SHABDINJOURNAL MOHD.OF TROPICAL LONG BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 7 : 11 – 30, 2010 11 Research Article Macrofauna of Rajang River, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Shabdin Mohd. Long Department of Aquatic Science, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia. email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Surveys were carried out in the INTRODUCTION main Rajang River and its tributaries to record the community structure of macrofauna. The Rajang River is the main drainage system Samplings were done in nine sampling stations for central Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo. It is using Van Veen Grab sampler and modified also the longest river in Sarawak, originating kick nets. Six phylla of macrofauna (Mollusca, from the Nieuwenhuis Mountain Range and Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda, Brachiopoda the upper Kapuas Mountains, flowing to the and Echinordermata) were recorded in which South China Sea (Figure 1). include 22 species of gastropods, three species of bivalves, 16 species of polychaetes, 10 Lotic environments are more heterogenous species of oligochaetes, 51 species of insects, and are known to support an extraordinary six species of crustacean, one species of array of species (Hilsenhoff, 1991; Abang nematode, one species of branchiopod and one et al., 1995) most of which are macrofauna. species of echinoderm. The species number of Unlike fish, the diversity of macrofauna in aquatic insects group was high at freshwater most parts of the world, particularly the tropics, stations while annelids groups were found is poorly known. Most macrofaunas are small to be dominant at the estuarine stations. The and difficult to identify; the great diversity density of macrofauna ranged from 70-1550 and abundance only add to the neglect. With individuals per m2. The Shannon–Weaver the dearth of studies on macrofauna, many of diversity and Pielou’s evenness indices ranged them are being lost as their habitats deteriorate; from 2.19-3.60 and 0.56-0.85 respectively. some without ever being discovered and made Based on the taxa richness values, the known to science. conditions of the aquatic ecosystem in Rajang River tributaries are good indicating recovery Very few studies were done on the lotic process in post-logging areas upstream of the macrofauna in Sarawak. Reports include sampling stations. However, water in the main that of the SAMA Consortium (1982) on the Rajang River is loaded with fine silt and almost molluscs of the genera Paludomus and Clea in permanently turbid suggesting possible effects the Pelagus area. Eleven orders of macrofauna either detrimentally or otherwise to the range were recorded in the upper Balui River and its of resident fauna within the river system. tributaries, namely Mollusca, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Keywords: Macrofauna, food chain, taxa Hemiptera, Diptera, Nemertea, Nematomorpha richness. and Oligochaeta (Tan et al., 1995). Five orders Received 15 June 2009. Revision accepted 28 February 2010 12 MACROFAUNA OF RAJANG RIVER Figure 1. The location of macrofauna sampling stations along the Rajang River, Sarawak. SHABDIN MOHD. LONG 13 of macrofauna, which are mainly aquatic at Belaga town. The variation in water level insects were reported from rivers in Bario, in occurs every month in the year. The months the Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak (Shabdin of June, July and August are drier and the & Abang, 1998). Ahmad Helmi (2005) water level could be exceptionally low during found 12 taxa of macrofauna in Kesit River, this period. The water was turbid during the Sarawak. Shabdin et al. (2001) reported seven study period except for smaller tributaries. orders of aquatic insects, namely Odonata, The colour of the water in the main channel Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Hemiptera, of Rajang is generally yellowish with water Trichoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera, from fast transparency of between 4-5 cm. flowing streams of the Crocker Range Park in Sabah. A survey on the macrofauna of the Rajang River and its tributaries was carried out from Although the food web in forested drainage May to December 2004. Nine sampling basins is more dependent on allochthonous stations were chosen (Figure 1) and all production (input of externally produced sampling stations were located downstream plant matter) (Thorp & Covich, 1991), the from the Bakun Dam. Each station consists macrofauna are an important component of of several sites (Table 1). Stations 1–3 were food web in river ecosystems. Macrofauna located in the estuarine while stations 4-9 were serves as food for higher trophic levels in in the freshwater areas. Streams and rivers in the benthic environment and can be eaten by Rajang basins vary from high gradient, cobble swimming predators (e.g. fish, shrimp and dominated to low gradient streams with sandy crabs). Aquatic insects are also important or muddy sediments. A hand-held GPS was as fish food. Hilsenhoff (1991) found that used to determine the latitude