! ' P . LOCAL NEWS. Best and Worst, “he Olneyville Times “Is this the best wurst you can send & Miss Annle O'Connel!l has taken & po me?" asked the lady who walked into STANTON FARNUM (8 PUBLISHED Al sition with the Providence Gas Co. the meat store with a package of that ARTISIIC WORKERS IN Oloeywille Olneyville, R. 1.. edible in her hand, Square, Rhode Island pensions: Widows “Madam,” answered the meat man, Mvery Friday “it 1s the best wurst we have.” Cranite and Marble. minors, etc. Mary B. Straght. Riverpolnt, “Well, 1t Is the worst [ ever RST~ TYLMKLN XL D G s ss. wurst A large assortment of Monuments and Tablets constantly en hand, Sulesstption Price §l.OO Por Yoear. saw.® ; Plumbers' Slabs, Decoratlons, am sorry to hear Interier Marble etc Advertiomg Rates Sest on Application. Club s making arrange. “1 that. The best Original deslgns The Falka I can do is te.try and send you some and estimates furnished upon application, Sibley, Publisher. tor a banguet, which will lake Inspection 4. F. Editor and mente better wurst froem today's lot; but, as | sollcited. Telephone connection. place early rext mon'h, =X sald, that Is the best wurst we have SALESROOM, MASONS’ e ELECTRIC MILL AND MATERIAL -red ot s Seconn at present. | am sure, however, that Q.W George Farnell has boen appointed ad. the wurst we are now making will not - . estate of the late Street, Providence, R. ministrator of the be any worse than this, and it ought to 143 Westminster For New FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1002 Edward Jackman, be better. 1 assure you that as soon as Work or Repair I get the wurst you shall have the best ls able to be about with the gave any one the delivered at points on the DeWET's book on the Boer war Fred Hurst of it. We never & Danielson ald of a cane. Hls many friends are glad worst of it go long as we have been In WHIPPLE FULLER should prove racy reading. you may to see him out again. the wurst business, and he line at gure that when we glve yon your wurst UNDERTAKERS, Street, electric reasonable prices. Venezuela may lead up 73 Plainfleld Evexts in The annual banquet of the Oineyville it will be the best, for our worst wurst to a little jar ot Munioe doctrine. Business Men's Association takes place 18 bhetter wurst than the best wurst of FUNERAL —and— monih, our competitors,” apeul the 15'h of next had taken AUBURN,R. I'mg State Sanitarium for con- But the lady, whose eyes DIRECTORS, I W. A. H. GRANT, stare of glassiness, was seen to Olneyville. at ithe on a assured Fhomas Murphy, loom fixer . "« sumptives seems preity well a throw up her hands and flee from the EMBEALMERS. CALLS ATTERUED DAY OR MIGHT. Ep—— mill, had his finger badly Earnscliffe place, for she wus n frald the worst was by machinery Monday In the death of Hon. Thomas B. iacerated the on yet to come. Baltimore American, TELEPHONES —~272-2 WEST and 154-3 BROAD, the country loses one of i's Reed The Holy Name Soclety of St. Mary's The Puris Mousetrap, great men. Church will hold thelr regular quarterly Paris has bheen deseribed as a gigan- on Sunday morning at mousetrap with three doors labeled, A TTLL LG OF UNERAL PURNGBEINGS mectlng next 745 tie not obliged hotel, restaurant, THe coal dealers are o cock. respectively, eafe and 10,000 hotels, There to give away trading stamps to pro- The city has about restaurants in every block, and youn PAOM TEE CEBAPRT 70 TIS IR H Barr, of the well known firm are mote trade. James enn find cafes at almost every step, D.)] & ] Barr of this p'ace ' a MODERN OF EMBALMING FUNERAL DIRECTING of H At almost nny restaurant you are sure METHODS AND Shoes and Rubbers. Shoes and Rubbers. Tug United States Navy is gete been elected superintendent of schocl good cooking. You can eat well any- of LADY ASSISTANT FURNISHED WHEN DESINRED. Before you buy Shoes and Rubbers for the winter call at ing new ships much faster than janltors, where and at any price. There are gcores of places where the menls cost and crews to man them. officers A pleked team of bowlers from the ag high as in the better restaurants of John Swallow's, 33and 35 Manton Avenue, Banigan Rubber Works deleated the New York and hundreds where you Where you will get the best for your BurriLLVILLE may need a police Olneyville Square Market team at the ean get a very falr dinner for 50 cents, money. Everything in the latest commission, but judging from the Olneyville alleys on Monday evening. or, It you would have wine, for 10 style. cents addittonal, There 18 one stock CHRISTMAS! hearing it only needs half