eCommons@AKU AKU Newsletters Publications 7-2001 AKU Newsletter : July 2001, Volume 1, Issue 6 Aga Khan University Follow this and additional works at: http://ecommons.aku.edu/aku_newsletter Recommended Citation Aga Khan University, "AKU Newsletter : July 2001, Volume 1, Issue 6" (2001). AKU Newsletters. Book 23. http://ecommons.aku.edu/aku_newsletter/23 THE AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY Newsletter JULY 2001 VOL 1. NO.6 Aga Khan Receives Archon Award for Promoting Global Health and Welfare His Highness the Aga Khan, founder of one of the largest Calling the occasion "a unique moment - not only for private networks of health care institutions in the developing nursing, but for health care", the Society's President, Patricia world, received the prestigious Archon Award from the Thompson, described the Aga Khan as a "re markabl e international nursing honour society, Sigma Theta Tau Contd. overleaf International in June 200 I. The award ceremony was attended by delegates from around the world who gathered in Copenhagen for the 12th International Nursing Research Congress and the International Council of Nurses' 22nd Quadrennial Congress. The Archon Awards - from the Greek word meaning "the first to lead" - are granted biennially to individuals who , regardless oftheir profession, have made health advocacy a major aspect of their lives and whose efforts have created significant change that is far-reaching in scope . The award citation highlighted the Aga Khan's "leadership in promoting global health and welfare and for his compassionate His Highness the Aga Khan acknowledging the honour from Sigma Theta support of nursing and nursing research in developing Tall President, Patricia Thompson, at the Archon Award ceremony held in countries." Copenhagen. Government of Pakistan Appoints Task Force for Improvement of Higher Education Private Universities to Provide Leadership and Share Experiences Last April, the Federal Minister for Education, Zobaida Jalal , Some 75 heads and representatives ofeducational institution s appointed a Task Force co-chaired by Dr. Shamsh and members of the Task Force participated in discussion Kassim-Lakha, Presid ent , AKU, and Syed Babar Ali , groups dealin g with such topics as efficiency and quality Pro-Chancellor of the Lahore Unive rsity of Management Contd. overleaf Sciences, to provide recommendations for improvement of higher education in Pakistan. Task Force memb ers include the Federal Secretary of Education, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission, Dr. Carner Vellani, Rector, AKU, and nine vice chancellors of public and private universities, so that lessons could be learnt from their diverse and rich experiences. Ofthe six consultation seminars planned in the four provinces and the Federal Capital, Islamabad, the Task Force has already held two in Karachi and Quetta. The seminar in Karach i on June 19, 2001 was hosted by AKU, where members of the Task Force met with heads of universities, degree colleges and higher secondary schools, to discuss ways of improving higher education. UNIVERSITY Aga Khan Receives Archon Award Conld. f rom page I individual who, dur ing the co urse of his dis tinguished life, generally, empowering them and increasing their standing and continues to leave upon world health, an indelible mark of a effectiveness in society." world class leader." Acknowledging the honour accorded him, He explained that "the way forward was to professionalise, the Aga Khan said that he had "long felt the enhancement of institutionalise and to dignify nursing" in Asia and Africa. the nursing profession to be absolutely critical to the Proud of the way AKUSON has reached out to assist improvement of health care in the developing world and the professionals in other developing countries, the Aga Khan Islamic world." said, "more and more women are coming forward to join the (nursing) profession. By adding programmes that lead to Looking back on the state of health in Pakistan during the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Nursing lor the first time early days, the Aga Khan explained the underlying notion that in Pakistan, the School is providing opportunities for career led to the creation of a standard institution in Pakistan: "I felt advancement that were out of reach for nearly everyone in it particularly important to create an institution in the country the profession in the country." that could offer education in the health profession at international standards. This would ensure that the teaching Underlining the essentiality of international linkages, the Aga and research programmes would not only be of the highest Khan hoped that the relationship of AK USON with foreign quality, but would also be grounded in local needs and educational institutions, such as McMaster University and realities, and that, if properly funded and led, could make a the Canadian International Development Agency, would distinctive contribution on a permanent basis. In addition, a continue to remain important as AKU matures and increases successful national