PRESS. T*ma $8.00 per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. boakb and rooms. •very day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printer*’ MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED The CwM ml K (change, Exchange Street, Portland. _ *Jw«,r.»illty. We commend the N. A. FOSTER, Propsietob. press. following article from (% B. P. DUNN, Notice to the l PATTEN’S Re-Opened. Wanted [daily i'KBMBEight Dollars a year in Sick 32 the New York Post to advance. No Oamorth St. mil parties desiring Immediately PORTLAND. every Republican who gjp- Single copies 4 cents. HOUSEcan be accommodated w'th board and spacious r*els ?cian & All AlwawH lu G°0I> smart Boy, at Brook’s B 79 Brack- himself traveling Pendleton ward. It Surgeon, Pnnooeoll' Improved Self- rooms, inshed or on second or A ikerv, Positively Ventilating untarnished, first, w TUB MAINK ST\TE is Cured and third floor, bv u brooks. ouSht tJ a antidote: PRESS, published at the 4 Perfect Health Keolored. applying immediately. july28d3w prove complete same place every at a Morion Block, and Thursday morning $2.60 Jvear: v«4 Upright Chest j&SKhw_u- Morning, July 29 1868. rate of interest at a t paid iu advance $2.00 a Wednesday average which per- year. QG(f0 8BET, PORTLAND. Board. WANTEDJ fectly solvent borrower can obtain money in Rates of Adyebti^ino.—One inch ol tn Dr. of rooms can be obtained at No. Europe, for a term of is about four space, GREGORIE LAMONT, 3 Vice years, per length ol column, constitutes a “square.” July 21, 1883. a* REFRIGERATORS ! WB’J?Quincy St. JySSdlw* Presidential Election, Tuesday, Nov. 3d. From New of the Re- SITUATION by an exiierienced $1A0 per square daily first week. 75 cents per York, Member bv Diploma Bonk k. eper It is true week formed Medical celebrated both The best and not somoch of an as a that the interest Is now after; three or continu- College. N Y, in cheapo t in use; are lined with A Salary object permanent rate of Insertions, less, $1.00; D. M. an t Has at a other after THOMPSON & CO, Europe this the last five Board situation. been with present over quoted much ng every day first week, 50 cents. coun'ry during twenty nine iu such manner lhat it is employers Republican Nominations. lower rate, and often at a Halt ol W* the remarkable cures he impossible for the WTITITH, a suitor nice rooms on first ten years. square, three insertions or less, 75 cents: one Manulacturerg and Dealers in y£Pj* practice for has the floor, lobe cneCted, m th wood to absorb 50 quotations represent week, $1 00; 50 cents per week atter. usands of cases, and many in the l^ast moisture; are so con- Spring Street,between High and Address, BOOK-KEEPER, ,ngbtr,”T’.bUtoldiscount tb.e“* lo, stages ©t structed Park Streets. d and ,„ur Unde*- head of $2.00 per square Comsumption, after they had been given as to give a tree circulation ol air jy7dtt P.O.Box 1791. 8ixty “Amusements,” ui* through months bdls, and do not per week; three inserti ns or less, $1.50. Draws. by every other practice as incurable, treats all the Portland, July 28, 1808. dlw» reuresent the rate Alarm Locks & J prevision it sweet ot Special tor the Money lseases of the Chest, by Herbs. Bal- chamber, keeping and pure Boarders Wanted. interest at which Notices, $1.25 per square first Roots, Gums, and capital eau be browed Also aams, Leaves ami Barks, in connection preventing offensive odors from the lor a term insertion, and 25cents per square lor each subse- Rbtnea’Patent Mup Wringers and Pail. Agents with Cold ariicles GENTLEM AN and wife, or two gentlemen can WA D- long ol years. Medicated and Constitutional It be NTE quent insertion. wanted. Vapor Appliances, may contain. A accommodated with board at 27 Wilmoi St. In England the rate of Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Keicreiices interest at which With a Succpm Unknown to exchange<i. june30dlw*then tt 'WO smart can be Press” (which has a large circulation in CROSS ST., PORTLAND) DIE. the Physi- The liesult ol 30 rI Young Men to act as “News Agents” money borrowed on mortgage tor in- every part nan> of this years Experience. -L am the Train. •t the State) for $1.00 per ior first Conniry. Apply to dustrial purposes is seldom less square insertion J S Freeman, Thompson & ET Harmon. PROVIDED WITH To Let. than five per and 50 cents ior each Edgerton, J>28dtf R. CHISHOLM * BKO. per square subsequent inser and invites the attention ot the Sick and Afflicted cent.; but, as we have an tiou. July 14. d3w PLEASANT ROOMS TO with u_C. said, undoubted