THE BIRMINGHAM AGE-HERALD i VOLUME XXXXIII i BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1913 14 PAGES NUMBER. 183 _ TAMMANY CANDIDATE DEFEATED IN NEW YORK BY BIG PLURALITY; WILSON’S ADMINISTRATION INDORSED BY DEMOCRATIC VICTORIES MEXICAN SITUATION IS Fusion Carries Day In New York; INDICA TIONS POINT TO CHANGED BY LITTLE Loses In State And City A GENERAL VICTORY DAY’S DEVELOPMENTS Tammany FOR ADMINISTRATION -— FIELDER’S ELECTION LEADS FUSIONIST r ■ Widespread Comment at National Capitol Over VICTORY FOR WILSON PARTY TO VICTORY Returns Indicate Walsh Easy Winner In Massa- __ MITCHEL WINS OVER -_ Status of Affairs, But No Definite chusetts Gubernatorial Race—Plurality Action Taken EDWARD TOLL BY Estimated at 50,000 HUERTA NOT YET READY TO DISCUSS FIELDER LEADS OPPONENT IN MINISTERS SITUATION WITH HIS SULZER IS; WINNER NEW JERSEY BY GOOD PLURALITY Wilson Determined to Eliminate Huerta—Insists Democratic Ticket Headed By Lee Appears Win- Never Late Returns Indicate Over- United States Will Recognize ner In Maryland—Results In States whelming Victory of the Many Dictator’s Claim ■ Indorse W ilson Fusionists Over Tam- ■ ■ -1 Administration JOHN PURltOY MITCH El, many Opposition Fusionist candidate, who defeated 4.—The Mexican situation was the Washington, November Edward McCall, Tammany standard New \ ork, November 4. In three hearer, for of New York states—^Massachusetts, subject of widespread comment in Washington today, but the mayor yes- New terday. Muitehel’s plurality was one .Jersey arid \ irginia, where gubernatorial (“lections werev in official added little of a definite BIG MITCHEL VOTE of the biggest ever given against a day’s developments quarters held today, the democrats were successful candidate of Tammany Hall. His big Ijy large pluralities;^ or character the exact status of affairs. The PULLS THROUGH MORE tangible concerning JAMES F. FIELDED vote pulled through other fusionist and in Maryland the democrats elected a l nited States senator candidates. from a new Democratic candidate for reports Mexico City that and somewhat summary governor FUSION CANDIDATES and and late returns of New Jersey, whose election is con- congressman, indicated democratic gains move had been made the United States toward the elimina- by sidered a direct indorsement of Wood- with a probability of a two thirds in both houses row Wilson’s administration. majority of tion of General Huerta, brought no response from the state de- I lie Retain Control of Important Board state legislature. partment or other official sources a brief statement from furnished an unconteste 1 ■ andidates in beyond of Estimate—Other Offices Go POLICE REFUSE 10 Virginia Fssex they will control th« assembly by a good majority. that no had race for S. Stuart Secretary Bryan “ultimatum” been presented. to Fusionists by Safe Ma- governor, Henry \\ nether same other communication, of freely importing arms and war mu- being elected by a unani- DEMOCRATS ELECT | Issues practically less than an been nitions be able to SULZER ELECTED jority—Murphy would overthrow drastic ultimatum had they RiOE WITH STRIKE I mous vote. The four-cornered fight COMPLETE TiCKET Mr. declined the Huerta regime in a short time. • presented, Bryan positively Statement Boston, November 5.—Returns tab. On the other band General Carranza in Massachusetts resulted in the elec- to state, maintaining that the government ulated up to 2 o'clock tills morning in- said It wrould require years for the should he free to of j tion of L. and dicated the election of tho shape its course ac- United States to £}avid Walsh, democrat, yesterday pacify Mexico. TO ASSEMBLY BY complete democratic tion or. such affairs defining To ticket by plural- without his original request presented BREAKERS ON CARS present lieutenant governor, by a ities somewhat less than those each the Sunday to the American at re- step through press. officials of more than votes •‘•!\'d for “IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE • plurality 50,000 by Walsh, governor, and Washington, General Carranza added t Barry, for lieutenant Wilson Casts Vote ♦ over governor. Tho another tonight. He not only desires' LOST EVERYTHING/* SAYS y Charles S. Bird, progressive; his SECRETARY democrats have never before won their President Wilson left early to cast the on the arms to LARGE PLURALITY t TAMMANY y Members of Indian- embargo export of Thirty Augustus P. Gardner, republicans, entire ticket. vote in New this Mexico ♦ ♦ Jersey, returning late lifted but wants the privilege | and who lieutenant ,Governor • New November 4. Eugene Foss, independent, Walsh carried of transporting his soldiers over Amer- York, y Force Turn In evening. Meantime Secretary Bryan re- ; apolis tile State by more than 50,000. lean territory. 