a one. company whieh does an enormous busi- Repaliring a Spocialty. Dennis Wynne, who lives at 10 Ban: ness in supplying cheap and good foo! street, In the annexed district, had eroft It was founded by na PigrroNT MORGAN 18 perhaps forr Parisians. A WEAK HEART. J. the middle inger of the left hand crushed buteher who has his shops still In dif- What can you flnd better for Holiday Presents than the most aggressive and unsatisfied the shoe string JIODERN BOOKKEEPING In a gear while »t work in ferent parts of the eity. This company HIII Climbing or Stalr Mounting ever Monday Penmanship, Shorthand, money getter the world has factory on Dextar atreet, morn. has 100 or more restaurants where you Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Opera and Will Strengthen the Organ, Typewriting, Forms, known. ing. He was attended by Dr E, C can always bhe sure of good service and It 18 not many years ago that the be- Business English, Commercial Arith- Field Glasses, Barometers, Thermometers, metic, Murphy. good food, You pay for what you eat llef prevalled that a sufferer from Commercial l.Law and Business Prac-. Tuz Providence school committee and pay for everything, but the prices Ltc., in Optical Goods. heart disease was In constant peril tice, that will qualify for profitable employ- service, the nre low, whenever he moved and that the nearer ment in the business world, are thoroughly seems to be getting into working An individua' commun'on he approached absolute rest the better taught at the gifa ol two classes of Pialnfield Street Value of the Lessons Cases, Books, order. The plums have all been dis- Card Pocket Fountain Pens. was for bis heart. This is still true Sunday Schoo! to the church, was used Mrs. Bilkings-=Do you think 1t Is ; it daughter to go in respect to certain forms of heart dis- tributed. firat time last Sunday, The new ser. worth while for my on We have also Gold and Silver Novelties, and a the ease—those due to actual disease or de- Bryant & taught taking singing lessons? She has been l Stratton vice was the giit of class No. 26, of the heart muscles—but Tuesday at it for five years and cannot sing great variety of other goods at prices , generation Tur weather on morn- by Emma A Potter, and class Miss yet, when the disease is in the valves, as it to been the coldest A. as low as can be bought. Business ing is said have No 27, taught by Miss Julla Harring- P'rofessor von Note - Dit you expecd is In the majority of cases, the modern College, experienced in Rhode Island for ton, her to learn to zing? She vill neffer | teaching is that properly regulated ex- Strong faculty, strict discipline, modern ercise 1s beneficlal. This Is founded twenty years. zing In zee vide vorld. methods., Catalogue free Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets “Then why didn't you say so long - upon the common sense view that the heart s like other muscles in that it have all the merit that can be ¢l Imad for ngo?” S=S. PAINES, T. B. STOWELL, I'RINCIPAL, Tue heathen in Central Africa thought merely vanted can be strengthened by exercise to hem C R. Hoover & Bro ,of Pontotoc, “I you to lungs” meet increased calls upon it. PROVIDENCE, R. 1 may have their troubles, but they been selling strengthen her 102 WESTMINSTER STREET, Texas writes: **Wae have | When the valves of a pump get out certainly do not have to worry about Ramon's Liver Pllls and Tonlc Pellets greater Potted Vilants of order, it requires force to we have In the drug busl- PIROVIDEINCHEHL. the coal question. ever slnce been The reason some people “never have move a given quantity of water. If Cures Permanently to their ness, and car apeak heartily as any luck with plants” s sometimes ~ this force can be applied, it will make ANer all others fall, The Tuxse are the days of commis- merit. All who use them speak In their beenuse up for the defect In the valves. praise. In cases of aick headache they plant will not live In a heavy, sour, same principle holds good in the case ALL DIS sions. Burrillville wants a police de- are Invaluabl., while for stomach and goggey soil, such as fills a pot when & of the diseased heart; the valvular APPILETON I.EEHR must be made good-—*“compensa- commissioner for a Christmas pres- bowe! allments, too much cannot be sald the dralnage is not complete. This s fect EASES term for for especially true of palms, to which the tion” is the medical this proc- ent and Providence is hungering of them." Corrigan, the apothecary; T.
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