DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SOUTH AMERICAN MOTHS. By William Schaus, Of Timckenham, England. The following 470 species are described from my collection, which I have deposited in the United States National Museum. They comprise species from the families Saturniidic, Citheroniidiv, Syntomida% Litho- siidne, Nolida?, Arctiida^, Notodontida^ Melalophida?, Eupterotida?, Lasiocampichv, Lacosomida\ Dalcerida\ Aedida^, Megalopygida\ Cos- sidse, and Psychida\ Those of other families will appear later. 1 am indebted to my friend Sir George F. Hampson for kindl}' examining the species of Syntomida\ Lith()siida\ Nolida\ and Arctiida\ Family SATURNIID.E. Genus ROTHSCHILDIA Grote. ROTHSCHILDIA AROMA, new species. Body brownish red, the abdomen irrorated with lilacine. Collar white. A wdiite transverse basal band on al^domen; anal hairs white; a lateral white band spotted with red-brown; ventral white marks. Wings bright reddish brown; the transparent spots siibtriangular, outlined with white and black, extending on to postmedial line; the lines broad, white, medially edged with black. Primaries: costa irro- rated with gre}'; the lilacine and grey irrorations lieyond postmedial barely extending above vein 5. This species is most nearly allied to Rothscldldla Icheaui Guerin, but the primaries are more falcate and more brilliantly colored. Expanse. —Male, 123 mm. Hahltat. —Honduras. %?..— Cat. No. 84:71, U.S.N.M. ROTHSCHILDIA ROXANA, new species. Body and wings dark reddish l)rown; collar edged with white; a basal white band on abdomen; anal hairs white; a lateral white band spotted with brown; the ventral lines almost obsolete; transparent spots triangular, incurved on basal side, extending on to postmedial Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. XXIX— No. 1420. 179 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxix. line. Primaries: the postniedial line is straighter above vein 5 than in RothschikUa liesperus Linna?us, and is not followed above that vein by the lilacine irrorations; the apex is not so falcate as in kesperus male, and the irrorations beyond the postmedial are not distinctly dentate as in hesperus, and aurota Cramer. This is evidently a distinct northern race of hesperios Linnaeus. ^»/;rt;^>t. — Male, 140 mm.; female, 153 mm. Habitat. —Orizaba, Mexico. Type.-Q^i. No. 8472, U.S.N.M. Genus DYSD^EMONI A Hubner. DYSD^MONIA LEMOULTI, new species. Male. —The margins more deeply crenidate than in tamer!an. Male, color greyish brown tinged with green when freshly caught. Prima- ries: the lines line, darker; the two oblique lines from costa near base to inner margin and below vein 2 very much as in ta/merlan; the two outer lines more wavy than in tanierlan or horean., and not thickened or shaded as in the former species; a small transparent spot at end of cell, followed by an irregular large velvety broAvn space; a large tri- angular spot on costa before apex, and a series of submarginal large dark velvety brown spots. Secondaries: the median line not reaching costa; the outer line irregular and angled above vein 3; a large dark submarginal spot below vein 2, and some dark marginal shadings. Expanse. —142 mm. Ilahltat. —St. Jean, French Guiana. This species is quite distinct when compared with series of tamer- Ian and horeas.^ both of which I have from the Guianas and southern Brazil. Ty2)e.—C^i. No. 8473, U.S.N.M. Family CITHERONIID.E. Genus EAGLES Hubner. EAGLES GUIANENSIS, new species. Male. —Head and collar yellow. Thorax dull violaceous. Abdo- men: two basal segments yellow, otherwise dull violaceous above, yellow below; traces of a yellow subdorsal line. Legs violaceous. Wings yellow. Primaries almost completely suffused with dark vio- laceous, except on costa toward apex and on inner margin on either side of outer line; the yellow portion irrorated with violaceous; two yellow spots at base; the inner and outer lines very broad; the outer margin defined by the absence of stria;; a hyaline spot at end of cell, broadly circled with unstriated violaceous. Secondaries: a basal violaceous irregular band, widening on inner margin and not extend- NO. 1420. NEW SOUTIT AMERICAN MOTHS—SCHA US. 181 ing- above cell; the outer line ])road, interrupted l)y the discal spot, which is similar to the spot on primaries; the outer margin irrorated with violaceous, especially toward inner margin; marginal violaceous spots between the veins. Underneath j^ellow; the discal spots hirge; the outer line much narrower, partly shaded with lilacine. Pi-imaries: a violaceous median spot below costa; a violaceous space on outer margin. Secondaries: marginal violaceous spots between the veins. Expanse. —106 mm. Habitat. —Omai, British Guiana; St. Jean, French Guiana. This species somewhat resembles Eaoles inagnifica Walker, but the lines and spots differ. In the Guianas Eacles iriagnifica differs from the more southern and typical form in having the primaries in the male very acute and falcate. Type.