BOOK REVIEWS chapter titled ‘Microsporidia: eukaryotic mathematics expert in order to under- intracellular parasites shaped by gene stand the concepts explained in the book. loss and horizontal gene transfers’ ex- It explains the properties of numbers as plains how the microsporidian genome small as 6 and as large as 31,415,926, has evolved and its implication in cellu- 535,897,932,384,626,433,832,795,028,841. lar pathogenesis under selection pres- The book dwells on Fibonacci num- sure. Bacillus anthracis is an etiological bers, Tribonacci series, Lucas series, agent of anthrax that results in disease Tetranacci series, special numbers such among livestock and has the potential to as narcissistic numbers, Armstrong num- pose a threat on human health. Anthrax bers, Filzian numbers, factorion, sphenic toxin comprises protective antigen (PA), numbers, pronic numbers, Leyland num- edema factor (EF) and lethal factor (LF), ber, Lucas–Carmichael number, auto- and association of PA with either LF or morphic numbers, trimorphic numbers, EF which determine the mode of patho- amicable numbers, triangular numbers, genesis. The chapter titled ‘Anthrax etc. pathogenesis’ summarizes the results In the domain of prime numbers alone, from various studies to provide insights the book dissects emirp, primorial num- into the mechanism underlying anthrax bers, father prime, Sophie Germain pathogenesis. The Unfathomable World of Amazing prime, prime quadruplet, prime quintu- Septins play an important role in Numbers. Wallace Jacob. Notion Press, plet, prime sextuplet, Wilson prime, asymmetric division, the chapter titled Chennai, 2014. xx + 354 pp, Price: Rs Weiferich prime, Woodall prime, Euclid– ‘Septins and generation of asymmetries 345. ISBN: 9789384391324. Mullin sequence, pi-prime, circular in fungal cells’ explains the mechanisms prime numbers, palindromic prime num- and processes underlying septin-medi- What is special about the numbers 23, ber, interprime numbers, twin primes, ated polar growth in fungi. The chapter 27, 37, 47, 751, 2519, 11,826, 37,037, Fermat primes, Mersenne primes, prime titled ‘Lytic cycle of toxoplasma gondii: 1,741,725, 1,274,953,680, 8,549,176,320, triplets, left-truncatable primes, right- 15 Years Later’ provides an overview of 36,085,288,503,684,007,860? Can the truncatable primes, two-sided primes, research that has evolved in the last dec- Fibonacci series be used for converting permutable primes, titanic primes, gigantic ade or so to explain lytic cycle of para- miles to kilometres? Is there any rela- primes, megaprimes and Cullen primes. sites. tionship between the terms of the Fibo- Some questions which have been Plasmodium results in human death nacci series and Pythagorean triplets? solved in the book are indeed lengthy. and remains a major burden on social Who coined the terms googol and goo- Part B has ten solved questions on cryp- healthcare systems across the world. To golplex? Which is the smallest positive tarithms. The solution to one of the ques- achieve a better and rapid diagnosis or number (>1) which can be expressed as a tions on cryptarithms is worked out on discovery of novel drug targets, it is first power, second power, third power, approximately 11 pages (pp. 159–169). imperative to decipher the parasite life fourth power, fifth power, sixth power, A question based on an equation has cycle inside the host post-infection. seventh power, eighth power and ninth been solved over about 90 pages (pp. Chapter titled ‘Ion regulation in the ma- power? What is meant by aliquot sum of 176–263). Needless to say, the question laria parasite’ explores that how sodium an integer? Can we find the greater of the has been examined from three different and potassium ion homeostasis across the two numbers 3111 and 1714 without actu- perspectives. erythrocyte cell wall is altered post- ally computing the values of 3111 and Approximately 22 pages in the book invasion. 