GD. 2014/0007 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE Report of the Public Auditors on the Accounts of Local Authorities, Burial Authorities, Elderly Persons' Housing Committees and Joint Boards February 201.4 To The Hon Clare Christian, President of Tynwald, and the Honourable Council and Keys in Tynwald assembled. FOREWORD The purpose of the attached report is to provide a copy of the Income and Expenditure Account, and Balance Sheet for each Local Authority, Burial Authority, Elderly Persons' Housing Committee and Joint Board in the Island for the financial year ending 31st March 2013 (31st December 2012 for Burial Authorities) and previous years where relevant It is impractical to lay individual copies of the full Accounts before Tynwald. Instead, the attachment to this Report will provide a breakdown of the income and expenditure of each body, and confirm that the Accounts have been properly completed, subject to any adverse comment by the Auditors. However, if a Member wishes to peruse the full Accounts, a copy of all the Accounts listed in this Report have been provided to the Tynwald Library for that purpose. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2013 require Local Authorities to present their Accounts for Audit by 31st July in each year. This Report includes a list of the Accounts that have not been signed by the Auditors by the date of the Report. Index 2013 (List of audited accounts for Local Authorities, Boards, Committees and Burial Authorities for the years stated). LOCAL AUTHORITIES Towns Borough of Douglas (to 315t March 2013) Castletown Town Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Peel Town Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Districts Michael District Commissioners (for years 31st March 2011, 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2013) Onchan District Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Villages Laxey Village Commissioners (for years 31st March 2012 and 31st March 2013) Port Erin Village Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Port St Mary Village Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Parishes Andreas Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Arbory Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Ballaugh Parish Commissioners (to 31s` March 2013) Braddan Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Bride Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Jurby Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Lezayre Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Lonan Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Malew Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Marown Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Maughold Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Patrick Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Rushen Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Santon Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) OTHER BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Castletown & Malew Elderly Persons' (to 31st March 2013) Housing Board Goof! Roi Housing Authority (for years 31st March 2011, 31st March 2012, and 31st March 2013) Northern Parishes Refuse Collection (to 31st March 2013) Board Northern Swimming Pool Board (to 31st March 2013) Peel & Western Districts Housing (to 31st March 2013) Committee Ramsey & Northern Districts Housing (to 31st March 2013) Committee Royal British Legion Housing (to 31st March 2012) Association Southern Civic Amenity Site Board (to 31st March 2013) Southern Swimming Pool Board (to 31st March 2013) Western Swimming Pool Board (to 31st March 2013) BURIAL AUTHORITIES Andreas Burial Authority (to 31st December 2010) Arbory Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Ballaugh Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Braddan Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Bride Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) German Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Jurby Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Lezayre Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Lonan Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Malew Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Marown Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Maughold Burial Authority (for years 31st December 2008 to 31st December 2012) Michael Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Onchan Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Patrick Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Rushen Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Santon Burial Authority (to 31st December 2012) Outstanding accounts not signed by the Public Auditors by 21 February 2014 for the years stated. LOCAL AUTHORITIES Towns Ramsey Town Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) Parishes German Parish Commissioners (to 31st March 2013) OTHER BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Marashen Crescent Housing (to 31st March 2013) Committee Western Civic Amenity Site (to 31st March 2013) BURIAL AUTHORITIES Andreas Burial