URBAN RESTRUCTURING PROCESS OF ANTALYA WALLED-TOWN AND THE ROLES OF STAKEHOLDERS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY AÇALYA ALPAN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNING SEPTEMBER 2013 Approval of the thesis: URBAN RESTRUCTURING PROCESS OF ANTALYA WALLED-TOWN AND THE ROLES OF STAKEHOLDERS submitted by AÇALYA ALPAN in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University by, Prof. Dr. Canan Özgen ____________________ Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. Melih Ersoy ____________________ Head of Department, City and Regional Planning Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna ____________________ Supervisor, City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Examining Committee Members: Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna ____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Baykan Günay ____________________ City and Regional Planning Dept., METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Madran ____________________ Architecture Dept., METU Assist. Prof. Dr. Güliz Bilgin Altınöz ____________________ Architecture Dept., METU Prof. Dr. Zuhal Özcan ____________________ Architecture Dept., Çankaya University Date: September 17, 2013 DECLARATION I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name :Açalya Alpan Signature __________________: iv ABSTRACT URBAN RESTRUCTURING PROCESS OF ANTALYA WALLED-TOWN AND THE ROLES OF STAKEHOLDERS Alpan, Açalya Ph. D., Department of City and Regional Planning Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna September 2013, 244 pages With the establishment of SPI (State Planning Institution) in 1960, Turkey entered the ‘planned period’, and ‘planning’ became the major means of the State for realizing its intentions and producing or reproducing space. However, it is argued in the dissertation that another major agent in these production and reproduction processes is ‘society’, which generates its own tools of sanction to impose its will on the space. As a result, space is actually reproduced both by the State and by society and what is actually formed is a hybrid product. The reproduction of the present-day Walled-Town of Antalya has been a product of such a process, in which the generating factor is tourism. Since the transition into the planned period in Turkey, tourism has been seen as a major resource to overcome foreign income deficit. The State usually applied mass tourism policies in the coastal areas, particularly in the Aegean and Mediterranean. These policies dominantly depended upon ‘sun-sand-sea’ tourism. As a result of these policies, Antalya region soon became a target of development as the main tourism center of Turkey and a period of a series of plans launched. Apart from mass tourism mainly based upon the sun-sand-sea tourism has also become a major tool to regenerate and revitalize historic towns and historic town centers all around the world, particularly in the post-war period. Coherent with this tendency, the conservation planning of Antalya Walled-Town, which was initiated by the State, was also handled using tourism as the main generating factor. The spread of tourism as a land use in the region was seen as a factor in this decision. However, the type of tourism in the Walled- Town is mainly cultural tourism as opposed to sun-sand-sea tourism that is prevalent in the region. In such a context, the Walled-Town was restructured as a tourist-historic city after the 1970s. v In this framework, this dissertation explores the restructuring process of Antalya Walled- Town after 1970, by investigating how it came out to be a hybrid product of official and civilian wills. The reproduction process is one of complex relations, conflicts and compromises, and patronage relations among different stakeholders, which are categorized as official and civilian stakeholders in the dissertation. By exploring how the Walled-Town was reproduced as a hybrid product, the roles of these stakeholders in the restructuring process are revealed and it forms a basis for future planning studies in the area by explaining the nature of the phenomenon. Keywords: urban planning, tourism, tourist-historic city, stakeholder, Antalya Walled-Town vi ÖZ ANTALYA KALEİÇİ’NİN YENİDEN YAPILANDIRILMA SÜRECİ VE PAYDAŞLARIN ROLÜ Alpan, Açalya Doktora, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Numan Tuna Eylül 2013, 244 sayfa 1960 yılında Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı’nın kurulması ile birlikte Türkiye ‘planlı dönem’e geçmiştir ve ‘planlama’ devletin kendi niyetlerini gerçekleştirmesinin ve mekanın üretilmesinin veya yeniden üretilmesinin temel aracı haline gelmiştir. Ancak, bu tezde tartışıldığı