T Remember Christmas College Night The Port Weekly Play Coming Vol. Xir. No. 11, Port Washington Senior High School, Friday, December 6, 1935 Price: Five Cents BOYS' BASKETBALL Port Musicians College Night Dec. 13—Hickswillle art; Kidkisvillie 'Cradle Song' Dec. 20— Alumni at Port Play At Ithaca Vext Tuesday Jan. 10—Great Neck at Great Wm Be Given Neck Eleven Local Players Play Jan. 17—Mikieota. ait Porit College Representatives Jam. 24—Manhassl.it ait Mamlhas- In All-State Band Special Performance To set Eleven memlbers of tOne local high T o Talk With Seniors Jam. 28— Glen Cove at Port Be Held December 19 school iband played in thie All- Jan. 31—Adelphi at Port Staite band, which was a feature The annual informal "College Fob. 7—^Mineola at Mineoflla The Dramatics Department win of .the annuiaa State Band-Masters' Night" will ;be held in the High Feb. 11—Manhaisset ait Port collaborate with the Pantomine and Clinic, held at Ithaca, New York, Feb. 14—Glen ^Ctove at Glen the Girls' Glee Club to present a School cafeteria on Decemiber 10, at November 21, 22, 23. Game sixty Oove Christmas program Thursday night, 8 o'clock. All Seniors who are inter- high schools throughout tlhie sbaibe Feb. 21—Alunuiii Club ait Part December 19. The program is di- ested in co-educational ajid men's ware represented in the band, but vided into three parts. Gregoria and Feb. 28—Great Neck ait Port tiie Port Washington delegaiticn was colleges are invited to attend, as Max. 6—Play-offs Maria Sierra's "Cradle Song" will tihey will find tihe meeting of great the largest from any one school. be given first, the Girls' Glee Club Th;i eleven students from Port interest. Miss Parllnger, director of will sing some Christmas carols, and Wasiiington who pOaiyed are Wil- the Pantomime Class will present guidance, has extended invitations Rushay To Appear liam Baiiley, Gordon Stubbings, "The Sileeping Beauty." to all the colleges in which pupils Madcoton Lowry, John Smith, Joihn The Dnunatics Deipartment, in have expressed interest, and many Here December 7 Wjlkie, Howard Smith, Henry Har- view of the approaching holiday, of these will be represented at this rizon, Michael DeLeo, Jdhin Mc- Brian, Raymcnd Mazur, and Wil- will present "The Cradle Song". Tne time. 'Land Of Once Upon A following is a press review from the Time' Features Sketches liam Bischoff. The following colleges are expect- "London Outlook": "'Cradle Song* ed to send representatives: Alfred Thj All-State Band was com- is OathoUc in its exhibition of one Blix Ruitoy wiilfl presemit her "The poued of one hiundred and seven of the greatest paradoxes of Catho- University, Amherst College, Buck- Land Of Once Upon A Time" to- nell University, Clarkson Tech, Wil- hi©h school mujccJams frcm aiU lic Ufe, in that Catholics can achieve morrow morning, December 7, at parts of the state. After two re- both an extraordinary unity and at liam and Mary College, Coliunbia 10:30 in the Senior High Schoott University, Coc'per Union, Cornell hearsals One band played in a the same time an extraordinary va- ajuditoriium. The prcgraim consists concert before a packed house in riety and individuality. 'Cradle University, Duke University, Hamil- of a numlber of original sketches ton College, Lehigh University, Long the Ithaca High School audiJtarium. Song' has been called the finest play enaot.d by MJsis Ruitoy ainid die- At ithds ccnoert ith;; band Wais di- seen in twenty-five years." Island University, Middlebury Col- paoting well-known literamy char- rected iby Captain ©"Neil, head of The Cast lege, Nassau Collegiate Centre, New acters. Among toier dniterpretaltians the Oanadian Gtrenadaiers Band, The Prioress Gladys R. Hawthorne York University, Pratt Institute, are Sarah Onewe and Pinocdhio. and several otf tbie outstanding high The Vicaress _ Antoinette Keaney Princeton University, Purdue Uni- She will also do one or two hum- Mistress ot the NoviceS-.Barbara Stimpson versity, Van neridselaer Polytech, St. school bandmasters of the starte. Sister Joanna of the Cross _Mary West orous venaiions of family lifie. The Sister Maria Jesus Marjorie Wheeler Lawrence University, Stevens Insti- prcgram is being sponsored by the Musicians Unit Alumni Sister Marcella Dorothy Bohn tute, Syracuse University, Traphagen Flaw;r Ilil'l Paiient-Teachers' As- At Ithara. the Port musicians Sister Sagrario Jane Willis School of Fashion, and Tufts Col- Sister Inez Ruth Loomis sociaition and the admission of fif- stayed at the Y. M. C. A., and the Sister Tornera Virginia Hyland lege. Teresa — Natalie Frost teen oenbs is being charged for two dlirecbors stay;id at a nearby Antonio Ernest Dahl Meeting Held Annually dhildren and thirty cents for adults. hotel. A itriiip iwas miadie to the The Doctor _ John Anderson The Poet This meeting is called every year Sketches Are