—Q^it. No. 8476, U.S.N.M. EAGLES BARNESI, new species. JI/«Z^.—Head and collar ochreous. Palpi and legs outwardly vio- laceous brown. Thorax ochreous with large violaceous red spots. Abdomen ^^ellow below, chiefly violaceous red above, with a subdorsal interrupted yellow line. Wings ochreous irrorated with black stride. Primaries: the basal portion violaceous red, limited by an indistinct irregular lilacine line, and with two ochreous spots at base; two vio- laceous red spots at end of cell, containing each a luinute white spot; a violaceous red band from apex to inner margin at two-thirds from base, slightly lunular toward apex; outer margin dark gre}^ shaded with paler grey, except just below apex, and a wider space on inner margin which is ochreous. Secondaries: no black irrorations on basal half; an inner irregular violaceous red line, not reaching costal mar- gin; a median, interrupted, lunular violaceous red band contiguous to a round similarly colored discal spot, which contains a small white spot; some violaceous red marginal shades between the veins and at anal angle. Underneath yellow with only a very few black stria?. Primaries: a small violaceous discal spot; the outer line narrower; the outer margin with more pale grey scales. Secondaries: the median line and discal spot as above. Female. —^The dorsal dark shades on abdomen much reduced. Wings without the-dark shades at base and on outer margin; irrora- tions violaceous; a single discal spot on primaries; a distinct wavy basal line on both wings. Expanse. —Male, 108 mm.; female, 150 mm. Hahitat. —Omai, British Guiana; St. Jean, French Guiana. Named after Mr. J. Barnes, my companion during my journey through the Guianas. This species comes nearest to Eacles penelope Cramer, which has, however, the discal spots large, white, circled with blackish, and on 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol. xxix. the secondaries the median line is straighter and beyond the discal spot. Underneath the two species are quite different. Type.—Cat. No. 8474, U.S.N.M. EAGLES ACUTA, new species. Male. —Head, collar, and body below yellow. Thorax dark brownish red, with some yellow lines posteriorly. Abdomen above violaceous red. Primaries brow^nish red; a transverse dark wavy line just before middle of wing; a round vitreous spot at end of cell, broadly edged with dark grey; a small spot below the costal margin, with a minute grey center; a fine violaceous line from apex to inner margin at four- tifths from base, preceded by a yellow space, broadest on costa, and not extending below vein 3; a narrow yellow^ shade be3'ond the line below vein 8; the outer margin otherwise darlv violaceous grey. Sec- ondaries yellow; the inner margin and cell brownish red; a grey discal spot circled with reddish and containing a vitreous point; an outer lunular brownish red line; the outer margin broadl}" brownish red, but not extending to the outer line. Underneath yellow. Primaries: some dark stria?; costal margin violaceous from base to beyond mid- dle; spots and outer line as above; outer margin violaceous grey, leaving a yellow space above inner margin. Secondaries: the base suffused with lilacine and roseate; the line paler; the outer margin more narrowly violaceous. The primaries have the apex verj^ acute. Expanse. —90 mm. Hahitat. —Omai, British Guiana. Tyj)e.—Q>2X. No. 847.5, U.S.N.M. Genus ADELOCEPHALA Herrich-Schaeffer. ADELOCEPHALA PURPURASCENS, nev/ species. Head, thorax, and abdomen above reddish brown. Collar, patagia, and abdomen underneath lilacine. Primaries rich brown; a white discal point on a blackish oblique shade; a broad basal line, not reach- ing costa, lilacine; a fine dark outer line from apex to middle of inner margin outwardly shaded with lilacine; outer margin lilacine on apical half. Secondaries dark brown; a faint lilacine shade at apex. Under- neath dark lilacine grey, the primaries shaded with reddish brown; a brown shade on secondaries from apex. Expanse. —Male, 74 mm.; feinale, 113 mm. Hahitat. — St. Jean, French Guiana; Omai, British Guiana; Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Type.—Cai. No. 8477, U.S.N.M. ADELOCEPHALA PLATEADA, new species. Male. —Body reddish brown, shaded with lilacine on patagia, and on abdomen laterally and ventrally. Primaries: the base and outer NO. 1420. NE W so UTH AMERICAN MOTHS—SCHA US. 183 margin lilacine; the space between the lines reddish l)ro\vn with a few dark stria?; the basal space limited by a wavy violaceo is line; the outer line violaceous, lunular from costa before apex to inner margin at two- thirds from base; a minute silver spot at end of cell; a large oval silver spot between veins 2 and 3, and a small spot above vein 3; the spots finely edged with dark brown. Secondaries reddish brown, darkest along- inner margin; an indistinct darker outer shade. Under- neath: primaries reddish brown, shaded with lilacine on outer margin toward apex; a blackish line at end of cell.
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