OCCUPATION: Structures of the Berlin Brigade Mike Terry | Visual & Media Anthropology MA Thesis OCCUPATION: Structures of the Berlin Brigade Mike Terry | 6 Octo er 2013 M.A% Thesis in Visual & Media Anthropology | Freie Uni(ersität Berlin Super(isor | Samuli Schielke Matriculation Nu* er | 4559633 This pro/ect was partially funded through the Fine Arts, Architecture, Music & Dance Graduate Grant fro* the Ger*an Academic Exchange Ser(ice% 2011-!"#$ 5o(er image: Museu* and *e*bers club for the 6.,#st 1uard Battalion at the for*er 5lay 6ead7uarters co*plex in Berlin-8ehlendorf% 9hoto y Mike Terry: !"#$% TAB;2 O& 5O+T2+TS I+T=O>'5T<O+ ! <% MET6O>O;O1? 10 <<% S<T2S & A+A;?S<S 20 TEUFELSBERG 21 CLAY HEADQUARTERS 42 TURNER BARRACKS / MUNITIONS DEPOT 59 TEMPELHOF 66 HÜTTENWEG CHAPEL 85 III. MONTAGE 104 CONCLUSION 118 EPILOGUE 121 WORKS CITED 123 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 129 DECLARATION IN LIEU OF OATH >edicated to 5harles and 2dna Terry Thanks for ringing us on your ad(entures% Berlin | !"#$ [Remaining perimeter wall at Truman Plaza; former nucleus of the US military community in Berlin-Zehlendorf !"#!$ 1 %NTR'(UCT%'& “There are no lived bodies without the places they inhabit and traverse...Bodies and places are co-natural terms. They inter-animate each other.” (Casey 1997:24) A majority of life's deepest moments; emotional and meaningf l! o"" r in pla"es trans"ending t#e role of mere setting$ %it#in t#e na&oida'le # man tas( of d)elling! e*ists a relations#ip 'et)een t#e individ al and t#e str "t re$ As pla"e is "reated from spa"e! its infl ence on t#e "reator and t#ose )#o follo) as sers and "reators t#emsel&es! is sym'iotic and endless$ ,o) do individ als se and relate to t#e ' ilt environment and #o) "an vis ally representing t#ese relations#ips "reate nique (no)ledge. 2/14 marks the 2/t# anni&ersary of o"" pational military withdrawing from Berlin$ 1im ltaneo sly do2ens of installations1 ' ilt and or sed 'y the 3S military in former %est Berlin; )ere emptied, lights ret rned to the 4erman go&ernment$ 5egarding se! this moment ret rned these str "t res to a state of ta' la rasa$ 6hese m ltiple sites share this ni- e timeline! geographi" pro*imity and a histori"al "ontext; "ollecti&ely lending themsel&es to pla"e making resear"#$ 7ethodologi"ally based in &isual anthropology 8 ha&e "onstr "ted a latent and otherwise ina""essible net)ork of histori"al and " rrent sers of these sites to better nderstand how indi&iduals relate to the ' ilt en&ironment$ This resear"# is vital and relevant for 0erlin. 1ince re nifi"ation2 and military )it#dra)al iss es of re; se and de&elopment are "entral and divisive$ 1 No US military facility in Germany was officially called a fort. Any piece of military property under United States control could be called an installation. (Hawkins 2001:33) 2 Although reunification occurred in 1990, US, French, British and Soviet military did not officially leave Berlin until 1994 as part of the 'Two-plus-Four Treaty'. (USA 1990) 2 “The American's belonged to the cityscape. Today it's done (de&elopment) as if they were never there. I don't get it. ! (0rone)s(i 2012) 8f t#is is t#e "ase on t#e edge of 0erlin, similar sit ations )it# different a"tors are o"" rring in t#e "enter (=o) 2001:56)$ @ st as " lt re e*ists in "onstant + *! de&elopment and memorialization of t#e ' ilt environment m st e&ol&e )it# t#e living 'odies t#at d)ell )it#in. “A politically conscious approach to urban preservation" must go beyond the techni#ues of traditional architectural preservation and it must emphasi$e public process and memory (,ayden 1995:11)$ 9e importan"e of Berlin to both Aast and %est following %%88 and subseq ent Cold %ar "annot be nderstated. A histori"al "ontext for the militari2ation of the area is important when disc ssing str "t ral remnants of the era$ “Buildings can be understood in terms of power and authority as e%orts to assume" e&tend resist or accommodate it (%ells 199>:B/). 9e early years following the %ende4 that transformed systems of po)er and a thority in Berlin deser&e a brief ba"kgro nd. Historical Bac+ground “They [the (estern powers] hauled *ermany into the (estern bloc" and *ermany split into two parts. The peace treaty will give legitimacy to this split...it will wea+en the (est and" of course" the (est will not agree with it. Their eviction from (est Berlin will mean closing of the channels for their subversive activities against us. 4eneral 1e"retary Cikita Dr s#"#e&! 