üzere bu üretim ve yeniden üretim süreçlerindeki bir başka ana aracı, mekan üzerindeki niyetlerini gerçekleştirebilmek için kendi yaptırım araçlarını üreten toplumun kendisidir. Böylece, gerçekte mekan hem devlet hem de toplum tarafından birlikte yeniden üretilmekte ve sonuçta ortaya melez bir ürün çıkmaktadır. Günümüz Antalya’sında Antalya Kaleiçi’nin yeniden üretilmesi, üretici factor olarak turizmin kullanılmış olduğu böyle bir sürecin ürünüdür. Türkiye’de planlı döneme geçildiğinden bu yana turizm, döviz eksiğini gidermede ana bir kaynak olarak görülmüştür. Devlet genellikle, özellikle Ege ve Akdeniz bölgelerindeki kıyı alanlarında, kitle turizmini geliştirme politikalarını takip etmiştir. Bu politikalar baskın şekilde güneş, deniz, kum turizmine dayanmaktadır. Bu politikalara bağlı olarak Antalya bölgesi kısa zamanda Türkiye’nin ana turizm merkezi olarak geliştirilme hedefi haline gelmiş ve böylece bir dizi planlama çalışması başlatılmıştır. Güneş, deniz, kuma dayalı kitle turizminden farklı olarak, tüm dünyada özellikle 2. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında turizm tarihi kentleri ve tarihi kent merkezlerini canlandırmak için temel bir araç haline gelmiştir. Bu eğilimle uyumlu bir şekilde Antalya Kaleiçi’nin devlet tarafından başlatılmış olan koruma planlaması turizmi ana üretici etken olarak ele almıştır. Bu seçimde Antalya bölgesi geneline turizm kullanımının getirilmiş olması etkili kılınmıştır. Ancak, Kaleiçi’ndeki turizm türü bölgedeki güneş, deniz, kum turizminden farklı olarak temelde kültür turizmidir. Böyle bir vii bağlamda 1970 sonrasında Antalya Kaleiçi bir turistik-tarihi şehir olarak yeniden yapılanmıştır. Bu çerçevede bu tez, Antalya Kaleiçi’nin 1970 sonrasındaki yeniden yapılandırılma sürecini Kaleiçi’nin resmi ve sivil isteklerin melez bir ürünü olarak nasıl ortaya çıkmış olduğunu ortaya koyarak incelemektedir. Bu üretim süreci, tezde resmi ve sivil paydaşlar olarak kategorilenmiş farklı paydaşlar arasındaki karışık ilişkilerin, çatışma ve uzlaşmaların, patronaj ilişkilerinin sürecidir. Kaleiçi’nin melez bir ürün olarak nasıl yeniden üretilmiş olduğu açınsanarak bu paydaşların bu yeniden yapılandırma sürecindeki rolleri ortaya çıkacak ve bu da olgunun doğasını açıklayarak gelecekteki planlama çalışmaları için bir taban oluşturacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: kent planlama, turizm, turistik-tarihi kent, paydaş, Antalya Kaleiçi viii DEDICATION To My Family And In Memory of Our Beloved Professor Emre Madran ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to begin by expressing our sorrow on behalf of myself and jury members upon the passing away of our beloved jury member Assoc. Prof. Emre Madran just a few days after the jury. His sudden death was unexpected for all of us. We all will miss him very much. I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof.Dr. Numan Tuna, to jury members Prof.Dr. Baykan Günay, Assoc. Prof. Emre Madran, Prof.Dr. Zuhal Özcan and Assist.Prof Güliz Bilgin Altınöz. Without their encouragement and support, this study would hardly have been completed. I also express my warmest gratitude to Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli, who performed as a voluntary co-advisor and also who suggested this topic to me. His guidance has been essential during this work. I am deeply grateful to Mehmet Osman Aydın, Head of the Antalya Chamber of Architects for making it possible to carry out this work. He has made available his support in a number of ways, such as providing me with the necessary documents and plans for the thesis, helping in conducting the questionnaires and arranging several of the meetings for the deep interviews. It is a pleasure to thank those who made this thesis possible. I want to express my gratitude to Professors Sevgi Aktüre and Giorgio Piccinato for their valuable comments and support, to city planners Ümit Özcan Gündüç, Ahmet Onur Aslan and architect Gülşah Çelik for their support in preparing the maps, to former mayors of Antalya Selahattin Tonguç, Hasan Subaşı and Bekir Kumbul, and to former director of TURBAN Mehmet Özdemir, architect Güler Yalım, architect Özcan Ecevit, architect Sadık Mercangöz and city planner Özcan Esmer, who all have a stake in the plans during the 1970s and 1980s, to local town historian and tourist guide Hüseyin Çimrin, to Walled-Town ex-resident Kadri Yakut, to city planners Sefa Erdal, Mücella Uyar, Müzeyyen Can, Lale Darıcı and Seçil Göl, who have diverse stakes in the planning process, to director of AKMED Kayhan Dörtlük, to the head of Antalya Regional Conservation Council Melike Gül, to the president of the Walled-Town Foundation Kazım
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