A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1890–1899

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1890–1899

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1890{1899 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 13 October 2017 Version 1.01 Title word cross-reference 5th [295]. 9 [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 350, 393, 437, 21]. &c [37, 343]. Abatement [23]. Abroad [338]. Accidents [367]. According [136]. Accounts [92]. 13th [405, 406]. 14th [364, 363]. 15th Accumulations [2]. Accuracy [366]. Acts [135, 134]. 17th [80, 314, 315, 79]. 1890 [44]. Additions [34, 31]. 1891 [79]. 1892 [134]. 1894 [227]. [11, 20, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, 108, 120, 132, 1896 [315]. 1897 [363]. 1898 [405]. 18th 145, 156, 169, 181, 193, 206, 217, 225, 239, 251, [32, 31]. 260, 270, 280, 290, 301, 312, 323, 335, 349, 360, 370, 382, 392, 402, 413, 426, 436, 446, 459]. 20th [228, 227]. 21st [184]. 23rd [66]. 24th Address [405, 229, 134, 183, 316, 363, 82, [21]. 25th [261]. 26th [218, 302]. 27th [170]. 227, 124, 34, 314, 31, 79, 186, 273]. Adelphi 28th [121, 393]. 29th [350]. [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 350, 393, 437, 21]. Affairs [273]. After [363]. Age 30th [437]. 31st [208, 404, 353]. Age-Incidence [353]. Aged [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 350, 393, 437, 21]. 1 2 [94, 81]. Ages [14, 408]. Agricultural 129, 143, 117, 167, 212, 237, 277, 319, 309, [161, 151, 223, 200, 213, 278, 275, 310, 321, 329, 432, 452, 96, 388, 183, 210, 57, 39, 231]. 344, 358, 368, 345, 389, 400, 411, 433, 443, Census-Taking [210]. Censuses [70, 84]. 457, 409, 418, 434, 442, 99, 221, 242, 93, 304]. Century [74]. Certain [408]. Ceylon [142]. Agriculture [299, 337, 92, 357]. Alcohol Chance [25, 35]. Changes [253, 342, 428]. [4]. Alien [191, 241]. Alleged [13]. also Charges [317, 305]. Charitable [56]. [221]. America [211]. among [44, 284]. Charles [113, 134, 183]. Chicago [201]. Annual [405, 22, 66, 122, 121, 171, 170, 219, Chief [43, 440]. Chiefly [428]. Child 218, 261, 302, 350, 394, 393, 437, 351, 438, [396, 420, 408]. Child-Birth [396, 420, 408]. 262, 21, 67, 303]. Anthropometric [18]. Children [408, 149, 284]. China [188, 419]. Application [296, 439, 453]. Applications Christiania [444]. City [256]. Civil [410]. [355, 376, 397]. Approaches [198]. April Civilisation [63, 328]. Class [449]. Classes [295]. Area [114]. Article [205]. Articles [48]. Classical [186]. Classification [289]. Artisan [45]. Aspect [398, 429]. [94, 81]. Coal [320, 33, 363, 230]. Coinage Aspects [374, 354, 34, 56]. Association [37]. Collection [384]. College [92, 347]. [126, 187, 235, 229, 316, 82, 124, 34, 186, 273]. Colleges [242]. Colonial [440]. Colonies Asymmetrical [222]. Australasia [17]. [70, 84]. Colored [60]. Commercial [5, 46, Australasian [416]. Australia [165]. 97, 150, 199, 244, 285, 330, 377, 405, 421]. Austria [118, 140]. Austria-Hungary Commission [357, 352]. Committee [329]. [118]. Average [253, 366, 356]. Averages Commodities [188, 245, 6, 47, 98, 159, 202, [68]. 