SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS 477931_CofS Blue Book Cover.indd 2 28/03/2017 10:18 Published in 2017 by THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ASSEMBLY ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN © The Church of Scotland Assembly Arrangements Committee 2017 ISBN 978-0-7152-0977-6 Scottish Charity Number: SC011353 British Library Catalogue in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All copy keyed by the Church of Scotland Produced by APS Group Scotland 21 Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NA Indexer Roy Pinkerton GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2017 REPORT AND SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS Minutes of Ministries Appeal Panel – April 2017 . 34/1 Supplementary Report of the Council of Assembly . 34/2 Supplementary Report of the Social Care Council . 34/22 Supplementary Report of the Panel on Review and Reform . 34/33 Report of the Church and Society Council on the Role of the Church in the Context of Constitutional Change and Uncertainty . 34/35 Supplementary Report of the Ministries Council . 34/39 Amendments to Volume of Reports . 34/48 DELIVERANCES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Assembly Arrangements Committee . 1 Delegation of the General Assembly . 1 Returns to Overtures . 2 Legal Questions Committee . 2 Council of Assembly . 3 Joint Report of the Council of Assembly, Ministries Council, Mission and Discipleship Council, Panel on Review and Reform and Legal Questions Committee . 4 World Mission Council . 5 Joint Report of the World Mission Council and Church and Society Council . 6 Social Care Council . 7 Panel on Review and Reform . 8 Church and Society Council . 9 Church of Scotland Guild . 12 Joint Report of the Church of Scotland Guild and The Natonal Youth Assembly . 12 Iona Community Board . 13 Committee on Ecumenical Relations . 13 Safeguarding Committee . 14 Ministries Council . 14 Committee on Chaplains to Her Majesty's Forces . 18 Mission and Discipleship Council . 18 Theological Forum . 20 General Trustees . 21 Trustees of the Church of Scotland Housing and Loan Fund for Retired Ministers and Widows and Widowers of Ministers . 21 Church Hymnary Trustees . 21 Chalmers Lectureship Trust . 22 The Church of Scotland Trust . 22 The Church of Scotland Investors Trust . 22 Church of Scotland Pension Trustees . 23 Nomination Committee . 23 A - LEGISLATIVE ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2017 . 25 B - REGULATIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2017 . 60 List of Members of Councils and Commitees . 62 MINUTES OF MINISTRIES APPEAL PANEL – APRIL 2017 34/1 MINUTE OF MINISTRIES APPEAL PANEL APRIL 2017 At Edinburgh, and within the Church Offices, 121 George Street, the sixth day of April 2017 the Ministries Appeal Panel met and was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt: Very Rev David Arnott (Convener), Mrs Carole Hope (Vice-Convener), Rev Robert Allan and Mr Robin Stimpson Apology: Rev Sheila Kirk In attendance: The Principal Clerk. The Ministries Appeal Panel took up consideration of the Appeal of Miss Christian in terms of Act X, 2004 section 21(5), 21(6) and 22 against the decision of the Training Task Group of the Ministries Council not to sustain her Candidacy for the Full-Time Ministry of the Church of Scotland. Miss Christian appeared for herself. There appeared for the Ministries Council the Rev Dr Majory MacLean and the Rev Jayne Scott. Parties were heard. Questions were asked. Parties were removed. Following deliberation the Ministries Appeal Panel resolved unanimously to dismiss the Appeal and uphold the decision of the Training Task Group of the Ministries Council not to sustain her Candidacy for the Full-Time Ministry of the Church of Scotland. Parties were recalled and judgement intimated. A DAVID K ARNOTT, Convener JOHN P CHALMERS, Secretary 34/2 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF ASSEMBLY SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF ASSEMBLY MAY 2017 PROPOSED DELIVERANCE The General Assembly: 1. Receive the Supplementary Report. 2. Approve the total to be contributed by congregations in 2018 of £46,055,000 based on the projection of congregational income for 2018 and its disposition among local congregational expenditure, the Parish Ministries Fund and the Mission and Renewal Fund. (Section 1 and Appendix I) 3. Note the indicative budget for 2018. (Section 1.3 and Appendix II) 4. Receive the 2016 Report and Accounts of the Unincorporated Councils and Committees of the General Assembly. (Section 1.5.2) 5. Note the report on the Future of the National Church Offices and with it the intention of the Council to bring to the General Assembly of 2018 fully costed proposals and business plans for the future development and use of the Church’s Offices in Edinburgh, based on the careful examination of the Options presented in Section 3 of this report. (Section 3) REPORT 1. Congregational Finance Appendix