and longitude of the stonefly larvae provide food for fish and the site. Due to the stony and rocky nature of invertebrate predators in the invertebrate the substrate as well as the fast water current at food web, while the chironomid larvae are an some sampling sites (Station 4 – 9), modified extremely important part of the aquatic food Kick Net was used to collect macrofauna webs, serving as prey for many other insects samples. The methods employed was a multi- and food for most species of fish. Tan et al. habitat sampling scheme, in which the benthic (1995) noted that meiofauna and macrofauna macrofauna were collected systematically from play an important role in the aquatic food web all available stream habitats by kicking the of Batang (River) Balui. substrate or jabbing with a modified Kick net (standard mesh size of 500µ screen) (MACS, The aim of this present study was to 1996). Sampling began at the downstream record species composition, species density, end of the reach and proceeded upstream. The species diversity and taxonomic richness of macrofauna samples were collected along the the macrofauna in the Rajang River and its 100 metres transect. A total of 20 jabs of kicks tributaries. Emphasis was also given on the were taken over the length of 100 metres. A documentation of the food chain in the river single jab was done by forcefully thrusting ecosystems within the study area. the net into a productive habitat for a linear distance of 0.5 metre. A kick is a stationary METHODOLOGY sampling accomplished by positioning the net and disturbing the substrate for a distance The Rajang and all the major rivers of the study of 0.5 metre upstream of the net. The jabs or area are characterised by frequent and abrupt kicks collected from the multiple habitats were changes in water level where the fluctuation lumped together making a single homogeneous could reach a maximum of about 20 metres sample. The samples were then transferred 14 MACROFAUNA OF RAJANG RIVER from the net to sample container (labeled) and Nine orders of aquatic insects were collected 5% formalin was used as preservative. from the freshwater stations (stations 4-9) (Table 2). Ephemeropterans (eg. Compsoneuria In larger and deeper parts of the river, sp., Ephemerella sp. and Baetis sp.) form a very samples were collected with a Van Veen large group; Compsoneuria sp., Ephemerella grab sampler (station 1-3). A 100 m reach sp. and Baetis sp. are relatively abundant and representing the characteristics of the river was well represented at stations 4 to 9. Baetis selected. A total of 20 grabs were taken over sp. was, however, absent at stations 4 and 5. the length of reach. The sediments obtained Hilsenhoff (1991) noted that most species of were passed through a 500 μm mesh sieve, and Ephemeroptera inhabit clean streams where the residue fixed in 5% formalin, and labelled. they are often abundant in leaf litter, eddies or All samples were sorted in the laboratory near the banks; a few species may persist in and organisms were identified to the lowest organically enriched streams. The net-spinning practical taxa, generally to generic level. Trichopteran is known to be a large family found throughout the world and is represented Identifications follow those of Hill & in a great variety of habitats. In this study, they Phillipps (1981), Pennak (1989), Hilsenhoff were only found at stations 6, 8 and 9. (1991), Thorp & Covich (1991), Peckarsky et al. (1993) and Pechenik (2000). Each Adults aquatic insects are also well taxon found in a sample was recorded and represented (Table 2). Insects from the super enumerated for Invertebrate Community family Gerroidea are exclusively surface Index calculation. The index used in this study dwelling. These bugs were commonly found was “Taxa Richness” to reflect the diversity at most study stations except for Station 9. of the aquatic assemblage (Resh et al. 1995). The common species were Hydrometra sp., Shannon-Weaver diversity index (Krebs, Velia sp., Nepa sp., Metrobates sp. and Gerris 1978) and Pielou’s evenness (Pielou, 1969) sp. The gerroids are virtually the only full- were used to calculate the species diversity time occupants of this niche, but a few other and species evenness. groups share the surface films at other times, for example the whirlgig beetles (Coleoptera) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of the family Gyrinidae. These beetles spend much of their time gyrating gregariously on Results showed that six phylla of macrofauna the water surface. A large school of these (Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda, Nematoda, whirlgigs was recorded at stations 5 and 8. Brachiopoda and Echinordermata) were The Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) recorded in the Rajang River and its tributaries were also encountered (Table 2). They were (Table 2). Out of these, there were 22 species commonly found at all freshwater stations of gastropods, three species of bivalves, (stations 4-9) where their breeding sites were 16 species of polychaetes, 10 species of plentiful.
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