®1|£ $UtB ICtbrarg AlU'gljcitg (ttollpgp ullje <Stft of v i & r w b AT T h e k a l d r o n OF A LLEG H EN Y COLLEGE VOLUME XVIII COMPILED E5jy a b o a r d OF EDITORS PUBLISHED by t h e fraternities Done at the printing Par ton of McCOY A CA LV IN at the Sign of the. Star on Chest nut St. in Meadville, Pennsylvania 1906 TO OUR OWN ^ R- J o n a t h a n H a m n e t t WHOM W E ALL l o v e b e c a u s e h e GAV^ A PURE CLEAN LIFE T>0 OUR COLLEGE, THIS 1^ DEDICATED. Dr. Jonathan Hamnett .^M NJHENY COLLEGE LIBRARY 69316 Foreword N preparing this Annual, we have en­ I deavored to make the book an exact representation of the sentiment of the student body. The material has been contributed by the many, not by the few. We have been forced to use the edi­ torial pencil on many write-ups presented, in order to make the K a l d r o n what we think it should be. Needless to say, the worst has not been told. Were we to put in some of the worst, we would fear for our future. The ’volume, we trust, is only the honest mirror reflecting not only the scars but also the medals. The book is now yours; you have made it what it is—we have attempted only to put the finishing touches on your work. Our apology: “ If w e’ve done anything we’re sorry for, we’re glad of it.” T h e E d it o r s . The Board of Editors Editor-in- Chief, Louis W. Sherwin, <l> V A Assistant Editor, S. W. Robinson, <P r A Business Manager, Wm. A. Cappeau, A T A Associate Editors, W. P. Sturtevant, <P K v Elsie Ball, K K r A. W. Robertson, <l> A 8 Iva Berkey, K A 8 Guy H. Lippitt, A T A Olga Henry, A X Q James Weldon, S A E Mabel Deane, 8 2 John R. Giblyn, 8 A V Ross M. Stuntz. ALLEGHENYI ' i ' COLLEc.E LIBRARY John V. Ritts, ......................................................Butler Administrative Boards Charles M iller, ...................................................... Franklin John S. C r a i g , ..................................... Allegheny Norman T. A rn o ld , ......................................Ridgway BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Noah F. Clark, , • • • .Oil City Ex-Officio. Edward H. U t l e y , .............................................Pittsburg Harry G. Sampson, .... Pittsburg His Excellency S a m u e l W. P e n n y p a c k e r , Austin B lakeslee, ................................................ Du Bois Governor of the Commonwealth. Truman D. Collins, .... Nebraska H o n . J a m e s T . M i t c h e l l , A. M. Schoyer, ......................................Pittsburg Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Nelson A. R is t , ...............................................Dawson H o n . H a m p t o n L . C a r s o n , Attorney General. Clerical Trustees. Rev. James R. Mills, D.D., • • ■ Cleveland, 0. Lay Trustees. Rev. Joseph Horner, D.D., LL.D., • • Pittsburg Rev. William H. Crawford, D.D., LL.D., Meadville Samuel B. Dick, . Meadville Rev. Thomas H. Woodring, D.D., • • Johnstown Harvey Henderson, Allegheny Rev. Andrew C. Ellis, D.D., • • • Oil City William Thomas, . Meadville Rev. Joseph W. Miles, D.D., • • • McKeesport John J. Henderson, LL.D., Meadville Meadville Rev. James M. Bray, A.M., ■ Westfield, N. Y. George W. Haskins, Rev. William P. Bignell, D.D.,* • • Greenville Theodore L. Flood, D.D., LL.D., Meadville Rev. Russell F. Keeler, D.D., • • Middlefield, 0. Jonathan Hamnett, D.D., Meadville Pittsburg Rev. Thomas N. Boyle, D.D., • • • Crafton John A. Wood, .... Rev. Noble G. Miller, D.D., • • • Blairsville William S. Foltz, • New Castle Meadville Andrew L. Dunbar, * - Officers of the Board. James W. Lee, Pittsburg John C. Bardall, Moundsville, W. Va. Durbin H o r n e , ................................................President Frank P. Arter, • Cleveland, 0. John J. Henderson, .... Vice-President James P. Colter, • Meadville William H. Crawford, Chairman Executive Committee James W. Kinnear, Pittsburg William S. Smith, • • Secretary and Treasurer Gorton B. Chase, . Greenville John M. Stull, Warren, 0. John E. Rigg, M.D., • Wilkinsburg Durbin Horne, Pittsburg Edward Appleyard, Jamestown, N. Y. Robert B. Murray, Youngstown, 0. Wesley B. Best, • Meadville Jesse C. McDowell, . Pittsburg Meadville William