286, 331, 378, 422]. Communities [294]. Comparability [214]. Comparative Bankruptcies [268]. Banks [275, 338, 304]. [416, 264]. Comparison [221, 456]. Based [183]. be [277]. Bearing Compensation [367]. Competition [34]. [384, 197, 263]. Belgium [275, 448]. Competitive [25, 35]. Conciliation Between [24, 15]. Condition [149]. Conditions [253, 189, 222, 227, 230, 15, 408, 246, 366]. [209, 337, 221, 284]. Congress [75, 444]. Biddulph [340]. Bills [125]. Bimetallic Connected [254]. Conquest [37]. Conseil [374]. Bimetallism [263]. Birmingham [178]. Consideration [58]. Constituent [256]. Birth [396, 420, 408]. Block [45]. [366]. Construction [439, 453]. Board [212]. Booth [94]. Brigade Consumption [215, 236, 110, 4]. [7, 49, 102, 152, 203, 248, 287, 332, 379, 423]. Contagious [44]. Continent [73]. Britain [223, 278, 246, 310, 321, 358, 368, Continental [456]. Contours [234]. 400, 411, 443, 110]. Britian [197]. British Contributions [265, 190, 343, 298]. Corn [126, 187, 235, 34, 186, 70, 84, 247, 299, 372, [257, 337]. Correction [111]. Correlation 229, 316, 82, 124, 210, 456, 264, 273]. [373, 189, 222, 365]. Cosmopolitanism [82]. Budapest [233]. Budgets [160]. Buildings Cost [367]. Council [66, 121, 167, 170, 218, [45]. Bulgaria [141]. 261, 302, 350, 393, 398, 21]. Countries [70, 214, 33, 138, 264, 4, 185]. County Caird [91]. Calculation [356]. Calculus [167, 398]. Couples [408]. Course [372]. [355, 376, 397]. can [277]. Canadian [26]. Courtney [405]. Creation [86]. Credit Canal [27]. Cancer [399]. Capital [2]. [304]. Crime [23]. Criminal [325]. Cardiff [82]. Case [221, 256]. Caused [140]. Criminals [18]. Criticisms [420]. Cube Causes [284, 428]. Census [17, 59, 69, 137, [356]. Currency [118, 175, 174, 258]. 3 Curves [293]. Customs [62]. [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 350, 393, 23, 21, 437]. Ending Damage [140]. Danson [387]. Data [296]. [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 350, 393, 21, 437]. Death [91, 326]. Death-Rates [326]. England [74, 212, 268, 283, 23, 3, 221, 13, Deaths [396, 408, 420]. Debt [179]. 220, 37, 326, 293, 428]. English [9, 50, 105, Decade [109]. Decades [428]. December 153, 204, 249, 288, 333, 380, 424, 33, 57, 352]. [405, 363, 66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 364, Enumeration [81, 111, 94]. Epidemics 350, 406, 393, 437, 21]. Decennial [308]. [352]. Errata [195]. Esq [314]. Esq. Decimal [258]. Defective [165]. Defects [134, 183]. Essay [154]. Essex [337]. [373, 284]. Defence [43]. Degree [233]. Estimate [233]. Estimates [165, 57]. Delivered [227, 405, 134, 363, 314, 31, 79]. Ethics [55]. Eventual [127]. Evolution Demographic [373]. Demography [190, 298, 343]. Examination [33]. [154, 75]. Department [166, 148]. Examinations [25, 35]. Excess [415]. Depopulation [172]. Depression Exemplified [337]. Expansion [405]. [320, 92, 242, 93]. Deputation [212]. Expenditure [43, 256]. Experiment [405]. Derived [234]. Determination [284]. Experiments [123]. Exports [342]. Extent Development [385]. Developments [314]. [277, 384]. External [158]. Different [175, 138]. Discovery [211]. Discussed [388, 362]. Discussion [94]. F [126, 187, 235, 34]. F. [31, 79]. F.G.S. Diseases [44]. Dissolution [86]. [375]. F.R.C.S [31, 79]. F.R.S [375]. Fall Distribution [266, 147, 317, 296, 307]. [188]. Famine [95]. Farm [337, 173]. Disturbance [165]. Dominions [210]. Dr. Farmer [456]. Farrer [450, 227]. Favour [341]. Drawn [233]. Dulness [284]. During [186]. Fellows [127]. Female [130]. Fifteen [7, 49, 409, 418, 434, 442, 455, 254, 337, 23, [127]. Fifth [437, 438]. Fifty [22, 66, 122, 314, 159, 85, 428, 302]. Duties [62]. 