GROUPS AND EVENTS AROUND TOWN Draft Counseling Draft Counseling Center 1810 E. Anaheim St. rRBE toRU 5992815 CALENDAR Mon., Thurs., 7 30-10:00 PM Sunday, after 2 00 PM Pacific Counseling Gl's 514 W. Adams, L.A, Mon. & Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM Tues. 2 PM-9 PM ENTERTAINMENT Fri. 9 AM- 5 PM Phone: 7484662 Aahgrove. 8l6J Malrose 651-2070 June 1 St h-2'7 t h Free Clinic ,J olin Lee I) ookor 10^3 Pine 1+37-2245 Juno 20th-Ju.\y kth \lbert Kij.ig Gav Liberation General Meeting: l'ho hunr: March 7:30 Tuesday night Films, discussions, political 1263 Pine Ave. raps. ~I3 S>. Parkview, LA Gay Draft Counseling 661-6743 or 461-4024 1:00-5:00 PM Fridays Peace and Freedom Office lh'ee Concerts 126 3 Pine Ave. The West wood and Northridge Gay Men's State Conference Rock and Roll Liberation June 25, 26, 27 Fronts will provide free Contact LA Gay Liberation outdoor concerts this summer. 4400 Melrose Ave., L.A. Some of the groups scheduled 665-1881 are: Barry Melton and the Fish; Southwind; Joy of harbor Area Citizens for Peace Cooking; Country Joe; 831-4566 and Rockin' Foo. The first concert will be held at KNAC 437-5622 \alley State College, June 20 and the second will be at Long Beach Citizens for Peace UCLA July 4. 4382636 loin: Beach Museum of Art Movement for a Democratic 2100 F. Ocean 410-2110 Military 5997718, 5919150 showing till July 11. ihe Art of Shiro Peace and Freedom Party Jkegawa and Don Nelson 120 3 Pine Ave. opening July 18: 437877b The Art of t lie Comic Women's Liberation Front Natural History Museum 848 Molino Ave. University of Southern Calif 433-2520 and Fxposition Park Regular Meetings: Griffith Park Observe, t orv 7:30 Monday nights Planetary Show. June 8 thru tl N Julv 23 First Monday — Brewitt Branch Library Belmont and Anaheim: a community program designed to critically examine ttie problems which women face in this community as well as elsewhere. immmi BLACK SERVICEMAN'S CAUCUS WH|^ _________ nmn mil mm Message of Solidarity to Our Brothers and Sisters: The Black Serviceman's Caucus is an organization of active duty GI's who are committed to responding progressively to the cries of our people for total liberation and freedom. We recognize that our struggle is only a part of a larger struggle for liberation that is taking place in the communities of our brothers and sisters, but we feel it to be a very important part because of the role that the military has played in surpressing the people in the streets of our communities and campuses. We are determined and committed to playing our part in the elimination of-this racist, capitalist society that ha : ti- slaved our people for 400 years. We have been silent, but no longer'. We can not and will not endorse, support and fight for a system that maintains the oppression of Black and all oppressed people through out the worldl We realize that we can expect attacks to be made against the people's just struggle and those who fight for justice and peace for all people and _______MJ____________________fX_\ it's with this realization that we make our committment to the people's struggle. We here express our solidarity and offer our bodies and souls to the liberation of our people. DEMANDS: The authorities on base have agreed to an open meet­ ing on base to discuss our 1. End to the exploitation and oppression of our brothers and sisters in demands, despite the arro­ the community. gance and hypocritical at­ titude that the Naval Sta­ 2. End to all rules and regulations that prohibit Black Serviceman from en­ tion Chaplain, the "spirit- gaging in the struggle for liberation in their communities. tual director has display­ ed by by tearing up our de­ 3. A Black Studies and Cultural center that will serve us as a club that can mands and telling us that it s none of my business! be representative of our culture and heritage. This meeting is currently being planned and set up. 4. The end of the use of the military in the streets and on the campuses pf the The date and place will U.S. be made available as soon as it is confirmed. 