I O ^™KHi^i •"'^y^-r-m- SEE STORY BELOW Rainy, MUd HOME ' Occasional rain or drizzle and mild today and tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Cloudy, colder tomorrow. Long Brandt I1NAL (8u Prtilli. p«e 2); , Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for $ Years VOt. 91, NO. 148 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1969 24 PAGES Legislature Focuses on Crime TRENTON (AP)' •*- New try. The resolution, which —Crane told newsmen that a to the councilman and there Senate Majority Leader Jersey's war on organized needs the governor's signa- councilman whom he refused was always the possibility Raymond H. Bateman, :R- crime is spreading from the ture, was sent to the Senate, to identify had told him that that "someone was playing a Somerset, told newsmen after legislature to. the garbage which is expected \o concur he found a black rose on the joke." But he said it was an the session that the move had dump. Monday. ' „ seat of his car after a nego- unnerving experience none- been approved by the Repub- Most of yesterday's legis- High Prices tiating session with garbage theless. lican leadership. The Repub- lative session focused on or- The move was instigated by contractors at which it had The move to set up a per- licans control both houses ganized crime: Assemblyman William F. been verbally indicated that manent watchdog committee' by a 3-1 margin. —The Assembly unani- Crane, R-Bergen, who told their bid, would be rejected. is scheduled for implementa- The reconstituted commit- mously ordered a special the legislators that there has Crane said it was his un- tion Monday when the Senate tee, which would contain four state investigation into been a history of unduly high derstanding that a black rose and Assembly Ethical Stan- senators and four assembly- charges of criminal conspira- prices.in garbage collection was a sign from organized dards committees are com- men, would be able to hear PUEBLO SKIPPER AT HEARING — Cmdr. Lloyd M. Buchor, center, poses with his cy, bid rigging, undue price that are "bleeding our tax- crime that meant "the end." bined Into a bi-partisan joint all charges about legislators, Increases and monopoly in payers white." - He said nothing happened committee. (See GARBAGE, Pg. 2, Col. 7) civilian counselor, E. Miles Harvey, left, and his military counselor, Capt. James the garbage collection indus- E. Keys, at sessions of a Navy board of inquiry in San Diego, Calif. The Navy try. took the picture, made it available yesterday. Bueher was in his fourth day of testi- —The Republican leader- ship cleared the way for the mony, describing the capture of his. ship, the USS Pueblo, just a year ago by the. creation of a permanent North Koreans. watchdog committee similar to the Beadleston committee, which studied charges that legislators were "too com- fortable" with organized WASHINGTON (AP)' - program as soon as possible, submitted two reports to Nix-. The other Indications that crime." (Story page 2) President Nixon hopes to perhaps by March. on on potential legislative Nixon wants to get his propo- Bueher Tortured, start sending "a significant Burns, an economist and' 'proposals or executive ac- sals to Congress as soon as —One of two legislators legislative program" to Con- "longtime friend and trusted tions. ' "\ possible included his creation reprimanded by the Beadle- . of (tine special panels within ston committee, Assembly- gress within several weeks, adviser" was named by Nix- A decision yet to be reached according to the President's on, yesterday as councilor to is how and exactly when Nix- the Council of Urban Affairs man John A. Selecky, R-Mer- to submit recommendations on cer, called the findings newly named chief White the President with cabinet on will make his legislative Attempted Suicide against him "'totally unwar- House staff member. rank, the only White House proposals. If the President what he called "near term" ranted and unjustified." The statement from Arthur staff member with that sta- decides on a special State of issues requiring quick action. COR9NABO, Calif. (AP)— shoot his crewmen one by ,Frank L. Johnson, comman- The Assembly's resolution F. Burns gave added sub- tus. the Union message it proba- So far, Nixon's legislative The•' captain of the Pueblo one in front of him — and der of U.S. naval forces in called for the new State In- stance to other indications ». Burns, whose chief respon-. bly will come within 30 to. 40; intentions have been defined says be confessed to spying summoning the youngest sail- Japan at the time the Pueblo vestigation Commission to that Nixon intends to present sibility will &e development of days, Burns'said. ' only in Drdad terms, essen- after blood-chilling men- or and saying they would was seized, launch a comprehensive the Democratic 91st Congress domestic policies and pro- 'The alternative would be a tially