Commando News cover:Layout 1 26/06/14 11:10 AM Page 1 AUSTRALIAN COMMANDO ASSN (NSW) INC. Registered by Australia Post ~ Publication No PP100016240 Edition 3 ~ June 2014 Commando News cover:Layout 1 26/06/14 11:10 AM Page 2 $1<7$5*(7$1<777$$5*(77 AANYNY SSPACEPAAACCE MissionMission eeffectivenessffffeectiveness r erelieslies h eheavilyavily o non a at eteam’sam’s a babilityility t oto a dadaptapt toto differentdiffffeerent ssituations.ituations. AAss ssuch,uch, hhavingaving aa wweaponeapon wwithith mmulti-roleulti-role capacitycapacity cancan spellspell tthehe ddifferenceiffffeerence bbetweenetween ssuccessuccess aandnd ffafailure.ailure. TheThe llight,ight, flflexibleexible a nandd r orobustbust C aCarl-Gustafrl-Gustaf sy ssystemtem i sis a at rtrueue multi-purposemulti-purpose wweaponeaponn uundernder cconstantonstant ddevelopment.evelopment. MMan-portablean-portableae andandsd shoulder-fired,shoulder-fired, itptit pprovidesrovidesms m amaximumximum versatilityversatility aandnd iiss ccompatibleompatible withwith a widewide rangerange ofof ammunitionammunition CARL-GUSTAF types.types. TheThe bbrandrand nnewew HHEATEAT 665555 CConfinedonfined S pSpaceace r oroundund a lalsoso Multi-mission offersoffffeers eenhancednhanced uurbanrban wwarfarearffaare ccapabilities,apabilities, aallowingllowing iitt ttoo bbee uusedsed Man-portableMan portable ininav a varietyariety ooffs space-restrictedpace-restrictede environments.nvironments. 6KRXOGHUƃUHG6KRXOGGHUUƃUHG &RQƃQHGVSDFHFDSDELOLWLHV&RQƃQHGVSDFHFDSDELOLWLHV YouYYoou cancan relyrely onon SSaab’saab’s thinkingthinking eedgedge to deliverdeliver innovativeinnovativve productsproducts andand solutionssolutions tthathat eenhancenhance youryour ccapabilitiesapabilities aandnd ddelivereliver smartersmarter outcomes.outcomes. www.saabgroup.com/auwww.saabgroup.com//aau Commando News edit:Layout 1 27/06/14 2:37 PM Page 1 CONTENTS REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST President’s Report .............................................3 PUBLICATION No PP100016240 Reserve Forces Day 2014 ..................................5 AUSTRALIAN COMMANDO Military Funerals in Port Moresby .....................6 ASSOCIATION (NSW) INC. Book Review: Silent Feet...................................7 OFFICE BEARERS “What are the chances?”...................................9 PATRON: Anzac Day ~ Sydney .......................................11 Brigadier Keith Stringfellow RFD (Retired) Home at last from Vietnam .............................12 PRESIDENT: Barry Grant HALO Parachuting in Ausralia Phone: 02 9543 4241 • Mobile: 0414 914 615 “The Early Days”........................................14 Email: [email protected] From the Prolific Pen of Harry Bell .................21 VICE PRESIDENT: Jeff Ireson Phone: 02 9520 8865 • Mobile: 0468 396 778 Field of Remembrance ....................................23 Email [email protected] News from the Victoria Association SECRETARY: Kevin Mahony Kokoda Milestone......................................24 Phone: 02 9644 8794 • Mobile: 0425 279 111 Email: [email protected] Sick Parade ......................................................25 TREASURER: Ivan Kelly Vale ..................................................................25 Mobile: 0417 042 886 Events Calendar for 2014................................26 Email: [email protected] Membership Application/Renewal..................27 COMMITTEE: Alan Grant Laurie Hall Norm Wood “Q” Store Order Form....................................28 David Lynch Reg Davis, 2nd/9th Ted Hartley Ken Curran, 2nd/11th Deadline for next edition: SUNDAY, 31ST AUGUST 2014 EDITORS: Next edition out in time for Battle for Australia Day. Barry Grant ~ Phone: 0414 914 615 All news on members and interesting articles accepted. (Subject to editors’ approval.) Email: [email protected] Barry G Barbara Pittaway ~ Phone: 02 9427 5407 Email: [email protected] The Australian Commando Association (NSW)'s membership consists of Servicemen who have served with Independent AUSTRALIAN COMMANDO ASSN (NSW) INC. Companies, Commando Squadrons, "M" and "Z" Special units Registered by Australia Post ~ Publication No PP100016240 Edition 3 ~ June 2014 and Special Forces during and since the Second World War DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed within this publication are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the Editor, Publisher, Committee Members or Members of our Association. We welcome any input as long as it is not offensive or abusive but if any member has a problem with a printed article we would like to be informed in order that the author may be contacted. We do encourage your opinion. Official Publishers: Statewide Publishing P/L ABN 65 116 985 187 PO BOX 682, SURFERS PARADISE QLD 4217 PHONE: 1300 662 885 • FAX: 1300 557 996 EMAIL: [email protected] Printed