l , NEWS Cloudy and t.ooler P.rtly deuely tt cloudy thnuth Sun· d.y wi1II wnce IIf showers or thunder· .torm •. Turning cooler Sunday. Hith CLIPS ttdly II'IUftCI ft. re (HEW) t ail now whil Serving the Univerlity of lowa cigarette adver 'EMK Reaction on, ElltabUshed ill 1868 10 cents a copy Auociated Preas Lealled Wire ud Wirepboto Ion aty, Iowa 52W-Saturday, July 28, 1169 .ae'.... "'·. .e.. 1on WASHINGTON (JI - Senate Democra· industry mtdt lie Ltader Mike Muatield of Montana to ellmlnttt IIid FrIday light he hopei Sell. Edward i.lon Id. lip 111, Kennedy (D-MIIaS,) win retum im· mediately to the Senate and resume his ~ as aaslstaJ\t leader. "He bu my full coJfldence and 1Up' Kennedy Considers Quitting Senate ,art," Mualield wd. MaMfield said that Kelllledy had beell ''the target of slander, innuendo and sly I dIarpa" by those who opposed him, But Plea for Understanding, Help Made on TV be IIid he thought the Massachusetta , IeII8lor had answered all of his critics by HYANNIS PORT, Mass. !II - Sen, I ..nttor, will flU I .....tectiIII ClI'fto T1Ie Kennedy st.ttment IMwertIi "1M ' his statement on television about last Edward M, Kennedy (D-Mass.) said Fri· pl1tn In mo. If the ....tltns th.t ...... in the w.ke FrIday's automobile aCCident. day n I g h t he is considering resigning Whatever the decision regardinJ t h • of the 1CC1dtnt, such I. hew he get bIck from the 5 e nat e, and appealed to the Sena te, Kennedy's discussions of his own from the Isllnd te Edglrtewn .nd whit people of Massachusetts to help him conduct following the accident raised a his frloncl. Slid when he rtturnlllll .... * * * make his decision. question about his future in national pol· ping wet te the .Ite If the plrty. Gambling Raid He said he was guilty of irrational, in· itics. But left unanswered were why none defensible behavior in the hours after the Before the accident, Kennedy had been of the other men called authorities or Police confiscated $I ,287 in what they July 18 automobile accident in which a rated virtually unbeatable for the Demo­ how Kennedy got lost on his way to the termed a gambling raid Thursday night secretary was killed - an accident that cratic presidential nomination of 1m. ferry along the only paved road on an II Tom's Auto Repair and Salvage, 203 went unreported for more than nine In discussing the ll-Mur tiP betwltn island he had oft~n visited. Kirkwood Ave. hours, the Iccident Ind hi, report IIf It te pellce Kennedy said It would have been im· Police said they arrested 10 men in But KlhMCIy ftnitd h, W.I under the In Edtlrtown, K,nntdy Slid he WII ev· proper for him to comment on the acci· the raid, conducted at 11:30 p.m. They Influence IIf alcohol Ind Slid "there I. ne ercomt by • jumbll IIf Itnotion., .,Itt, dent before his appearance in court at said they confiscated six sets of dice, truth to the widely circvllttcl suspicion fllr, doubts, e.hlustlon, plnlc end Edgartown, Mass., earlier in the day. He several decks of cards, a leather dice of Immor.1 conduct" InYolylng him .nd shock but Slid, "I do not Inttnd te eSCI,. pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an cup and dice board. Miry Jo Koptehne. re,ponslblllty for my tctlon•. I ret.rd II accident, and was given a two-monu. 1 iI Charged with keeping a gambling " . , .1 would understand full weU why incllftn.lbll the flct thlt did not ,.....,. suspended sentence and a year's prot. house and with gambling and betting is some might think it right for me to re­ the .cc\dent." tion , Thomas L. Blakley, 35, owner of the Sign," Kennedy said. The 37-year-old Kennedy revealed thaL He said he participated in the Edpr. salvage company, according to police. Kennedy made his statement In a 12- he returned immediately after the acci· town regatta and on July a be .ttended Keeping a gambling house is an indict· minute speech, addressed to the people dent to the scene of the accident with the cookout on the island for former Rob­ '. able misdemeanor. Gambling and bet­ of Massachusetts, but televised and two friends, Paul Markham and Joseph ert F. Kennedy campaign workers. He ting is a misdemeanor. broadcast across the nation, Gargan, in an effort to save Miss Ko­ said he left about 11 :15 p,m. with Miss Charged by police with gambling are "I ask you tonight, the p e 0 pie of pechne but "their strenuous efforts un· Kopechne, whom he described as a gen· dertaken at some risk to thelt own lives John H, Rocca, 26, and Walter F, Wal· Massachusetts, to think this through with tIe, kind and idealistic person whom the am failed also." Kennedys wanted to make at home. lace, 70, both of Iowa City; ArUs A. me and in faCing this decision I seek your Niffenegger, 54, Kalona; Chester F. Bal­ advice and opinion," he said, Various questions went through his He s.id there I. no truth whlteyer to lenger, 33, and Robert L. Moore, 65, both "In mlking It, I seek your prlyer.," mind, he said, including whether some widely circulated rumors of immorll bI· Again 01 Muscatine; Billy H. Rayburn, 28, Kennedy Slid. "Thll I•• dtclslon th.t I "local curse might be hanging over us ," h.yior. Ht s,ld thert had betn no prly­ would h,Yt fin.lIy to mike my own .