HUNT'S MERCHANTS* MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED'' STATES VOL. 43. NEW YORK, JULY 3, 1886. NO. 1,097. I^tiuincinl. l^ittaucial. I^ttmttcial. P.O. BoLUxa. B.H. BMnaox. I.B.WAaooimi. AMERICAN Frank C. Hollins & Co., Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. BANKERS AND BROKERS, TRINITY PLACE, 78 TO 86 Mamban N. T. Stook Bzckanca. NEW YORK. Alfred H. Smith Co., 11 WALL BTKKKT, riMiii irM. & HBW TORK, ^Mi AXD kMi|«aM ••«.« U«. »t •!•<• ar •• Talk, IM^ BPOBTEBf, lllB Mill l»t». 'MS CLARK HTRBKT, CHICAOO, ILL. EjtdLtrui AXD Paorm* or 182 Broadway, Cor. JoIb Street •ONOS, POSTAOK * RIVENUI aTAM^S, LIOAL TENOtR AND NATIONAL BANK Taintor & Holt, NOTES of tha UNITED STATES) and tor For*lsn Co«*mm«nM. BAKKERB, , ENORAVIMG Ain> PUNTIirO. n: 1 1 Wall St., Cor. New, New York. BASK nvTBLjNABB aomncATB^ BMras v«B ••rumuum ajtb osBrvBATMim TBAMBACT a OKMKRAL BANKINO boslnan. BBArr*. frNKCKH, BILLA KXCNAIiSi; SOLID SILVER. Vr DBPOSRS raealTad and IKTBKBtiT allowad oa •TAMra, *, la tb« «• mA MMt wMMia awto rB«a arxcLPtATBm rtnau tviTa GORHAM MTg Co., Bur aod mU OOYKBNMBNT, MOmCIPAL aa« UAILKOAD SaeartUM. •aaru* and fa»nf. Brosdwar NiaetoSBtJi Street, PMTata Ulacrapk wirak to ProndaB«a and Boitoa. SArETV OOLOm. SAFETY PAPER*. O. B. TAINTOB. W.rk C»M»U 4 la rtra*r~f »fl«l«ji AHD 9 HAmn LAjrx. QBO. U. nOLT. Q. D. vnmuwtL RAILWAY CVAS. J TuWXkBNU. LAN8IXO C. WAIBBmUl I NaaMr N.Y. Boiek Eiobanaa. BiANK BOOKS OT EVBMY DSacntPmi Jxu. P. Tuwxauio, Spadal Partner. MjnTt.1 Houghton Bros. & Co., Townsend & Washburn, A. B. >HEP«RO, B A if K BBS. BANKEBS AKD BROKERS, «. H. MHIXR. TOOTO lOBCETMHl BILWAVKBK, WIS. No. WaU Btraat, Now York. TNCO. H. FIECUHa UcTjttJn OOlXacnoNS maA» la aar paft af Ika aaaatiT t la««» tataa. AeeonaU of taakak NwiiiBH aa4 Stook* aod Booda Bonaht aod 8oM oo CommlMloo for «Mk or on nafvlD. A*x P. ri/TTBa, PrmX. t. W. Wou, Caakl«r. Hpaeul ttaatMa ftran to tToMad Baenittlaa. Nvakaau' .Hauoaal" Baak NoctkAi l>apo*iu r;eat*ad«iMa«raaat* to Ct iiia at Stobt. Maverick la^Naw Torki Oona National Bank, •rMNMK BOBTOW. WlNlN. T.aad PMH «N>Ma SkMk T»r>in— The Investors' Agency, OAPITAI., •400,000 • t'KPLCS, ' 400,000 L. H. Taylor & Co., a3l La Salle St., Chlraso, III., A< (M. L. SCCDDER, Jr.. Proprietor,) *- HAMKBIS, * ANaWBBS INQUIRIBS CONCBBNINO Third and B. W. C»r. rkaataat Bta., Anerican Stttcks aadl Secaritlei PHILADKLPniA. Floyd-Jones & Robison, I^m Librarr of Ballroad Doeaaanta. at Mchl. and u oSaantlat Baaorta. BANKBBB A!«D BBOKKma, -,_, ModCTata Chama. No. S KxakaaB* 0«ar«, Raw York. ilMfe*, BoaSi aB4 O. a. niiwaaial limiim Fred. H. Smith, Boagftt aad SoU «• li iiii BANKER k BROKER, Henry S. Ives & Co., No. so BHOAD ST., NBW YORB. Andrews, Twffotr raarv' kzparlanca In Railroad Bonda. Par* Adams k Kelloeir, BANKERS, Ua* daarina to bar or Mil Unonrrant Booda wU. BAUKCIUI ASO BBOKXBS, plaaaa cimmnnloata. HUicka bought la Praetjonal Lola or otkanrtM, n: Bf NABSAi; bt., nbw yobb« altliar fur Caab or oo Naivln. p. O. r. H. aarra. l Mamban Couoljdatad .Stock mi4 BOI B.W. Patfolaaa Biobaaaa, N*« Tork. •«r Traiuaal aaM«ral baaktaa liaNiiwi, tfea taMlaAnc IIiKAM nawixo. Ci^uK DiwiHo. F. T. BuxTaoo(7 HiNim aa4 aaia of mvHUm Ufta4 at tAa N«« iManbar of N«w