A Panorama COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF Of Local IIOLMDEL, MADISON People And MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND Events M AI A WAN BOROUGH tfrmbaf Member 95th YEAR — 31it W EEK NiUotial Editorial Ai.oclatloa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 Mew Jen«y FreM A m o cUU o* Single Copy Ten Cents > Give Donation To First Aid Higher Water, Sewer Administrative Code Hearing In Marlboro Township Draws Turnout Ln Masse Ratesf Under Study 'A new schedule of sewer find wa­ mouses issued for motor vehicle ter rates, estimated to boost the violations; 137 auto accidents; U0 average w u I e r consumer's bill fire calls; 815 first aid calls; 70 about 10 pur cent, was presented in breaking and entries and larccnies, two ordinances introduced by the and business establishments left Matawan Borough Council Tuesday unlocked al night, 118 times. night. The rates j re: For the first 350 cubic feet of water, $5; for the nuxl Sell Bonds For 2000 cubic: feet, V> per 1000; for tin* next rf.DOO cubic feet, S2.-KI per 1000 and $2.10 per 1000 over that. Sewer Financing The present minimum quarterly rate $2.50. For water customer* outside the borough, the rules would Newark Firm Bids be slightly higher. 3.65 Per Cent Sewer rates, under a separate or­ dinance. would be set at 50 per The MatlSwan Horough Council cent of the water bill, with a 15 Tuesday night sold a $1,0!H),000 minimum quarterly. The present bond issue to finance construction minimum is $1.25. Public hearing of the new sewage disposal plant on the proposed ordinances will be and the extension ol the sewer sys­ Feb. 10. tem to John J. Ryan Co., Newark, A (Im w IIm tl HM toward Ihe new building fund was presented to Intimates Cost on a low hid of .l.lia per cent. ftieidnre Phelia jr., newly InKalled president ol Ihe Matawan First Councilman Leon G. Christinat Tim firm also offered a premium Aid and Reicue Squad, Inc., by Ihe immediate past president of the said it cost the borough $11,001) to of $74-1.IH for the issue which com­ V l here were so many citizens with !de;is on how good or bad ihe to adjourn the overflow hearing at Central School until tonight fof Ladlet Aailliary, Mn. Andrew Dladato. operate the sewer system last year, bines $-13(1.000 in sewer bonds to administrative code is In Marlboro Township and where its shortcoming everyone to give his opinion. M rs. Diadata Mated Ih il the money had been raised from card and estimated that it will cost an finance construction of the disposal Iay>and how (hey would have It changed that Ihe township eouneii had partial, nmmaac sales, aad titer ways and means projects during IN I. additional SM.OOO this year to pay plant and $(1(0 ,0(10 in sewer assess- principal and interest on sewer ¥ (continued on page four) iwnds, thus the need for the -rate Bridge Hearing iSagOtskv Calls All Marlboro Probed hike. Order New Bids The State Hoard of Public 55 J 'Ihe. holdover Monmouth Coma* Regional Vote Council approved a use variance Hospital Head Utility Commissioners has schcd- ty Grand Jury handed up a prts for Oliver l.eifeste to conduct u ‘ uled a bearing for 10 a.m. Feb. scutmcnt F r i d a y to Superior watch repair and jewelry business On Refuse Pact If) on the petition of Matawan Court Jod}*p J . lulward Knight Slated Tuesday in a building at the corner of Hroud Releases Report Township for construction of a Proceedings Illegal lo which it found a shortage of Four State, Budget Roselle Firm Wins and Little Sts. new' vehicular a n d pedestrian personnel and a lack ol physical The governing Ixidy moved to ask Bayshore Hospital bridge over the railroad tracks ; Puhlic hearing resumes tonight : niak over the “ no" votes of Coun- \ accommodations in the treating W ill It Dtcidtd Consent Judgment the State Highway Department ’o at l.loyd Rd. ; on the administrative code for the j cilmen McCue and Alfred L. Stor-j of sex offenders at the State llos* er, provides for only a department . construct sidewalks along Route HI Activities Outlined The hearing will be held In the . Faulkner Act. Plan 1-*, government * pita! al Marlboro. Voters in the Matawan Regional Acting on Ihe advice of Its at­ and reduce Ihe speed limit. Coun­ PUC’s office at 101 Commerce of administration and a department The presentment commenced I installed in Marlboro Township School District, comprising Mala- torney, Vincent DcMaio, the Mata- cil also will investigate the possi­ Highlights of (he first IS months St., Newark. The township filed of finance. Hut Mayor Joseph A the work ol