, t ft ALUMNI NUMBER "olume}(XJ{III HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 8, 1936 Number 10 TRINITY STUDENTS TEST SOPHOMORE HOP NEXT New York Alumni Dinner COHAN SHOW WILL BE JAMES WEIR, '38, REPORTS KNOWLEDGE OF FRENCH FRIDAY NIGHT IN COOK The annual dinner of the New GIVEN NEXT WEEK-END ON PLATFORM OF fL S. U. York Association of the Alumni of Large Audience Attends Sunday Red Carino and His Orchestra Trinity College will be held on Jesters' Latest in Final Flurry; Yale and Wesleyan Men also Presentation of Unusual Group to Furnish Music-Swing Thursday evening, December 10, Bevy of Beauties in Cohan's Speak; Purposes of Union Ex­ of A very Memorial Films Band from Syracuse 1936, at the Downtown Athletic "Seven Keys to Baldpate" plained at Athenaeum Meeting Club, 18 West Street, New York A French film depicting the life of "Red" Carino and his orchestra City, in the Wall Street district. In a few days there will be pre­ The work and objectives of several Mloliere and the artificial m!anner of have been engaged to play at the President Ogilby and George sented to the general public the final American youth organizations were the French court in the 17th century, Sophomore Hop on Friday, December Daley, sports editor of the New result of many weeks of hard work described at a meeting of the and outlining the growth and· devel­ 11, it was announced by Robert Muir, York Herald-Tribune, will speak. on the part of the Jesters. In case Athenaeum held Monday, November opment of the Comedie Francaise was chairman of the committee. The Motion pictures of the Connecticut you haven't heard, their latest endea­ 23. James Weir, '38, one of the shown in the auditorium) on Sunday dance will be held in the Lounge State and Wesleyan football vor is "Seven Keys to Baldpate", a Athenaeum's representatives at the afternoon at 3. This performance whence musical strains, both sweet games, as well as pictures taken crazy jumble of murder mystery, Southern New England Youth Con­ was made possible by the courtesy of and hot, will issue forth from 10 until about the campus will be shown satire, and farce by that veteran of gress held in New Haven early in the Avery Memorial with the sanc­ 2 in the morning. Following the pro­ at the conclusion of the speaking. the stage, George M. Cohan. The November, reported on the history tion of President Ogilby. Professor gram dancing, refreshments will be The price of the dinner is $4 author took the leading role himself and platform of that body. William Krieble kindly permitted the use of served in the cafeteria. After mid­ per ticket, payable in advance, if in the very first performance of the Gordon of Yale and James Leonard convenient. Dress is either formal the auditorium of the chem~stry lab­ night the stags will be permitted to play on the stage of the old Parsons of Wesleyan spoke about the Ameri­ oratory for the presentation. There demonstrate the gentle art of "wolf­ or informal. There are facilities Theatre which stood on the corner can Student Union. was a good audience who seemed to ing." for dressing at the club. Reserva­ of Central Row and Prospect Street. The New Haven Congress, Weir be­ enjoy and appreciate the film. Carino's band is well known around tions for rooms, for the night, And now the Jesters are putting on gan, was a gathering of various youth The college is really graWul to Syracuse, where it has been perform­ from $2.50 up, can be made by the same vehicle in the Hartford Club organizations of all shades of political the A very Memorial, and in particu­ ing at several of the leading hotels writing the club. not a hundred yards from the small opinion held under the auspiecs of the lar to Mr. Robert Drew Bear, for for the past year. Carino's versatile The officers of the New York plot of grass where up till last year National Council of the American m!aking it possible for such a note­ outfit, which numbers ten pieces, has Association are as follows: Allen stood the Paroons. Time marches on! Youth Congress. Although the worthy and artistic product of the furnished the music for dances at Northey Jones, '17, president; R. It was on the afternoon of Septem­ American Youth Congress movement French cinema to be played on the Cornell, Wesleyan, Syracuse, Smith, Wright, '10, E. Rankin, '11, A. J. ber 14, 1913, that Cohan and Wallace has been in existence only two years, campus. and Vassar. Although the Syracus­ L'Heureux, '13, J. B. Cuningham, Eddinger, who was to take the lead, it has enrolled nearly 4,000,000 young '22, vice-presidents; F. C. Hinkel, people and has become probably the ~o types of the plays included in