■ V'X . -V a ■ ■ > ' . \ ■' PAGE TWENTY-POUR \\ MOl^AY, OCTOBER 18, 1988 \-' •■'A ' ' \ £ti?ning H^raiii ■\ AYcrage Daily Net Press Ron A r Tbe Week Ended The second seminar presented Ronald V. Schmalz, director science in 1960 from the Uni­ by the‘Manchester High School of personnel at Manchester Me­ Census Bureau October 4, !$•$ The Weather About Town versity o t Oonnecficut, and hM Sock and Buskin Partly cloudy, cooler through guidance department for par­ morial Hoqdtal, will speak to­ done graduate work at Williams VFW AlixUlcuy will m eet to- ents of students planning post- morrow morning to about 30 In­ To Start Survey Wednesday. Lows tonight 40 to Oolite and the University of Performs Oct. 25 45; colder in some areas. To- morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Post high school educatUm will be terested students at Manchester New Hampshire. 15,790 Mrs. Hilda Baker of 286 Por­ morrow’s high about 60. Thurs­ Home. held tomorrow from 7 to # p.m. High School on "Health Careers The program will begin at The Sock and Buskin Drama in Room A7 of the high school. for the 70s.” ter St. U one of a five-member Society of Manchest^ High Decide on a Mm»ehe»ter— A City^of ViUpte Charm j day’s outlook fair, cool. team that will conduct a Bu­ 1:80 p.m. with registration and Amerlean L<egion Auxiliary Mrs. Grace Kunz of the guid­ campus tours from the Austin School will present Its fall play, VOL. L X X X IX , NO. 12 will sponsor a rummage sale ance department will conduct Dr. and Mrs. Barney Wlch- reau of the Census /area sur­ "The ^douse ’Ihat Roared,” Oct , TC* diamond.. (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) vey ntxt week of school enroll-, Arts Center. At 2:30, the official MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1969 (Clesstfled Advertlaliig oa Pace Id) tomorrow starting at 7 p.in. at a discussion of the roles of par­ man of Maiichestor, on Satur­ walcome will be extended by 26, at 8 p.m. in Bailey Auditori­ PRICE TEN CENTS the Legion Home. ents, students, and cojinselors day and Sunday, attended the ment at all levds from musery um. ’Tickets for the satire, the infallible^ school through college. President ’Iheodore D. Lock- In choosing colleges and Region I convention of the wood and Prof. Alexander Mac- which was written by Leonard Other interviewers have been Verplanck School PTA will schools. American Podiatry AssociaUtm. kimmie, chairman of the edu­ mbberly and adapted by Chris­ choice have an open house tomorrow It was held in Newton, Mass., assigned from Hartford, Weth­ topher Sergei, may be purchas­ cation department. *Our own Troasuro from 7 to 8 p.m. Parents and The Rev. CHfford O. Simpson, at the Marriott Motor Hotel. ersfield, Southbury, and Spring- ed from any Sock and Buskin field, Mass. Following brief introductioiw Chatt that Iden^aa children will visit classrooms pastor of Center Congregational to coeducation, Oie transition member or at the door. the diamond within as Seven Getting Local interviewing will be of axcaptionaJ quality. and meet the teachers. PTA Church, will lead a book discus­ A "Meet Ruth Tucker" coffee to college plan, cooperative pro­ The cast Is headed by Mary Only Michaolt hat ft. Nixon To Tell Nation part of a nationwide effort made membership may be obtained In sion of "The Autobiography of will be held tomorrow at 6:80 grams with other institutions, Jane Quinn as Glorlanna the any classroom. annually to measure the na­ Malcolm X,” tomorrow at 10 al.m. a t the home of Mrs. and an explanation of admis­ X n and Mike ’Tambling as ’Ful­ George Mrosek, 17 Gerard St. tion’s sclKxri and college popu­ ly Bascom. a.m. at the' church. lation. The survey will be made sion iMocedures, each academic Buckley School PTA will have Mrs. Tucker is the Democratic Both leads are played by sen­ an open house tomorrow from 7 along with the monthly national department dialrman or repre­ Feel of candidate for town treasurer. sentative will be avallatde for iors. lace War Status Nov. 3 to 8 p.m. at the school PTA Manchester WATES will survey of employment and un- meet tomorrow at the Itallan- visits or tours of facilities. The play is directed by Em­ memjberships may be obtained A potiuck celebrating the emidoyment for the Bureau of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rium has grown far beyond the time that crisis Is at Ito n..t. Amerlcan ' Club, Eldrldge St. ’Ihe program will conclude at ery Blanchard of the English Sovle* neuvers with m anual controls,” during the event. twentieth anniversary of the Labor Statistics of the U.S. De­ CREDIT TO YOUNG ADULTS President Nixon, after saying ““ •‘“‘^"‘•ortxlnatod point.’’ Young oakL Weighing In will be from 7 to 8 partment of Labor, which fur­ 4:16 with a reception In the Department, and ’Thomas Don- ~ orbiting cosmo- the announcement said. Nathan Hale School PTA wUl p.m. Members of the Hartford nishes a basic measure of na­ Wldener Gallery of the Austin Ion, also of the English Depart­ out joint In accordance with planned again he wUI not allow Wednes- Instead of a day In which stu- Nteon ^ e n * d Miss Patricia Graves, Man­ be held tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. Downtown Mancfaeater at 968 Mala Street WATES will be guests. Mem­ tional economic health. Arts Center. ment, the chib's faculty ad­ m«<ilca: experiments, the So- chester poHcewoman, will be In the school. All past and pres­ day’s bloesomlng Vietnam mor- denU would demonstrate their graduate, moratorium leaders bers are reminded to bring visor. together the vlets said, the physical oowX- guest speaker at a meeting of ent PTA members are invited. Information collected In Cen­ atorium movement to Influence opposition to the war by staying plan to light on antiwar "flame Ruth Circle of Emanuel Luth­ articles for a hobby and collec­ sus Bureau surveys can be used ^ f ^ tion of all seven cosmonauts Reservations may be made with ipe station was expected to was tested and the results hla policy, has announced he ®'®***® fon a day, of life" as a "constant reminder eran Church tonight at 8 at the tion display. only to determine statistical to­ will speak to the nation earlv f™^°'^®ment has spread to In- of those who have died and ore Mrs. Frank Savino, 72 Birch St., ft^ e d by welding two of the showed they were hiding up home of Mrs. Donald Anderson, or Mrs, Richard White, 74 Birch tals. Facts about each person I Fire Calls ^ ' “®®‘ ^ ‘*‘® “yltw '^blle It burns.” and family are kept confidential trio of Soyuz spaceships In outer well under the stress of space next month on the course of the nation’s life. , SO Timrod Rd. Mrs. John Hab- South United Methodist St. space. In keeping with Soviet flight. erem Is co-hostess. Church after-school program by law. Eighth District firefighters The announcement of the Nov. ^ tour-mllllon R spuS T S ile jJT'a DRY CLEANINe ''I' flights, details Shartalov reported that after 8 address came Monday only a m®mber Allla^e for Labor Ac- „„ dissent Imve dlsaip- will be held tomorrow from 2:16 Kotfee Krafters will meet extinguished a stubborn fire on A Center Congregational of today’s round of experimenu a night’s rest aU the cosmonauts few hours after the White House ‘Jon announced Monday it Is ^ the winds of orot^ to 4 p.m. In Wesley Hall of the Wednesday at 9:80 a.m. at the the Colonial Board Co. proper­ CENTER Church School Workers Confer­ church. CERRI’S “feeling fine,” the Soviet made public a letter on which ‘be proteM movement, both sides of the aisles the Community Y. Work wlU con- Trinity To Greet An oCficiai announcement said news agency said. The men ence will be held tonight at 7:80 ty yesterday at 4:46 p.m. Fire­ 419 MAIN ST. 649-7411 MANCHESTER Nixon told a Georgetown Uni- b'®™' protests have generated lengthy ttnue on antique wall plaques, the spaceships were open went through their morning ex- In Memorial Hall of the church. Preceptor Gamma Chapter, and mateiilals neded for anti­ men said the fire was in an verslty student there will be no has received from a ma- often bttter cleriws Student Visitors area where bales of paper were “LET US GIVE YOU A SPOTLESS REPUTATION” strictly on schedule." orclses, had breakfast and then change In Vietnam course I®*'‘“b"--organisation. Edward K Kenn-Av th. Beta Sigma Phi sorority, will quing pUuritc flowers will be One of the announced alms of made a medical checkim of The worship committee of meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the available. Hostesses are Mrs. Clarence W. Gay of 16 Good stored, and they said It took •‘merely because of a public The alliance was formed by wxWr North United Methodist Church about two hours to klU It. One Soyuz 6’s minion is to carry each other before starting their demonstration." ^uto Workers President home of Mrs. Edgar Ansaldl, William Boehm and Mrs. Rich­ Hill Rd., Wapplngt Is a mem­ out welding experiments. experiments. will meet tonight at 7 at the Princeton St. ber of the committee of ”An fireman said the blaze was set. Still, the timing of the speech Walter Reuther and acting 101 ard BushneU. Hie event Is open WINTER SPECIALS ^ P ro f. Nilootai Kazakov, de- The West G erm an Space Insti- church.
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