Workers of the World, Unite ! THE WORLD CRISIS AND STALINISM - See Page 2 - t h e MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XV - No. 4 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1951 PRICE: FIVE CENTS World Opinion Forces UN ‘Peace’ Maneuvers '<3 U.S. LABOR’S STRUGGLE Next Week Power of Asian Revolution LINKED TO ASIA REVOLT “THE Staggers U.S. Imperialism By The Editor By A rt Preis The White House and the Pentagon are thinking of a nego­ GREATEST Peiping has rejected the terms of the latest UN tiated peace in the Korea war. They have been confronted with “ peace” proposal as a maneuver “ merely to give the U.S. three granite facts. First, the combined strength of the Chinese ATROCITY” forces a chance to rest” and recoup their strength for and Korean revolutions has so far proved superior to the military renewed warfare in Korea. Mao *>~ Tse-tung’s government is insist­ nations of Asia and the Middle power of U.S. capitalism. Second, there is a tidal wave of popular A Documentary ing that the invading American East, in any discussion involving resistance all'over the world to becoming involved in the Truman- forces be withdrawn from Korea the fate of the colonial world. MacArthur intervention in Asia. Third, the American people want Record of U. S. as a major condition. for con­ It also insists on the participation the war stopped now. sideration of any settlement of of France in order to raise the question of the latter’s four-year This failure of American capitalist power to crush the Asian Intervention the Far Eastern conflict. Moreover, Mao opposes restrict­ war against the Indo - Chinese revolution despite superior arms has given new confidence to op­ people. pressed peoples everywhere. The decayed system of capftalism in In Korea ing any conference on a Far East Europe and colonial exploitation in Asia has one main “policeman” settlement to the “Big Three” WELL-FOUNDED SUSPICION powers (U.S., Britain and Soviet — the U.S. ruling class. And that ruling class no longer seems in­ Chinese suspicion of Washing­ Union) and China, as the UN Censorship Keeps GIs* vincible. DON'T MISS IT! ton’s intent in voting for the plan provided. Peiping demands As yet U.S. workers have not by and large connected the set­ UN’s cease-fire plan is well- the inclusion of semi - colonial back of their own ruling class abroad w ith their experiences at founded. U.S. representatives in India and Egypt, as the leading home. The unexpected failure of American arms in what was the UN, after the vote, had let it Voice from Home Folks considered a minor foray against a weak people on a tiny peninsula be known that they had agreed has staggered the American public. to the plan only because they What is happening to the Amer­ ■According to a Jan. 9 Asso­ ing what the soldiers think about fe lt sure the Chinese would not ican GIs facing possible entrap­ ciated Press dispatch from Tokyo, the officer corps, rig h t up to Big Business and U.S. Workers J.P. CANNON EXPLAINS accept it. State Department ment in Korea? What are they correspondents are forbidden, MacArthur himself. MacArthur’s spokesmen, in defending the ad­ thinking and saying? Arc they, among other restrictions, to file press handouts may fool some However, to understand what has happened to U.S. imperial­ ministration from charges of echoing the pleas of their parents stories that would “ embarrass the people back home about his ism abroad, the workers need only turn to their own experiences “ appeasementr” pointedly stated and wives at home, asking to be United States, its allies or neutral SK06LUND CASE ISSUES resiponsibility for the military with Big Business over the past two decades. I t is not news to that “ discussion” with China did withdrawn from the bloody countries,” that would “ injure the disaster in Korea, but they don’t American workers that the blustering monopolists can be whipped. NEW YORK CITY, Jan. 15 — The recent deportation not imply any concessions. Korean mess into which they morale of our forces, or our fool the men who are facing the They whipped them handily in the organizing drives of the late order against Carl Skoglund under the McCarran Act was Nevertheless, the fact that the were unwillingly thrust? Do they, allies” or m ight cause “ despond­ hot lead. They have their own Thirties and early Forties. They again humbled the big corpora­ U.S. voted fo r the cease-fire ency in our forces or our people.” reported in the Swedish press and brought a letter of in­ too, want the war to be stopped ideas about MacArthur’s “ genius” tions in the post-war strikes. proposal at all . is generally now before more tens of thou­ Breach of these regulations by and no doubt are expressing