•• C-2 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Cola, 3-3, and the rattling Sport Shop was high for the WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 18/17 Florida Hopes Chevvies. 1-5. evening at 356, followed by *8 * • Mary Edwards, Ceramic Tile, To Reschedule Four teams got off to sweep- and Bobbie Jones, Bass Steak BOWLING ing starts in the District Wom- House, each at 345. WITH ROD THOMAS en's Minor League, with C. and ** * * UCLA Game Sports Shop. Dress Shooting tonight "-•V "Majr •vH W. Kotzin's at WMAL- GAINESVILLE. Fla., Sept. Shop. Tile and Rod 'n dHv' > ‘-mb Ceramic TV in the Champion 11.—The flu epidemic among Reel ecoring respectively over Round University of Florida football Anyone who it Robin tournament will be Jack ' : " considered a Barkley's 164-411 the decisive Hendrix Steak House, Thomp- '*» ¦’ > ¦ . f ~W . players, cancel- Moulton and Billy Stalcup at ;•: >:¦¦ / /' which caused mere novelty when two teams punch, and Paul Moore's 164- son's Transfer, Beall's Esso 'f if - game a • lation the opening with j of of women entered the Silver; 389 led National Bohemian to and Buckingham Furniture. 9:30 and Cletus Pannell and | j UCLA at Los Angeles Septem- ; Spring Major League edge Other winners were Fort Davis. Norman Titus at 11:20, with ’¦r ber 20, has created a ticket | probably! an over Wheeler Restau- High Life, ¦ Miller the defend- the late match to be | problem for the West Coast will reconsider. The Frank rant,’ featuring a 157-414 by ing champion, and Paramount televised. that both schools try- team, Bobby Lockhart is leading the - Iteam are Jones, Optician, captained Bill Bursey. ; Resturant, Mann's Potato ing to solve. by Frances Wilson, and Capital The standings: Falls Church I Chips. The Roma Restaurant- eight-man all-star competition Ijp points plus ' Furniture and Bilent Sales, : Martin A Boyd match was un- with 31 27 pins, Athletic Director Wilbur Finance, led by Lorraine Gulll, [Johns of UCLA said both sides j 4-2 each; Wheeler Restaurant, I reported. holding a two-point edge over hope to reschedule the game at lost their opening matches by National Bohemian and Pepsi- Marlon Muller of C. and W. runnerup Billy Moore. jthe end of the season to give 2-1 margins, but got off to season-ticket holders their fighting starts. eight • • promised games. As A1 Clssel said after his game UCLA’s last scheduled Haynes Camera team is with Southern Center California dough- November 23. However, Florida shaded Miss Wilson’s mT* v $P* f ’ doesn’t finish until November ties: “Any chivalry shown am A •:_¦'> ¦ 30. when it meets Miami. The these women will be misplaced.” * Los Angeles Rams pro team is > vKOtj It's a 575 average limit league, Bp* home following J the week for a with Miss Wilson's team com- ißi m,' Mhi, i§v ¦ Sunday game with Green Bay. Meanwhile, Florida, with 65 ing in at 562 and Miss Gulli’s varsity and freshmen players at 561. in the infirmary, hopes to be Here’s how they fared in the ready to open against Wake inaugural, including averages Forest on September 28. I and scores: Frank Jones. Op- tician: Millie Stadtler. 112- i 328: Ann Habercom, 113-358: 41 Anglers Start Gertha Wilson. 112-327: Bing Moen, 110-356: Miss Wilson, V Sure-thing Sam” had lots of connections! In Tuna Tourney i 115-346. Central Finance: - jfr Beryl JEMBMMk WEDGEPORT, Nova Scotia, Alice Beall. 113-306: Lucy Engle- Watches or furs? What a selection! Sept. 11 (JP).—Forty-one globe- Moyer. 111-293: Shirley trotting fishermen took brecht. 110-308: James. PASTRANO PLAYS IT SAFE to the Miss Gulll, 114-311. Willie Pastrano, Miami ducks low to of | tide rips today for the 14th 113-349: Called up a "friend” for a new car deal, heavyweight, avoid the fists ** * George Peyton of Houston, Tex., in the fourth round of their bout in International Tuna Cup match. * Six teams, including some of The area’s oldest distaff Miami Beach, Fla., last night. Pastrano scored a technical knockout in Washing- the eighth round.—AP Wirephoto. the world's best heavy tackle duckpin league, the men, will compete against de- ton Ladies, is off to a bright fending champions of the Brit- start with 16 teams in line. night ish commonwealth. The other A standout on opening squads are Cuba. Mexico. Peru. was Joyce Kaiser, subbing on Three From Area Spain, the United States and the Crown Lettering team, who Hartack, Culmone Duel Venezuela. shot games of 147. 