pionologues Oomell Universaity oaimpus wtoe Andrew Johnson The Sleeping Beauty to give information about the vari- the boys saw Fred MciNiutt, Don- The sketches are all monologues, I n keeping with the old English ous colleges to the Seniors. The ald Utz, Lewis Lindemuth, and but Miss Rusihay will be asBlisted custom of presenting a fairy tale representatives attempt to explain Albert Brown. by a piano aooompanist. Cosltume during the YuleUde hoUday, Miss to the students of the High School and scenery wil be uis;d through- A t a meeting of 'the New York Hawthorne's Pantomine Class will the scholastic requirements, campus out the parformiainoe. Altiiouglh; State High Sdhodl Band and Or- present "The Sleeping Beauty." This, life, scholarships, and expenses, as the performance was primarily chestra Leaders' Association held seeming to have nothing to do well as answer any other questions planned for the youtihful mind, Saturday afternoon, Mr. Van Bode- with the holiday spirit, is a gay, they might have. As was done last anyone initemsteid' i n dramatic work graiven, musiiioal supervisior of the sph-ited fairy tale, with a tempo year, the guests will be given tables Should find lamiple entertiainiment. Port Wai:ihinigton Public Sdhools, set for rhythmic dancing. The lead- i n the cafeteria, and the students Miss Rushaiy hias play^id at the was elected vic£i-presidenlt of the ing characters, the princess and the will visit the tables of particular i n - Hobokien Theatre with ithe dhirist- Aasociaition. prince, will be played by Mary West terest to them. At a meeting of all opher Morleiy group in "After and Helen Bott. The King and Seniors interested in college, hosts Dark" and otiheir ttoys. Reoently Queen, the princess' parents, are and hostesses were appointed. Also STUDENTS VIEW CITY she has given hier preisienlt pro- played by Jacquehne Voute and Hel- a group of teachers, including iTIiss gram in numerous nearby towns en Brock, respectively. Natalie Allison, Miss Duffy, Miss Pelton, Mr. L a Tertulla Club Members Visit with great success, several recalls Frost will be the good fairy, and Lyons, and Mr. Mason has been ask- Spanish Theatre, Restaurant being requested. Virginia Utz the witch. ed to welcome the visitors. La Tertuiiia, the tonorary Span- "The Sleeping Beauty" -wiU give AJso of assistance to college- ish Club of the school, and its a matinee on Thursday, Decemiber bound students is a collection of col- Music Pepartment gueisbs, miaide a trip into New York 19, for the Main Street, Sands Point, lege catalogues in the library. The Presents Concert to attend a performanice ait a Span- and Flower HiU grade children. A library is displaying at the same islh theatre and' to eait a typicaGiy collection will be taken, the children time a number of college pennants. On Sunday, Decemiber 8, the Mu- Spanish (meal. Ths movie house, being at liberty to pay what they Sometime in February a tea will be sic Department of the Port Wash- Ea Oampoamor, offered a dliversi- like. That night it wiU again be held for Senior girls interested in ington Public Schools wUl hold its fi.ed show consisting of a drama in given, along with the "Cradle Song," women's colleges. second concert of the annual month- Spanish enUtled, "The Deiad Speak", and the Girls' Glee Club. The price ly series. This concert will be held a western picture oaUed, "A Two- of admission for the evening per- i n the Senior High School audito- formance is thirty-five cents. Junior Red Cross Gun Caballero", and vaudleville rium at 4 p. m. wlhich featured Spani:h dancing. Collection Taken The concert will be opened by the Library Adds Popular Books Flower Hill Grade Chorus, singing Aft;r the sttiow, the group par- three selections, including a Negro took of a dinner comiposed of "ar- The annual Junior Red Cross col- During Bock Week a contest was Spiritual. Following the Chorus wiU roz con polio," Spanish dhJcken lection was taken this year on Mon- held in ithe library which eniaibled be tlhe Senior High String Quartet. and rice, guava, and coffee, Span- day, November 23. In the Senior siudents to vote for their favorite The Quartet consists of Robert Lam- ish style. The -bread and butter Hig'h School, the total amount sub- bookis. The four most popular berti, first violin; Douglas Rodgers, whiKfli was served proved especial- scribed was $11.79. books are to be purdhased by the second violin; Virginia Wibmer, ly savory to the hungry studente, library. and the amount canisuimied wais Room 202 lead the home rooms 'cello, and Jean Lowry, viola. The Approximately twenty-five bookis startlong. contributions, which was $1.26. Room Senior High Girls' Glee Club will were voted upon by the situdents. 207 and 101 tied for second place follow with several selections.
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