5. We demand that dishonorably discharging individuals from the Armed It is needless to Services be prohibited. (This has been used to effect total subordination point out the importance of this meeting. We hope that and dependence on the military for existence. Our First obligation is to our brothers and sisters our people, so we demand that all brothers being processed for discharge here on base and in the due to unsuitability etc. be given honorable discharges so that they will be able community can also see the to make it on the outside. importance of dealing wi th this. 6. We demand the right to have and to pass on to our brothers material relevant to our culture, heritage and present situation. (The present regulations on literature ban all cuch material). POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Black Serviceman's Caucus 7. We demand that the base library provide literature on our "TRUE" Long Beach, California heritage and culture. (To study the true history of the Black man one must go ar past the shores of America. At this time literature and material in the base library are inadequate and even insulting to us as Black brothers and sisters.) 8. We demand that our brothers and sisters in the military be tried by a jury of their own peers. (In all -ases we are being tried by -ourt martials of all white officers and non-coms; it is impossible for these people to understand the feelings of our brothers and sisters.) 9. We iemand lo fair representation, (higher ups are asking the advice of older Blacks in the Navy who are even as isolated from their Black communities as the whites. The right to be heard seems to be pegged to rank, rate, and time in service. Theses people do not represent'the tru interest of the masses of Blacks in 'he Navy and we iemand to represent ourselves). 110. We accuse the military system of the United States to he racist and a tool oi the acist power structure that is attempting to destroy and surpress the cries of Black people and all oppressed people throughout I the world-- this must end. *WE ARE UNITED, WE ARE STRONG AND DETERMINED TO BRING ABOUT AN END TO YOUR REIGN OF TERROR; FOR OUR CHILDREN |SAKE LIBERATION WILL RE OURS!'!! ^niJ.UKbbJ Black Serviceman's Caucus Long Beach, Calif. would seem to be a difficult thing to prove, particularly when that course of action had not yet been completed (ie. never coming back ). The trial counsel (mil­ itary counterpart of the pro­ secutor) tries to prove in­ tent to desert with two kinds of evidence. The first kind is circumstantial evidence. Such things as having dis­ THE This is the first in a carded military ID and mili­ serin i of articles on the tary clothing, leaving the MILITARY subject of military law. This country etc are used to show information is presented for the court that a person did purpose of helping EMs under­ not intend \o return. The COUNSELOR stand the nature of their second kind of evidence, and oppression and by understand­ perhaps the most damaging, ing it to fight against it. consists of verbal statements These articles are not meant. made to friends and parents The Naval Electronics Lab, to replace legal counseling. such as, I've had it with the located near San Diego, is Navy. I ir leaving and they 11 the largest facility of its These articles are not. never see me again. Such kind, solely doing research Meant to replace legal counsel­ statement 9, made in the heat for the U.S. military. It ing. Military counseling is of the moment, often cone up has done work on infrared now available on Wednesdays later in a court martial re­ aerial photography (used in from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m. at cord and are very incriminat­ Vietnam, Thailand, and South 1810 east Anahiem St. in Long ing. Particularly dangerous America), atmospheric recon— Beach. This Counseling is a are statements are statements aissance devices (used on FREE service of the Long Beach to parents. FBI and military spy planes now flown over chapter of the Movement For a investigators are experts at North Vietnam and Southern Democratic Military- If you obtaining evidence through China), RADAR techniques have a question related to intimidation and harrassment. for jfl'-shore small boat military law and you can't make Many parents have made sworn detection (used in Opera­ it down on Wednesday you can statements hoping to help tion Intercept), and guid­ call 599-7718 and make an ap­ their sons and daughters only ance devices for surface pointment for counseling. to find later that they had to surface and surface to In this article we will provided the very evidence air misailes. briefly discuss two of the used to convict them. most common charges brought against EMs; absent without leave and desertion. (1) absent without leave The crime of being AW0L is de­ fined by the Uniform Code of Military Justice as, Any mem­ ber of the armed forces who, without authority, fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed, goes from that place, or absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which time he is prescribed to be there." AW0L is one charge that is nearly impossible to beat.
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