York Hi'tok tfixchanxal Tort Steak Bxelianca. or latta opaa markal. H. Dewing Son, Smm a»n1l» rabjMt to «kwk at dshi aa« & TIMKEK * WBSTOM, •Sow Manaioa daiir kalaaaa. BAKKERH AM> BROKERS, i Street, York. BAJTKKRS AWD BBOKXBB, B» ii»aat. Stata, Ounti, CItr aad BaUraU No. IS Wall New haa4 tonaaomi>«agi. « Mooki and Bonds Bonaht and Sold on OommlMloa attantlon alTaa to InformatJoo racard* "•• * xcaAi««B cmvwfWf glTan to IBa m t a< tarwt- Partlcoiar VM lac InTaatmant HcantlM. Iowa Uian_d> Traai Co. 4 par oaat Debantuaa *• '^ •— "^ ESS£Jl«fc5-'- Gorham, Turner & Co., STOCK BROKBB. Buttrick & Elliman, BANKERS AND BliOKEItS. 18 Wall niriK-t, New York, Lansdale Board man, PIBST-i'L.tnH noNDK F4tR INVKBT* "W TOKK,MBBOAbirAT*»BSW8T. Ilia BaU«lac« 3< WaU St., Raw York JIIKNT A SFI^dALTV. loTMtor* wlablnc to Bar or Bali ara Inrltad to oall THOY, M. Y., •. 17 nwr imtT. Artmi O. OOBfUM. Obas. W. TvaiiBa, or oorraapoiHl. Barand Ball on OommlMloo for Oaaii.or on liaralB, W ialNiS>ilWllMa IIINIItoOIHm ONAA.aMOaLB. B.T.BIaakBxaii. aiiMookaABoadsdaaltlaatUaNrr.Htook flkak. I. , THE CHRONICLE. proL. xLiii. ygrctgtt Hxcfeange ^«nltftV8 Kn& flraxpeyg ot Co., Heidelbach, Co., August Belmont & Drcxel, Morgan & ° BANKERS, Ickelheimer & Co., triLIilAia STBEET, WAIX KiaMKT. OORHKB OF BROAD. No. 1* P'"» Street, 29 C11K1)IT8. BTSllHble In »U Eiohange Place, NEW YORK. IB8D>IHina TBAVKI.BK8' Cor, ^"^ of the \V„rM, throouh Korh»ohllil & Won*, London. FOREIGN BANKERS. Dnxel * Co., I>rexel,HkrJes*Co M..^r> n. M. 8oi.^ Frank. BUr AND DRAW BILLS OP KXCHANGB, Boslvnrd nkiumaan, « M. A? dc llo.h«l.njr& TRAVEL. ol lU k Cbwtaat SU. n CABLE TRANSFERS. ISSUE Oor. Vienna. MARK PABIS. 8. M. deHo'nr«h^d;E.q.. BBS' CREDITS. roHKE8P01ID«NTS. „ . ,t . i.t » AKI) TB«B ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS, AVAILABLE on, andmjke Cable Tnuu- Drmw BUU of KUchMge IN ALL PAET8 OF THE WORLD. ON Messrs. C. J. Hambro & Son. London. W. Seligman & Co. J. & BANKERS, Itttrjestmctttg. ATTOBXaTR *!n> AOKTW o» S^ptciKl CO., No. 23 BKOAD STRBKT, Haasra. J. •• BOBOAH * "Vork. BTBEET. LOWDOH. New Mort. Bonds. >». M OLD BROAD Iron Steamboat Ist Letters of Credit for Trarelers Issne Marquette Ist #>« HRIIRMAN BROTHRRS, London. Detroit Mackinac & Co., ° Ikt lOMAN KUKKKS * 6lE. Parts. Brown Brothers & IfrankfUrt. SFl IGMAN ft STETTIIBIMKR, Mort. Bonds. YORK, Boston. iiiiRKlio OOLDBBUaAOO., Amsterdam. PWU. NEW ALTMAN A 8TKTT11KIMBB Berlin, Detroit Mackinac & Marquette Land AKD Asia, Afrtoa, An»- BBOWW * SONS Payable In any part of Borope, Grant Bonds. ALBXAFIDBR and make Telegraphic BAl.TIMOHB. '^™i°Bili"of"Bichan|te 1st T^y.7..?!li.'M°Ani?^ BSForeand California. Western Railroad of Alabama Sell Bills of Exchange Bar and and 2ds. John Paton & Co., Mississippi & Tennessee Railroad "A" *' TO CredlU BUCCESSOBa and "B" Bonds. IMS. CommercUl & Tr«TeIer«» JESVP, PATON & CO., Itl STKPLISO, KIRK, th« worM, In FjiKO" '»' York. TOBEY& ATBllaM* In any Piirt of 53 William Street, New S:SS'?rS?SjKS;..^SS;SHjr ^^„t. .„d Agency of B,^k^CorooraU^. i Broad Street. New York. •- and ...dl.ldn^^^^^^^ S:l:eTe.,,r.pJ..cTr.n.rer.or«on., urrwenrandlnwriircollecje*^! ind remltt^^^ ouiitry and Europe coupons ""tVc'irtl.!.