by subject headings. tal torture, and then tried to start with him. Begged Help probe of the garbage indus- with an ambitious legislative grams, said he already has series ol special messages. Burns' reports, for instance, drown himself in a bucket of Bucher's account of the ter- Bueher has said he ra- covered 18 major areas, in- water. ' or ended—at least for now— dioed desperately for help as cluding federal expenditures, Tears streaming, his voice his public appearances. He North Korean gunboats sur- government organization, breaking with anguish, Cmdr. goes before a closed session rounded the intelligence ship, • debt, science and technology, Lloyd M. Bueher told a Na- of the court today to give but it never arrived. education, business regulation, vy court of Inquiry yesterday secret — classified — testi- The Navy said Johnson Marlboro Adjourns Until resources and environment, that North Koreans finally mony, and will be Mowed, would testify after closed-door health care, manpower and broke him by threatening to the Navy said, by Rear Adm. accounts from one or more of electoral reform. three captains under his com- (See NRCON, Pg. 2, CoL 8) mand in' Japan when the Pueblo was seized off.' North Korea last year. Summaries Date of AntisaU Six Found Homeless of all secret sessions will be By HALLIE SCHRAEGER. a business trip to New Or- , Mr. Antisell said he pre- But Mayer Charles T. Me- ~ ,-. _ prepared, deleting all. clas- ferred to remain a Class Four Cue, a member of the rival f IJ.f IfV I Yl MARLBORO - Township leans. " '••'.•' TW I sified information, and made Council convened at eight Mr. Grubb* and Councilman (citizen) member of the Plan- Purpose and PrinciplPrinciple coali- • * *«'J *" available to newsmen, a Na- o'clock last night and ad-' ning Board, and his right to don (PP), appointed Robert vy spokesman said. Joseph A. Brodniak ad- journed five minutes later journed the meeting to Jan. do so was challenged. A 3-4 Nivision to the Planning Bribery After City Fire Opetf* court sessions are for lack of a quorum. Planning Board majority is Board Jan. 1 to fill Mr. Anti- scheduled to resume Wednes- 31, which happens to be the at stake. NEWARK (AP) - Six de- Council President Walter same day Superior Court sell's unexpired term. Mr. LONG BRANCH - Four City .firemen responded to day. '. .... C. Grubb Jr. told some 25 CC Controls McCue and Mr. Nivision took fendants, including a former adults and six children were . a call to the blaze at about After describing why he persons in the audience Coun- Judge Elvin R. Simmill is to The Citizens Committee Mr. Antisell to court to show Woodbridge Township official decide whether Councilman- left homeless by a fire which 3 p.m. The fire was discov- confessed, Bueher said Thurs- cilman John J. McLaughlin (GC), of, which Mr. Antisell ,. cause why he should not step and. two business executives, gutted a house at 692 Broad-! elect Thomas A. Antisell be- is a member, is the leading have been found guilty of con- ered by the six-year-old day, "sometime during the was absent because his fa- down. way yesterday. night I attempted to commit ther died in Brooklyn yester- came a councilman von Jan. political faction here, with spiracy and bribery in the daughter of Mrs, Felicia Ra- day afternoon. Councilman four council seats and the The board majority is im- construction of an oil pipeline suicide by drowning myself 1, even though he declined to portant because the Planning '"motwBd lived therewith her (See BUCHER, Pg. 2rCol. 3) John H. Williams is away on be sworn ins Planning Board majority. from Texas to New Jersey. Hickel Is two children. Board has the power to pass After four days of delibera- a master plan which the coun- tions, a federal court jury Others who lost their living cil cannot veto, although the quarters due to the fire were returned its verdict of guil- Confirmed council can reject recom- ty at 4:15 p.m. yesterday. Mrs. Elga Rjyera and her mended zoning ordinances. two children ana Probe The government charged Nixon administration has Judge Simmill called Mr. the defendants with using in- easily won its first congres- Mrs. Carlos Ramos, also the "Antisell's" action a "political sional test, gaining confirma- parents of two children. terstate facilities in a $110,000 FREEHOLD - Superior Matawan Township Utilities it will Jbe determined if more tract between the township ploy" but he adjourned the payoff to expedite construc- tion of Walter J. Hickel as Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. Court Judge Elvin R. Sim- Authority: Henry E. Trapha- witnesses are to be called, and the contractor, C. J. Par- hearing so he and attorneys secretary of interior-overthe "yesterday directed John-Maz- g y tion of the pipeline and 22 1 ltritdth #in -19M-was- chairs.: ™^ejujry1's.injtiaUerfflrwa?_ dun and Sons-Inc.
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