these quiry about his case from Evald ------------------------------------------------ recognized as a diplomatic retreat correspondents would mean ex­ The same ruling class which served an ultimatum to the II q g 1 u n d, Swedish Trotskyist sands of them are added to the ideas among themselves. It is now for American imperialism. That pulsion from, the war theatre and Korean people to submit to capitalist rule, also commanded the leader, to the Socialist Workers over 50,000 U.S. casualties al­ the opinion of almost all war cor­ Swedish Letter is why it has stirred up a further even court - martial, although American workers to bend the knee to open shop rule. Henry Ford Party. Following is the reply by ready suffered in Truman’s respondents — those who wrote storm of disagreement over for­ “ police action?” newspapermen are civilians. glowingly just a few weeks ago once bluntly announced he would never sign a union contract; the SWP National Secretary James On Skoglund Case domineering bosses of Bethlehem Steel would not talk w ith union P. Cannon: eign policy within Congress and In imposing what the United Very revealing is the -AP dis­ about MacArthur’s “great mili­ Dear Comrades, representatives; General Motors called out the National Guard to has even created the beginnings Press describes as “ the strictest closure that “ for several days tary leadership” — that from the Dear Comrades: In an ordinary bourgeois of a conflict in administration censorship regulations in the his­ standpoint of military tactics put down “ anarchy” and “red terror” against the ’37 sitdowners. large chunks of field dispatches It is true, as you read in the paper we have read that the circles. tory of war reporting,” Gen. Mac- M acArthur and his staff have But the U.S. mass production workers, fed up w ith the speed­ have been snipped out of press press, that the U.S. Immigration old Swede, Carl Skoglund, is A rth ur and the Pentagon have displayed incredible stupidity. up and the stretch-out, determined to win their democratic rights CONCESSION TO CHINA reports” and “ one field dispatch Department has ordered Carl expelled from the USA. He lowered an iron curtain between N. Y. Times correspondent in industry and under the slogan “Solidarity Forever” brought from an AP correspondent, Tom Skoglund’s deportation. However, has been charged with “ revolu­ It is true that the State Dept, the men at the front and the folks Richard J. H. Johnston, w riting the industrial tyrants to heel. The odds against the workers seem­ Lambert, was killed by censors you should not expect to see him tionary action” for the Trot­ regarded the cease-fire plan, if back home. Both the text of the from Tokyo, charged on Jan. 10 ed overwhelming. Just as the U.S. imperialists used the UN to because it described American in Sweden for some time, if at skyists! If it is any reality accepted by Peiping, as a ma­ censorship regulations and war that the censorship “ made it con­ bring pressure against the Korean people, so the American capital­ troops as dispirited, bewildered all, since his case is fa r from behind this and if Skoglund is neuver to gain time for strength­ correspondents’ reports that have ceivable that the Korean war ists used their courts against labor. But here as in Korea, the and uncertain of the future.” concluded. coming to Sweden and when, ening U.S. forces in Korea. But leaked through the censorship could not be covered at all — at odds proved, in fact, to be against the small minority of industrial let us know' it immediately. the fact remains — and this is For over a decade government indicate that one of the main WHAT SOLDIERS THINK least with any degree of truth . barons who were powerless against the organized forces of the With revolutionary greet­ what is such a bitter p ill fo r the officials and other agents of the purposes of the tig h t press gag Not the least purpose of the It appeared to many veteran cor­ new unions. ings. capitalist politicians in Washing­ employing class have persecuted is to keep the voice of the troops news blackout from Korea is to respondents that censorship . EVALD IIOGLUND ton — that their maneuver in­ this veteran warrior of American from reaching this country. keep correspondents from report- was being used to cover up m ili­ Stockholm, Sweden volved a concession to the Mao Invincible Power of the Oppressed labor, hoping to eliminate him tary errors and defeats.” (Swedish Trotskyist leader) Tse-tung regime, insofar as it from the union movement and The U.S. workers demonstrated in struggle their inventiveness, acceded to direct discussion with MacARTHUR’S ALIBIS talents and power.
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