Senior Females

Senior Females

2016 Top Senior Female Performances for Jamaica 2016 January 01 - December 31 Local World Time/ Wind Note Athlete DOB Event Venue Date Rank Rank Mark 100 m 1 1 10.70 0.3 AR Elaine Thompson 28-Jun-92 National Champs Kingston 01-Jul 2 6 10.83 1.6 Veronica Campbell-Brown 15-May-82 Montverde FL 11-Jun 3 8 10.86 0.5 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce 27-Dec-86 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 13-Aug 4 13 10.96 1.0 Christania Williams 17-Oct-94 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 13-Aug 5 15 11.00 0.4 Simone Facey 07-May-85 Jones Gainesville FL 22-Apr 6 48 11.17 0.7 Sashalee Forbes 10-May-96 National Champs Kingston 01-Jul 7 54 11.19 1.8 Schillonie Calvert 27-Jul-88 Phoenix AZ 21-May 7 54 11.19 -1.3 Kerron Stewart 16-Apr-84 Mohammed VI Rabat 22-May 9 77 11.24 0.6 Gayon Evans 15-Jan-90 Kingston 11-Jun 9 77 11.24 0.6 Remona Burchell 15-Sep-91 Kingston 11-Jun 11 83 11.25 1.1 Jura Levy 04-Nov-90 MVP Kingston 16-Apr 12 90 11.26 -0.9 Kali Davis-White 24-Oct-94 National Champs Kingston 01-Jul 13 96 11.27 0.7 Natasha Morrison 17-Nov-92 National Champs Kingston 01-Jul 14 111 11.30 -0.9 Audrea Segree 05-Oct-90 National Champs Kingston 01-Jul 15 122 11.33 1.5 Samantha Henry-Robinson 25-Sep-88 Clermont FL 14-May 16 152 11.37 2.0 Ornella Livingston 19-May-91 Montverde FL 11-Jun 17 166 11.39 1.4 Shimayra Williams 02-Dec-95 Kingston 07-May 18 171 11.40 0.8 Kimone Shaw 28-Sep-99 ISSA Champs Kingston 18-Mar 19 178 11.41 0.0 Anneisha McLaughlin-Whilby 06-Jan-86 Kingston 09-Apr 20 212 11.45 1.5 Trisha-Ann Hawthorne 08-Nov-89 Clermont FL 14-May 200 m 1 1 21.78 -0.1 Elaine Thompson 28-Jun-92 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 17-Aug 2 11 22.29 0.5 Veronica Campbell-Brown 15-May-82 Spring Inv Clermont FL 30-Apr 3 21 22.50 0.2 Simone Facey 07-May-85 WK Zürich 01-Sep 4 51 22.78 0.7 Anneisha McLaughlin-Whilby 06-Jan-86 MVP Kingston 16-Apr 5 67 22.85 0.7 Anastasia Le-Roy 11-Sep-87 MVP Kingston 16-Apr 6 69 22.86 0.4 Kali Davis-White 24-Oct-94 Seminole Tallahassee FL 16-Apr 7 76 22.89 0.8 Audrea Segree 05-Oct-90 Kingston 11-Jun 8 85 22.95 0.3 Shericka Jackson 15-Jul-94 Jackson Kingston 30-Jan 9 94 22.99 2.0 Kerron Stewart 16-Apr-84 Tx Inv Austin TX 16-Apr 10 113 23.03 0.5 Schillonie Calvert 27-Jul-88 Atlanta GA 04-Jun 11 117 23.05 1.6 Shimayra Williams 02-Dec-95 JAAA All-Comers Kingston 21-May 12 122 23.06 -0.3 Samantha Henry-Robinson 25-Sep-88 National Champs Kingston 02-Jul 13 132 23.12 -2.8 Stephenie Ann McPherson 25-Nov-88 Kingston 09-Apr 14 138 23.15 -1.1 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce 27-Dec-86 National Champs Kingston 02-Jul 15 157 23.20 2.0 Ornella Livingston 19-May-91 Montverde FL 11-Jun 16 189 23.28 0.5 Sashalee Forbes 10-May-96 JAAA All-Comers Kingston 21-May 17 195 23.29 -0.2 Patricia Hall-Pritchett 16-Oct-82 Johnson Waco TX 23-Apr 18 201 23.31 0.7 Tiffany James 31-Jan-97 MVP Kingston 16-Apr 19 205 23.34 1.4 Sonikqua