by Galloping Press Unit 29, 398 The Boulevarde, Kirrawee NSW 2232 PHONE: 9521 3371 Front Cover: Special Operations Commander (Australia) and RSM SOCOM at Commando Memorial Seat, Sydney COMMANDO NEWS ~ Edition 3 I June 2014 1 Commando News edit:Layout 1 27/06/14 2:37 PM Page 2 • Unique Single Passenger Cab Design Gives a Whole New Off-Road Experience 3-Point Seatbelt and Protective Netting Certifi ed Roll-Over Protection Structure (ROPS) Adjustable Seat and Steering Wheel Independent Front & Adjustable Rear Suspension Front Rack/Rear Box Capacity 55 kg/110 kg 32 HP EFI Engine with Polaris Variable Transmission On Demand True All-Wheel-Drive (AWD) CERTIFIED ROPS CAB FRAME ADJUSTABLE SEAT ON DEMAND TRUE & STEERING WHEEL ALL-WHEEL-DRIVE (AWD) KG 680 680KG TOWING CAPACITY 32 HP EASILY TRANSPORTABLE 1300 654 142 www.polarisindustries.com.au ADVERTISEMENT PERSONAL INSURANCE FOR VETERANS AND ADF MEMBERS • Home Pay your premiums by COVER direct debit at no extra cost (not • Contents PLUS applicable to Travel and CTP) • Landlords Liability (The Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme THE • Car underwrites the DSHI Home Building policy. All other policies are underwritten by QBE Insurance • Caravans (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035. AFS CARE Licence 239 545). Please consider the Product • Trailers Disclosure Statement of the particular product before making any decisions about the product. WWW.DSH.GOV.AU • Private pleasure craft TO COMPARE THE FEATURES CALL • Motorcycles 1300 552 662 • Travel Authorised by the Australian Government, Capital Hill, Canberra Printed by Galloping Press, Unit 29, 398 The Boulevarde, Kirrawee, NSW, 2232 DVADHIS2_FAA 2 COMMANDO NEWS ~ Edition 3 I June 2014 Commando News edit:Layout 1 27/06/14 2:37 PM Page 3 President’s Report Anzac Day for your President started off at Whilst mentioning 0300 hours at the Woronora River RSL Sub Branch the Commando Seat, where I am the President there as well. (Never a I believe it is way dull moment for me.) past time to alter the The rain held off until 20 minutes before we seat and inscribe the were to start the 0600 hours Service. names of both the Some 600 to 700 residents turned up for this 1st and 2nd Com- year’s service, and yes, they stood in the pouring mando Regiments rain for over half an hour whilst we conducted the on the seat. The Regiments have earned that Dawn Service. right by participation in recent conflicts over the We believe that next year, being the 100th past 10 or so years. Anniversary of Anzac, will be even bigger and We have identified spaces either side of the planning has already started. Service finished at seat; however, we must now talk to the Sydney 0645 hours and I had to hurry to Martin Place by City Council about how to facilitate the inclusion 0815 hours. of the names, and also how these changes will be Changed my wet jacket and put on my nice financed. dry Commando Green jacket and headed off for We would like to have your views on this idea. the Commando Seat, disembarked at Martin Place and within one minute I was back to square ★★★★★ one, wet. Despite the rain a good crowd assembled in At the recent AGM of the Australian Martin Place. The decision to move under the Commando Association in Canberra, the issue of eaves of the Reserve Bank was prudent, that way a National newsletter was raised. only some of us who laid wreaths were drenched. After some discussion it was resolved that we Special Operations Commander Australia and use the current NSW Newsletter as the basis of RSM SOCOM (see front cover), were among the National issue. many of our special guests representing our So the next edition in September will contain Com mando Regiments as well Commandos past news sent from all States, with info on both and present. current and former Commandos. We were also honoured to have the presence The only change to the front cover will be to of Veterans from the Timor Leste Defence Force remove the words (NSW), the name will remain who laid wreaths and bouquets on the Com- “Commando News”. mando Seat. Apart from that nothing will change. When I attended the RSL “wash-up” of the We also we are formulating a National mem - Anzac Day March committee, the same old ber ship application form to be included in the problems were raised about lack of vehicles, newsletter, and it will be included in the next Parade Marshalls not knowing what was going on, newsletter. no comms etc. New applicants just have to nominate the I raised the idea of simply numbering the State they want to pay their dues. registered associations, that way everyone knew where they fitted into the march. (KISS principle.) Barry Grant We wait with baited breath for a solution to that one! President and joint editor ★★★★★
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