120 and Share Honors in This year for the first time 133 for exactly 400 and the teams will be given an extra first 400 by a woman reported U.S. Rifle Matches half day of fishing—a little in- in the budding season. An- Sam learned a lesson, so tried and true: In Atlantic City Stake surance deemed advisable by other exceptional performer Ohio. Sept. Clara of By the Pr«M CAIA*PERRY. 11 the match governors was Walx Powell Ra- A&eociated iin the feature. Culmone is after some with 152, 111 leading 'Special'.—Three sharp-eyed dismal hauls in the last three diator Works, Fillies hold the racing spot- rider at the meeting and 119 for 382. light today across the Nation, with 22 winners. He also had competitors from me Wash- competitions. «* * * with Belmont Park. Atlantic a pair of firsts yesterday. ington area took their share of Nine teams accepted invita- tions to City and Hawthorne schedul-1 Melody Mine and Moon ( honors in the windup of the j the 1957 tournament As remarked in this space ing stakes races (or the distall Glory, two of the top rated 2- National rifle matches here yes- but financial tangles forced last season, championships set. year-old fillies in the Midwest, terday. Italy and Chile to make late seem to follow Charley Beall. Belmont has 13 fillies going face 10 others in Hawthorne's withdrawals. He was a member of the Chevy Team honors in the service So far this that won postward in the 62d running Durazna. It also will be their competition summer rod and- Chase Chevrolet team went td Army reel sportsmen the Major League of the Gazelle Handicap, while first race against each other. shooters, have boated 16 District who beat the Marines blueflns on Soldiers Rip, the title and the Coca Colas, who Atlantic City presents a wide- Walt Blum joined Hartack for the first time in five years open field of 2-year-old fillies and Culmone with doubles at favorite tuna playground, and breezed to victory in the Dis- with a record score of 1.440 in the mouth trict Minor, now the Metro- in the SIO.OOO-added Mermaid Atlantic City yesterday, in- points. Members of the Army of the nearbv Hawthorne, Tusket River. That’s three politan Inter-Alley League. >Btakes. with its cluding Beau Font in the day's team were Ist Lt. Richard Hin- $15,000 Durazna Stakes, also feature. The colt ran the mile more than the pretournament When the District Major in- Moral: It doesn’t cost a penny more kle of San Francisco. Ist Lt. catch last year. stituted a rule that barred any bows to the distaff side. and-a-sixteenth in a soggy Marchiell Alexander of Batavia. The 1956 cup match pro- of its members from shooting Outer Space has been as- 1:45H for a scant return of ' N. Y.; Ist Lt. Charles Orr. Jr., of signed 123 pounds in the Ga- $3.40. duced only four fish. in the District Minor. Beall Athens. Ohio: Spec. 2 c John Dunsja ... put your money on tomorrow! zelle. Bill Boland will be on Floral Girl, apprentice stuck with Dick Coca with Roka of Freemansburg. Pa.: Colas the Mrs. Gerard S. Smith entry John Ruane aboard, won the ; MBergt. Willis Powell Wels- of Supplanting in the some money an outmoded car could have put him in the mile-and-a-sixteenth Manorville Purse in yesterday’s ton,j Okla., and M/Sergt. Gene Johnson May Bid Beall Poor Sam! The he invested in race, with Snow White, toting ! Chevvies' lineup was Harold Belmont feature. The 3-year- > Stradlln of Marshall. Okla. of Swept-Wing Dodge. the same money 119 pounds, including Hedley old filly dashed the 6 furlongs For Light-Heavy Inman, a sterling bowler and in the driver's seat a ijpally-new For Woodhouse. expected to pro- Arthur Cook, former Uni- , a popular one. But thus far in 1:12*3 to return $17.20. versity Maryland he enjoyed as Torsion-Aire Ride, Push-Button vide the bulk of opposition Elegante furlongs of student the champions have been able could have such advances covered 6 and 1948 Olympic champion, Title After Win The most interesting feature in 1:11'* and paid $3 to win ' to win only one game in six TorqueFlite and Total-Contact Brakes—to say nothing of that dashing-low the Mermaid is that Willie won two small-bore titles PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 11 UP). and are solidly in the cellar of in the Hawthorne Park feature. | ( George Hartaek. who has suddenly Van Order. 111, 17- —Light heavyweight Harold the league, which has been re- style. buy any Swept-Wing Dodge year-old So before you new car, remember that the taken a liking to the Atlantic Marine reservist at Johnson's manager said today duced to six teams in the took the Crowell Tro- City track with four winners in Top ( Quantico. may interest of class.
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