VOLUME XLII, ISSUE LV MONDAY, MAY 17, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG 5,>>(=,55,,>>(>(==,, ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN 3;,<:ILQW ),:;+(@6-;/,@,(9 8TIV[\W.QTM NWZ 3 Sun God Hits Capacity Students turned away from annual festival on RIMAC Field )5<W_MZ for second time in its 27-year history. By Hayley Bisceglia-Martin Station banks on A.S. his year’s Sun God Festival — students can’t bring themselves — so finding Council approval for with acts like B.o.B, Relient K, a good balance between those two is tough,” its latest attempt to Michelle Branch and headliner Bramwell said. “We had the same numbers as Drake — attracted a packed last year. It just turned out this year to be more get on the air. house on May 14. For the second popular of an event; more students wanted to timeT in Sun God history, all 16,500 student come.” By Jake Boissonault wristbands and 3,500 guest tickets sold out. At the 2008 Sun God Festival — when Contributing Writer In 2008, the first time this happened, tickets students wristbands were distributed for the didn’t sell out until the day before. This year, entire week leading up to the event — tickets “Fiercely independent” student all tickets sold out by 2:30 p.m. on Friday, at ran out on Thursday, leading students to pur- radio station KSDT has given up on which time students were turned away. chase all the leftover guest tickets for them- plans to obtain an FM frequency. According to Associate Vice President of selves that Friday. Station managers are now looking to Concerts and Events Alex Bramwell — who In 2009, students waited in line for up to build a radio tower to pursue an AM organized this year’s Sun God Festival — the four hours on the morning of the festival to frequency instead. sell-out was due to the popularity of the event’s receive their wristbands. Despite the crowds, KSDT station co-manager leading acts. however, over 1,000 of last year’s wristbands Meredith Wong said that the AM “We get complaints and yelled at when stu- went unclaimed. tower would cost approximately dents can’t bring their guests, but at the same $100,000 and that she hoped it could time, we get yelled at and complaints when the See SUN GODpage 3 be located in a central area of campus — although she was unsure where that would be. 2010 2009 2008 2007 “We’re really serious about it, but we haven’t started much of the WRISTBANDS SOLD OUT 1,000 EXTRA SOLD OUT* 7,500 EXTRA research,” Wong said. GUEST TICKETS SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT SOLD OUT See TOWERpage 12 ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN *[\]LMV\[NWZKML\WJ]a\PMZMUIQVQVO O]M[\\QKSM\[IN\MZ_ZQ[\JIVL[[WTLW]\ 65(9633 *()<+.,;*90:0: /W^:MTMI[M[;\I\M*]LOM\ lion from health-care services that accommodate growing enrollment The final budget proposal impact low-income families who in the UC and CSU systems. from the governor puts depend on state welfare programs. In order to absorb California’s The suggested allocations to $19.1 billion budget deficit, other education and state the University of California are services would suffer major cuts — welfare at odds. nearly identical to the ones from including a proposed $3.7 billion Schwarzenegger’s January propos- from in health care, that would By Regina Ip al, including the restoration of the cut the Medi-Cal program for the Associate News Editor $305 million cut last year and an poor, along with state in-home additional $51.3 million in finan- support for the disabled. In addi- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger cial aid toward the 5,121 eligible tion, the budget takes into account presented his revised 2010-11 students in the system who are not Proposition 98 — which passed in state budget last week, a plan that currently being funded. However, 1988 and guarantees a minimum ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN includes a new round of fund- the governor’s newest budget pool of money for schools. Under Makeshift carts raced in the seventh annual Junkyard Derby on the day of the Sun God Festival. ing increases for public colleges, would negate his January proposal but that suggests cutting $3.7 bil- to cut $111.8 million set aside to See FUNDINGpage 7 >,)7633:762,5:762,5 -69,*(:; :<590:, 50./;>(;*/50./;>(;*/ :<9-9,769;:<9-9,769; .(:7,9.(3365 05:0+, LOW DID YOU ENJOY DRAKE’S MONDAY TUESDAY *VTPJZ PERFORMANCE AT THE 5:47 A.M. Height: 4 feet Height: 3-4 feet $2.89 :\U.VK7OV[VZ SUN GOD FESTIVAL? MONDAY TUESDAY Wind: 2-6 mph Wind: 3-5 mph On the Go Gas, El Cajon H 66 L 46 H 68 L 50 MONDAYTHURSDAY TUESDAY FRIDAY Water Temp: 66 F Water Temp: 66 F 500 N 2nd St. and E. Madison Ave. )LOPUK;OL*V\U[LY √ Yes :<5:,; HIGH 3L[[LYZ[V[OL,KP[VY √ No WEDNESDAY THURSDAY *S\I/VWWPUN √ I don’t know Height: 3-4 feet Height: 5-6 feet $3.62 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Wind: 3-7 mph Wind: 4-8 mph Chevron, Pacific Beach *SHZZPÄLKZ WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG H 62 L 48 H 69 L 50 7:43 P.M. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1565 Garnet Ave. and Ingraham St. Water Temp: 66 F Water Temp: 66 F :\KVR\ 2 THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, MAY 17, 2010 NEWS SUNNY-SIDE UP By Philip Rhie :PTVUL>PSZVU Editor in Chief (S`ZZH)LYLaUHR Managing Editors 9LaH-HYHaTHUK /H`SL`)PZJLNSPH4HY[PU News Editors (UNLSH*OLU (`LSL[)P[[VU Associate News Editors 9LNPUH0W ;YL]VY*V_ Opinion Editor *OLY`S/VYP Associate Opinion Editor =PZOHS5H[HYHQHU Sports Editor 4H[[*YVZRL` Associate Sports Editors 3PHT9VZL ,K^PU.VUaHSLa Focus Editor (WYPSSL4\ZJHYH Associate Focus Editors 5LKH:HSHTH[ 1LUUH)YVNHU Hiatus Editor AS PER USUAL By Dami Lee 4H[[OL^7LJV[ Associate Hiatus Editors (YPLSSL:HSSHP 2LSZL`4HYY\QV Copy Editor ,YPR1LWZLU Photo Editor 1VOU/HUHJLR Associate Photo Editor ,TPS`2\ Design Editor 4LSVK`*OLYU Associate Design Editor *OYPZ[PUH(\ZOHUH Art Editors 7OPSPW9OPL :HYP;OH`LY Web Editor 4HYPH:VRVSV] Training and Development Page Layout 4LSVK`*OLYU;YL]VY*V_9LaH-HYHaTHUK,TPS`2\ )PUO5NV(YPLSSL:HSSHP:PTVUL>PSZVU Copy Readers (T`.\aKHY4VUPJH/HPKLY1VUH[OHU2PT 4HYPH:VRVSV]5HVTP:^LV(UP[H=LYNPZ Editorial Assistants :*0,5*,AND;,*/5636.@ *VUUPL8PHUAVL:VWOVZ Web Designer 1LUU`;>HUN *ZMISQVO6M_["<PW[M?Q\P,MXZM[[QWV-I\5WZM+PWKWTI\M 4VUPJH)HJOTLPLY General Manager that there is huge amount of lore link- depression — as determined by determine these specifics. (SMYLKV/=PSHUV1Y Advertising Art Director High levels of depression 9VI*VYLH Marketing Team Leader ing chocolate to mood, with virtually their answers to the questionnaire “We have become sufficiently ,]HU*VVR Network Administrator correlate with monthly no scientific evidence backing that — consumed about 12 servings of interested,” Golomb said. “We are Business Assistant up,” UCSD associate professor of chocolate per month, while those considering doing a randomized trial ;PMMHU`/HU consumption of up to 12 Advertising Design and Layout medicine and co-director of the study who were generally less depressed that would elucidate the relationship )YHUKVU*O\,]HU*VVR2PT*VVWLY servings of chocolate. Beatrice Golomb said. ate about eight servings of chocolate between chocolate and mood, to see Distributors Just over 1,000 people over the per month. Those with no signs of if it is a causal relationship.” :HS.HSSHNVZ:JV[[/H]YPZPR ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ W\ISPZOLK 4VUKH`Z HUK age of 20 living in the San Diego depression ate only five servings of ;O\YZKH`ZK\YPUN[OLHJHKLTPJ`LHYI`<*:+Z[\KLU[Z By Megha Ram HUK MVY [OL <*:+ JVTT\UP[` 9LWYVK\J[PVU VM [OPZ Staff Writer area participated in the new study, chocolate per month. (One serving of Readers can contact Megha Ram at UL^ZWHWLY PU HU` MVYT ^OL[OLY PU ^OVSL VY PU WHY[ ^P[OV\[ WLYTPZZPVU PZ Z[YPJ[S` WYVOPIP[LK HSS which took place over eight months chocolate is approximately 1.3 oz, or [email protected]. YPNO[Z YLZLY]LK ;OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU PZ UV[ YLZWVUZPISL After nearly a year in the lab, in 2009. They completed surveys on the size of a regular Hershey’s bar.) MVY [OL YL[\YU VM \UZVSPJP[LK THU\ZJYPW[Z VY HY[ ;OL ]PL^Z L_WYLZZLK OLYLPU KV UV[ ULJLZZHYPS` YLWYLZLU[ UCSD researchers have scientifically their chocolate intake — with no dis- Results also showed that partici- [OL VWPUPVUZ VM [OL <*:+ .\HYKPHU [OL <UP]LYZP[` VM *HSPMVYUPH VY (ZZVJPH[LK :[\KLU[Z ;OL <*:+ proven the obvious: People eat more tinction between types of chocolate pants who tended toward depression .\HYKPHU PZ M\UKLK ZVSLS` I` HK]LY[PZPUN 0Z ZOL ISHJR& chocolate when they’re depressed. — and a questionnaire that included did not demonstrate a higher intake .LULYHS ,KP[VYPHS! In 1999, Natalie Rose — a UCSD more general questions about food of other traditional comfort foods [email protected] undergraduate at the time — worked habits and moods. — those high in fat, carbohydrates, 5L^[email protected] -VJ\[email protected] with researchers on a study that con- Participants were also screened to protein or caffeine. /PH[\[email protected] [email protected] cluded that there is no correlation ensure they were free of such afflic- In conclusion, Golomb said, the :WVY[[email protected] between certain foods and depression tions as diabetes and heart disease to most recent study showed that only 7OV[[email protected] +[email protected] — with the exception of chocolate. ensure that they could remain in the chocolate consumption — not that of (K]LY[PZPUN! Nearly a decade later, Rose, now study for the full eight months.
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