1714? Can we determine the unit’s digit have been devoted to the concepts of Pore-forming toxins assemble large of 32001 – 22001 without computing the magic squares. The book provides a step- beta-barrel pores on the target mem- values of 32001 and 22001? What are Dio- by-step visual explanation of construct- brane; however, how such a large assem- phantine equations? What is the signifi- ing a magic square of odd-order as well bly is facilitated with such efficiency cance of e (also known as Euler’s as of even-order. It also provides infor- remains a challenging question. The number or Naper’s constant) in the real mation on alphamagic squares, templar chapter titled ‘The unique molecular cho- world (in fact, 7 February is celebrated magic squares, Concentric or bordered reography of giant pore formation by the as the e-day)? The tome under review magic squares, antimagic squares and cholesterol-dependent cytolysins of gram- contains well-researched and elaborated Ramanujan’s magic square. In the do- positive bacteria’ explains the mecha- answers to the aforementioned questions. main of Pythagorean triplets, the author nism underlying cholesterol-dependent The book is a mesmerizing three-leg has listed methods of generating Py- pore formation by cytolysins. odyssey which provides interesting and thagorean triplets using two odd integers novel learnings. Part A of the book which differ by 2, two even integers MOHAN C. JOSHI explores the properties of 76 interesting which differ by 2, and two fractions or numbers. Part B contains 54 mind- whole numbers whose product is 2. The Multidisciplinary Centre for Advance rattling puzzles and Part C dwells on a book also enlists Euclid’s and Plato’s Research and Studies, few esoteric concepts which have been methods of generating Pythagorean trip- Jamia Millia Islamia, simplified. The book can be helpful in lets. The concept of leap year (also New Delhi 110 025, India developing a mathematical temperament. known as intercalary year) has been dis- e-mail: [email protected] In fact, a person does not need be a cussed in great detail (pp. 303–304). CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 112, NO. 4, 25 FEBRUARY 2017 863 BOOK REVIEWS The book contains several interesting solving. There are certain unsolved/ VINOD KUMAR MANGWANI facts, e.g. the infinity symbol ‘’ is also unanswered questions in the book. The known as lemniscate and was introduced reader will be in a position to write in 1655 by John Wallis; the Gregorian his/her own book, if he/she is able to an- Department of Applied and Social calendar was first proposed by Aloysius swer them. A shortcoming of the book is Sciences, Lilius. that it lacks an index. However, it pro- Tolani Maritime Institute, The book will be especially useful to vides cues for developing unique Induri, Telegaon Dabhade, the champions of number theory, funda- mathematical projects and is likely to Pune 410 507, India mental logic development and problem- whet the reader’s appetite for numbers. e-mail: [email protected] CURRENT SCIENCE Display Advertisement Rates India Tariff (Rupees)* Inside pages Inside cover pages Back cover pages No. of Size insertions B&W Colour B&W Colour B&W Colour 1 15,000 25,000 22,000 35,000 30,000 40,000 2 27,000 45,000 39,000 63,000 54,000 72,000 4 52,000 87,000 77,000 1,22,000 1,04,000 1,37,000 Full page 6 75,000 1,25,000 1,10,000 1,75,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 (H = 23 cm; 8 93,000 1,56,000 1,40,000 2,21,000 1,92,000 2,51,000 W = 17.5 cm) 10 1,12,000 1,87,000 1,65,000 2,62,000 2,22,000 2,97,000 12 1,25,000 2,06,000 1,83,000 2,90,000 2,52,000 3,31,000 1 8,500 15,000 We also have provision for quarter page display 2 15,500 27,500 advertisement: Quarter page (H = 11 cm; W = 8 cm): 4 29,000 52,000 Rs 5,000 per insertion Half page 6 40,000 75,000 Note: For payments towards the advertisement charges, (H = 11 cm; 8 51,000 93,000 W = 17.5 cm) Cheque (at par/multicity) or Demand Drafts 10 60,000 1,12,000 may be drawn in favour of 12 66,000 1,25,000 ‘Current Science Association, Bengaluru’. 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