Walker 24-Sep-94 Owens Columbus OH 23-Apr 20 248 23.42 1.1 Christine Moss 23-Dec-96 Amarillo TX 09-Apr 2016 Top Senior Female Performances for Jamaica 2016 January 01 - December 31 Local World Time/ Wind Note Athlete DOB Event Venue Date Rank Rank Mark 400 m 1 4 49.83 Shericka Jackson 15-Jul-94 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 14-Aug 2 8 50.04 Stephenie Ann McPherson 25-Nov-88 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 3 11 50.29 Christine Day 23-Aug-86 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 4 14 50.64 Novlene Williams-Mills 26-Apr-82 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 5 22 51.02 Chris-Ann Gordon 18-Sep-94 NACAC San Salvador 16-Jul 6 23 51.03 Anneisha McLaughlin-Whilby 06-Jan-86 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 7 30 51.17 Janeive Russell 14-Nov-93 Intercoll Ch Kingston 02-Apr 8 36 51.32 Tiffany James 31-Jan-97 World Juniors Bydgoszcz 21-Jul 9 53 51.64 Patricia Hall-Pritchett 16-Oct-82 Johnson Waco TX 23-Apr 10 60 51.74 Junelle Bromfield 08-Feb-98 ISSA Champs Kingston 19-Mar 11 75 51.93 Sonikqua Walker 24-Sep-94 East Jacksonville FL 27-May 12 79 52.00 Anastasia Le-Roy 11-Sep-87 Kingston 11-Jun 13 91 52.08 Jody Ann Muir 01-Jan-91 Kingston 07-May 14 128 52.35 Dawnalee Loney 15-May-96 Kingston 11-Jun 15 138 52.42 Tovea Jenkins 27-Oct-92 NCAA-II Bradenton FL 28-May 16 155 52.55 Verone Chambers 16-Dec-88 Intercoll Ch Kingston 02-Apr 17 167 52.61 Kaliese Spencer 06-May-87 Velenje 31-Aug 18 168 52.63 Ristananna Tracey 09-May-92 JAAA All-Comers Kingston 28-May 19 206 52.87 Ashley Willliams 25-Oct-96 ISSA Champs Kingston 19-Mar 20 222 52.95 Veronica Campbell-Brown 15-May-82 Orlando FL 19-Mar 800 m 1 21 1:59.38 Natoya Goule 30-Mar-91 Atlanta GA 04-Jun 2 66 2:00.81 Kenia Sinclair 14-Jul-80 Atlanta GA 04-Jun 3 77 2:01.12 Simoya Campbell 01-Mar-94 Lignano 13-Jul 4 231 2:03.77 Samantha James 12-Aug-94 National Champs Kingston 02-Jul 5 246 2:03.92 Kimarra McDonald 14-Aug-87 National Champs Kingston 02-Jul 6 294 2:04.46 Fellan Ferguson 94 NCAA-II Bradenton FL 28-May 7 368 2:05.34A Marlene Eubanks 24-Dec-94 JUCO Levelland TX 19-May 8 454 2:06.21 Junelle Bromfield 08-Feb-98 Carifta Games St. Georges 28-Mar 9 536 2:06.81 Chris-Ann Gordon 18-Sep-94 Los Angeles CA 26-Mar 10 796 2:08.52 Titania Markland 01-Feb-94 Classic Mesa AZ 08-Apr 11 863 2:08.85 Cemore Donald 14-Feb-01 Kingston 05-Mar 12 881 2:08.96 Monique McPherson 95 TexasR Austin TX 31-Mar 13 1065 2:09.85 Chante Roberts 07-Apr-92 Beach Inv Long Beach CA 16-Apr 14 1349 2:10.81 Chrisanni May 07-Aug-99 Kingston 05-Mar 15 1423 2:11.05 Novlene Williams-Mills 26-Apr-82 Jones Gainesville FL 22-Apr 16 1446 2:11.14 Cameka Witter 20-Nov-95 Jackson Abilene TX 27-Apr 17 1466 2:11.18 Bobby-Gaye Wilkins-Gooden 10-Sep-88 Jackson Kingston 30-Jan 18 1550 2:11.45 Chrissani May 07-Aug-99 National Champs Kingston 02-Jul 19 1586 2:11.55 Asshanni Robb 30-Apr-98 Kingston 05-Mar 20 1820 2:12.18 Rushell Clayton 18-Oct-92 Jackson