
A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' A Commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' by Norman Kemp Smith Sometime Professor ofLogic allli Metaphysics Universityof Edinburgh with a new in troduction by Sebastian Gardner Department of Philosophy Univrrsity CollegeLondon tntroducnon © Pafgrave Macmillan Ltd 2003 Remaining material © Th e Estate of Norman Kemp Smit h 1918, 1923, 200 3 All rights reserved . No rep rod uction, co py or tran sm ission of th is pub lication may be made without written pe rmission. No paragraph of thi s publicatio n may be reproduced, copied or transmitted * save with writte n permission or in accordance with the pro visions of th e Co pyrigh t, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the ter ms of any licence permitting lim ited copying issued by the Copyrigh t Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Co urt Road, London W IT 4LI' Any pe rson who does a ny unauthorised act in relation to th is publicati on may be liable 10 criminal prosecut ion and civil claims for damages. The aut ho rs ha ve asserted their righ ts to be identified as the autho rs of this work in accordance with th e Copyright, Design s and Patents Act 1988. First edit ion published in 1918 by The Macmillan Press Ltd. Second revised and enla rged edition 1923 Reprinted 1979 This edition 2003 PA l-GRAV E MACMillAN Houndmills. Bastngstoke, Hampshire RG 21 6XS and 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Companies and representatives throughout the world PA LG RAV E MACMILLAN is the globa l academ ic imp rint of the Palgra ve Macmi llan d ivision of 51. Martin 's Press, I.l.C and of Patgrave Macmillan I.td. Macmillanifl is a registered trademark in the United States, United Kingdom and oth er countries. Palgrave is a registered trademark in th e European Union and other cou ntries. ISBN 978-1-4039-1504-7 ISBN 978-0-230-59596-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230595965 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling an d made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. l.oggmg , pulping and manufal1uring Pf\.lI:l'SSCS arc C\IXX:k'd to conform to thccllvirol1l11l'1llal regulations oruecountryof(,rigin. Acatalogue record for this boo k is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Data Smith, Norman Kemp, 1872-1958. A commen tary 10 Kant's Critique of pure reason I by Norman Kemp Smith; with a new int roduction by Sebastian Gardn er.- 2nd eo. pcm. Includes bib liographical references and index. ISBN 978-1--4039-1504--0 (pbk.) 1. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-]804 . Kntik der remen Vernunft . L Title. B2779.S5 2(XB 121--dc21 200305 17HO TO THE M EMORY OF ROBERT ADAMSON WISEIN COUNSEL, IN FRI ENDSHIPUNFAILING GRATEFULLY DEDICATED CONTENTS Kemp Smit h's Reading of Kant's Critique ofPureRt'l/wn by Sebastian Gard ner xiii Preface to the Seco nd Editio n xxv Preface to the First Edition xxv l INTROD UCTION L Tl xlUAL- Kant's Method of co mposing the Critique uf PureReason xxvnt II. H I>TORICAI.- Kant's Relation to Hume and to Leibniz xxxiii Ill. GfNfRAL- 1. The Nature of the IIpriQri xl 2. Kant 's Co ntribution to the SCien ce of logic xliii 3. The Nature of Consciousness xtv 4. Phenomenalism, Kant's Substitute for Sub jectivism 5. The Distinct ion between Human and Animal Intelligence Iii 6. The Nature and Conditions of Self-Consciousness nv 7. Kan t 's threefol d Dtsuncnon bet wee n Sensibility, Understand ing, and Reason Ivi 8. The place of the Critique ofPllrt Reason in Ka nt's Philosophical System ttx T HE C RITIQUE O F PU RE REASO N l Tille 1 Marta 4 Dedicatioll to Prnnerr VQn ZedUtz 6 PREFACETO TIlE FIRST EDITION 8 Comment on Preface 10 Dogmatism, Scepticism, Criticism 13 PREFACE TO n H SECO!'>'D EDmON 17 The Copernican Hypothesis 22 I Headings not in Kant's Table of Contents are printed in italics. vii viii CONTENTS INTk()I) UCl l O N 26 c omment U{JtJ11 the Argllln fllt of Kant's Illtrodr/(tio/l 33 How are Synthetu:a priori !lIdgments {JtJssible? 43 n Il' Allalytic and Synthetic Methods H Purpose Illli!X VpI'of tile CrWqUt' 56 Kal/t's Relatillll to Humc 6 1 Mtill/illg of tile term Transcendental 73 THETRANSCENDENTALDocTRI:>;EOF E1[ ME~T5 Part L THET RANSCENIW.NTAL A I'5H IITI C 79- 166 DtfinitiOl rofTenlls 7. Kallt ~s conflicting Wtws ofSpace 88 Section I. SPACF 99 Kallt:sAttitude to the Problems of Modem Ge()llletry 117 Section II, Tn'lf 123 Kallt's Vitws regarding tile Nature of Arithmetical SCienc!' 