Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Sept. 17 White House Statement on Additional Disaster Relief for Guam September 17, 1992 The President today announced that he This additional relief provided by the has amended his August 28, 1992, declara- President was in response to a request made tion of a major disaster in the Territory by Gov. Joseph Ada. It was taken in re- of Guam to waive Territory and local cost sponse to the unprecedented damage and sharing requirements, where permitted to destruction caused by Typhoon Omar. By do so by law, to allow reimbursement of waiving customary Territory and local cost 95 percent of eligible public assistance costs sharing requirements, the President can exceeding $10 per capita, and to waive the provide maximum Federal assistance to the cost sharing requirement for the individual people of Guam whose lives have been so and family grant program as allowed under severely disrupted by this disaster. the provisions of the Insular Act. Nomination of United States Ambassadors to Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia September 17, 1992 The President today announced his inten- in Moscow in the former Soviet Union, tion to nominate Victor Jackovich, Mara M. 1988–90; Information Officer in Nairobi, Letica, and E. Allan Wendt as Ambassadors Kenya, 1983–86; Cultural Affairs Officer in to Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, and Slove- Bucharest, Romania, 1980–83; and Branch nia, respectively. The naming of Ambas- Public Affairs Officer in Kiev in the former sadors will complete the establishment of Soviet Union, 1979–80. Mr. Jackovich also full diplomatic relations with these nations. served as the Chief of the Yugoslav Service Their mandate is to foster a viable political, at the Voice of America, 1976–78. economic, and trading partnership between Mr. Jackovich graduated from Indiana the United States and these countries, in- University (B.A., 1970; M.A., 1971). He was cluding the development of democratic and born on April 24, 1948, in Des Moines, market-oriented reforms. The dispatch of IA. Mr. Jackovich is married, has one child, our Ambassadors will allow the U.S. to work and resides in Arlington, VA. more closely with Bosnia, Croatia, and Slo- Mara M. Letica, of Michigan, to be Am- venia to bring about a settlement of the bassador of the United States of America conflicts in the region. In addition, their to Croatia. Currently Ms. Letica is an attor- mission is to encourage the ongoing peace ney and general counsel of the Letica Corp. negotiations, including facilitating the deliv- in Rochester, MI. She is a founder of the ery of humanitarian assistance to those suf- Croatian American Association, where she fering in the region. has served as secretary-treasurer from 1990 Victor Jackovich, of Iowa, a career mem- to 1992. The association was founded to ber of the Senior Foreign Service, class of provide information about the independ- Counselor, to be Ambassador of the United ence movement in Croatia and to support States of America to the Republic of Bosnia U.S. recognition of Croatia. and Hercegovina. Currently Mr. Jackovich Ms. Letica has also served as an attorney is the executive assistant to the Counselor with Bullivant, House, Bailey, Pendergrass at the United States Information Agency. and Hoffman, P.C., in Portland, OR, 1982– Prior to this, he was in the Bulgarian Lan- 85; and in the office of prosecuting attorney guage Training School at the Department criminal division in Seattle, WA, 1980. of State, 1990–91; Cultural Affairs Officer Through the Letica Corp., Ms. Letica has 1589 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:28 May 21, 2003 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00311 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\PAPERS2\92PAP2.025 APPS10 PsN: 92PAP2 Sept. 17 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 organized humanitarian assistance programs Assistant Secretary of State for International to Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Energy and Resources Policy, 1981–86; Ms. Letica graduated from the University Counselor for Economic and Commercial of Michigan (B.A., 1976) and the University Affairs at the American Embassy, Cairo, of Puget Sound (J.D., 1981). She was born Egypt, 1979–81; Director of the Office of January 11, 1955, in Kaiserslautern, Ger- International Commodities at the State De- many. Ms. Letica is married, has two chil- partment, 1975–79; and State Department dren, and resides in Bloomfield Hills, MI. fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, E. Allan Wendt, of California, a career 1974–75. He was given the Department of member of the Senior Foreign Service, class State’s Award for Heroism in 1968. of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Re- Ambassador Wendt graduated from Yale public of Slovenia. University (B.A., 1957) and Harvard Uni- Since 1987, Ambassador Wendt has versity (M.P.A., 1967). He was born No- served as Senior Representative for Strate- vember 8, 1935, in Chicago, IL. Ambas- gic Technology Policy at the State Depart- sador Wendt currently resides in Orange ment. Prior to this, he served as Deputy County, CA. Remarks to AT&T Employees in Basking Ridge, New Jersey September 18, 1992 Please be seated, and thank you very everybody yelling at me, ‘‘Clean House!’’ much, Dr. Mary Stewart. Thanks for the everyplace I went. So that was nice. welcome. Thank you very much, and good Of course, I’m grateful to the chairman, afternoon. What a wonderful introduction Bob Allen, and to everyone at AT&T. I by such a wonderfully experienced person. think it’s a good thing that you provide a Dr. Stewart, thank you very, very much. forum for political people to bring their And good afternoon to everyone. views to a community. A lot of companies I want to first recognize she who came duck it; they dodge it. Then they end up up with me on the airplane today, Secretary writing me letters griping about how things Lynn Martin. She is doing a great job for are. This one is out front. Bob Allen has this country as Secretary of Labor. I’ll have always been willing to take a position. He more to say about her own labors in the stands for something, and so do the people context of this speech. But I want to thank that work with him. So I want to express her for being with us. She is a former Mem- my thanks to not only those that are in ber of Congress. She is now leading this this room but those that might be plugged enormous Department and doing a first- into some fancy high-tech AT&T commu- class job. nications system around here. But the com- As to Tom Kean, your former Governor, pany does good work and certainly is a great my longtime friend, I couldn’t be more corporate citizen of this wonderful commu- pleased. He is heading up our campaign nity. effort here, and I can’t think of any better I want to thank the speaker who’s here, formula for success in this State because Chuck Haytaian. He is leading the New of his own record, the respect with which Jersey Legislature. All States are caught up he’s held. It is just a wonderful thing. Bar- bara and I are just delighted to have him in enormous battles. And I’m very, very at our side in this fight. proud of him. Another one is Congressman Dean Gallo, With me today also are two women that who has been a leader for me and who’s came up with us from Washington, both of helping this State and this community a them standing there. Connie Horner is an great deal in the House of Representatives. Assistant to the President in terms of per- If we had more like him, we wouldn’t hear sonnel. She gave up an enormous job as 1590 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:28 May 21, 2003 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00312 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\PAPERS2\92PAP2.026 APPS10 PsN: 92PAP2.
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