TTHEHE BB EANOEANO && DD ANDYANDY CC OLLECTORSOLLECTORS ’’ CC LUBLUB Founder Year 2006-7 October 2006 Issue 1 Contents 2 Editorial 3 Caption Competition 4 The Dandy-Beano Story 6 Pets’ Corner 6 Day Dreams of Dundee… - - COLLECTORS ’ C LUB I NFORMATION The Beano & Dandy Collectors’ Club Annual Subscription Articles for publication will be gratefully PO Box 3433 received and should be sent to the PO UK £18.00 Brighton Box address as should any other corre- BN50 9JA Europe £21.00 spondence. United Kingdom Worldwide £24.00 Tel 01273 673462 Mob 07739 844703 Email [email protected] Web www.phil-comics.com The BEANO and The DANDY logos are ®© DC Thomson & Co. Ltd., 2006. All associated characters are © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. Used By Kind Permission of DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. EDITORIAL Hello, and welcome to the very first old without a penny to his name af- You have probably heard of and may newsletter of ‘The Beano & Dandy ford them? To answer the latter point, have paid a visit to Hay-On-Wye, a Collectors’ Club’. My first editorial will paper rounds were the only option, small market town on the English- tell you my story which I hope will and some pocket money thrown in for Welsh border. Home to some thirty raise a few memories of similar ex- good measure. Come rain or shine, plus secondhand bookshops, it be- periences that you may have had. 6am alarm calls it was to be for the came an enjoyable annual trip and I next five years! To address the former distinctly remember the summer of It was in 1991 that I had my first en- issue I secretly hoped the publishers 1993 and parting with six weeks counter with The Beano and The kept back issues and a letter was sent hard-earned paper money (£63) on Dandy. On a visit to a school friend’s to the DC Thomson HQ in Dundee. nine books including a 1963 Beano house I was immediately struck by a Book, my then oldest annual and bookcase in his bedroom that was It turned out that they did keep back most prized possession. Trawling local bulging at the sides with Beano and issues, but only to 1987. Alas, I jumble and car boot sales, school Dandy annuals. Most were well loved wanted them back to 19 thirty 7! Nev- fetes, antique, collectors and book 1970s and 80s annuals which he had ertheless, they recommended a book fairs became the norm, but the big- amassed from school fetes and jum- search service and confirmed my sus- gest source of books came from fur- ble sales, but on the end was his picions that secondhand bookshops ther afield. The Book and Magazine prized item - a 1967 Dandy Book, were the most likely means of acquir- Collector significantly increased my albeit with half its spine missing. A big ing the early books and comics. list of dealer contacts, including sev- pile of comics lay beside his bed and It was around this time that my par- eral who specialised in children’s the 1991 Beano calendar hung on his ents told a couple of tales that felt like books and comics. My SAE was soon wall. a thorn in the side. Firstly, my father on their doorsteps and for the most For over 65 years The Beano and The described his weekly treat during the part that meant entering the world of Dandy have been cherished by mil- 1950s of the Beano and Dandy com- mail order. lions of children and adults the length ics, and compulsory gift of the annu- It soon became apparent that part of and breadth of the country. My pal als in his Christmas stocking. As was the excitement of collecting is the had clearly caught the comic bug and most usually the case, the comics seeking out of those elusive items. If I it was about to passed on. Sure were read several times, swapped had inherited a thirty year run of an- enough the weekly Beano comic was around the schoolyard and thrown nuals and comics in another foul soon being delivered to my door and out, but the annuals were all kept – in swoop, my collecting interest may not the Beano and Dandy annuals became tip-top condition. To this day, the have blossomed and the chances are as much a part of the Christmas fes- cupboard that housed them still you wouldn’t be reading this now. tivities as Santa Claus himself. stands in my grandmother’s living room, but alas, no precious Beano Despite having received the majority Like many others, I was keen to find and Dandy annuals - they were all of my collection courteous of Royal out where my comic heroes