* Art M ilenM for corporations In paying UKAFTS drawn transfer agents. Co., AKECOI.l.KCTIO>r* »V and diTldends ; also as H. Prentiss & State, and Cjuiad., securities bought and sold on Geo. ".^^on iJl po nu In Unlt«l Bondi stocks and •ZSofdSfu dr.wn In the United State, on onmmlaslon^t the Stock Exchange or elsewhere. ffltai Exchange and Cable Transfers bought and 49 WALL ST., HBW YOBK, «dtb-rU»don'hi;Si£:£2^|i0WNi8HI^T No. •**'** DBAW ON aus THB UNION BANK OP LONDON ST., BROOKLYN. BBITIBH LINBN CO. BANK,' LONDON AND 108 nONTAGUE Stuart Co., SCOTLAND T & J. & GAS STOCKS 88 NASSAU STBKBT. Co., Maitland, Phelps & Ain> BILia OF EXCHANGE ON iniTH, PAYNE & SMITH'S, BANKERS GAS SECURITIES, BANKERS. LONDON AND BANK, Stocks and Bonds ANOHBSTBB 4c COUNT* COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Street Railroad "LIMITED," LONDON Aid) ALL KiNDa or MANCnWTBB, PATABU IN 23 & 34 Excbance Place, VI.8TBB BANKING GOIHPANK, BROOKI.YN SECURITIES BKLFAST, IKELANDj Hew York. AMD ON THB OF CREDIT, DEALT IN. SCOTLAND, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, LETTERS HATIONAL BANK OP OF MONEY QUOTATIONS IN THIS PAPBB. AND BBANCBBSl TKLBQRAPHlC TRAN8FBB8 i«B GAS DINBUBOH Ac, &c ALSO, ON MEXICO. CUBA, GEO. H. PRBNTISS. W. D. PBDfnSB. W. W. WALSH OF CBBDIT. OABLB TRAMSrSBS AND LKTTKB8 KaNNKBT Ton. Albiasdkr Babino. Member N.Y.Stook Excb. J. Ezch'ge U. O. NORTHCOTK Member N. Y. Stock John Munroe & Co., Kennedy Tod & Co., LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO's Naasan Street, New Yoik. J. Guaranteed Western City No. 82 Ho. 63 TMLMAM STREET, Six per Cent Mo. 4 Foat once Square, Boaton. BANKEBS. and Farm Mortgages. Use Railroad line Clrcolar Letters of Credit for Travelers' Act as Agenta for Banks, Bankers and SECURITY. Abroad against Caab or Satlsfacton UNDOUBTED Re-paymaat. commercial credits, also foreign and domestic Uoaranty of Issue In letters of credit in pounds sterling ft dollars. Paynble Scmi-Annunlly New Parla, Berlin traTeler*' Interest EzckaBg* OB London, Offer Inveatment Secnrltlea. York or Boston. and Znrloh. Buy and sell bonds, stocks and securities In all Am- on com- For sale by Onom OPawaD akb Patmbwtb Madb bt Cabij. erican, Canadian, British and Dutch markets mission. Collect dividends, conpons and foreign and J. B. IWcGEOBGE, Pnita Boaae-nVNBOB * CO. Inland Drafts. Sell Bills of Exchange on No. SO Broad Street. IWEI,VI1.I.K, F,VANI* •Si: CO.,!'jl.unuun.ON DON. IIAMllU" A: f.ON, Ruckgaber, c". J. Schulz & MAKt'lAUll, KKAI'SSSde CO.,!jfAKlB.PARIS. WTML. C IVOYES, n A N IF K R H IIOTTINULKR Jt CO., VORK No. 96 BROADWAY, 29 WILLIAn STBEBT, NEW DEALER IN COaHMPONDkNTS Of TH* Kidder, Peabody & Co. international Bank of London CITY RAIL-W^AY STOCKS, (LImltml), London. FOREIGN BANKERS, Hoaara. John BerrnberK, Uoaaler 4c Co. GAS STOCKS, IlaniburK. 1 Nassau Street, New York, CO.'S STOCKS oaara. Ularcnard, Kranaa 4c Co., Parts TRUST OMuereial aad TisTelera' Cradiu. 118 Devonshire Street, Boston. TEL,EGRAPH STOCKS, Mk ofSnhaaaa. Cable Traatfan. ATT0BNEY8 AND AGENTS OF Bank Stocks, Insurance Stocks. waph Stocks BROS. & CO., London See my qnotatlons of Trust an* Tel Unger, Smithers & Co., Messrs. BAKING E«n<n» yost and Daily Indfcntor.
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