4 ThomoN Smith, necretary of | was three times elected to the office Barry’s mained at tiie state department where Official Polls o’clock * plurality was estimated at 25,OUO. Impeached j Tammnuy Hall, nt 10:30 to as a democrat. Badges City Bird, progressive, to there were no signs of unwonted activity t naids “It looks like we have lont 4 appeared have Huerta Silent The triumph of the fusion ticket In beaten Gardner, republican, beyond the constant inquiries concern- More Votes Than Both 4 everything:. Mltoliel in elected j thereby Mexico New York the City, November 4.—The under- 4 and It loo.kn an if city was assured early in the placing republican party as tho ing the from Mexico of an- by 100,000 j reports City current of conversation at the national third political party of the for Opponents Combined y We had lont every other plaee 4 evening although it required later re- j state the other urgent communication. palace tonight carried rumors first time. regarding y Including the New York eoun- 4 BUT LITTLE RIOTING turns to show the defeat overwhelming D. In well informed quarters it was ad- President Huerta's attitude In the face 4 Calvin Paige, republican, won by ty ticket/* j of tiie democratic ticket, resides John of Washington’s demands that he re- 150 votes over M. Fred O'Connell, dem- mitted that negotiations have been pro- ♦ * REPORTED YESTERDAY tire, but the President himself preserved 1’urroy Mitchel, fusion nominee for mayor, ocrat, in the Third congressional dis- ceeding in pursuance of President Wil- an enigmatical reserve. REGARDS TRIUMPH the allied parties elected three borough trict. Tho republican hold the legis- son’s determination to secure the elimina- lature with Huerta's intimates are familiar with the presidents, president of the hoard of al- increased majorities. as New York, November 5.—The total tion of Huerta a factor in Mexico. terms of the communication, which they AS VINDICATION Situation and No dermen and comptroller thereby gaining That /his involved the delivery to the regard as practically mandatory. The vote of Greater New York with 76 Unchanged Attempt Democrats control of the board Sweep State memorandum from the administration at of estimate, the Mexican authorities of another communi- to Move Claims Kiehmond, V'a., November 4.—Henry G. Washington states that unless Genera' districts out of 1780 missing gives Cars—Mayor financial governing body the city. cation also was admitted, though it was 9f Stuart, democrat, was today elected gov- Huerta retires immediately, and there- Need of Militia Is ernor of said this communication did not Issues Statement Thanking Support- Mitchel. fusion, 333,142; McCall, ItEFU BIJCANS GAIN Virginia without republican op- partake after has nothing to do with the con- position, the entire statfe ticket being .of the nature of an ultimatum. This duct of affairs or the formation of a new democrat, 224,412, and Russell, social- Imperative CNTROL OF ASSEMBLY ers and Bitterly Scoring Murphy. elected in the same manner. !***.«, Alpm much abused It was government, the President of the United In New York state the republicans diplomatic term, ist, 30,326. Mitchel’s plurality is in one-half of Die normal primary vote out. a In States will issue an ultimatum, which if Believes Himself Vindica*ed gained control of the a pointed marks stage negotia- 1 assembly by gooti polled, conservative estimates platdW it; wheiss or.n partv onUt’ie.s the either rejected, will cause him to ettll upon Con- excess of 100,000 and raaj reach working majority, but the result for chlei by Mill of the People I it<i in n iipol In. November 4.—The at 50,000. The legislature is overwhelmly that a compliance with certain demands h .ss to authorize him to use sterner justice and associate justice of the court democratic. 125,000 when all votes are counted. refiiNal of 30 member* of the must be made by a certain fixed hour methods. abrupt of appeals remained in doubt at a late and date, leaving It to be inferred that The language used caused Huerta’s to ride with atrlkebreak- hour with the republicans claiming the New November 4.—Fusion police force Bell Kletted force would be used if necessary to bring friends to regard the American communi- New 1 ork, November 4—William Sul- York, election of both of their candidates for er» cauMcd the fourth day off the afreet about a The term is often cation in itself as since Gen- thees Indianapolis, November 4.—Joseph K. compliance. conclusive, ousted from of carried New York places. «er, the governorship city today, electing IJt 11, democrat, was elected popularly used to indicate an urgent eral Huerta is given no choice regaidl- car Ntrlke to paNN without ear aerylee The New Jersey returns indicates! the today New Vork last month verdict of a John Mitchel mayor of Indianapolis by a plurality of diplomatic communication that in effect ing further participation in Mexico's offi- by l’urroy mayor by ap- turned in their election of James F.
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