had their given to a young girl down the road in Mail, I believe the most exciting way roots. As luck would have it, D.C. the 1960s in one foul swoop, never to to buy is in person. Not only can you Thomson & Co., Ltd, the comics’ pub- be seen again. The second tale in- actually handle the item and let the lishers, had begun producing a series volves my grandfather from my sense of smell have its say too, you of special books celebrating the first mother’s side, who was a newsagent also get the personal touch. Be it with fifty years of the Beano and Dandy. from the late 1960s to early 1980s, a dealer, collector or general member The first title, ‘Fifty Golden Years’, and would have sold multiple (MINT) of the public, discussing one’s passion was an inspiration and provided a first copies of all the annuals and comics I is an enjoyable experience. In recent glimpse of the Number One Beano was now keen to acquire. Two tales of years I have been privileged to meet and Dandy annuals and comics. misfortune, or were they…? a handful of collectors and view their An immediate love of the earlier beloved collections. My collecting began proper in two styles of the comics and artwork led secondhand bookshops in Birmingham In the 21st Century collectors have to an eagerness to acquire the origi- city centre, both called Reader’s been increasingly using the internet, nal comics and annuals. But I was World. Sadly, neither shop still stands including online auction houses such faced with two problems; where do and consequently those early memo- as eBay, to source their books and you find old books and comics and, ries are particularly nostalgic. comics. I joined the rat race and have once found, how would an eleven year been buying and selling on eBay for - 2 - over five years dealing with people all or two lucky members actually bought Gordon Tait and Bill McCloughlin of over the world. From Alnwick Hill to a copy of the very first editions in the DC Thomson with whom I have liased. Australia, Cambridge to Canada and late 1930s? If that was you, did you From day one I have bounced ideas Newport to New Mexico, the interest keep them?! My intention has always off my long term collector friend in the Beano and Dandy is phenome- been to make the club interactive with David Jones, so I am indebted to him. nal. Having contact with hundreds of its members, which is why I am seek- Other notable thanks go to Ray collectors gave me the idea of found- ing your help! If you have any com- Moore, who has kindly contributed an ing The Beano & Dandy Collectors’ pelling stories, newspaper articles article for this newsletter, Ian Downes Club, so we can all share our passion. about the comics over the years, un- of Start Licensing, John Swan, and I know of several people who have a usual or rare material or anything you Andy Oakley, whose company Coven- love of Rupert Bear and ‘The Follow- would like to share with other mem- try Silvercraft Ltd produced the ers of Rupert’, a society founded in bers, we would be delighted to hear badges. 1983, has catered well for their needs from you. Finally, a BIG thank you to you, the with over 1,000 members worldwide It has taken much planning and Founder Members, for joining the today. I hope that The Beano & preparation over the last twelve club. I hope you enjoy this first news- Dandy Collectors’ Club will be an months to get the club off the ground. letter. equal success. My thanks go to the publishers of the Best wishes, My first hand experiences of the Beano and Dandy, D.C. Thomson & comic date back only to the early 90s, Co., Ltd, for providing kind permission but already the club has a member to reproduce images for the club logo base who would have read the comics and newsletters. My special thanks go in all its eight decades. Perhaps one to Martin Lindsay, Roddie Watt, Phil Shrimpton TEASER T IME Part 1—Cross word Complete the crossword and then take the letters from those boxes marked * and rearrange them to form a name related to the comics that is mentioned in this newsletter. 1 2 3 ACROSS 4 * 5 6 7 4. The UK’s favourite comic 5. The Topper’s version of Minnie * 8. The first Beano cover star 9. Edible item with horns! * 10. The Dandy Wonder Dog 11. Home of DC Thomson 8 * * 9 * DOWN 1. The first of DCT's 'Stable Four' * * 2. Comic with Mickey the Monkey 10 * * * 3. The world's wildest boy! 4.
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