1961. (Cold %ar Eroje"t 1993:60) ,The world must +now that we will -ght for Berlin. (e will never permit that city to fall under Communist influence. (e are defending the freedom of 0aris and 1ew 2or+ when we stand up for freedom in Berlin." Eresident Jo#n F$ Dennedy! 1961. (0erliner 8ll strierte 1963)$ 3 Berlin's Mayor Klaus Wowereit was often criticized for 'selling Berlin' to the highest bidder at expense of its citizens. (Guard Battalion 2012)(Bronewski 2012). Speculation, development and gentrification are standard topics in today's Berlin. 4 Wende (The Change or The Turn) refers to the process between 1989 and 1990 when the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) changed to a parliamentary democracy in the German Democratic Republic leading up to German unification. Colloquially it is often used as a demarcation between a separated and unified Germany. 'Nach der Wende' i.e. 'After the Turn'. 3 [Red ,rmy Solider on Unter den -inden Street following the Battle of Berlin. #./0 -1ederal 2erman ,rchi3es 4 183-R77767 4 )C-B9-S,$ [2nd -t :illiam Ro;ertson and -t ,le<ander Syl3ash+o= Red ,rmy= shown in front of sign [>ast ?eets :est$ sym;olizing the historic meeting of the Russian and ,merican ,rmies= near Torgau= 2ermany -US &ational ,rchi3e 4 #121 A111-SC-!"0!!5B$ 4 Post ::%% 8n 7ay of 1945 t#e 3$1$ Army seized 7 nic# as 1oviet for"es raised t#eir +ag o&er 0erlin's smoldering 5eic#stag$ 4ermany and 0erlin )ere split into fo r o"" pational 2ones among t#e Allied for"es of t#e 3nited 1tates! 4reat 0ritain, France and t#e 3115$ G ring early post )ar years! from t#e 3$1$! 0ritis# and Frenc# perspe"tive! t#e role of %est 0erlin ran parallel to a transition of vie)ing t#e 3115 as a "ooperative mem'er of t#e victorio s parties to t#at of an impending '1oviet' t#reat$ 8n 1946 3$1$ Eresident ,arry 1$ 6r man pragmatically predicted t#e armament and press res t#at )o ld divide 0erlin )#en #e said! “the 3ussians will try to sociali$e their sphere of influence" 4ust as we are trying to democrati$e our spheres of influence” (1H1 1946:1)$ E lled in different dire"tions! t#ese sp#eres e&ent ally solidified into t#e Aast 0lo" (1oviet) and t#e CA6I "o ntries$ The federalization of t#e Federal 4erman 5ep 'lic a$($a$ %est 4ermany it made "lear t#at t#e motivation for "ontinued military presence in 4ermany and 0erlin )as no longer solely an o"" pation of former Ca2i 4ermany! ' t rat#er a strategic position for gro)ing #ostility 'et)een Aast and %est$ 6ensions " lminated )it# t#e depart re of t#e 3115 from t#e Allied Domandat ra> of 0erlin, se&ering t#e last line of "ooperation 'et)een t#e original fo r po)ers$ Thereafter a 1oviet 'lo"(ade of goods and reso r"es into %est 0erlin prompted t#e 3nited 1tates to e*plicitly ref se to lea&e 4ermany ntil all ot#er foreign for"es #ad eva" ated 0erlin(1H1 1946:1)$ This resol&e )as tested d ring t#e 0erlin Airlift t#at maintained %est 0erlin as 'free'? and strategic t#orn in t#e side of t#e 3115 and 4erman Gemo"ratic 5ep 'lic7$ 0erlin )as t#e vital front line enclosed )it#in t#e Aast 0lo" for a stando< t#at )o ld last t#ro g#o t t#e Cold %ar ntil t#e nearly end of t#e "ent ry (,a)(ins 2001: 7-16)$ 5 The military government of Berlin shared by the US, USSR, Great Britain and France. Subject to the Allied Control Council responsible for all of Germany. 6 'Free' appears often in historical and political rhetoric of the Cold War. In this case it refers to maintaining West Berlin as part of the Allied zone enclaved within the then Soviet occupied zone. Interestingly enough the Freie (Free)University of Berlin was established in the same year inside the American zone as the airlift and made use of the word as well. 7 a.k.a. East Germany or GDR. 1949-1990 5 [Postcard of Berlin's Palace of the Repu;lic APalace der Repu;li+B= De hea3ily contro3ersial demolition was completed in 2008 to ma+e way for a partially reconstructed Berlin Castle which stood on the same site pre-::%% 1rom postcard dated #.58 -Personal eEect $ 6 Post :ende Libes+ind insists that 'the identity of Berlin cannot be reformed in the ruins of history or in the illusory reconstruction of an arbitrary selected past.' The new city for him has to come to life as a collage" a mosaic" a palimpsest" a pu$$le.
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