Kingston 30-Jan 1500 m 1 141 4:11.57 Aisha Praught 14-Dec-89 KBC-Nacht Heusden 16-Jul 2 305 4:17.13 Kenia Sinclair 14-Jul-80 JIIM Kingston 07-May 3 2033 4:34.14 Simoya Campbell 01-Mar-94 JAAA All-Comers Kingston 28-May 4 2100 4:34.59 Marlene Eubanks 24-Dec-94 Williams Tucson AZ 18-Mar 5 2766 4:38.32 Britnie Dixon 07-Apr-00 ISSA Champs Kingston 18-Mar 6 2822 4:38.60 Fellan Ferguson 03-Apr-00 CIAA Charlotte NC 23-Apr 7 2939 4:39.20 Asshanni Robb 30-Apr-98 Carifta Games St. Georges 26-Mar 3000 m 1 1654 10:13.71 Monifa Green 02-Jan-99 Kingston 05-Mar 2016 Top Senior Female Performances for Jamaica 2016 January 01 - December 31 Local World Time/ Wind Note Athlete DOB Event Venue Date Rank Rank Mark 2000 m steeple 1 166 7:07.86 Teresha Jacobs 17-Sep-97 ISSA Champs Kingston 16-Mar 2 222 7:19.10 Jeima Davis 29-Apr-00 ISSA Champs Kingston 16-Mar 3000 m steeple 1 37 9:31.75 Aisha Praught 14-Dec-89 Müller London 23-Jul 100 m hurdles 1 21 12.77 0.3 Danielle Williams 14-Sep-92 Kingston 11-Jun 2 23 12.79 0.9 Megan Simmonds 18-Mar-94 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 3 25 12.80 0.6 Monique Morgan 14-Oct-85 Clermont FL 14-May 4 35 12.86 0.2 Shermaine Williams 04-Feb-90 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 17-Aug 5 38 12.87 2.0 NJR Rushelle Burton 04-Dec-97 World Juniors Bydgoszcz 24-Jul 6 47 12.89 -0.1 Nickiesha Wilson 28-Jul-86 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 16-Aug 7 95 13.07 0.9 Kimberley Laing 08-Jan-89 National Champs Kingston 03-Jul 8 152 13.25 2.0 Kimberly Golding 15-Dec-92 Big 10 Lincoln NE 14-May 9 157 13.26 1.3 Peta Gaye Williams 13-Sep-95 ACC Tallahassee FL 14-May 10 185 13.31 1.5 Samantha Scarlett 07-Apr-93 SEC Tuscaloosa AL 13-May 11 203 13.35 1.0 Janice Jackson 30-Oct-91 Montverde FL 11-Jun 12 218 13.38 1.3 Chrisdale McCarthy 12-Apr-94 MIAA Maryville MO 08-May 13 223 13.39 1.4 Melaine Walker 01-Jan-83 Oxy Inv Eagle Rock CA 07-May 14 356 13.59 0.6 Jeanine Williams 28-Jan-97 World Juniors Bydgoszcz 23-Jul 15 456 13.70 1.9 Ackiesha Burnette 15-Nov-92 NCAA-II Bradenton FL 27-May 16 485 13.73 0.9 Sashel Brown 20-Jan-94 Yellow Jacket Atlanta GA 26-Mar 17 505 13.75 1.7 Kaymarie Jones 03-Mar-90 Szelest Warszawa 21-May 18 524 13.77 -2.8 Nicolee Foster 11-Jan-98 ISSA Champs Kingston 19-Mar 19 579 13.82 2.0 Tatianna Wolfe 24-Nov-94 Buies Creek NC 16-Apr 20 604 13.84 -2.5 Sidney Marshall 25-Oct-98 Kingston 06-Mar 400 m hurdles 1 6 53.96 Janeive Russell 14-Nov-93 GGala Roma 02-Jun 2 9 54.15 Ristananna Tracey 09-May-92 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 18-Aug 3 11 54.45 Leah Nugent 23-Nov-92 Olympic Games Río de Janeiro 18-Aug 4 25 55.02 Kaliese Spencer 06-May-87 Diamond Doha 06-May 5 38 55.58 Rhonda Whyte 06-Nov-90 MVP Kingston 16-Apr 6 61 56.17 Yanique Haye-Smith 22-Mar-90 Atlanta GA 04-Jun 7 64 56.21 Nikita Tracey 18-Sep-90 JAAA All-Comers Kingston 12-Jun 8 67 56.29 Shannon Kalawan 25-Nov-97 Carifta Games St.

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