1) EDUCATION QUOTE In reality schooling ’confuses teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence and fluency with the ability to say something new’. - Ivan Illich Constitutional Provisions : Art.21A - free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6- 14 years. Art.45 - early childhood care and education for all children till 6 years’ Art.51A - Providing opportunities of education child/ward (6–14 years). Art. 350-A - provide facilities for instruction in mother tongue at primary level of education to linguistic minority children. • SDG 4 - to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ Challenges in Education sector : • Access : 1. Public Expenditure on Education - 3% of GDP in 2018-19. Norway -6.4%. 2. Mean year's of schooling - 5.12 years, China- 8.17 years. 3. The Gross Enrolment Ratio in 2015-16 a. I-V --99.2% b. VI-VIII -- 92.8%. c. For higher education is only 25.2 1 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC Equity : GER for Higher education Males - 26.3% Females - 25.4% SC - 21.8% ST - 15.9% Quality : 1) Pupil Teacher ratio - 30:1, China - 19.5:1 2) Teacher Training - 8.1 lakh untrained teachers, 72% of them are in BH, UP, JH & WB 3) Skill Training - 5.4% workforce 4) Research spending - 0.7% of GDP Governance : NAAC, as of June 2010, not even 25% of the total higher education institutions in the country were accredited. • N.Gopalaswami Committee - selection of 6 institutions (3 from public sector and 3 from private sector) as Institutions of Eminence. • Anil Bordia Committee - to reform SSA New Education Policy -2020 NGO's in Education Sector - • Pratham - provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai. • Publishes the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER). • 2) The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) – 2 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC addresses malnutrition and supports the right to education of disadvantaged children. • 3) Bachpan Bachao Andolan - by the Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi Initiatives in Education Sector : 1. Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan 2. Swayam platform 3. Shaala Sidhi - to enable all schools to self-evaluate their performance), 4. e-Pathshala - providing digital resources such as textbooks, audio, video etc. 5. Saransh - an initiative of CBSE for schools to conduct self-review exercises. 6. “Revitalising Infrastructure and Systems in Education (RISE) by 2022” - Qualitatively upgrade the research and academic infrastructure in India. 7. Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) 8. UGC’s Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) 9. Global Initiative for Academics Network (GIAN) 3 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC Fig. 1 - GER in India ( Equity) Fig.2 - Formal skill Training Comparison 4 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC 2)HEALTH QUOTE "When health is absent, wisdom can not reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength can not fight, wealth becomes useless and intelligence can not be applied" - Herophilus (Ancient Greek Physician) Constitutional Provisions : • Art 21 - Supreme Court of India in Bandhua Mukti Morcha v Union of India interpreted the right to health under Article 21. • Art 39 (E) - directs the State to secure health of workers. • Art 42 - directs the State to just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief. • Art 47 - casts a duty on the State to raise the nutrition levels and standard of living of people and to improve public health. • SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. • Health as fundamental Right -a High-Level Group on the health sector constituted under the 15th Finance Commission had recommended that the right to health be declared a fundamental right. • Astana Declaration by WHO - Global commitment to strengthen Primary Health Care. Issues of Health System : 5 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC • Availability - Allopathic doctor-patient ratio at 1:1445 (MoHFW) (WHO Norm - 1 / 1000 ) • Quality of healthcare services - 71st National Sample Survey (NSS)- Total private hospitalization share in rural and urban areas is 58% and 68% respectively in 2014. • Rural areas with nearly 71% of India’s population has only 36% of health workers. None qualified doctors. Regulations ineffectively enforced. • Affordability - Public expenditure on health : 1.28 per cent of its GDP (2017-18), National Health Profile (NHP) data. • Insurance Coverage - With PMJAY, the bottom 40% of the population now has health insurance. • WHO's health financing profile for 2017 - 67.78% of total expenditure on health in India was paid out of pocket, while the world average is 12%. • 4. MMR - 113 in 2016-18 ( Registrar General of India) Assam -215 Kerala- 43 • SDG 3 Target - reduce the global MMR to less than 70 per 1,00,000 live births. • 5. IMR - 32 per 1000 live births in 2018 ( Registrar General of India)Madhya Pradesh- 48 Kerala - 7 • SDG 3 Target - 12 deaths per 1,000 live births. • 6. Malnutrition and anaemia - 53.2% of non-pregnant women and 50.4% of pregnant women were found to be anaemic in 2016(NFHS) • 7. Child sex ratio - 919, census 2011 6 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC • NGO Case Study : SEARCH NGO established by Dr. Abhay Bang did partnership with communities in Gadchiroli for health and development and helped create "tribal-friendly" clinics and a hospitals. Home Based Neonatal Care (HBNC) model developed by Dr. Bang has resulted in reduction in infant mortality in the villages of Gadchiroli. 