.«•••. s^',y/rt;^&^ ^ f- VJi TO p- f-c~ 171 < o r~ Senior news Mysterious ways Gettinggodhead rnvO •!; Ophthalmology academy is trying Area writer Harlan Cobeh' The county fire chiefs' association to provide medical eye exams begins series of mystery has gotten OK to buy insurance novels, Page B4. / O tp seniors, Page 12. for county fire academy, Page B1. a 7: <T. v. •(;• •*» -::• Tl I 'Tour Sesf Source For Community Information" ^.^ CENTS"- I Holobinko hurls heat Vets seek to rename avenue Highlights for former Marine commandant Hydrants flushed • By Donna Segal Early in April, the mayor received a Managing Editor request from the Veterans Central The cily of Rahway Division The Rahway Veterans Central Committee, to name a portion of St. of Water has started its Spring Committee with the assistance of Georges Avenue after the general. Hydrant Rushing Program. Mayor James J. Kennedy and Council The mayor then requested that the It is expected that the flush- President Sal Mi one are in the process New Jersey Department of Transpor- ing procedures will take four , of trying to rename a po'rtion of St. tation agree to-thercnaming. In a let- weeks. Time of flushing will be Gcorg&s Avenue, Route 27, after Gen. ter dated May 5, Frank J. Wilson, from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily to Alfred M. Gray, a Rahway native and commissioner of the DOT, informed minimize traffic interruption^ retired commandant of the United the mayor that a joint or concurrent and to prevent discolored water Slates'Marine Corps. resolution is required from the to customers during normal dai- Gray, who was bom in Point Pleas- . Assembly or Senate designating the ly usage. Customers drawing -<inf Brady spent most of his youth — roadway-in- honor of-the-generah "wafer" "during the above time residing in Rahway. He enlisted in the Once the resolution is passed, DOT period can expect discolored Marine Corps in 1950 and held the will act on it and install signs on the water if they are in the flushing rank of sergeant bcfoie being com- new street, said Wilson. area. A tentative schedule-of— missioned a second lieutenant in April "Rjght now we are just waiting for hydrant flushing is posted at 1952. the approval," said VCC member City Hall and the public library. Gray, who served nearly four yeais Robert Mullady. in Vietnam, held the rank of brigadier According 'to Mullady. the request •Resident-graduates— general bislore he was promoted to is backed by the VCG, Mayor Ken- Mary Elizabeth Murphy of general and commandant in 1987. nedy, and Council President Sal Mullady said. "He is a man's man and Rahway was awarded a bacheloi In 1989, Gray served as the grand Mionc. we will be honored to have a portion of arts degree In psychology at marshal of the city's annual Memorial "This is a man that climbed up the of the street named after him," he the College of St. Elizabeth dur Day Parade. ranks and. became commandant," added. ' ing the college's 93rd commencement exercises on May 13. HIV testing Mayor heads program . TT«! Hyacinth AIDS Founda- tion' canAiets free HTV jtesting and/. wSJjtlclirig "on the first and to rehabilitate streets tnird^ataittrdays of every month By Donna tegol \ Arjjtoal Jfcsurific&uon in ffifl iwer level of Second Managing Editor noliatypcs Caytest; PresiS^ierJan Church, 1221 New Mayor James Kennedy recently in mfa. *% smade up ,*• Bnirj»wick Avc, from 11 a.m. announced that the Department of '{few" flowers to 2 p-itt. Public Works is in the process of con- shru&s, "^ro trn *V#.< For an "appointment or more cluding several park rehabilitation aroM AP Kiwmi inform«Uflt), call ih- foundation programs that, were funded fty a tfrefc, r at 755-0021. $35,000 federal grant 1~!» t me According to the mayor, .'.%•;.•;•• Grant offered first major work ever done oi Teikyo Post University has parks in over tWo decades. .announced the expansion of its The program will highDght (bitJM<^: A :?/> North Josey* Section 2, Group 3 bfayoffs. See lighted sign Installed earlier middle income family grant «tqry Page t1i; ; : • test; program to include Union area by the Union Cocnq" Arts &s¥'i ^students. These grants are for •"'•"v"; According to the mayor, the students to attend Teikyo Post ram will "bring more «ftei full time for the fall 1995 term. Arts Center, file W«orlc . Each grant could total $20,000."' «nd Droves* TaWa-rend* Students who wish to apply --'i aesthetic iMprovements my for an MIF grant to attend Teife lustration jbu 'already kyo Post should|£pntact the -2 thrciughout Rahway.", office of admisjnon at (800) '•"'""' Tho mayor said," H ic property bolsters rodents' proper- 345-2562. •,:/••• and the police officer ijf'talkAyto an ty values