under any of the various forms of LET, laboring diseases Ice Mallei, Ice SEVERALboard, at ftw. 38 8tate *tre«t. government bond bearing interest at lour such as Ulcerated or Racks, and Mov- Coughs, Tuberculous Lungs June 18C8. dtt Boy Wanted ! annum of 29, per cent, per will bring par in JOSEPH Slotting Blood, Pain in the Chest, Shoulders able Slides. fifteen years of one Eng- CURRIER, age, who writes a good if not in BUSINESS CARDS. Sides and Back Sore Throat. Bleeding hand and can give land, German]'. Lungs,Chron Will five Perfect Boarding. ABOUT saiisfactory references as to ic Catarrh Night Sweats, Nervous Complaints, Pal Satisfaction. character. Ai dress K., at this office. We may therefore say that whatever we BELL LARGE and plea ant Front Room to with J>27d3t piigtiou, Ossification, or Diousy of the si Manufactured liy let, hawger, heart, Dy «p A board, at 56 Free st. pay lor loans above 4per cent, per annum is »ia, liver Complaint, Chronic all jet2tf Men and No. 318 Diarrhoea, and Women wanted In not a Conttross Female such as Itlltivrv & interest, but guaranty or insurance Dr. William Warren st., Complainfs, Prolapsus Uteri or KAKTEAl'X, ENTERPRISINGevery city and town In th" State to solicit orders Greene, Falling ol the and all Uterine B®*urders Wanted. and act as for charged the lenders to themselves Manufacturer and Womb, Complaints, No 305 Commercial salesmen onr now and popular works by protect Proprietor of such as ■two st. Portland, o LEI. with suits and Cancers, Tumois. Enlargements, Suppres- iff Salesroom 174 tore and board, single rooms, fur- Our ag uts are making from *50 to *200 month. against the risk of the loss of the whole or a sion of the st, 0 Exchange6 st nished and tier CONGRESS Menses, Exc**s>ive Menstruation, Leu- June 30-tt untarnished, at 56 F ee Street. Send Stamp for terms and c rculats. of their SQUARE, Currier’s Patent Bell or May in. and part capital. lor Hotels, Whites, Scrofulous Affections, Spinal Mirror copy. HAI.L & GOSS, ,0"8’ (jfavel and Poisonous <ltl__[Argus for Neither the bankers of Frankfort nor those Where one Bell is made Innoculations, ami J>28eodlm 36 Old State H jure, Boston, president, to answer for any number all Diseases of the Blood. DK. Board ol London have doubt of the of f iyFirst House (on the shove Street. LAaiONT I, the oulyJ any ability left) High 'l obes. Door Bells, (long in this Jf*01?,’’ A11? Physician country gifted with Horse AND good rooms can the United States to BClls, Dining R om Bells to ring with the toot, anti lor Sale. be obtained for gentlemen Cl 12 NT*—$75 to $200 per pay their debt, or to tubed back of The th«,r wives or ULYSSES S. meet their annual interest Office Hours 9 A. M. and i P. M. Bqlls pi stering. Agent for Puwer mf Telling OUea.ee ul ,a.Hv single gentlemen, at No 57 mouth, everywhere, male and female, to GRANT, ;and yet the bonds Sight. Dantorth street. introduce the GENUINE IMPR > Uhdlwo&wSmo A good Gentleman’s Horse. mart«dtl VE OF ILLINOIS* of the United States sell at 73 in July Taylor’s Patent Crank Door Bell, By looking into his eye, without the driving COMMON SENSE FAMILY London; patient saving /sh^Y>Seven years old this spring, and can road SEWING this made in of a Where no wires a Word to him, he can tell them how MACHINE. This quotation being gold higher are used. Houses, Hotels and they are affect- twelve miles an hour. Stands 14 hands Machine will siitcH, hem edm every and C\7\ standard than our the true iu O0M8TO0K EMJER80N & Steamboats fitted at short notice. ot my particul ir, prescribe lor the immedi- ■ ■ ■ »»an; about nine LET. led, tuck, quilt, cord, braid, and em- FOR coin, quotation 0t>., Specimens ate relief an 1 weighs hundred and til- bind, VICE-PRESIDENT, work can be seen permanent cure of their broider in a most a under 30. in some ot print ipal Hotels in complaints- tv. Eolor, Sorrel. A very handsome and __TO superior nianuer. Price dollars is little MANUS ACTUBEBS OF l«r proud Mfcioe, New Hawnshire, and Vermont. [',,Psult«l a short time, FKEE OF driver. Enquire oi Only $18. Fully warranted for five years. That is to an banker will ~ at say, English Dune 3 -endfcr. ouAJiuJii, the We will pay $1000 for machine that give J. W. McDUFFEE any SCHUYLER to make less than 30 American TO LET. will sew a more or gold euough City corner Cor. Union and Middle St. Portland. stronger, bcautiftil, COLFAX, ENVELOPES! Hotel, of Congress and Green more elastic seam dollars lor the May -dU than ours.
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