S. Smith, • Deceased. * Deceased. JOINT BOARD OF CONTROL. Pittsburg Conference. Rev. T. N. Eaton, D.D. W. S. Horner Rev. J. F. Murray, Ph.D. W. j. Guthrie Erie Conference. Rev. J. W. Campbell. w D Hincklev CENTENARY BOARDS. Rev. J. R. Rankin. E D s™ y' East Ohio Conference. Pittsburg Conference. ? V- S' « D D- Simpson S. Ford Rev. Charles W. Smith, D.D., LL.D., • President Rev. R. M. Freshwater, D.D. a . W. Pelton Rev. Joseph Horner, D.D., LL.D., Secretary J. H. H o l m e s , ....................................................... Treasurer West Virginia Conference. Albert A. Horne. Harvey Henderson. Rev. M. F. Compton. H. p Joneg A. C. Knox. H. C. McEldowney. Rev. J. S. Robinson. Edward g Erie Conference. VISITING COMMITTEES. Rev. R. S. Borland, D.D., . President Rev. J. W. Blaisdell, D.D., • Vice-President Pittsburg Conference. Rev. T. W. Douglas, D.D,, . Secretary Rev. J. W. Carey. R William S. Smith, ..... Treasurer Rev. M. A. R ig * R J°nes- Rev. H. G. Douds, D.D. w . W. Gelvin. Rev. L. H. Bugbee. William Thomas. Erie Conference. Rev. W. H. Crawford, D.D.,LL.D. Rev. 0. H. Sibley. Rev. R. E. Brown. R p Rev. J. R. Rich. B. L. Singley. Rev. R. N. Stubbs E' E- H,eley- tLLEGHENY COLLEGE LIBRARY East Ohio Conference. Rev. 0 . B. Jones. t> TTT Rev. E. 0. Buxton, DJD. m' Peregoy' West Virginia Conference. Rev. D. L. Ash. R r n o Robert A. A rSL Sg ' Sm,th- tbe Jfacultv i. i. i a m H . C r a w f o r d , D .D ., L President Allegheny College w E r n e s t A . S m it h , P h .D . J o n a t h a n H a m n e t t , D.D. Spends his time in “scrapping" with When a man has lived ninety years Eddie and chaperoning delegates to re­ and has spent most of his time at Alle­ ligious conventions. Is going abroad gheny College, he ought to escape burn­ this summer to show Ed. VII how to run ing 'that is, in the K a l d r o n . Here’s England correctly. Is a fusser in society. hoping John lives to be a hundred. W il l ia m T . D u t t o n , C.E. C l a r a n c e F . R o s s , A .M . Dutt. used to be a joker and an all- Sore because Bill lets Buster Brown around good fellow, but lately he too has run his errands. Still imitates Dr. El­ flunked people and hence has fallen in liott, but the comparison grows less our estimation, if you ever get sick yearly. Ought to be setting up pins in a again, Dutt., your class won’t send you bowling alley. tobies, mail pouch, etc. ■ m W il l ia m A. E l l i o t t , A.M. A l b e r t C. K n u d s o n , P h .D . Works hard to pound Greek into the Worries over his wife’s good looks. students’ minds and make Clarence’s He’ll make Boston University wish they had never let Mitchell go. He can beat / baby boy say, .’D , Elliott is a gentleman i , and a scholar.” He meets with small Arthur at tennis. success in both cases. ’+I F r a n k C . L o c k w o o d , Ph.D. H. E d w a r d W e l l s , Ph.D. Makes his English classes a bore, The handsomest man on the faculty, and spends his spare time in trying to but has three great faults: lets Dr. Elliott remember whether the Doctor said Eliz­ select his tailor, is chief nabob of the abeth Pi trier's bath should beat a temper­ athletic board, and takes old maids out ature of 102° or 201°. to the Saegertown Inn. R o b e r t S . B r e e d , Ph.D. M. E m m a N . F r a s e r , Ph.D. Responsible for the great scarcity Your smile, and the fact that you of stray cats on the hill. Enjoys cutting have followed a good preceptress, sadly up toads more than he does eating ice handicaps you, but you’ve done fairly cream. well, considerin’. Better give lip your Canadian ideas on “good form.” George ^ M ulfinger, P h .D . S a m u e l R. C o o k , Ph.D. fulfilled his mother's prediction by coining 0lJt on tQp ,, fiQidjj nine de- This is his first year, and it looks as Krccs, ant) butchers the English language if it will lie a case of “Good-bye, Hiram.” more than any other man on the faculty May be some improvement over Guemey, At the n ext meeting of the German but we had rather have whiskers than Club, the M ant]0 |jn Club will bring their j that woe begone look that foretells a violins up and sing for us.” death from vio!ent(?) exercise.
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