ians specialize in the typical "swing" were speeding up the road from New the repertory of the Comedie Fran­ style of the day, they do not make '06, secretary-treasurer. Haven, when they mef with disaster. strongest youth movement in Amer­ caise were shown: Les Precieuses the mistake of playing too many fast It seems Eddinger got into an argu­ ica. Viola ETlD!a, recently returned Ridicules, first produced at the end novelty numbers. Alumni Notice ment with a garbage wagon or some­ from Europe where she had seen of the year 1658; and a very modern The week-end festivities, which thing of the sort; the next thing he European youth organizations, called If you have not been receiving the first conference in New York in play, Les Deux Couverts. The plot mark the peak of the fall social sea­ alumni communications and wish knew he was taking iJt easy in the of thej former is aS\ follows: son at Trinity, should prove a wel­ Hartford Hospital with a couple of 1934. Using Huey Long tactics she to be ·On our mailing list, please gained control, appointed herself Gorgibus, a "bon bourgeois," wishes come relief to would-be Lotharios broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and notify the Alumni Secretary. chairman, and ran things to suit her­ to marry off his daughter, M1agdelon, (Continued on page 3.) (Continued on page 3.) self. The angered delegates, wanting and his niece, Oathos. But the girls more democratic control, finally re­ are both "blue-stockings", "precieus­ volted and ousted the lady from her es", with Lheh• minds completely lip­ position. set by the reading CYf novels and by A Congress held in 1935, and one the attempt to assume cultivated Trin All--American Reminisces for Tripod in 1936 at Cleveland, adopted a Dec­ manners which they do not naturally possess. laration of Rights and drafted the Rev. James W. Lord, '98, Famous in Song American Youth Act. At the latter 'Dhey reject the offers of La Grange By William Gorman, '39 utes out during my career." meeting, said Weir, it was agreed and Du .Croisy, two young men of that any organization agreeing to ·any good f·amily, who aTe ready to JnJarry Back in 189.4 a curly-headed young It is no small wonder why the boys one point in the program could them according to good bourgeois tra­ man from Ballston Lake, N. Y., were fair phys,ical specimens ere the affil­ iate. dition. In revenge, the rejected entered Trinity College and went out season was over after the Rev. Lord If actually made a law, he went on, lovers send their valets disguised as for center on the football team. Three had outlined the day's training pro­ the Youth Act, would provide for noblemen to pay court ito the young years later, at the end of the '97 gram. The old field used to be situ­ ladies. season, that same young man, Jimmy ated· at the far southeast corner of vocational training and employment for youth between the ages of 16 and ~carlile and J odelet play their Lord, was nominated and elected to the campus, near the Trowbridge 25, and provide for full educational parts with enthusiasm. The comedy the pivot position on Walter Camp's Memorial. After an afternoon of opportunities for high school, college, turns into an extravagant farce, full All-American eleven. practice under Everett Lake, the busi­ and post-graduate students. Other of irresistible situations, where the Last week the writer found him, nessman-coach, the weary gridPers (Continued on page 6.) (Continued on page 6.) now the Rev. James W. Lord, sitting did two laps around the field and in the study of his comfortable home topped it off by running all the way on Wells Avenue in East Hartford, to Alumni Hall, and there wasn't any little changed for all the water that dog trotting. A game meant nothing FOUR COLLEGES TO SEND has gone under the bridge since those after that. PROt SHEPARD WINNER roaring days of the nineties. His hair The Rev. Lord recalled that the SAFETY DELEGATES HERE is whitening, but his eye still retained Elis played frequently in Hartford. OF $5000 BOOK PRIZE a look of youth as he sat back and He could never quite figure out Connor and Tilden to Address permitted himself an hour or so of whether the Bulldog was attracted by Biography of Alcott by Goodwin Meeting in Chem. Lab pleasant reminiscing on the passing the Trinity team or by the cuisine of Professor of English to be December 14 of a chapter in football history. the Heublein Hotel, for the agreement Published in Spring Questioned as to his selection on between the two clubs only stipulated Representatives of four Connecti­ the All-American the Rev.
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