I. These show that there was a decrease of 1% in 1.1 2016 Congregational Income total Ordinary Income, with offerings down by 1.5%, while 1.1.1 The commitment and generosity of those who Gift Aid tax recovered increased by 1.2%. The reduction in make up the congregations of the Church of Scotland income over 2015 and 2016 is a clear indication that the across the country is evidenced in their regular giving, for Church’s declining membership is beginning to have an which the Church remains thankful. The starting point in effect on congregational income and presents a challenge the preparation of the indicative budget for the following to the whole Church. year is the estimation of total congregational income for the previous year, drawn from the returns submitted by 1.1.2 Early indications are that there was a decrease in treasurers immediately after the year end. Provisional Other Congregational Income in 2016, although, as this details for 2016 Congregational Income are contained in heading includes a number of different categories of SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT OF THE COUNCIL OF ASSEMBLY 34/3 income, the total can only be confirmed when the detailed 1.2.3 Parish Ministries Fund (including Stipends and analysis of congregational accounts is completed in related expenses for Parish Ministers): 2017 is the first year August 2017. Income from outside organisations shows of operation of the new arrangements for the Parish an increase: greater use of church premises benefits both Ministries Fund, an idea generated by the Joint Working the finances and the mission and outreach of local Group on Strategic Funding and Resource Allocation in the congregations, where it encourages the development of light of declining minister numbers. This means that the links with local communities and other Church of Scotland Parish Ministries Fund element of the Ministries Council work. budget is now separated and protected and other aspects of the Council’s budget are assessed on the same basis as 1.2 2018 Income Disposition other Councils and Committees. The Council of Assembly 1.2.1 The remit of the Council of Assembly requires it is grateful for the cooperation of the Ministries Council “to bring recommendations to the General Assembly in rolling out this new plan. From Appendix II it will be concerning the total amount of the Church’s Co-ordinated noted that the total budget for the Parish Ministries Fund Budget for the following financial year and the disposition for 2018 to be met by congregations is £37,942,000 (2017 thereof amongst Local Congregational Expenditure, the - £38,325,000). The Ministries Council has been able to Parish Ministries Fund, and the Mission and Renewal Fund”. cease deficit repair contributions to the Pension Scheme The Council’s recommendations for total congregational for Ministers and Overseas Missionaries but continues to contributions for 2018, and the allocation of these, are to make much smaller payments from its reserves to the be found in Appendix II. It should be noted that this deals Ministries Development Staff Scheme. This has been the only with the ordinary income of congregations and does main factor in allowing the Council to reduce the not include extraordinary income, such as legacies, budgeted amount funded from its reserves from restricted income not available to meet regular £1,500,000 in 2017 to £600,000 in 2018. expenditure and receipts for major fabric projects etc, which are assumed to be used exclusively to meet local 1.2.4 Mission and Renewal Fund: The Mission and congregational expenditure. Renewal Fund’s share of the Income Disposition will rise from 8.0% in 2017 to 9.0% in 2018, after releasing 1.2.2 The Council of Assembly proposes that the amount £1,300,000 from the Fund’s annual income and reserves, of the Budget to be met by congregations in 2018 should which are held to support the budget and assist with remain at £46,055,000. The Council will give its final report containing the total amount required from congregations. on the proposed revised Strategic Framework to the This reserve fund provides substantial support for the General Assembly in 2018 and no significant changes to budget and the Council of Assembly will continue to use budgets are proposed in the interim. As a result, it will be the resource to benefit the work of the Church but at a seen in Appendix I that local congregational expenditure is much reduced level. The Trustees have set a reserves projected to decrease from 52.5% of total Ordinary Income policy, outlined in the Annual Report and Accounts, which in 2017 to 52.1% in 2018, with a fall in the Parish Ministries aims to maintain a balance of £2,000,000, representing Fund from 39.5% to 38.9% (after deducting vacancy three months’ Mission and Renewal expenditure, rising to allowances), and an increase in the Mission and Renewal up to six months’ expenditure in the longer term. Their Fund from 8.0% to 9.0%.
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