and will hopefully encour- *L,: emergency situation, w kids are let fand age loc i! residents tp frighten up their r interested 4n jaw enforce- out of the car," Grahill said; Parks help needed |1 own properties with flowers; trees and dg- g« hands-on experience Grahill also said that the program RAHWAY The Rahway Division of help, from the Police landscaping " offers the children a chance to'be law t^J^v^tiyJune Parks and Recreation is ioojqnjg™' The p-wgram mcraaea me plantuig rtaent * .,,./ ' ;. enforcers in parades pr.,other events. for qualified people to supffi' of-63. new trees stich as redtip dog- 4&- ftahway Police Explorers "They watch parking lots and things r%rf?r playgrounds throughout the toi uf mu Buj Sown. sneri 'as"triaf s"5 thai frtey &l fftcl 6?: of Rahway^during its" igers between the ages of the process," he said. "They wear dif- summer playground # i ® d/2> a chance to take part in law ferent uniforms than tho police offic- Let ! t?f' be held from June through! ers do, so that they are hot confused August. "^ ceinont, said Detective John advises the gtaapr " with the police, altfiOTgryTanTalways The division is also") come in and they don't with them as well," he added, "and I to employ a certified lifeguard maker realise how marry endless aspects wear my uniform." £Vr for its six-week special child- stanetime* bypass- for postal workers to an inbred aver- ren's program. Applications may mere are to law enforcement," Orahill The program has been in existence Whatever the reasons for those dog f where a menacing sion to uniforms, the psychology actu- be obtained Monday through in Rahway since 1991, Grahill said, bites, they are a senous problem for i« a last resort, ally mm much deeper. Each day the Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at ^ing to Grahill, the Explorers "but the program in general has been letter carriers trying to deliver yiH* Jto Postmaster Joseph letter carrier comes into the dog's ter- PROGRESS the Rahway Division of Parks h^yjfr, fte opportunity to partake in law around for years." mail. Nationwide, postal service Utt* ritory, tb&dog baxks. and the letter car enforcement as well as see firsthand tut Service will do it and Recreation office, Claude ' ' Accord ing to Grahill, starting at the ricrs suffered 2,802 dog b)tes last year ^ ner leave*. all-the job possibilities there are. • beginning of the month, the Explorers eafl* have failed .Reed Center, 1670 feving St, — an average of 10 dog attacks.every Day after day, the dog sees this The department also offers the will be cleaning up graffiti on private g" incidents are working day and that figure does n*t AH aclicd fepeated.ibsi..af4tt a wxek or i-:i-:~:i^- •-..•.. Explorers a ride-along program business buildings around town. tmasmerfhe cam- include the number of threatenlaf;" two it starts to feel njvincible. Now Summer band offered through which they get to accompany who decides what hi'"' /§''?- "If the business supplies the paint incident that did not cause injury'. what do you thawh^Mfl: Ajg's going to The Rahway Division of police officers, Grahill, said. • take* Normally, pet and equip'ment, we will remove the In Rahway, Clark and Colonia left?; doc«eftgetsloc*eJJB»dhasachance «i«.-''^- Parks.and Recreation is once : tije loss of mail "Through this program they get to year we had approximately fi*e *"" again offering its Rahway; Sum- graffiti from the building," Grahill their ani- to attack? ^.^ observe law enforcement at work, but bites and many instances where i* mer Band Sehool program. This said. not participate," he added. interfered with the dehvw year's lean will begin on June Grahill said many parents were Orahill said the program includes Just last month one of our 19, and end on Jttfy 12. concerned about having their children abou£25 teens. "These are kids who was bitten by a dog an<Jj,™WMal ja-open to any. be in a police car when an emergency -troJytare about theircornmunltyT' he stitches and was also out of WofMs stgjdent H^o is'.prescntly in any occurs. "In case something happens added. K n few days ^ " #gfl4« ^;U«* «h 12: Classes '• • ' *> • ' '' •. _ Nationally, the number^iof I frwn 8:30 krh. to bitten by dogs has dropped^ J v^eekclays at . than 7,000 in 1983 to 2 "^ y Jatermediate School. Vo-tech schools honorld This dramatic decrease Cbricen Band if-offered on The Umon County Vocational* buted to greatet Mondayr W«dn«*lay and Friday. Technical Schools were honored with on July 7, 1992, and war eoi^ijd to owners, stricter Advanced iftideriu may wish to a Capmissione^s Citation during a enhancV employer ce stepped up effont participate te a select Jazz .
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