Dr. Robert I*. Nenno, (continued on page four) ; wan and Matawan Townihip, will wan Borough Council Tuesday bility of constructing sidewalks of activity of the IJayshore Com­ t h e petition last month. The jJan . I, tint the administrative code: medical director and chief ad­ along Ravine Dr. munity Hospital Association were Township Committee say* t h e : is an ordinance projxmnded by a ; night voted to readvertlse for bids, ministrator al the hospital and (o to the polls Tuesday to clect The annual police department re­ outlined In an annual report re­ existing bridge Is In a state of j government that is illegally in of- expressed the hope that he will returnable at a .special meeting lour members o( the RcRionai port for l!Hi3 showed the following: leased today hy Harry S. Willey, disrepair and lacks Ihe struc­ i fice if Superior Court Judge J, Fd Senior (iitizens continue to serve. II noted that Board ol Education and approve a Feb. 10, for the Ittttt municipiil One auto accident fatality; 2fiH sum* hospital president. The report cov­ tural strength to support t h e | ward Knight chooses Feb. 7 to up- it is only due tc the shortages ol I2.MI.6M budget tor the HI64-G5 garbage contract. ers mafor activities since the or­ traffic that uses It. I hold argument raised in the brief personnel and fiiclllties that th* ganization meeting of tin* associa­ The PUC Is I) (• I ii |« asked to school year. Authorization to udverti.se for filed this week by Harry Sagof.sky, For Two-Acre Lol hospital slaff has been "unable (• tion held on May fi, 1W>2. The new ■ The two incumbent], Harold J. order the New York and Long Freehold, as attorney for Council give the sex offender the special* nriv bids followed a ruling Friday Council Blocks hospital wiil be built on a 15-acre Dolan and Mrs. Dorothy Smilh, are Branch Railroad Co. to replace man Chaile.s T. McCiev Mr. Me But Madison Farmers ized treatment” as required by by Superior Court Judge Gene site on Peers St. in Hnlmdel Town­ Making full three-year terms on Hie the old bridge with a new one. ( ue was joined as a defendam to law. board as they filed for two of the Mariuno in a suit brought by an ship adjacent to the Garden State < The township's petition was filed Fear Lands Unsalable The jurors said under presenl Hyrne Choices Parkwav at an estimated cost of the suits challenging the legality three - seats which arc open to unsuccessful bidder for the contract j by former Township Attorney condition* there is only one doctor $2,210,000. I Herbert Smith who will repre­ Two - acre minimum lot sizes • to every 100 pnticnt* leaving llttlt latawan Township residents. Wil- when It was awarded originally by ■m F. Davis, Cliffwood, filed for Rejects Appointment The report details the work of the sent Ihe township In the appeal. came in for attack in the initial lime (o devote to (he sex of-* r council Dec. HD, 19T1. Recall In Jeopardy (he two-year unexpired term open Of Building Inspector Building Committee in the matter hearing by the new Madison Town­ fender. In addition, t h e jury In a township resident us the result The judgment was in favor of of sile selection and screening of ship Council Monday on the zoom;.* noted it was aware o( escape* Las! recourse of the Citizens ordinance eml>odying such /oninr. from hospital groumh by sex of­ at the reslunatlon of Vinccnt H. l-':i m day & Mever Co., New The four • member Democratic architects and consultants for the Mass Housing Out Committee in Marlboro Town­ for the easterly sector of the town­ fender convicts heightening the LeBeau. Shrewsbury, and Peter Roselle & majority on the Matawan Borough new hospital, ft states that the ship that of a recall vote under ship smith of Route 31. | concern of the neighboring coin* Floyd R. Drown, 244 Broad St., Sons, F.lizaheth, who successfully Council blocked Republican Mayor firm of Kverett and (jilboy. Allen­ the Faulkner Act early In 11*65, munity. Matawan, a former board member, blocked the awarding of a contract Edward E . Hyrne twice Tuesday town, Fa., were named as archi­ John F. Toolan. Perth AoiImv, ! tects and engineers and Gordon A. In Matawan IVp. if Mayor Joseph A. l.an/aro h - ........... filed for the lone three-year term to the Acc-Manzo Contracting Co.. night in his attempt to appoint a . confirmed hy the courts as duly appeared for Joseph Hrunelti. Her- ; open on the board for resident of Friesen Associates, Washington, D. a Matawan, by the borough for the new building inspector. Voting! elected in the Dec.
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