•• "I was overcome, I'm frank to say, .te rtl,tlonlhlp bet_n them. 'r Route 2, Iowa City; Jeff L. Christal, 74, Muscatine; and Milbum H, Mills, 51, "I pray that 1 can have the courage to by a genuine emotion, panic and shock," He said he knew of nothing of her be­ Route 4, Iowa City. Stn. Edward M, Kennedy (O·M ....), make the right decision," he said , he said, havior or that of any other of the five Kennedy did not say when he would Kennedy disclosed that he swam the girls that would lend any backing to such Charged with disorderly conduct was hands clenched, spoke from his HYln· nil Port, MilS., home on nltionwldt make that deCision , Nor did he suggest channel from Chappaquiddick Island to rumors. , Larry B. Grosvenor, 22, Iowa City, pa- the process through which Massachusetts the main Island of Martha's Vineyard, "Nor was I driving under the influence lice said. Tbey said the charge states Kennec/y Asks t.leYision Friday night and asked the peopl, 01 Mlssachu5tttl to help him citizens could advise him, "nearly drowning once again" before col­ of liquor, " he added, that Grosvenor conducted himself in He seemed to be asking for a vote of lapsin~ in his room . Kennedy said that when the car turned an Immoral manner by walching a dice Peoples' Aclvice dtclde whether or not to quit tht Stnate. He was I.rller tried for IllY' confidence, perhaps in the form 01 letters Toward morning, he said, he "made over, it immediately filled with water. game. or of other communications. an effort" to call his lawyer, former Asst. "Water filled my lungs and I felt the IGrosvenor was released on $25 bond. ing the seine of an Iccident In which a girl was killed. - AP Wirephoto In .ny ,vent, his t e r m IJI:piros next Atty , Gen. Burke Marshall, from a pub­ sensation of drowning, " he said , J1te others posted $100 bond each. Yllr, Ind Ktnnedy, If hi sttkl to remlln He telephone. He said be dived for Miss Kopechne Police sald they had the salvage com­ repeatedly. pany under observation for a period He said his conver alions and actioM III about three months. A search war· In the next hours "make no sense to me rant was issued by Police Court Judge at all," Mariorl R, Neely, police said. They said K.nnedy s.id the episodt "rals.. tht 11 SIC, Lawmakers Discuss Probes question In my mind whether my stlnd· patrolmen and one detective partlci· ~ pated in the raid. lng Imong th~ peoplt of my st.te h•• DES MOINES 1m - While four law· .ity finanees," Higgins said. "Tht Is dime to .upport a person who adyocat .. will Invite lawmakers to hearings on bI,n so Impaired that I should rllign my makers sat at the end of a table here other iSsues that concern them - such their responsibility," oyerthrow of the goYern""ent," Flatt "" in the United St,l.. Senate." Friday planning a study of state univer­ But, Higgins said, when the Legisla· s.ld in answering I request lor I deflnl· as why the 1969 Legislature took a sales If at any time the citizens of Massa­ Moon Explorers sities, five university students sat at tive Interim Budget and Financial Con­ tion of .ocial adiptability. tax credit away from the poor while at chusetts lose confidence In a senator's the other end studying them . trol Committee asked the State Board of Higgins asked , "Thomas Jefferson the same time helping advertising and character or ablilty , he said, the sena· "My over·all impression of the com­ Regents for its policy on determining said we should overthrow the govern· construction interests by doing away tor should nol continue in office. with a tax on them, and enemy mittee is they are groping - the y the social adaptability of university ment every 20 years. Would you have He noted he has been in the Senate conlllnUied to de­ 1Head for Houston, don't know really where they want to staff, the stUdents became worried, fired him? " HIf the Legislature we r e socially some eyen years and that he shares "What we are worried about is this A lengthy discussion following that adaptable , it would be more responsible ItlUli:llIlle,e head- go," said Tom Higgins, 23 , of Ames, happy and sad memories wit~ his con­ after the meeting.
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