a third of staff lost their homes and the valley lost most of its communi- cation infrastructure. Students, families and staff have made the most of the situation, finding connections to learning and each other through improvised internet connections provided by the Or- egon Internet Response or district supplied cellular wifi hotspots. Due to a December 23rd an- nouncement in which Gover- nor Brown made changes to the Distance learning has kept students connected to their studies. Tree planters will encounter new challenges in 2021. Page 2 McKenzie River Reflections Thursday, January 21, 2021 Letters to the Editor Resource Fair coming to cals Helping Locals) is to identify McKenzie High School the current concerns and needs of Do you have concerns about our community folks while offer- rebuilding your home or business ing access to the many public and following the devastating Holiday private resources in our county. Farm Fire? Are you looking for There will be 32-plus booths set answers to questions on how to up for organizations such as Lane proceed when returning home to Electric, EWEB, Oregon Depart- reconstruct, such as what require- ment of Forestry, Oregon Depart- ments, restrictions, permits, or ment of Transportation, East Lane costs are looming? Do you know County Commissioner Heather who to talk with? Do you know Buch and other Lane County of- who to contact? ficials and the McKenzie School These pending questions may be District. answered at the forthcoming Lo- Companies representing land cals Helping Locals Resource Fair surveys, site cleanup (asbestos coming to McKenzie High School and Hazmat materials), septic and on Friday, February 5th, and Sat- well issues, architects, electrical urday, February 6th. The two-day including I-WAC systems, build- event will run from 10 a.m. until ers both on site and pre-fab and 4 p.m. each day and is free. Proper other aspects of construction will CoVid procedures will be in place be available to answer questions to ensure safety for all. and help people with returning The event is sponsored by the to your properties and rebuilding McKenzie River Locals Helping your homes or businesses. We Locals organization in cooperation look forward to safely visiting with McKenzie School District. with you all again. Our hope (McKenzie River Lo- School reopening Tree planting season Continued From - Page 1 Continued From - Page 1 protocols around distancing, of last week due to low numbers this won’t be a typical year. The seedlings through this program ODF has said that it will make masking, cohorting and hygiene, accessing the available supports. Oregon Department of Forestry should fill out the Reforestation some allowances to extend the outlined in the state’s Ready McKenzie was able to offer these (ODF) estimates 360,000 acres of Assistance Survey.
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