121, 171, 170, 337, 21, 67, 149, 284]. Dwellings [45]. Fifty-Eight [121]. Fifty-Eighth [122]. Fifty-Ninth [171, 170]. Fifty-Seventh Each [127]. Earth [87]. Economic [66, 67]. Fifty-Sixth [22, 21]. Finance [229, 316, 82, 124, 221, 34, 273, 186]. [256, 255]. Finances [176]. Financial Economical [66, 121, 170, 218, 246, 261, 302, 350, 393, [10, 19, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 106, 119, 131, 437, 21]. Fire 144, 155, 168, 180, 192, 216, 224, 238, 205, 250, [7, 49, 102, 152, 203, 248, 287, 332, 379, 423]. 259, 269, 279, 300, 311, 322, 289, 334, 348, 359, Fires [7, 49, 102, 152, 203, 248, 287, 332, 369, 381, 391, 401, 412, 425, 435, 445, 458]. 379, 423, 103]. First [261, 183, 262]. Economics [82, 227]. Economy [186]. Fisheries [116]. Flag [440]. Food Edinburgh [124]. Education [209, 3]. [448, 197]. Foreign [70, 264]. Former [317]. Effect [188, 127]. Effects [384, 93]. Formulæ [441, 407, 417, 431]. Fourth Efficiency [138]. Eight [121]. Eighth [122]. [394, 393]. France Elected [127]. Elections [283, 398]. [129, 179, 274, 48, 448, 221, 73, 307, 85, 185]. Electrical [232]. Element [25, 35]. Frederic [341]. French [178]. Frequency Eleventh [231]. Emigration [293]. Frequency-Curves [293]. Friendly [26, 61, 115, 163]. Empire [372]. Empires [254, 255]. Fund [346]. Future [58]. [440]. Employed [230]. Employing [234]. Employment [267, 384]. Ended Galton [297]. Gazette [166]. General 4 [22, 66, 122, 121, 171, 170, 219, 218, 277, 261, [44, 293]. Investigation [428]. 302, 350, 394, 393, 437, 351, 438, 262, 21, 67, Investigations [173]. Ipswich [273]. 303, 308]. Geometrical [454]. German Ireland [137, 246]. Iron [33]. Isogens [234]. [8, 51]. Germany [275, 319, 448, 367]. Girls Italy [275]. IV [442]. [267]. Gladstone [386]. Gold [211, 430, 37, 272]. Gothenburg [164]. J [31, 79]. James [91, 375]. Jevons [363]. Government [212]. Great [223, 278, 246, John [341, 340, 387, 314]. June 310, 321, 358, 368, 400, 411, 443, 197, 110]. [66, 121, 170, 218, 261, 302, 350, 393, 437, 21]. Growth [221, 14]. Keleti [113]. Kingdom H [405, 363]. Hail [140]. Harvest [247]. [69, 116, 457, 158, 253, 409, 418, 434, 442, Held [66, 121, 170, 218, 350, 229, 316, 124, 455, 373, 448, 2, 83, 44, 295, 198]. Korosi 21, 273, 261, 302, 393, 437, 82, 34, 186]. [234]. Highways [197, 198]. Hippophagy [73]. History [5, 46, 97, 150, 199, 244, 285, 330, Labour [130, 166, 183, 337, 138, 55, 148]. 377, 421, 293]. Holdings [345]. Home Labourer [45]. Land [74]. Lands [339]. [173, 338, 44]. Homicide [128]. Hon Large [356]. Largest [57]. Last [405, 386, 363, 227]. Hospital [93]. Hours [409, 418, 434, 442, 455, 159, 428]. Latter [138]. Hundred [317]. Leading [93]. Leeds [34]. [409, 418, 434, 442, 455, 149]. Hungarian Legitimate [233]. Leonard [405]. Library [72]. Hungary [118]. Hygiene [354, 75]. [11, 20, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, 108, 120, 132, 145, 156, 169, 181, 193, 206, 217, 225, 239, 251, Identification [18]. III [434]. Illustrated 260, 270, 280, 290, 301, 312, 323, 335, 349, 360, [283, 256]. Illustrations [454, 255]. 370, 382, 392, 402, 413, 426, 436, 446, 459]. Immigration [26, 61, 115, 191, 163, 241].

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