Authority (for years 31st December 2011 and 31st December 2012) Local Authorities' Accounts (For the year ended 31st March 2013 and previous years where relevant). DOUGLAS BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 2012/2013 2011/2012 Gross Gross Net Net Expenditure Income Expenditure Expenditure Note E'000 E'000 E1000 E'000 Central Services to the Public 611 (13) 598 578 Cultural, Environmental Regulatory and 8,646 (3,394) 5,252 5,404 Planning Services Highways and Transport services 2,849 (1,776) 1,073 920 Housing Services 385 0 385 327 Corporate and Democratic Core 1,573 0 1,573 1,589 Non Distributed Costs 679 (461) 218 195 Housing Revenue Account 15,633 (9,904) 5,729 2,171 Current Service Cost Adjustment 0 (63) (53) (147) regarding Pensions Past Service Gain 2 0 0 0 0 Net Cost of services 30,376 (15,601) 14,775 11,037 (Surplus)fdeficit on sale of fixed assets 16 (29) (13) (126) Interest Payable and Similar Charges 3,377 3,213 Interest and Investment income (1) (16) Pensions interest cost and expected 2 365 169 return on pension assets Net operating expenditure 18,603 14,277 Income from General Rate Fund (10,269) (10,214) Net (surplus)/deficit for the year 8,234 4,063 DOUGLAS BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 STATEMENT OF MOVEMENT ON THE GENERAL FUND BALANCE 2012/2013 2011/2012 Note V000 E'000 (Surplus}/deficit on income and Expenditure account 8,234 4,063 Net additional amount required to be credited to the General Fund (8,801) (3,893) Balance for the year (Increase)Idecrease In General Fund balance for the year (567) 170 General Fund Balance brought forward (2,823) (2,993) General Fund Balance carried forward 34 (3,390) (2,823) RECONCILING ITEMS TO THE STATEMENT OF MOVEMENT ON THE GENERAL FUND BALANCE 2011/2012 2012/2013 (Restated) Note E Amounts included in the Income and Expenditure Account but required by statute to be excluded when determining the Movement on the General Fund Balance: Depreciation of fixed assets 17,19 (1,023) (830) '' Impairment of fixed assets 17 0 (22) Amortisation of capital grants & contributions 25 17 2 Net charges made for retirement benefits in accordance with 2 (343) (1,482) FRS17 11,349) (2,332) Amounts not included in the income and Expenditure Account but required by statute to be included when determining the movement on the General Fund Balance for the year: Revenue provision for capital financing 606 703 * Capital expenditure charged in-year to revenue (RCCO) 55 545 661 1,248 Transfers to or from the General Fund Balance that are required to be taken into account when determining the movement on the General Fund Balance for the year: Net transfers to/(from) Earmarked Reserves — General Fund 14 336 317 Net transfers to/(from) Earmarked Reserves — re surplus on sale 14 29 163 of fixed assets Net Housing Revenue Account Deficit for the year (8,462) (4,712) Non-Revenue transfers (to)/from Balances 14 (16) (27) (8,113) (4,269) Net additional amount required to be credited to the General (8,801) (5,353) Fund Balance for the year * These 2011/12 items have been restated to exclude Housing elements which are now shown within the Net Housing Revenue Account Deficit figure near the bottom of this Statement instead. DOUGLAS BOROUGH COUNCIL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2013 As At 31 As At 31 March 2013 March 2012 Note E'000 £'000 C000 Fixed assets Intangible fixed assets: 19 5 10 Operational assets: 17 Council dwellings 212,812 206,125 Other land & buildings 23,779 18,682 Vehicles, plant & equipment 1,687 1,892 Infrastructure assets 2,184 2,376 Non operational assets: 17 Investment properties 3,928 4,718 Assets under construction 3,322 10,692 Surplus assets 2,213 249,925 Total fixed assets 249,930 244,495 Long term investments 20 6 8 8 8 Total Long Term Assets 249,938 244,503 Current assets Stocks 21 219 185 Debtors 22 1,738 1,324 Cash at bank 23 22 22 Total current assets 1,979 1,531 Less Current Liabilities Creditors 24 (3,059) (3,456) Capital contributions deferred 25 (49) (0) Short term borrowing 26 (1,837) (5,493) Cash overdrawn (2,511) (1,119) Total Current Liabilities (7,456) (10,077) Total assets less current liabilities 244,461 235,957 Long Term Liabilities Long term borrowing 27 (67,293) (60,878) Capital contributions applied 25 (70) (19) Pension fund liability 28a (12,578) (10,113) Other unfunded pension liabilities 29 (244) (271) (80,185) (71,281) Total assets less liabilities 164,276 164,676 DOUGLAS BOROUGH COUNCIL I STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2013 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2013 (CONTINUED) As At 31 As At 31 March 2013 March 2012 Note E'000 E'000 £'000 Financed by Pensions Reserve 30,34 (12,845) (10,411) Revaluation reserve 31,34 140,181 135,311 Capital adjustment account 32,34 30,018 33,400 Usable Capital Receipts Reserve 33,34 543 538 General revenue balances 34 3,390 2,623 Specific reserves 34 2,642 2,725 HRA balances 34 347 290 Total net worth 164,276 164,676 The Financial Statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Council.
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