128 Kant's collflk tillg Vitws of Time 13' Ge neral Obser vations on the Transcendental Aesthetic 143 TIlt" Di,ltinctiorr bt'twet'Tl Appearallce awl liiusion 148 Kallt's Relation to Brrkeley 155 The Paradox oflllCOlIglllOliS Counterp arts 161 I'art II. TH ETKA NSCENDEN IALLOGIC 167 Int roduction 167 I. Logic in General 167 II . Transcendental Logic 170 ur. The Division of General Logic into Anal ytic and Dialect ic 172 Division I. THETRA NSCf,N[)FNTALA:-O Al¥llC 17' Book I. THE AI'ALYTICOFCO:-;ClI'IS 175 Chapter J. T m , CI.UF. TO TIlE D,SCOVlRYOFALLPURr. CONCF.MSOFrue U:>I[)[RSTASrHN(, 175 Section I. The logical Use of the Unders tanding 176 Comment 01/ Kallt's Arglllllen t 176 Stages ill the Dt'Velopmm t ofKan' S Mrtapllysicnl Dear/t tion 186 Section II. Th e Logical Function of the Understanding in Judgmen t 192 Section 11I. The catego ries or Pure Concepts of the Unde rstanding 19' Distinction ht'twerTl Logical Forms lind Categories 195 Ch ap ter II . D toucnox OFTHE Pun . Cor-ca-rs o r THF. U~ J)[R STA NDl NG 202 Analysis of tile Text: the FOllr Stases ill tile Developlllellt of Kant's Vi t'1-l-·.~ 202-234 I. Enumeration of tile Fmll stdges 203 II. Derailed AII'llysis of till.' PourStages 20' Kant's lJucrrine of/lie TranscendentalGbiect 20' Ill. Evidrr/ce yieldrdby the ~ R t'flex i o ll t'll M am! "Lose RliittrrN ill Support of tile Alii/lysisof tile Text 231 IV. Connected statemerl t ana Discussion ofKant's SlIb;ectire am! Obju:tive Dedlietio/lS ill tlle Fint Editioll 234 Distinction between tile SlIbjectil't'and the Objective DedrlCtions 235 CONTENTS ix Tilt' Subtecttve Deduction ill its illitial mrpirical Sta,~eI 245 Objective Deduction as giwn in tlJe First Edition 248 Tile later Stages ot tne Subjective lJedlKtiulI 263 Tile Distinction I>t'tween PI,.,flOme"alism and Subjectivivtl 270 Tran<;femkntdl Deduction of tile C at<'g() ri e.~ in the Second Edition 21'14 The Doctrine ofImler sense 29 1 Kant 's Re{iltatio1lS ufltlealb1ll 298 Inner St'nse tJ/1I1 Appera ptiml 321 Book II. THf. ANAI.me OF PRINCII'I.f5 332 Chapter I.THF. SClIEMATlSM OF PURl CO~C F. PTS OFTliF. U~D ERSTANn l:-;G 33 4 C hapte r II. SVSITM OF ALL PRINCll'llS Of PliRF UND1RSTA:\OI NG 342 I. Th e Axiom s o f Intuition 347 2. Th e Anticipations of Percep tio n 349 3. The Ana logies o f Expe rience 35S A. First Ana logy 358 8. Second Analogy 363 SdlOpe" Jllluer's Criticism ofKatlt's Argument 365 Kant's Srlbjfftivist and Phenomenalist Views oft/Ie Causal Reilitiofl 373 Reply to FurtherCriticisms of Kant's A'guml'llt 377 C. Th ird Analogy 38 1 SC IIOpt'lI/rauer'sCriticism of Kant's Argument 387 4. Th e Postulat es of Empirica l Thought in General 39 1 Ch apte r Ill.ON r ur GROUNDOFTIlE DI S T Il"C110 ~ OFALLO BJI CfS WHATT.VERINTO PIIENOME-.'.;AA:\D NOUMENA 404 Reli'l'allt Passages ill tile SfftiUlI 011 Amplri/July 410 Alterations in the Second Edition 412 Comment 0" Kant's Argument 414 Appe ndix. The Am ph iboly of the Concepts o f Reflect ion 418 Divisio n II. Tnt TRANSCENIltNTAl DIALECTIC 424 Introductory COII/1IImt upon tile composite Origin mId conflicting Tendencies oftlrt' Vi alecfie 425 The History and Development or Kmfn Views in ,egard to the I'rob/ems of tile ma/ectie 431 Introductio n 441 L Transcend e nta l Illus ion 441 II. Pure Reason as the Seat of Transcend cntal Illuslon 442 Book I. 'I'm. CONCEI'I S Of PUkEREASON 446 Section I. Ideas in General 44 7 Section II. Th e Transcende nt al Ideas 450 Section III. System o f th e Tra nscenden tal Ideas 453 Book II. THE D 1AU C T1(".A1. INFf.RE"iCF5 OFPl.'RF Rtaso x 4S5 C hapter I. Tut I'ARALOG- rs ~l s OFI'URE RE ASON 455 First Paralogism : of Substantialit y 457 Secon d Paralogism : of Simplicity 458 Third Paralogism : o r Person alit y 461 Foutth Paralogism: of Ideality 462 Second Edition Stutement o( the Para l ogiIIII.~ 466 Is tilt' Notio/l ofti,e Selfa necrssary idea ofReaso l/? 473 x CONTENTS Chapter II. T Il E ANTINOMY Of PURE REASON 478 Section L Syste m of the Cosm ological Ideas 478 Section II. Antithe tic of Pure Reason 480 Cmnmrllt 01/ Knl1t's Method ofArgllm el/t 481 First Anti nomy 483 Second Antinomy 488 Third Antinomy 492 Fou rth Antinomy 495 Section III. The Interest of Reason in this Self-Conflict 498 Section IV.Of the Tran scendental Problems of Pure Reason in so far as they absolutely mu st be cap able of Solution 499 secnon V.
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