3) CHILDREN QUOTE "At his best, man is noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice, he is the worst" - Aristotle FACTS RELATED TO CHILDREN National Policy of Children 2013 – It has four priority areas - 1)Survival, health and nutrition; 2)Education and development; 3)Child Protection 4)Child Participation • SDG's related to Children - 1,2,3,4,5 etc 7 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC Constitutional provisions - Art. 21, 21A,24, 39(f), 45 etc • New Born Health- Lancet- “Every Child Alive” highlighted various factors related to Neonatal mortality and need for government plans/actions. The major causes of newborn deaths in India are- 1. Pre-maturity/preterm (35%); 2. Neonatal infections (33%); India Newborn Action Plan (2014) 1. To attain Single Digit Neonatal Mortality and Stillbirth Rates by 2030 • Child Nutrition - Undernutrition and obesity ICMR and Public Health Foundation of India:2017 Child underweight -32.7% Child stunting - 39.3 % Child wasting - 15.7 % Four states - Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh are home to more than 50 per cent of stunted children in India. Obesity – • Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey ( 2016-2018) by MoHFW - 8 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC About 5% of children and adolescents, between 5 years and 19 years, were overweight. Child marriage- 1. UNICEF - the proportion of girls getting married in India has nearly halved in a decade. • Steps taken to Reduce Child Marriage - 1 )The Women and Child Development Ministry- National Strategy Document on Prevention of Child Marriage” 2. Rajasthan Govt- every year on Akha Teejthe traditional day for such marriages. 3) Quality education, SABLA Child sex abuse CSA Laws in India 1. GOI had acceded to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992. 2.POCSO -2012 for the victims of child sexual abuse below 18 years of age. Child Labour India’s 2011 census 1. More than 10.2 million “economically active” children in the age group of five to 14 years - 5.6 million boys and 4.5 million girls. 2. 50% of child labour is in Bihar, UP, Rajasthan, MP and Maharashtra. Over 20% is in UP alone. So special focus is needed here. 9 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC • National Legislations regarding Child Labour - 1. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 2. National Policy on Child Labour (1987) which focuses upon rehabilitation of such children. 3. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 . 4. India has recently ratified two of the ILO (International Labour Organisation) Conventions on Child labour • Minimum Age Convention 1993 . • Worst forms of Child Labour Convention 1999 . 5. National Child Labour Project (NCLP) • NGO working in Child sector : Child Rights and You (CRY) Children in digital world- UNICEF Report named- ‘State of World’s Children Report: Children in the Digital World, 2017’ • Concerns from Digitalization- 1. Content risks- -sexual, pornographic and violent images, etc. 2. Contact risks- child participates in risky communication, such as with an adult seeking inappropriate contact or soliciting a child for sexual purposes, or with individuals attempting to radicalize a child. 3. Conduct risks- Children writing or creating hateful materials about other children, inciting racism. Schemes for Children- 1) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao 2) Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 3) Ladli Laxmi Yojana of Madhya Pradesh 10 Telegram : target30upsc | YouTube : TargetUPSC 4) ICDS - Integrated Child Development Services 5) MAA- Mother's Absolute Affection - 6) Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) - leverage IT for ensuring healthcare and immunization services to pregnant women and children. 4) WOMEN Quote ‘The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior’ – PLATO Facts related to women issue - 1) Women with 12 years of schooling- Fertility rate- 1.7. • No schooling-3.1. 2) Skewed pattern of contraceptive use- 36% female sterilization, 0.3 % male sterilization. 3) According to World Bank,India
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