institution wou ld have the potential to contributions to such relationships, as well as bein g the provide leadership directly and through its graduates that beneficiary of them. would be felt in the professions and also in society more Past recepients of the Archon Awards hav e included generally." Dr. Jonas Salk, famed for his extensive research in the development of polio vaccine in the 50's ;Elizabeth Dole , He added that "because women constitute an overwhelming President of the American Red Cross; Dr. C. Everett Koop , number of nurses in the developing world, the Board of the internationally recognised paediatric surgeon, and Dam e Trustees ofAKU felt that the School of Nursing could foster C ice ly Saunders , who had pioneered the hospi ce and the enhancement of nur ses, and women professionals more palliative care movement across the world. Task Force for Improvement of Higher Education Contd. [rom page I assurance, research, students and alumni, governance and The seminar in Quetta was held on July 18,2001 and its first management, financial and physical resources. Each group session was presided over by the Governor of Balochistan , identified factor s that could improve higher education and Justice (Retd.) Ameer-ul-Mulk Mengal, who assured his presented its recommendations for discussion by all government's full support to the Task Force in its efforts to participants . improve higher education. On the conclusion of the series of seminars, and following con sultations with Federal and Commenting on the recommendations made by the Provincial authorities, the Task Force is expected to submit its working groups, the Finance Minister of Sindh, Dr. Abdul final recommendations to the Government of Pakist an in Hafee z Sheikh, stressed the need to focus on a few pivotal December 200 I. changes in higher educational policies that will have a significant impact on improving the qua lity and correcting problems. He urged the Task Force to implement its confirmed recommendations without waiting for the final report, citing finance and governance as two critical areas for early focus . The Governor of Sindh, Mohammedmian Soomro, stressed the importance of merit-based selection of both students and faculty. He endorsed the Finance Minister's comments and assured the support of his government for imp lementing the recommendations of the Task Force. Co-chair, Dr. Kassim-Lakha emphasised the need to recommend His Excellency the Governor of Sindh. Mohamm edmian Soomro. addressing the heads ofpublic and private universities and colleges. heads ofselected specific and 'practical solutions for obstacles to improvement higher seco ndary schools and chairs of Examination Boards ill Sindh, at a of higher education. seminar Oil 'Impro vement of Higher Education ill Pakistan'. 2 MEDICAL COLLEGE Dr. Sunita Dodani Awarded Scholarship for Graduate Studies by Aga Khan Foundation Canada Dr. Sunita Dodani '92 , Ass istant Professor in the Family act ivities wit hin and outside the University, such as her Medici ne Division of the Department of Co mmunity Health active participation in the Postgradu ate Medical Education Sciences (CHS), was awarded the Aga Khan Foundation Committee and the Heart Health Committee (a collaborative Canada scho larship for gra duate studies. effort with the Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan). She has also served as Director of the College of Family Medicine, She is currently pursuing a Master of Science degree Karachi. in Co mmunity Health and Epide miology, with an emphasis on Clinica l Epidemiology at Dalh ousi e University in Nova Sco tia, Canada. Although Dr. Dodani already has a number of publ icat ions to her credi t in the field s of clinical medicine and qualit y of care, this trainin g will strengthen her research skills in these important areas of application. Dr. Dodani also has the distinction of being one of the first med ical graduates to be recognized (March 1997) by the Co llege of Physicians and Surgeons of Paki stan (CPSP) as a specialist in the new discipline of Famil y Med icine. Until her recent departure for M.Sc. studies, she served as a coordinator for the Family Medi cin e resid en cy programme at A KU, in addition to und ergradu ate and conti nuing medical education teachin g programmes. She has also participated in an interna tiona l workshop on 'Excellence in Teaching', organised by the Royal Co llege of General Practitioners, UK. Dr. Dodani has a high Dr. Sun ita Dodani providing holistic care to a patient at the Communitv energy leve l, and takes keen interest in development al Health Centre. Medical Student Bags Nadia Kabiruddin Ali, an AKU medical student of the Class of 200 I, received a silver medal and a cas h award of Silver Medal in All Pakistan Rs. 75,000 from the Pre sid en t of Paki stan, Ge neral Pervez Mu sharra f, in the All Paki stan Go ld Medal Psychiatry Examination Examination in Psychiatry, at the concluding sess ion of the 13th International Psychiatry Conference at Rawalpindi, in January 200 I.
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