• ess 1 e Volume I Friday, Number 2 Offi(lCll Publicati on of The Unt teel States (bessfederati on September 20, 1946 U. S. Championship Details Set BYRNE WINS NEW NEW JERSEY STATE ISAACS, SANDRIN AREAS SELECT THEIR CHAMPIONS ENGLAND TOURNEY CHESS ASS'N FORMS WIN PLACES IN WAGMAN SECOND WAYNE PRESIDENT U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP IN LABOR-DAY WEEK-END MEETS As a result at the tOlifnament at Twelve players \ contested In the In the elght-I'ound Swiss system Area Six Tournament to decide the tournament which grants the New the Stacy-Trent Hotel players trom representatives at the U. g, Cham­ First Democratic U.S. Championship Meet England Championship, the lS-year­ not·th and south New Jersey met pionship. 'I'he veteran Lewis J. old Yale freshman, Robert Byrne, and organized the New Jersey State Isaacs was first and Albert San­ Draws Strong Field of Promising Contenders l)roved to be a shade better than Chess Association. Fint president drin, also at Chicago, was second. his rivals. In the play over the at this august body is R. W. Wayne Third place went to Allred Ludwig Labot' Day weokend August 30th at Ventnor City, well known for his of Omaha, Nebr. and tourth to Mark As the final results emerge from the smoke of battle cloud­ to September 2nd at HartJord, direction ot the Ventnor City invi­ Surgles or Milwaukee. Fifth place Conn., Byrne gathered 7lh points tation Tournaments. Three vlce­ went to Paul Poschel of Chicago. ing the fair Labor-Day skies, it becomes more and more ap­ out ot a possible 8 fO'r the cham­ presIdents were elected: C. B. Le­ The tournament was conducted parent that the Sixth Biennial U. S. Championship Tournament plon8hlp. Stuart E. Wagman at Cato of HaddonfIeld. F. E. Lauchs under the auspices at USCF Chap­ w ill set a new record in the annals of American Chess. The 'Boston was a close second with at West Orange, and William Van ter, Milwaukee Municipal CheBs Sixth U. S. Championship Tournament will be held in the the nearly pertect score ot 7 points, Bremen ot Trenton. Robert T. Dur­ Club, and the Tournament Director while Walter D. Suesman ot Provl: kin of Ventnor City became secre­ was Fritz Rathman, Editor at Wis­ Chanin Auditorium in New York City from October 26th to dence with a score ot 6 points was tary . and S. Caplan of Vineland consin Chess Letter. The tourna­ November 16th. At the same time plans cover a Woman's third. Fourth to ninth were Dr. treasurer. It was voted to apply for ment was played at Milwaukee from Gerald Katz, Harlow B. ,. Daly, Championship Tournament and a Masters' Reserve 'l'ournament membership in the USCF. August 30 ~h to September 1st, Charles Schoenfeld, AI. Martin, for the players from the seven areas of the United States who Hobert G. Mitchell and Richard barely failed to qualify for the Championship Finais. Brainard, whose point score was in each caso 5*, alined by the Son­ Details of the Tournament are in the hands of a Committee neborn·Bel"get· Rystem at "weigh­ hd.d<;d by Maurice Wertheim while Kenneth Harkness (Co­ ing" ties. In aU torty·seven play­ 'ers participated in litis annual tour· Edito r of CH ESS REVIEW) will serve as Tournament Direc· l\fl.ment which was won in 1945 by lor ill addition to his important duties as Cllairman of the Fi­ \V cavcr W . Adams, now in Eur­ Ilance Committee. ope witb the 1]. S. Team. Results from most at the seven areas into which the couutry has ning September 21st. Selection of J. C. THOMPSON 1ST been divided promise that the' sev­ players for the Masters' Reserve en seeded player.s will have no has not been announced. AL LIPTON 2ND IN easy time of it. The seven seeded Area l<~lve qualified its contest­ SOUTHWEST, OPEN players are: U, S_ Champion Arn­ ants In the annual Sbuthwestern old S. Denker, U. S. Open Cham­ Ollen Chess Tournament at Hous­ Seven States sent representatives pion Herman Steiner, Reuben Fine, ton, Texas, tram August 31st to to the Twelfth Annual Southwest­ I. A. Horowitz, I. I, Kashdan, Albert September 2nd. J. C. Thompson ern Open Championship Tourna· Pinkus and Samuel Reshevsky, who and AI. Lipton, both at Dallas, quali­ ment at Houston, Texas, August will meet in the finals of the U, S. fi ed tor the U. S. ChampionshIp Jin­ 31st to September 2nd. Among Championship the fifteen contend­ als, while J. W. Stapp and James the seventy contestants were ers selected from the seven areas Webb, both at Dallas also, quallft~ playors tram Colorado, Kansas, by the democratic method ot pre­ fa!' the Maste~s' Reserve. Oklahoma, Louisiana, MississippI, liminary contests. The veteran LewIs J. Isaacs and. Alabama and Texas. The tourna­ First to finish its selection was lhe youthful Albert Sandrin, both ment was held at the Rice Hotel Area 'I'hree, consisting at Delaware, of Chicago, qualified tol" the Cham­ in Houston and was refereed by J. Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, pionship finals In Area Six in a Allan Anderson, former St. Louis Pennsylvania and West Virginia. tournament held at Milwaukee Au- . champion and member of U. S. Jacob I,ellin (lett) meets 1)1'. Bruno Schmi(U (right) in the Area 'l'hree In a special tournament held at gust 30th to September lst. Al­ Team a.t Hamburg in 1930. finals, while M. A. Kontosn. acts as timekeeper. Cleveland, Ohio, from August 10th {red Ludwig or Omaha, Nebraska J. C. Thompson won the title to 12th Jacob Levin and AttUio and Paul Poschel of Chicago were of Southwestern Champion with a USSR TEAM WINS J. H. BELSON WINS DICamillo, both of Philadelphia, the two ready for the Mastera' R~ score at seven wins, uo draws qualified to enter the U. S. Cham­ !!erve. or losses. AI. Lipton. also of Dal· SCORES 12~ - 7Y2 CANADIAN TITLE; pionship finals while deorge East­ Area Four and Area Seven have las, was second with 6 points. MAURICE FOX 2ND man ot Detroit and Dr, Siegfried not been heard tram as yet, but It Third to sixth place went to J. W. OVER U. S. TEAM Wcrthammer of Huntington, West is known that both have plans un­ Stapp of Dallas, James Webb of Once again the U. S. Team taced In the 1946 IkIminiOll Chess Virginia, will represent the area In der way to quality players from Dallas, Mevis R. Smith of Hous· d!ifeat when it met the 1]SSR Team ChampiOllship Tournament played the Masters' Reserve. their respective areas. ton, and Don KlIgore at Dallas, aU at MoscoW. Heroes for the Ameri· at the Central YMCA In 'i'oronto In Area One the annual New at whom had 5* points, according can!! were r. Kashan and A. Kevitz rrom August 31 to September 7, J. England Championship Tournament to ' a Sonneborn·Berger "weighing" with 1*-*. The U. S. Team, how­ H . Belson won the title in a strong at Hartrord, Conn.. from August DR. WERTHAMMER at their scores. Seventh to tenth ever, Showed Improvement over last tournament wbich Included former 30th through September 2nd pro­ place went to Alfred P Coles III yeal' when it lost the radi:> match champions M. I~ox, J. S. Morrison, vided one finalist for the U. S. WINS W. VA. TITLE of El.' Paso, Al!red wnis of New by a acore of 15% to 4 'h, and R. E. i\1afrtin. Maurice Fox was Championship. This was Robert ALLEN DUVALL 2ND Orleans, Joe Gilbert of Dallas and (Box-Score Page 3) second, R. E. Martin third and J. Byrne, 18-year-old Yale freshman, F, H. McKee of Dallas, with 6 Rauch foarth. Bernard Freedman who became New England Cham­ For the third time In four yean point!! Oileh, according to their Son· LEVIN, DICAMILLO was tOUl'oament director. Twenty­ plon-. Stuart E. Wagman ot Bos­ Dr. Siegtrled Werthammer of Hunt­ neborn-Berger score. QUALIFY IN AREA eight players competed In two 14- ton or 'Valter B, Suesman of Provi· ington won the West Virginia round preliminary sections to deter­ dence will compete In the Masters' Championship in the tonrnament KOWALSKI WINNER THREE TOURNEY mine those seated In the final Reserve, played at Clarksburg trom August In a special tournament held in championship round-robin. This was On August 30th through Septem· 31st to September 2nd. In a six· TRENTON TOURNEY Cleveland, Ohio, on August 10th to the second title tor Belson who won ber 2nd another special tournament round Swiss SYstem he scored E McCORMICK 2ND 12th, Jacob Levin at Philadelphia the 1934 tournament, held at the Stacy·Trent Hotel In points to regain the title lost in won first place with three wins and Trenton, N, J., decided the other 1945 to Harold W. Liggett by hall Three players eaeh from northern two draws. Attillo DiCamillo, al· SANTASIERE WINS finalist trom Area One. This was a point. and southern New Jersey met at so ot Philadelphia, was second with NEW YORK STATE Stephen W. Kowalski of Newark, Second place went to Allen Du­ the Stacy-Trent Hotel, Trenton, N, two wins and two draws. A tour­ while Edgar T. McCormick ot East Vall at Charleston with a score 01 J. to determine the finalist in the way tie was the result in the other STERN TIES 2ND Orange became eligible tor the Mas­ 5·1. Other high scorers in the four· U. S. ChampIonship tram their places between Malcom W. Patrick In the annual New York State ters' Reserve.
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